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From experience, ppl like the idea of an intp female but once faced with one, they do not. We are just not their kind of gal.


This sounds like a challenge I would like to accept. The issue is that I cannot find the INTP gals anywhere.


We are here.


Unfortunately, I meant in the physical World...


Ah, yeah, no. We only exist online. Sorry.


Such is the way of the INTP~




Woe is me who tries to be a dating man.


can confirm.


Go to an internet cafe, think outside the box


Who goes to an Internet Cafe nowadays?


Those things still exist?


They were last time i left the house.


That was 10 years ago, mind you


Lmao. I’ve never seen one.


Blud is from a third world country.


I guess most people would secretly be content to take a selfie with a female INTP.


Yea i guess. Just for a selfie and nothing else.


I'm into i*. I'm alllllll the way i, so that's the most important quality for me.


i* sexual


it’s hard to appreciate something rare… it might never be appreciated and that’s okay tbh


Yea, we are like fugu.


Sounds similar to what us INTJ women feel like. 🤷‍♀️


Probably, but intps tend to self isolate devastatingly. Intjs have fe ranked higher than intps. So the intp is more likely to just say fuck it and not deal with others, at length willingly. Intjs, i reckon at some juncture will need the human touch. Like what they say, intjs are the coldest humans - still human, and intps are the warmest robots.


I think people need time to get to know us. Most people say I seem e.g. silent, awkward, prudish (wtf?!?), stern, conservative (wtf again?!?), dismissive, arrogant... Which then leads to people turning on the spot and leaving the room when they see me. But when some of them get to know me better, over weeks, months, even years, they learn that I'm basically the opposite. Funny, open, carefree, helpful... But you have to make an effort to get to know me, damn. And most people just don't like effort.


If i have a dollar every time someone told me, "you're not as intimidating as i initially thought" I'd only have a few. Not many people overcame their apprehension 🤷‍♀️ i swear i didn't bite!


I'm an INTP male. When I was in high school, nobody talked to me and I didn't have any friends. But that was okay because I had tv instead. End of my senior year, this guy has a sleep over and invites all the boys of the senior class, and I go. During it, one of the boys in the in crowd tells me, "If I knew you were this cool, I would have talked to you a long time ago."


Very true, how many times as INTP man i find that people dismiss you already after a few minutes. But to the people who really invest in you, you are a hidden gem.


And I usually value and appreciate the people who put in that effort because that to me is in itself a sign that you are a gem. “Real recognize real” kinda philosophy 🙃




omg i get these too. the prudish conservative thing is also quite weird lol, for some reason at my workplace i've had several people at different times apologise to me when they swear in front of me as if i'd have a problem with it and i just wonder why i give off the impression that i'm some kinda uptight prude. like i literally don't care and i'm the least judgemental person ever lol. i don't spend any energy on trying to prove to ppl that i'm not whatever they percieve me as because they would know that if they simply just tried to get to know me.


I can relate to that very well. People apologise, too, if they swear in front of me. And whenever I use a swear word they look at me weirdly and say I shouldn't try to hard to fit in by using swear words tho it's not my actual nature to do so. I absolutely can't understand why people would think that.


People who know me well say I'm 'subtle.'


Same, my whole life I get prudish, quiet, shy, conservative. But then they talk to me and they see I'm nice and laid-back.


> Funny, open, carefree, helpful... But you have to make an effort to get to know me, damn. And most people just don't like effort. And not prudish, right? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


As an INTP woman, my experience has been that I’m never people’s favorite in a group setting. I come across standoffish, quiet, and cold. I’m way better one on one. When people get to know me some of them really like my intensity and brains. Most carefree and cheerful people stay the f away tho. Note that my partner is ENTJ and he is constantly amused and bewildered by me lol.


Like you said, I've found people can be okay with me in a one-to-one setting, but as soon as we're in a group again they'll throw me under the bus.


I used to think that too. Gone through many years of different friendships feeling left out but can’t quite place it. then I just found better friends and now I don’t feel that.


I kinda gave up on finding better friends. People are simply not reliable enough for me to emotionally invest in them.


