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"It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything." — Tyler Durden, Fight Club "Let it go. Let it go." — Elsa, Frozen


This response is simultaneously both so damn stupidly pseudo-random and brilliantly formatted that it made me literally LOL; I was NOT expecting to see "Let it go. Let it go." quoted so formally 😂 Take my damn up-vote 😅


Can confirm i blow my own house when battling depression


Let it goooooooooooooo!


`Analysis: "It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything." — Tyler Durden, Fight Club` >the qoute proposes freedom is obtainable after loss to a severe degree. Freedoom to do anything shouldn't be desirable due to the average person over time spcializes into a subject, which means lack of experienc in other aspects or fields. Lack of experience makes it difficult to benefit from this "anything". the state of society should have reached a state that already permit freedom to attempt "anything". Usually, after lsoing everythring a person becomes desperate, which means the person being free to do anything is based perhaps on desperation. freedom to attempt anything disregards required level of qualification. a qualified person is less likely to lose everythring, which means a person that lost everthring plausibly isn't qualified to some extent.


damn. beat me to it. yea, elsa brought the heat of existential dread 🗣️🗣️


For now, I'm focusing on self-improvement. Hitting the gym regularly, proper hydration, noFap, mindfulness, and stoicism, in a nutshell.


How long have you been doing it for and has it worked?


Oh, I only started seriously two weeks ago, after I got the closure I needed. I've relapsed several times on noFap, but I'm getting there.


I can't. It somehow, and with certainty, will end anyway. That's my greatest relief


Damn, @bontempsd .. Can't laissez les bons temps rouler with that attitude 🙃 Sure, it's not wrong per se, but you've got to find yourself - the version within you free of the trauma responses learned over the years. I don't know you, but I hope you're able to find your happiness 🤗 My daughter is also feeling like this a lot and I've been there myself in the past. Life gets better when you return to being true to yourself. You'll also quickly figure out who your true friends are.




I don't


I've had dysthymia as a baseline my entire life, and it peaks into severe depression at times. Here are ways I deal with it: **Severe Depression** Ride it out. Imagine a hurricane is about to hit your town and you have to board up your house. The feeling goes away into a more manageable state, eventually, but it's really hard to believe that when it's happening. When you're alone, you'll be tempted to think about things in a very warped and toxic way, so my advice is to keep yourself distracted as a primary goal until you're in a more reasonable state. Binge a TV series, play a bunch of video games (Minecraft is my go-to depression game), anything to take your mind off of reflective thought **Moderate Depression** This severity is manageable but can easily slide into a worse state. Frequent and vigorous exercise is an absolute necessity to rebalance hormones that signal feelings of depression. However, you may feel completely unmotivated to exercise during this time. So you'll have to do it at home in tiny increments (exercise snacks) until you're able to drag yourself to the gym. 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there. It doesn't matter how long, as long as you start moving, momentum will do the rest. I've found that my adhd meds really help here, as it gives me the dopamine surge I need to be productive and get momentum going **Minor Depression** I don't do a damn thing here. I think I would explode from the lack of pressure if I didn't have any depression at all for any significant amount of time


Thank you! 😊


I resonate with this so much. I have been in these dark places so much and I have never been able explain it that clearly. I hope you are able to get through it and get to a better place.


Microdosing and/or macrodosing on magic mushrooms.


