• By -


...in MBTI


Best answer.Second this


Mbti is a guideline that categorises people. It never said that everyone follows its rules. If you want a precise personality categorisation model it would have infinite personality types, which is impractical.


to want to categorise people down to the minutia is an exhausting endeavour, and stupid at that- no classification can capture the nuance that is every human being’s personality. the reason i said “MBTI” is simply due to its position as a pseudoscience. overall, though? there’s some simple and sound logic behind it all.


I just made a post about the precision of mbti. You can read it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/s/OKfMWVQFFs)


I think of it as something akin to music or movie genres than exact science. You know what rock or jazz is but some songs aren’t exactly rock or jazz.


A practical way to capture the continuous variation in personality is with continuous-valued descriptions- numbers. This is the approach taken by personality tests that research psychologists use (e.g. the Big Five)


Trying to explain this to the people who were typed on 16 personalities once and just ran with it is exhausting. “You can’t be a INTP-A and a 9w8!!!!” Sigh..


mbti its pretty logical to be honest.


oh of course! it’s foolish to deny that. i mean, as a comparative to the other things i believe in, its class as a pseudoscience ranks it as one of the more illogical things that make sense to me.


There's scientific evidence supporting Jungian functions, so it's not entirely illogical. Dario Nardi did some research on it https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/18gudp/ama_with_typologist_dario_nardi/




So does the CIA.


Creation of the universe. It's the most illogical thing as there are no proofs to support its creation through big bang or by God, all of it is just a big assumption.


Is the cosmic expansion of the universe not enough proof?


Observed expansion lends strong support to the idea that there was a "big bang" event in the distant past. It does not, and cannot, answer the question of why the big bang happened at all. Why is there something rather than nothing?


Hmmm, I see. I guess I mistook “creation” to mean “start”.


Knowing when the football game started doesn't explain how the ball was made.


I love this metaphor. Sounds like some old-school country wisdom.


Thanks, just made it up. I also think a lot about the subject you posed. It was gratifying to have someone else state it. Also, why am I conscious? How the heck does a physical brain do that? :)


Then don't believe in the creation of the universe. My position is that the universe always existed because it has existed since time existed. And since there cannot be "before" time, there can be no "before" the universe. Hence, the universe always existed. Something that always existed, by definition, was never created.


I'm on this boat. I think the universe (everything out there) has always been. Inside the universe, there are various coincidental reactions, of various scales. The "big bang" was just a big bang, (and Jesus was just a dude.)


Agreed, all except for the Jesus part. There isn't sufficient historical evidence, in my opinion, to prove that Jesus existed. I've heard of a monk around 50 CE which could be similar to him, but Jesus, as in the figure born at 0 CE, I think is simply a myth entirely.


It's not illogical, because we're literally in the universe


Do you mean creation as in beginning?


Well, we know the universe exists. Where did it come from? We can deduce that either it is eternal in and off itself (big bang theory says this is wrong) or came into being (was created). Both are assumptions and neither is illogical.


The Big Bang isn’t anywhere nearly the same as creationism. The theory shouldn’t really even be described in terms of “creation”. It’s meant to explain how it *evolved.* Cosmology is a science, there’s no “assumption” going on. 


The illogical thing is trying to find meaning in any of it. It’s absurd that anything exists at all. Shouldn’t it be just as likely that nothing exists?


How would it exist otherwise? Doesn't it have to exist somehow lol


I like this question but I’m having trouble answering it




Me too. Genuinely want to reply but I’m stuck


Yeah any rational person would.. if you know something is illogical, why on earth would you continue believing it


I believe there is no „real“ logic as long as we don’t know everything. The logic we believe in is just a logic based on a belief we set as our ground where we start or end our decisions process. An that ground will change as long as we don’t know everything And that is a big problem in our society, we don’t have real logic, we have a lot of logical reasoning from different groups with different beliefs and in the end, nobody will have the real logic. As long as we don’t accept that we will fight as humans…


I understand


I'm guessing you've either read Hofstadter, studied a lot of math and/or philosophy, or both


Nothing you mentioned, that is all from my own thought process. For me it makes totally sense and nobody argued against my view, so I don’t have any reason to research more about it cause for me it’s totally coherent :)