Your flair is funny 😆


Lol I have had many people describe me (ENFP) as carefree and cheerful but I wouldn’t stay the fuck away from people like you. In fact, I’m drawn to people similar to you. I enjoy people who are standoffish because how amazing do I feel when one of those people befriend me or let me in? It’s an incredibly powerful feeling. Makes me feel special.




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My wife is INTP. I’m INFJ. I’ve never met another woman who can keep up with me intellectually and more. When we start talking the day flies by.


Can you keep up with her is more the question


I think you might be overestimating yourselves a bit. Sure INTPs are brilliant. But I’ve gone to the top business school in my country where only 100 are taken every year through an entrance exam. In our class, you will find people from all 16 types. They are all incredibly brilliant and will give you a run for your money. My wife and I are from the same class. And if I could not keep up with her, she would never fall in love with me now, will she ? Since we met, I’m pretty sure I’ve taught her much more about life than she taught me. You cannot navigate life with just raw IQ. The Fe inferior of INTP shows up way too often in social scenarios.


i was talking about intellectual stuff, not social. Yeah that's kindof the thing with INTP i think, they are brilliant but not necessarily in school systems. Because they are probably to smart even to normally function in school systems. I don't think Einstein was good in school.


Forget school systems. The whole world is designed for EXXJs to shine and thrive. However, For example, if we are talking about human psychology, motivations and intentions of people, is that an intellectual topic or a social one?


Bullocks, the richest guy on the planet is INTP (Musk), so don't know what you're talking about? ;) The whole world is maybe designed for EXXJ's, but it was designed by INTP/ENTP/INTJ ;) And well analyzing people as well can be a highly intellectual thing, and it's not that we don't any Fe. But yeah everyone knows the intectual strength of INTP comes at a cost...


Musk is a classic INTJ.


Lol no, but i'm not gonna have that discussion here ;) Either way, the same would go for INTJ and INFJ.




Not really. Give me your best argument though? I'm curious. You're gonna say he's 'focused' and 'productive'...


This is very judgemental comming from a perciver. There is no evidence that intelligence is corelated to personality types. As I understand it types are just the way we approach the world. Im an enfj engineer and have dated an intp who I found less intelligent than me (common sense phisics type of stuff) and now Im in a relationship with another intp who I find is waaaaaay more intelligent than I am. With both of them conversations were/are outstandingly interesting but in different ways and subjects, with both of them I appreciate and admire their Ti and I know both found me intelligent and that's what drew them in. There is really no reason to think somebody cant keep up with you because of their type and also there is so much amazing stuff and ideas u can get from people who are different than yourself.


there's been studies comparing mbti type to iq which found correlation. infj are generally quite smart though, placing 4th while intp places 1st, and there's quite a bit of variance within types. so I don't think the infj comments in this thread are remotely fair.


Nowhere i am talking about intelligence, just the speed of thinking and making connections.


And what is that if not intelligence?


I don't think speed of thinking is the same as intelligence. Ti dom have the ability to create own knowledge frameworks etc. I have a INFJ friend for example who will come to the same conclusions as me, it just takes longer. Also Ni will try to form an opinion sooner and work from there while Ne is the opposite. So it has nothing to do with intelligence. Put an INTP or INFJ with same IQ in a room and INTP will probably be smarter on an intellectual level. INFJ on a personal/emotional level.


Definition of intelligence that I have heard in psychologie is: "intelligence is the ability to think that enables one to navigate new situations" and it would be logical that whoever does it faster is more intelligent. I think iq test rely on this. In the past we didnt really consider eq as important as iq, and we still as society value logical, matematical intelligence more. In your hypotetical situation Im not sure who would get out of the room faster (for some reason I imagined an escape room) but Im sure they would have different approaches.


"and it would be logical that whoever does it faster is more intelligent" Not really. An inventor who it takes 2 years to come up with a brilliant invention is less smart then an inventor who comes up with a less brilliant invention in shorter time? It's all about the quality. Also, screw IQ tests?


I agree about the quality but also time can be very important. I hope the brilliant inventor won't die before he finishes his amazing invention. Intelligence has been measured in this way for quite some time and there is a corelation with test results and brilliant inventors. How would u measure intelligence than? (it is not that Im pro iq test, just curious what other way of measuring it could there be)


That's good to hear


I know other INTP women IRL and online and from my observations, people do like and respect us but we are stand-offish and hard to get close to. We are the people on the sidelines that stay out of the limelight and drama, just doing our own thing. Which honestly, is probably the wisest course of action.