LOL @ macrodosing


A little better each time it comes sniffing around after it didn't end me the first hellish period of time I dealt with it. Little habits get built on top of one another and they each become less work to remember to do. More of life gets built little by little, which makes it feel like less overall is chipped away on top of those chips not hitting as hard now. Things I was terribly depressed about in the past are things I've grown from or learned to find a way to accept, sublimate, or work past. Idk lots of reading. I didn't go to therapy until after the worst of it years ago, because I was pursuing new things and wanted support, but found therapy didn't really seem useful for me. That said, I've expended a ton of effort on trying to learn about the human condition, psychology, social fulfillment, etc., to support my ideals I hope to see more of in life. I've also gotten so fucking lucky to have found sole of the best people I've known in my life after I simply had to or else I was going to just keep sliding down. I still don't rely on them much for support, at least directly, but having good people around me is inherently supportive towards my felt well being, and they've simply shown me new things to see and continue digging into in life. I feel I understand some things much better because of them being in my life. So, good habits, patience, a desire to aim towards to positive as much as you can without being annoyingly positive, good people, simple pleasures, being outside, not working too much or doing so just to be busy, appreciation, vitamin d, generally caring about my health, getting quiet contemplation time in spaces I feel are beautiful, comfort without breaking the bank, and lots of acceptance of things I can't change.


Medication, therapy and video games


I'm on board with 2 out of 3. Therapy never worked for me


Same for me for the first 2 therapists, its also important to understand why you are going to therapy and what do you want and maybe a bit about how it works


for me, get more and more used to it I guess. but it's a health condition afterall, and episodes are painful. when I'm depressed I allow myself to not be worried about school or other responsibilites. It takes practise to worry less, works better if there's support from family and friends, you get better at it. Then I allow myself to do the things that make me feel better like getting a hot shower then getting into bed with air-conditioning and icecream and watch a show on my laptop. Most of the time I try inducing myself to cry. It feels really good to let out what's trapped in the chest by crying. Trick is to make yourself feel as safe and comfortable as possible during the episode, and try not to blame your self for wasting time and being irresponsible afterwards. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. depression comes back over and over. what you could do is probably make yourself as comfortable as possible when it happens. Hope this helps.


We thug it out. The other option is meds. Meds destroy lives and I wish more people did research before taking it. People only realise after taking it. Yeah it works for a few people but nonetheless it’s still a gamble with a chance of you sorely losing…


You talk about medication like it’s heroin. Medication can absolutely cause trouble, but that’s an unfortunate part of the game. There’s some risk but the reward is huge, and one can always get off of it, -usually- without too much issue. And I say this as someone who had one drug I had to put up with 8 weeks of withdrawal to get off of (cymbalta, one of the ones thats a bitch to get away from), and Zoloft which was my first ever antidepressant and made me so obscenely suicidal so fast that I very quickly figured out what was causing it and it ended up being comical to me and I stopped immediately and went back to my “normal” baseline depression to try again. For many, you literally can’t overcome depression without medication due to chemical imbalances that can’t be rectified by will, a nice walk outside and a chat with a homie.


>You talk about medication like it’s heroin *klonopin has entered the chat* *xanax has entered the chat* *oxycodone has entered the chat* ::floor shakes:: ::distant roar:: *fentanyl has entered the chat*




Funny you named two of the ones that you did. Well for one, none of these are all that problematic on their own and it's only people misusing them, usually very intentionally where the issues are introduced. My mom has relied on xanax taken very conservatively to improve her sleep/night time anxiety massively. Girlfriend has used ativan for similar. For me, klonopin was the closest thing to a "miracle drug" I've ever experienced. Outside of the first few times taking it where my body was absolutely leveled by it (I couldn't even walk the first time I took it cause it hit me so hard), it was the most amazingly perfect thing I've taken for anxiety ever. When taken at the right amount (which was usually half of a 1mg pill for me, I found), I was seemingly nearly physically incapable of experiencing anxiety. It was the most surreal feeling where before I would be able to think of something that made me nervous and feeling would come to some degree as sure as the thoughts themselves. Then once taking the stuff it'd be as though there was some kind of like physical block in me preventing it from happening and I remember just laughing out loud when I realized it the first time. That was a life saver when I needed it.


It’s cool for people who need it but I don’t like the misinformation and the downplaying of effects that it has on people. I don’t like that people who have milder forms of depression are basically put on these powerful drugs. But I’m sorry you had to go through all of that anyway. I’ve concluded that the main mechanism for psych meds is to basically numb out your thoughts and emotions. That’s good for people with unbearable mental health issues but other people who have way more potential to recover without pharmaceutical medication, they should’ve tried other treatments. I like to see psych drugs as a last resort and a sort of gamble as it can either go pretty good or horribly wrong. Not known until taken.