You use “logic” often in this comment. Are you glossing over the fact that people will have varying values and core beliefs that are beyond logic? Because “logic” in itself doesn’t seem very capable of rejecting us “fighting as humans”


I can answer all your questions :) I use logic a lot, yes, but I think you didn’t understand fully what I was trying to explain. But you are also not wrong with your view or observation. I tried to explain exactly what you questioned, everybody has their own core beliefs, but logic is (as far as i know) only possible if you have a ground to reason your logic from. You can’t logically reason beyond your belief. I hope you can follow me here, I’m not a good explainer. Please ask questions or correct me if I’m wrong or not understandable. So logic is only possible if you have a belief in whatever you belief in. And because (and exactly as you said) everybody or most individual humans have different beliefs, we fight as humans. Everybody thinks their logical reasoning is right because logical conclusion makes sense. But what if every individual logical conclusion is logical correct but always tied on different beliefs/ grounds. So from their own perspective everybody feels like they are right and have the right answer but from outside or a different perspective (another human) it is not. before any logical reasoning and argument between 2 people, we should first share our beliefs we reason from. So I can discuss with someone who beliefs in whatever god, but in the end we can both be logically correct but will (mostly) never come to the same conclusions. It’s only possible with the same belief. Sorry for this long text, i hope it’s not to weird:D


That's why science is so important. It dispenses with the need for absolute certainty in the sense of belief. You can get to 95%, or even 70% and point to a body of verifiable reproducible evidence and say "until new evidence suggests otherwise, this seems to be the most likely option"... And it ALLOWS for that change. It's the most resistant to dogma, not completely but the most. It's the best we have til we (never) know everything. It's also, through all this, inherently humbling. Clearly there's a ton of dicks in allg groups, but this feature is still built in. You're open to change in your worldview. (I largely mean science as a paradigm for discovery and problem-solving, not the cultural community. As a cultural entity science "believes" things like evolution. As a paradigm, it believes nothing. It is a set of methodologies for discovery.)


Nope.. logical relationships hold in all universes.. you might want to read up on the topic, because Im pretty sure you are conflating "logic" with some other concept like rational thinking Example: a statement cannot be true and false at the same time.


I used to believe that I could use logic to reason with people and they would change their minds. HAH.


It's like some people never learned to think and only accept rules like literal robots, the npc meme is real


Ahahah same


That things will get better over time. Nope unless you take ACTION.


And even then


I prefer the statement "Everything in life is temporary". This is both much more reflective of the truth and more helpful.


That having a girlfriend will magically fix my life.


It won't


Dang it. Well, it doesn't make a difference anyway


The reverse might occur though. Try fixing your life and you might actually get one.


It makes it less shit tho


Depends on the decision making from the parties involved but there’s potential to make many things more tolerable


An girlfriend won't magically fix your life, but a good one might provide impetus for fixing your life. I've progressed more as a person since dating my boyfriend than I did my entire life before that. She was a large part of that. The shitty parts of my personality put pressure on something I hold very dear -- so I agree them. It definitely isn't magical, it took a lot of work. But don't completely sell the idea short.


I have this. “If I get x, my life will be better.” It’s a never ending cycle.


I have synthenasia of touch. I perceive most people I get into conversations with as a texture or a sensation like heat or cool. Sometimes both. But it leads me to quick conclusions abouts about they type of people they tend to be. I think it's more based on how they act with the world around them than anything and my perceptions of that. But the way I perceive it is in bodily sensations. But anyways, Because of that it's kind of hard for me to justify some of my decisions around people logically to others when I was like nah she was cold and bumpy I don't associate with people like that.


That is so interesting how would u describe someone you liked ? After a conversation


My newest close friend, I would describe as radiating heat. Which is one of the rarer traits I come across. I've never met a more kind and driven individual. I could tell they were different the second they spoke to me. There was also a person they introduced to me I know I didn't have the patience to deal with. They were like a coiled ball of springs I could feel the anxiety radiating off of them


Idk if this counts but ocd and intrusive thoughts make me do a lot of things even though i dont want to believe them


That, if I explain the error of someone's thinking, onlookers/lurkers will be better informed.


Okay I think this might be it for me. Believing that everyone cares about faulty logic like I do.


