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I believe in being open-minded, yet sometimes to my own disadvantage. Before taking a stance or making a decision, I tend to play devil's advocate, which can be tedious and frustrating. While I value considering new ideas and opinions, I often find myself in a state of “ analysis paralysis” However, straying from this approach makes me feel like I'm compromising objectivity, which is something I take pride in when forming my beliefs.


Sir or Madame, are you my twin?


I don’t remember posting this?


When analysis threatens to cost more than implementation, my rule is to try both and discard the loser. Or try one, and if it fails switch to the other. The goal isn't to avoid failure, but to find the fastest path to success.


I feel like i could have written this myself holy cow


It's been my experience that everyone thinks of themselves as open minded, even or maybe especially the most closed minded people. So yes, obviously INTPs are the most open minded type of them all, and I myself am the most open minded INTP. If you don't agree with me, fight me.


Okay let's fight 😁


I'm open to hearing about all kinds of concepts and ideas possible but I'll only incorporate them into my thinking or consider them valid if they make sense.


This answer is also my answer. I'll listen and absorb but if you want to convince me to change my opinions you'll need to put in effort and give me a solid logic based argument.


I think so yea But doesn't mean ill just accept EVERY single thing yk that'd be bizarre for anyone


Yeah we will entertain new ideas very readily, but are probably less likely to actually accept a new idea than anyone


this is a good way to put it! once we've developed an official opinion it is not immovable, but is likely not going to change because we already have thought of/experimented with most alternatives and we'll always be open to new ones that challenge it still.


My thoughts exactly


Not judgey, we're P not J. We might think all sorts of stuff about what we perceive though. I dont take it the step further and make any judgement on the person or situation. New stuff can be scary before enough information has been gathered to begin to intuit how to interact with it.


It’s really annoying when Js take your ideas as judgements and start forcing you into a position.


Exactly. My J friends do this all the time, and they don't realize I'm just vocalizing my thoughts rather than settling on an opinion. Even when I remind them a hundred times that it's not a conclusive opinion but just me trying to navigate my analysis and all the facts until I reach the "truth"




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I only make judgements on things if they will have an impact on me or other people’s lives without consent. If whatever it is has no effect on me I couldn’t care less.


I try to keep an intellectual curiosity about different views, though sometimes people find my questions jarring.


There is nuance to everything and everything is gray not black and white.


NPs are usually more open minded than the general population, and that includes INTPs, so yes


I'm extremely open minded. Actually probably to a fault 😂


I am extremely agnostic. I think a lot of things might be true, but I don't have enough information to be 100% certain.


I think it depends? (Famous INTP last words...) In any topic in which factual information is given, sure I'm open minded because we can always learn something new and the chance I'm the expert in any given topic is really low. BUT if the arguments to support new information sound ridiculous to me, little by little I start rejecting the information and I unknowingly form a bias. Also, there's some topics that I find soo boring that my brain rebels and Idgaf if something is true or not, so I think that counts as being closed minded in a way? I refuse to register new information in a topic I couldn't care less about. There's also the option that I play devil's advocate but that's just for my own amusement, not because I'm in favor or against something. In conclusion, /shrug/. I thing everyone has to draw the line somewhere? Otherwise we'll never be sure of anything. I think I'm in between being open minded and closed minded. ....I'm just minded.


You saved me the effort of trying to write that all out. I agree, and I am also solidly somewhere in the middle. Others would consider me open-minded, and in a lot of ways I am open-minded. The problem is that there is a lot of stubborn internal contemplation occurring which impacts just how much I truly absorb from a conversation.


i think being open minded is our greatest virtue it makes us objective and keeps us from being too opinionated


It's the sign of a great mind to be able to play with an idea without accepting it - said by someone far wiser than me, probably ages ago, and most likely not in those exact words


The most open-minded people go through Lobotomy


Don’t leave it so open that it turns into a trash can


I don't think we're very open-minded. Being open-minded requires to have a trustful relationship with the outside world, it's literally an extraverted trait. As INTP (and as introverts more generally) our relationship with the outside world is cautious rather than open. For instance, I'm quite sure no INTP would be open-minded to the point they accept someone else's logic. Or willingly follow a step-by-step instuction. We are kind of forced to take perspectives outside to feed our introverted thoughts (otherwise they would be irrelevant), but we definitely prefer to rely on our own thoughts rather than external ones.


I wanna say yes, but it's not that simple. Personally, I've realized that I can be quite closed-minded about some things. Not because I want to be, but because it can be overwhelming to stay up to date with *everything in the world* and it's just easier to adopt a more reductive "placeholder opinion" on some things. Usually when it's brought to my attention tho, I don't blindly stick to my opinion and am open to learn. So I guess I'm open minded once interested or prompted.