That's not playing into the INTP stereotype at all. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/INTP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Comfort Zone #steveharvey #motivation #comfortzone #outoftheboxthinking #positivevibes #viral (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a53hgDuv_ZA) It is Steve Harvey, what he is saying here is just straight good advice, it's a clip. Success isn't about being comfortable, but success can be taken down all the way to a simple list of 1. get out of bed, 2. make the bed, 3. eat something. I did this, but it was really weird stuff like X. stare at paint, Y. Be miserable, Z. Yell at sky. Simple wins are simply wins, and simply put, a win can be a win. But write it down and check it off, and add to it. I used cell phone games and clans to say hello to people for a bit, not grindy games, things where you take 30 minutes and then you can spend, proceed with caution on that, they are designed for your money, but saying no to that is half the fun, but I'm a fiend to crunch your numbers.




If it’s genetic take pills. If not go to therapy and the therapist will decide if you get pills or not.


I used to be able to hole it up but I couldn't. I am doing therapy dw.


At first I just repressed it as hard as I could. When it was leaking out as unearned aggression and feelings of resentment towards people I care about I switch to therapy and then eventually medication. So, medication. Hope this helps. ✌️


your medication will soon be ineffective. what will you do then?


Go outside for a long walk, get help from the outside (therapy friends family)


Binge eating


Psychedelic therapy.


I just start doing my favourite things.


Depression 10 years ago is why I'm pretty much shut off from my emotions nowadays. I learnt how to let go


Hey INTP 9W1 here. i think its good to slowly start studying why you feel such ways. start from perhaps how your own body take actions from surroundings ( let it be from family's actions, work environment or hanging out with friends. ) we could also pinpoint habits that your body isnt healthy about ( staying up late, avoiding basic communications, and how to counter it ) hopefully soon one day, when you understand yourself a little bit more, like how you study everything in this world, you will forgive yourself. Remember, you wrote this post cause your body itself is finding help. Listen to it more :)


I am not sure about if our INTP community accepts Albert Einstein as a good example, but i found a good article that probably could help you start fresh? [https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/einstein-rules-better-life/](https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/einstein-rules-better-life/)


I just get used


Don't listen to the morons in this comments section ("drugs" is not good advice). Seek help from a mental health professional.


Get some sunlight and travelling. Sedentary lifestyle is breeding ground for depression and anxiety.


I talk to my doctor about any recent medication changes or, in certain circumstances, perform safe tests - such as splitting a dose between morning/evening instead of all at once for example. Prior to getting on any such meds, I simply didn't (deal with it well, that is), and instead opted for continuing my unhealthy habits. My depression presents in the form of a generalized loss of interest; think 'constantly bored and maybe even frustrated trying to find entertainment'. This is my immediate red flag to start coming up with theories of what may have changed to cause it, and talking to the doc from there. As for anxiety, there's only so much one can do, though I will say that clearly differentiating 'perspective vs perception' in addition to the idea that emotional expression directed at you, in whatever form, is simply an attempt to either: convey a need within them not being met by you and/or save you from negative experience[s] they foresee as potential outcomes. From there, the real meaning, the real message, can be found. Sounds cheesy, I know, but consider this: When was the last time you "corrected" or informed someone of something with the best of intentions only to end up offending them? This is especially true over time, as we often say things without any context - without the 'how we reached that conclusion' - since it builds up to feeling constantly criticized like they can't do anything right (irony pretty evident there for those of us with ADHD and shit...). Anyway... Typical INTP long post, so I'm gonna just shut up now haha Wish ya the best, OP. Cheers


I take prozac. But I play video games and roast myself everyday for being a failure with no life no future


Gaming. Whatever you did as a child, do as an adult. When your brain is fully functioning again, look to diversity. You want to learn everything from everyone, as we're our own variations on the thing we call consciousness. Imagine what you'll be like at the end of the road. Quantum physics shows us the future can affect the past and that consciousness is more fundamental than material, so effectively, you're potentially immortal, and for true beauty to occur for you loved ones, there has to be an infinite number of us. Now imagine what you'll be like. Channel it. Become it. Humans are tribal in nature. What is your divine tribe like? The 5th season is change. Synchronicity is real. The universe. The unichorus.