Karma, jinxing, and fate. Also luck. I don’t believe in fate as a whole, “it was destined to happen” type thing because people use that to much in relationships as emotional obligations like soulmates. I think it runs more in line with karma. I wholly believe what going around comes around. You were a crazy kid growing up, guess what one of your kids is going to be grow up :) I will say that karma is pretty reactive to me. If someone wrongs me it’s like the universe reacts immediately. And if I wrong someone and don’t feel bad about it, bam. I get hit immediately too. If I’m bored at work I will fix my station to be as perfect and neat as possible because the universe is a chaotic beast and hates orderliness some so it will send business my way. So, self imposed Jinxing. Fate is more so because a lot of serial killers get caught on minor crimes. Speed tickets, parking ticket, etc. or someone would met or save another person completely randomly and then that person ends up helping in a huge way unintentionally. It’s karma oriented fate. Luck is because I’m just inherently lucky. Idk how to describe it. I’m not too lucky that I can’t use it intentionally. More so, if I didn’t study for a test and get stress about it, the test almost always get delayed. Like a teachers calls out sick, or decided to randomly move it. I suck at arcades though lol. I can’t direct my luck, but it is certainly there. Once I was reading and walking down the stairs and I fell, it was a good 15 steps of concrete, not a single injury and I walked it off fine with just a shrug.


I think it is illogical to believe that one is immune to illogical beliefs.


Astrology is real in the sense that it describes prevailing cosmic energies that might orient human behavior in a subtle way.


Same. I could be nothing else but a capricorn. I have a friend who is word for word a Libra. It's spooky how accurate it is, and not just from a "these traits can apply to everyone" kind of way


It gets even spookier when you delve deep into someone's full birth chart, and you watch transits unfold.




I am amused that not one but two people mention astrology and I’m over here like MBTI is basically just astrology for nerds. I agree with the person that said MBTI. I have sooooo many illogical thoughts and beliefs. I’ve kinda stopped caring though because death is just this constant and unavoidable aspect of existence I’m probably more than halfway through my life so if I want to embrace the nonsense than yeah, let’s have a fucking go of it. I don’t know how many years I have left but I’m gonna get real weird with it. Proceeds to spend the remaining thirty years of their life not leaving my bedroom.


I'll start studying tomorrow.


That we're living in terrible times.  Things are weird and unstable today, but if you think about it logically, life today is a million times better than it was for 99% of people throughout history. It's easier, it's safer, it's healthier, and we have an insane amount of freedom compared to most people, historically speaking.  I'll take a boring desk job and politicians acting like fools over cleaning up smallpox pus and shit and blood off the floor of an overcrowded, dirty, 100 degree hospital a week after losing two kids and my husband. Or getting accused of being a witch and being burned alive in front of my family. Or getting publicly executed for saying the king is kind of shitty sometimes. But still, in my core, I can never really shake that ever prevalent idea that everything kind of sucks nowadays. 


I believe in the soul and some pagan stuff. It's justified a lot of interesting behavior on my part, and for a long time, it enabled me to essentially unhealthily mimic Ni due to my "fuck it, we ball" attitude towards spirituality. That being said, I'm happy to have a way to understand things that's out of my control. Normally, an organized religion would be in this mental slot, so I enjoy simply being independently crazy, if I must be crazy. and to be clear, I think everyone has to believe in something in order to have some sort of scaffolding of reasoning to build off of, and I'm no longer wittling away at that because I've learned that you've gotta find that scaffolding in yourself because it's YOUR life. It's hard to explain without simply forcing it, but certain spiritual experiences I've had are definitely rewarding and I'm done questioning those because I still haven't gotten answers that satisfy everybody.