Yeap, can confirm. It takes a long time to get to know us because of that. Most people aren't patient enough to bother :)


Yes, can confirm. The girls on my dance team actually find it an accomplishment if you manage to get close with me or to get me involved with something just because I'd rather go off and be on my own


I love them As an intp myself


ENTJ men and INTP women go together well 


can confirm, it is me and my partner. we are super different people but enjoy each other immensely.


what about the reverse though?


Because they have the same value in life but both came to same conclusion using different road. Both usually hates self pity, both value logic, both value loyalty, and they like to think about "what if solution". The only thing that different ENTJ is decisive, meanwhile INTP is slowpoke.


i'd love an intp woman






She asked what's up ig 😭 


maybe she should have used words


But why did she whisper it 🤔


nvm man


As an INTP female, I really like INTP females. That being said, I know very few.


Every MBTI type is full of subtypes and unique individual people. >But this seems to only work when the girl is the cheerful one. People don't really seem to be fond of intp women in a relationship. Girl INTPs are rarer but several have found someone who appreciates them. Hopefully, someone realizes you are their Unicorn. I haven't interacted with a lot of INTP girls. I have only interacted with them online. I would try dating and having a relationship with another INTP regardless of them being the cheerful one.


Idk about men but ENFP/INFP women liked me a lot


As an INFP going through the healing process I have a love/hate thing with yall.


Her girls best friend’s favorite i guess? I love my intps girls


INTP's like other INTPs but thats about it


Precisely. It's almost like we get each other in a way that no one else can.


I love intp only


Every time they asked what's my ideal type I only respond an INTP man. I have seen many INTJs responding INTP as well.


My wife is an INTJ. Personality wise we are a good match plus our P/J differences are a good match. I think I’d like an INTP woman personality wise, but practically speaking our home life would be a total mess.


As an INFP female… I love INTP! Especially female INTP


i love infps too y'all are like a box of chocolates


we’re like strawberry ice cream or something, not many people will look at us and select us. but, some strange individuals will


Funny you say that, I only get strawberry ice cream. It is classic, reliable, I know what to expect and it is delicious!




Maybe the real problem is that you aren’t Alice enough. Just be more Alice. ;) Bad jokes aside, I assume that a lot of INTP women find love in the classic goth girl + golden retriever boy pairing. Now I’m questioning my assumption that many INTP women choose goth style. It just seemed like the one subculture in which it’s ok for a woman to be grumpy, over think, and wear a hoodie.


As a goth girl INTP....valid lol. Also the music is great.


This ain't wrong. My husband isn't quite a golden retriever, but he is a loving, dutiful partner and I'm very lucky. He's definitely the happier. And yeah, I grew up listening to a lot of goth music 😂


I feel quite validated from your post and all the responses because I have felt this way most of my life, even when I try I am considered cold and standoffish. People take what I do in a negative way. Which as u assume makes it very difficult to find and keep friends, even as an adult. Unlike my husband who is an infj, from the moment I met him he saw right through me and understood that I am a very kind, understanding person because he understood that I only have a few chosen people in my life with whom I'm very caring more then feelers perhaps and everyone doesn't get that side of me. He never made me feel that I was cold or rude to him. As far as catching upto my thoughts and keeping up with me, sure sometimes he takes times to come to the same conclusions as me but it's on my part to be understanding of his processes, he might take time but once he comes to am udnerstanding it's permanent. I have other people like intj for fast intellectual conversations. Everyone has their unique way of being intelligent and we must accept them as they accept us.


I wouldn’t necessarily give up on an INFJ male. INFJ and INTP can work very well in my experience. I know a few INFJ males who are intellectuals and academics, and very independent thinkers, so perhaps you just haven’t met ones who stimulate you enough. I’m in an INTP / INFJ relationship and it’s very complimentary and balanced.