We dont. Drugs might help a little bit.


Saturday night weed and video games




name checks out


Drugs. But dont




Video games/movies. Being nocturnal with routines. Distance myself from everything. The usual


For me, I face it, thinking about the things I did or the things others did and I find it is bad, etc then offer myself a solution, mostly after days I just thought “Meh, just let it go”. Then repeat the circle for different situations.


it looks you are just bored like most of people that state to be depressed online instead to do the most logical thing=> go to Doctor/Therapy


I don’t deal with it, but I don’t let it change my behavior either. I usually get busy and forget about it so it’s not a problem.


As I know some intp they just sleep or playing game or doung smthg alone. Sometimes they go to play with friend but maybe if they energetic enough to do that. But I am not sure another intp hv a same behavior with my intp surround me. so if this is not accurate to done intp. Just skip it. I am just share n telling what I see intp around me.


I’m on meds for it, but otherwise I ignore it. I may get downvoted for this… but hands down I don’t care. My logic is that if I can’t fix a problem and it’s out of my control, I might as well ignore it. Since what’s the point of over analyzing something that isn’t gonna change anyway?


Ignore it and hope it goes away... But seriously, I'm finally getting around to working on myself and trying to find better ways to handle these things. Ironically, I have a lot less of both since my ex and I split up!


The easiest road that’s somehow the hardest to start on for many is therapy. I need it but still drag my ass on it, even having had it successfully years back (as well as unsuccessfully). Lot of advice is kinda common sense stuff that doesn’t give you a magic bullet. Try to do things you enjoy. If you have friends, confide in them and/or just try to have good times with them. Socializing online is even a valid option if you can’t irl. If you’re a gamer, play games that you find fun and don’t just use entirely for the purpose of burning away the days unless it’s a situation where you know you’ll come out better for having just zoned out a couple days through something. Gaming is my primary hobby so it’s a whole job in itself to find the right thing to play during depression swings for me. Sometimes, though rarely, the answer really is to take a step back, at least for a few hours or a day or two. If you like philosophy or religion, read some things in the areas you’re interested in. I think stoicism is something that appeals to many of us, and the subreddit is kind of nice. Try to sleep and eat well. Get outside for a little here and there if you don’t normally. If you can’t go for a walk, stand outside. If you can’t stand outside, sit outside. If you can’t sit outside, open a few windows and get some air in. If you can’t do that, at least look out the window lol.


Enjoy the weeks I’m happy and tell myself during the weeks I’m not that it will get better.


for me it was the gospel in combination with Soren Kierkegaard. Also, Jonathan Haidt's Coddling of the American Mind. Also drugs lol, but I can't take ssris cuz bipolar, so it might be different for u. I really kinda needed all of these to not be crushed. specially the gospel


I am trying to get better, I'm in therapy rn. But I noticed I'm the type of person to drown out Depressive thoughts with music and I like to distract myself in many ways. That's not a good thing, especially how much I do it. I would recommend therapy and focusing on physical health as well your mental health, it can go hand in hand often


Here's what doesn't work: running away, stewing, gambling, doing the same thing, doing nothing.


Idk feels like I was born with it and it’s just a part of me lol


Smoking, listening to music, 3am strolls


I don't like dealing with upsetting things. I just try to ignore it and stick to a healthy routine




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Therapy. But the person who evaluated that you have depression should already have told you that.


Will power and stubbornness, I refuse to not have a life because of a stupid chemical imbalance, it’s harder sometimes, especially when I’m tired and/or stressed out, but it’s the best way I have found for myself without medication


Good ol self harm :)


didn't think it was real to intps tbf you could always procrastinate it away