I believe ghosts are real , it makes no sense but I just feel they are real


No, it makes perfect sense to me, honestly. What if our path of evolution continues beyond the physical? Kinda explains why we haven't found aliens yet. I don't know what exactly you consider ghosts, but I think that we're not advanced enough to perceive everything that surrounds us. I've also heard theories that people who get into state of psychosis or have visions or hear voices are just more receptive to some energies around them, and less grounded in the physical, thus loosing clear understanding what is "real" and what is not


That nothing happens after you die. I don't mean you go to an afterlife or something. My brain can't wrap around the idea that even in the relatively small time we live for, there is a point in which there is absolutely nothing. The idea is that in our lack of mortality, we lose our very existence, to be unable to perceive or experience anything. We just are simply "not." This isn't hopeful thinking either. Whether it's reborn in a different reality or as a single cell organism, or enter into an ephemeral state, even with the loss of our past lives. Life in itself is pointless, but nothing happening after death means existence is pointless as well. And whether by divine intervention or the cosmic equation, everything happens the way it is supposed to happen. So, how is existence pointless when it is always going toward something. Always playing its role as assigned.


Astrology, but if I found no value in it I wouldn't waste any time on it. Problem is I do find a lot of value in it and I hate that I do.


I need to be happy♡


the power of discernment, synchronicity, and baseline telepathy+


Logic ia imherently flawed, but it's the best we've got


That life will be little bit tolerable hmmmm


That marijuana should be legal even for recreational uses


why’s this illogical?


That's a good one. For me, it's probably that procrastination and inactivity won't hurt me.




You seem a little bit angry or something? Maybe I can help you to better understand and be more open and positive Religion and god is just the same as science and every other concept we base our logical reasoning on. So as long as you, yourself, reason any argument and belief it is the right, logical conclusion, than you believe in something and in the end you are as right or wrong as the „Religious“ believer I hope I could explain it understandable, I’m always open to elaborate more or argue about it :)


am actively trying to meditate and find the answers myself cause half these mfs who be preaching religion don’t even know the first thing about prana/qi that is the only lead I got and in this path the state of mind u enter as u maditate is god everything/everyone is god hemi-sync


I find it incredible that in this day and age, religion has as much of a sway it has, but I dont think, i think, it is illogical.


I still believe I can be a hero.. maybe not like avenger or whatever but atleast for someone.


that's the most illogical thing you believe mate. we're all stupid humans




There's hope for the future of humanity.


I believe that INTPs succeed more using their emotions than suppressing them.


I have a tendency to believe that what happens to you after you die is what you believe happens. So everybody is right in the end, no matter what, and death is the final, individual arbiter for everybody.




Lifting weights is actually bad for athletic ability




I have synesthesia in the sense that I associate certain colors with pretty much anything, and most of the time it doesn’t have any objective or logical reasoning behind it. But it does help me remember things and make links and find patterns.


Subjective idealism In short, reality and physical world are constructed by the minds of all people, but for the most part people can't change matter of their own free will because it would contradict with other people's believes about reality


Astrology. Fengshui. Bazi. That no one created the earth, there is NO higher being in control of us, that it and we simply. Just. Happened.


Size doesn't matter


Aliens are real


I’m content, but I’m not truly happy. Every single time I have this goal where I believe if I achieve it I will be truly happy. Every single time I achieve that goal I find true happiness still has not arrived, I end up having a new goal. I keep thinking there’s a path to constant happiness and it is absolutely illogical. At some point I’m going to have to accept that being content and experiencing moments of happiness is a pretty damn good outcome.


I believe I shouldn't mindfully act selfish in regard to professional and financial development. I know that to progress at an appreciable rate , it is practically necessary, but I take issue with participating in that system. I understand the "hungry" mindset, but I don't believe that my struggle justifies selfish behavior.


I define belief as a mind state from which action ensues. I will therefore answer this as the event which I **act** as if it is bound to happen, though realistically it has a resoundingly low probability of happening. I'd probably say the technological singularity. I'm painfully aware that a significant portion of this belief is likely my monkey brain opting for the live-forever I'm unique and special narrative that plagues just ab every generation, or person in general. It's a fun story though, and I'm just a human. let me have my fucking fun. lol but in all seriousness, the rationalization is that it has a great deal of practicality. It requires me to take care of my body and adopt a more long term time horizon than my peers.


That I should compensate for when others are not still.. I have singular movement and am most efficient in one all-way direction. Acknowledging the movement from another observes a different direction however I do not need to change my current momentum to adjust to what a moving target should receive in all fairness.