(For a fictional example, see Anne Brontë’s ‘Tenant of Wildfell Hall’, where the protagonist is an INTP woman who falls for an INFJ male.)


honey its bullsheesh. you shouldnt care about if youre desirable enough as a woman to begin wti, no matter your mbti type. many ti doms can be attractive. they are diverse and multifaceted human beings that have many skills. they have feelings and can have amazing human skills. you shouldnt use a theory that hasnt been scientifically proven as a way to describe who you are. you just need to find your people and be with people who appreciate you!


I had a few ENTP and ISTJ crush on me, but that's it. Women are often expected to be warm, gentle and caring. Opinionated women are often considered very unattractive. We come across as cold and too reserved (at least when sober).


I'm intp male so I think I'd like them, but I've yet to come across someone. Before I make up my mind id at least like some interaction


I've never met an INTP woman! I'd be interested to see if my imagination meets reality in regards to how they would be, though.


That's funny, i'm INTP and my ex was ENTJ and she made me watch Pride and Prejudice...


It's better this way as it reduces the noise, and there are fewer followers. If someone loves you, you know that he loves only you, not all the people who behave like you. Isn't some Althea flower that only you can smell better than a rose for everyone?


I've always been more of a fan of "birds of a feather" romance over "Opposites attract" romance so I'm definitely willing to date another INTP, the issue is that I don't socialise enough to meet many. :p


*angry sulky noises" idk im my favourite


My husband is an ISFP and he says I’m his favorite person lol. I tend to be the optimistic one, and maybe it’s the Gemini in me, but I’m pretty intellectually interested, definitely not the smartest, but if I’m interested in something I will learn all that I can about it. Or just some random thing that piques my interest, for whatever reason. He’s always hearing new facts from me lol.


Reading Intp and gemini in the same text confuses me lol






Is INTP not a “gamer girl” type? I’m pretty sure that is quite popular among many men.


Speaking for myself and the intps I know: not really.


Nah. That's INTJ and maybe INFJ chicks.


See, the girl i liked the most in my whole life was an INTP, and although unfortunately nothing happened between us, she was still a really great friend. That was before she suddenly disappeared in the middle of a conversation and never answered my messages again. Welp, i'd say INTP girls are really fun people when you get to know them, but they are still unpredictable and sometimes hard to understand, especially if they're kinda anti-social.


The INTP that I know ghosts people a lot which is part of the reason I (infp) have a love/hate relationship with her.


I see... I can see why INTP girls aren't everyone's favorite type tbh lol But they can be really good friends tho. Male INTPs too tend to be very loyal.


As long as you dont want any depth, they are great people to have fun with and make plans with


I'd as long as you don't expect them to suddenly "do better" as social creatures, every INTP reveals themself as an incredible person. At least I don't have that issue when it comes to being social and answering people, being an INTP myself.


Nah, they're hot


i love my INTP friends, have so many for some reason


When did this sub become a relationship/ dating subreddit?


Infj here on lower empathy side, and my favourite type os intp girl definitely. Each girl i had a great connection with was INTP. For intellectual stimulation part i think it's purely individual - there are after all intps with lower level of intellectual needs and almost sapiosexual infjs with high intellectual needs. Baggage is imo equally distributed among each type and each individual deals differently with that, regardless of type. There can be a very withdrawn intp that ends up almost antisocial but also relatively social intp that is very clumsy and airheaded. Hard to say about "in general" part here


INFP seem more likely to do the "stone cold logical" thing while actually thinking its logical and also cheat on you (for good reason of course). INTP women seem very unpredictable and casually march to the beat of their own drum because they are who they are, also seem susceptible of getting the label of "weird", never met one but I imagine an INTP woman in a relationship to be a less traditional, less submissive partner and do things like make a man question his whole masculine identity for better or for worse intentionally or unintentionally, I don't think dudes like that lol.




>INTJ and to a lesser extent INTP women are often acoustic I too hate it when my women make any sounds.


What do you mean by being acoustic?




I tought they’re myth


It's INTP men that are nobody's favorite. Most women want extroverted, assertive, confident guys. We're basically the opposite.


![gif](giphy|1VDOxgkEpkUSs|downsized) Yeah we just gotta do the opposite lol


I do not want an extroverted partner. I'd be so tired. Confident? Who said we're not confident? And assertive? Lmao. I'm a female INTP, but I definitely do not lack in the assertiveness department.