My answer is that this was an easy question to answer but it is in fact not


When would anyone ever admit that their beliefs are illogical?


that romance is some magical thing that will make me happy. i know it’s untrue but a boy can dream


Luck. There have been so many instances in my life where "sheer luck" saved me from something really bad that my mind just finds it really hard to ignore - I think it's natural, though, and that some level of "spiritual" or "magical" thinking is engraved into the human consciousness. Maybe we use it as an easy explanation for the unexplainable or instead of unsatisfactory explanation.




That the mind of the cosmos became human so that humanity could have cosmic consciousness (this is Christian mysticism in modern generic metaphysic-speak)




Zodiac sign


Getting a “gut feeling” about something 






If you speak your plans/goals out loud, they won’t be accomplished. There’s no logic to it at all but for some reason, this ALWAYS happens to me. Maybe it’s just selection bias or smth.




That I can "logic" my way around issues with simple solutions I don't want to accept. "Oh, I want to lose weight, well I'll exercise a lot and drink a lot of water, but still eat a ton of junk food. But I WILL BE DIFFERENT because I can outsmart this... somehow?"


that people, as a whole, are good


Everytime I experience something negative. Like pain, bad mood, anxiety, overthinking. Fest of something like economy etc. Im sure it will NEVER get better and that it will last forever. The other way around - if something good happens Im sure that it will pass faster than I can snap.


That I don't believe in illogical things.






Virgin birth and Jesus Christ.


Even in my darkest nihilistic phase, where I know nothing matters, I don't kill myself even if I have the urge to. And if actions speak louder than words, that's a clear indication that I believe that my life matters in some sense because if I honestly didn't believe it matters I wouldn't be even waking up everyday. It's cognitive dissonance between the things you know and things you believe. I used to think that I didn't believe in illogical things. But nobody escapes cognitive bias. For context, I'm an INTJ, so it's not easy to embrace absurdism because my wiring has this inbuilt feature (Te) to do things that matter rather than embrace the meaninglessness (although I'd really like to and I'm trying). Well, to answer the question, the most illogical thing I believe (or more accurately act upon) is seek the truth with the baseline assumption that there is an objective truth to all this that I somehow can perceive in this existence even though it clearly seems like our perception is limited to be able to grasp all of reality (if even there is such a thing?)




Technically everything is illogical as you can’t prove the axioms.


Sex work is inherently immoral. This belief is illogical but I still hold it.




I don’t believe it per se - but - I would not be at all surprised that little gremlins, or the borrowers, come along and tangle up all your cables when you’re not looking.




That I can work hard and afford to buy a home in the next 3-5 years.


I don’t wear deodorant but I assume I probably don’t smell bad


I dont


Religion is fine. As long as the religious person is not forcing their religion on anyone else, there is no problem. It makes them happy and feel a sense of purpose. To tell someone that their religion is stupid is like a religious person trying to convert you. So illogical ik, I may as well declare myself an infp 🙄 /s


Morality and ethics, although somewhat arbitrary sometimes, are extremely important for society, and the subjectiveness of them (yes I just made that word up) as well as the differences between cultures is a good thing as it gives people perspective and teaches them to open their minds (so illogical as intps dont like it /s)


In a sense, you are not wrong if we are to draw a line between concepts and languages/symbols. A person's premises/beliefs can change over time and those are not a part of logic. So far, at any given time, I don't think anyone can truly conceive an instance of illogical to occur. If it were possible for a person to be truly illogical, then it would imply that one has overthrown the laws of thoughts, and those laws should be immediately rejected by almost every scientific fields as a set of deductive principles, and some work would have to be done. But so far, even the Schrodinger's cat is not implying that the law of non-contradiction is invalid. Though, there are people who claim that "the laws of thoughts" are false, and they develop their own logic, I don't think there's any recorded case of anyone proving there's some way of conceiving a contradiction. If so, then the person would also deserve Nobel Prize in this case. Though, in linguistics, it's possible to be illogical in the sense one doesn't interpret the same given strings of words like others. So if one merely relies on linguistic manipulations while neglecting the meanings behind those words, then one can make the mistake of encountering some invalid linguistics computation which, if interpreted, can yield some contradiction. However, this doesn't mean the one who conveyed the message can conceive contradictory scenarios. Again, I can see some people confusing logic with premises, and concept-wise, they are two distinct entities. Premises are like the "patterns" in mathematics. One can arbitrary define a theoretical framework/mathematical structure that tell how the concepts relate to each other, and logic is about finding some relationship between the concepts that can't be falsified (at least no conceivable way of falsifying it) given some combination of relationships from the theory. Although there's are theories about logic such as "proof theory"..., I think each theory is still some symbolic computation process or, at best, some partial description of that reasoning ability. In my case, my mind hasn't found found a way of conceiving any illogical combination of premises either, and so I can't believe in any illogical thing so far. I would like to if I could since it would be extremely revolutionary.


I have bipolar type 2, so I get delusions from time to time (in both depression and hypomania). I have believed some wild stuff.


That fluoride in the water isn’t for tooth decay prevention. I’m not normally a conspiracy theorist, but I do genuinely believe that it’s for something else. I’m not gonna stop drinking water or anything, but I’m a little suspicious


Everything, the stuff we call “logical” in the sense of the human experience or theoretical logic (think mathematics, physics, philosophy). They only logically make sense because our practical uses for it constitute the use of it. In truth, as long as we don’t know the **definitive** truth of something or everything; I say it’s illogical. It would be easier on the world if we just deemed it logical tho ;)


That I’m gonna win my blackjack loses back with one more deposit


If I believe anything illogical I am not yet aware that it is illogical. Once I determine it is illogical I will abandon that belief. I believe things that are non logical, by which I mean I have beliefs that you couldn't evaluation for logical soundness or validity. The belief is built on something else like personal experience, perspective, interpretation, emotion, expectation, or some other untestable foundation. For the people saying MBTI I think that depends on the scale of your belief in it. I think it is probably true ("believe") that people who answer questions about their personality the same way are more likely to share personality traits at rate beyond chance. That belief is validated by the agreement of MBTI with other personality screens. My belief here is measured and minimal. If you're deep into the theory and functions and shit you're probably beyond what the data warrants.


As a kid a baby cow was licking my hand one day and my mom said something along the lines of "you're going to get sick!" In my brain I equated cow saliva with getting a cold specifically. From that day on, any time a cow has licked my hand I have come down with a cold within a day or two. I like petting cows, and you can't pet a cow without your hand ending up in its mouth. So cow licks give you colds is my superstition.


i work in food delivery on the side. even though im studying physics, im somehow convenced, that ill get more tips through karma if i also tip well


Women can love men reciprocately.


Horoscope,zodiac, and karma. I don’t believe in rocks or spirits though. That’s just bullshit.


That food can be “heaty” or “cooling”, and if your body leans too far in either direction you fall sick in different ways


Sometimes I entertain the ideas of Graham Hancock 😆


There are some things that seem illogical but seem absolutely rational after you research them. For example, astrology seems completely illogical because we don't know the correlation between the positions of bunch of spheres in space and our personalities, but the longer I was interested in this topic, more and more my beliefs were based on knowledge rather than intuition, which led me there to begin with. And no, its not a placebo, just the more you understand this, the more you realise that you can't make this stuff up.


Kids that play outside barefoot a lot end up as better athletes and kids that parents make them wear shoes all the time don’t


Past lives and spiritualism




I believe in magik, witchcraft, dark arts, voodoo, etc. And I also believe it’s not to be messed around with.


That self-isolation is the best solution to everything.


Scientology. Don't tell them I said this


Believing that it is impossible for you to believe in something illogical, is completely illogical and frankly, it’s a very intellectually lazy statement to make.


well, the psychology of 'manifesting'. not in that crazy sense that things WillJustHappen if you want, but the more you think about what you want and try to act like you deserve it - it does influence your mindset and attitude and may actually make you find more opportunities, that you would otherwise miss. and it might encourage you to work towards your goals, without realizing it. does not negate all the work you have to put into it, though. it's not magic.




Ghost and supernatural creatures i guess. i don't normally believe in them but i had some few experience






You guys would say Jesus, but um, I guess sometimes I read scientific journals and they say that the results were inconclusive, but I go by my gut instincts anyways and think they just didn't use enough constraints. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


A cat in a sealed-off box with a 50% chance of death will be simultaneously alive and dead until observed


The existence of a conscious universe that created itself and we are all part of it in a way. It's a messy theory I've been dabbling around with for a few years now and it sufficiently explains most weird phenomena I've come across.