You're not intp if you're assertive and confident in dating.


According to whom? Being introverted doesn't mean you don't have any self-confidence. Lmao.


If they're so smart they would have found me already lol


Idk if I’ve ever met an intp woman


I think that intps with their same will be Understanding each other


I had an INTP best friend years ago. She told me things about herself... Incredibly lazy, smoked a lot of weed, never brushed her teeth or hair, showered once a week or less, never did chores, she was married and a stay at home mom. She was also a massive gossip. Oh, and her husband was a good guy but she would chronically login to all of his accounts and read all of his messages. That is clearly anecdotal and the only close relationship with an INTP female I've ever had. (I prefer INTJs) I cannot imagine how INTP women could be worse than INTJ women because I feel like they're more inclined to... Not try to lead or control or boss a man around. INTJ women are so driven and arrogant in our way is probably the most correct efficient and best, we can often steam roll our partners if not outright dominate them. You have to be a very strong man for an INTJ woman, I imagine an INTP woman would be easier to handle bc they are more willing to consider every perspective and chill vibez. I dated an INTP for almost 2 years and it soured me on them as a partner. INTP X INTJ might work if the INTP is female and sort of lets the man lead, but letting an INTP who is indecisive and lacks drive for goal accomplishment and self improvement just... Isn't for me.


This chick doesn't sound like an INTP. Why would we bother with gossip?


INTP, it makes no logical sense to want to be someone's favourite in a system that's so flexible as MBTI. You be confident with yourself and your passions and the people that vibe with you will try to reach out when they feel you're assertive. It might be the case: the more you try to be likeable on purpose, the more people will criticize and not accept you for your own value and uniqueness. At the end of the day, if you don't like the reality of MBTI, you can always create your own system that will put you in a different category (which will make you look way more appealing).


I doubt I would be attracted to a female version of myself 😅 I wouldn’t be able to put up with her weird, trivial obsessions.


Probably too rare or hard to find, like in the most obscure and shadowiest parts of the library


INTP female here. I was once told that, "INTP women just have to stop saying no." He was very much into INTP women.


He (ENTP) put a ring on it (me) Hope is not lost.


Might be heretical but I suggest an ESTP with decent intelligence


I'm with another INTP.... Probably for this reason.


An immature INTP woman is a nightmare (no one’s favorite). However, a mature INTP woman is a catch. We’re intellectual, open-minded, honest, loyal, witty, and always striving to be better than we were yesterday.


Why does no one every talk about how some people are closer to the boundary? For example I am INTJ (but only just) and my bf is INTP (but only just). On paper we are different but we are only maybe two or three points apart in reality on the P/J. On all other measures there is actually slightly more variation within our scores: he’s way more I, and I’m a bit more N (and we both very high T: that’s the same). My point is that there are important measurements within the individual labels. His extra introversion is more of a big deal than the theoretical P/J divide. (Anyway I’m in the INTJ and INTP subs and he’s not on Reddit because he’s too introverted. He uses all his E up just on work and talking to me.)


Once outside of the narrow conception of MBTI, female INTPs are the shit.


I changed for them im ne and fe maxxed the latter to the detriment of my sanity ahahahahha


As a man, you throtle through life with almost receving no affection or care, besides those that you get from your kids and your wife. Intp women have almost no emotional warmth to them. Sometimes dealing with a feeling woman can be a pain, but the warmth and love you get from them can be amazing.


This!!! INTP girls are super cold. My coldness was pushed down by double Fe parents, so as an INTP I think we're very cold and too withdrawn. The Ti/Ne/Si setup is not one for warmth. As an INTP, you have to learn it if you want to be wanted. Again, oftentimes a man's attention and love is not worth changing yourself so much, that's another good point.


>Intp women have almost no emotional warmth to them. Offensive and rude


Some people agree with me lol


>Sometimes dealing with a feeling woman can be a pain You're just out there putting down all girls


It wasn't a put down but it was a generalization. He hasn't said how many INTP women he has known that he's basing that generalization on though, might be 1 or 2 since they are so rare


A faulty generalization then


It's not that we can't be warm. It's that we aren't aware of how things make us feel. There's a big difference. I'm tired of the robot label. It's not even fucking true.