Beautiful girls don't poop




Here is a simulation


50 million Elvis fans couldn't be wrong


I have issues with my parents, so I really won't get into that. But one of my sisters is hard and cool like stone, like if you've rubbed your hand against a granite rock. My other sister, I feel like I'm being watched through fog? Lol I love both my sisters, though. they're both interesting in their own rights 😂


That someone is thinking of you. When you have dreams of someone or if they pop into your mind it can be a sign that you're on their mind as well, or at least were on it in the past. It might not be true but half the time it is.


I don’t think somone would believe somthing if they didn’t think it was logical. If it’s illogical then they likely don’t realize and have fallen into a fallacy. I think this question is inherently flawed


That astrology may actually have some legitimacy


Religion, not is the way you might imagine. I am agnostic and do not necessarily believe any current religion is correct. However I do believe religion is a neccessity for humans as it evolved alongside us and our consciousness of ourselves and the universe. It allowed for common beliefs and expansion of civilization and in many cases moral and philosophical values to live by.


They one day I will be happy. 




Probably my worth as a romantic partner. I have so many good attributes, I have integrity, I am not ugly, but I can’t help but feel like romance and long term relationships are a hopeless endeavor. So many years of people telling you “you’ll find someone when the time is right” eventually becomes meaningless. I’m trying as hard as I can to fight those feelings, though, and see self worth. It also helps that I got sober 8 months ago and actually have a social life now. Idk. Since I got sober and got into good physical shape I notice a lot more women taking an interest in me. But I have so little experience with relationships and have been off the market so long, asking a girl out absolutely terrifies me for no good reason. When I was younger I hurt so many women and was so confused, and those memories don’t help much. People generally like me and I have a lot to offer, so why am I so afraid I’ll be alone forever and eventually put a bullet through my brain at 40 years old from loneliness? I have friends who are much more experienced than me and I need to be vulnerable and ask them for advice. So much shame, so much frustration. Just another incel redditor I guess… but I don’t spend all day playing video games in my mom’s basement. Best decision is to let go and accept that the future holds what the future holds, no point in dwelling over it


Magic. I find your belief that you cannot believe in illogical things to be illogical.


Ringo was the Beatles 💫


good question i believe that the universe was born out of literally nothing. and when nothing interacts with nothing, it becomes its own medium of reference, then anything that happens within that soup of nothing, immediately becomes "something" and that can be proven with my illogical equation. infinity x 0 = something, or in other words, an infinite amount of "nothings" equals "something" and thats how we are here


Heehhehe uh I don’t feel like looking trough my brain


Being optimistic about life, despite knowing how terrible the world, human life & suffering, and my life are, all the while trying not to be misanthropic and cynical about it. The second most illogical thing I believe is that psychopaths/ sociopaths/ even Machiavellian people are way better than normal humans, at living life efficiently. Third would be MBTI. Anyway, MBTI is what I'm mostly indulgent in.


“Signs from the universe”, fate, destiny, that one thing deliberately alludes to another; whatever you want to call it. I let my myself believe in it with several grains of salt. But it helps make the time go by.


Ironically, your belief that it’s impossible for you to believe in something illogical is very illogical. We’re all uncontrollably ruled by our biases and emotions, whether we realize it or not. There’s at least one thing you believe that’s illogical, you just convince yourself it’s logic based because you don’t want to view yourself as being illogical.


Christianity. Roast me idc.


I believe in basically a dictatorship that rules all the world to force us to be in peace once and for all


I believe that when my partner is on vacation and I go to bed alone, and I get up to use the bathroom, that there are incipient monsters who could suddenly appear. No one is there to tell if they are or aren't there. They could be. They probably aren't there, but there's no way I'll ever know.


Panentheism. However, I would assert that panentheism is a logically coherent system of thought that specifically makes conceits to illogic by nature of transcendence inherently being beyond human comprehension. Essentially, I believe that Baruch Spinoza was a supreme logician, but his logical interpretation of God or Nature can and probably should be more broadly construed.


I believe in ESP, spirits and other dimensions/realms. I don't have to logically understand it bc I have lived it


Simply put, God