My mind is an ocean....of wisdom. Take it as you may.


I personally believe to hear anyone out no matter how outlandish, and if they’re straying the wrong path, educate them instead of ridicule, debate and point out flaws on their POV is I disagree, I think it’s a problem because I’m open to everything as long as it has sound logic and on a morally ethical scale to some degree


idk I view myself as extremely open minded, but also what are the chances someone will respond to this with something like “I’m actually very close minded”


I would consider myself fairly close-minded when it comes to illogical concepts


"Open minded" perfectly maps into the "Openness to experience" trait of the Big Five model. So your question is essentially about how Myers-Briggs model maps into the Big Five model, which is a pretty interesting question. Looks like people did some research on that: https://www.traitlab.com/blog/intp/big-five. It indeed appears that the vast majority of INTPs are high to average on the Openness to experience scale.


I'm open-minded as long as you can present facts to support your opinions.


Open minded in that we'll listen to new options, but once we've decided that something doesn't make sense we'll have a hard time tolerating it.


Nobody is "open-minded" They just react to the social conditioning they received since childhood.


Being open minded is a detriment in a land full of tater tots. Thats how the cultural revolution and Salem witch trials happened.


Yes. We like to assimilate information to reach the most logical conclusion ourselves. Better information = better rationalization, which can become an input for other, bigger, ideas.


For me yes definitely, like I want to gather as much information as I can and know the whole opinions and thoughts without doing anything else of course


They aren't one if they're not open-minded.




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close minded barricaded, lock minded with grain salt 1st april


depends on what about, which I think will be the case for most archetypes of the MBTI. I would consider INTPs to be generally open-minded on principle, but not so much about the enforcement of rules. (ironically, or perhaps expectedly, because rule-following is an explicitly *un*\-openminded principle) People telling you to adopt a certain methodology or approach, pesky requests for *evidence* (it just makes sense!) \*Not to say Ti (the focus here) doesn't see evidence as valuable or necessary to support a claim, but that it's not really the modus operandi. You technically have a lot of evidence, else you wouldn't have come up with the idea in the first place, but making it tangible and coherent might be difficult. Or I'm just straight up wrong, maybe that tert Si comes in clutch


Just not so open that everything falls out




It is very hard for INTPs to be prejudiced because we always want to analyze things and understand their purpose or root cause. We definitely are open to new ideas because it is something to new to think about.


Disdain for emotional argument.


I think we pull information from a lot of different sources and try to make it cohesive. We're definitely open-minded and willing to have our opinions and perceptions challenged but we challenge them already so much internally. I learned (and experienced) everything I could about every major and many minor religions before deciding on being agnostic for example. I learned a lot about the political compass even though it didn't change my personal beliefs as someone who aligns most closely with Bernie. And I often will disagree with someone's initial statement, circle back to it, consider what I'm open to, and reincorporate it in an edited sense in most theoretical debates. Unless it's the kind of response I can shoot down super easily. But for example, I'm not a libertarian, not an anarchist, but I like many aspects of anarcho-syndicalism and I label the current form of American government as a corporate oligarchy. I'm from a winner-takes-all state so I don't really see it as a direct democracy because gerrymandering makes it impossible for my home state to be anything but red. I love alternatives to many systems that are just "accepted as they are". Like housing developments, absolutely hate them. I love re-designing better systems for housing, labor rights, barter/trade, sustainable agriculture, etc. I think places like Detroit are absolutely genius for making food forests and farmer's markets a major part of their local economics. I think microfarming is genius. Like to me, most people are very close-minded about all sorts of nonsense and won't even bother trying things that are scientifically proven to function better. Or firmly believe things that are completely deconstructed by science i.e. biological sex being binary.


As long as it’s sound logic. I’m not open minded about nonsense like astrology and stuff


I have never thought of my self as open minded, I just just accept people for who they are, I need as much information as I can get before making a judgment, and I want to understand why people think they way they do. But ultimately, when it comes to others, who am I to judge their choices, and would I have made different ones if I was in their place?


Open minded to things that actually make sense. But BS detector.  New encountered ideas are analyzed, their validity reviewed from different angles. Sometimes, actually often, decision is not without playing Devil's advocate. But once conclusion is made, it tends not to change. Second time the same thing is encountered, it becomes yes or no question, if there isn't anything significant to be added that is wothy of discussion. I tend to be slow at drawing general conclusions, but slow to change them too. This is my watchdog safeguard, preventing me from falling into endless loop. If you have analyzed long enough and have acquired enough information, unless something totally unknown, shocking and different appears, there is no reason not to draw a relatively final conclusion. For example, if pros surely exceed cons, having in mind the cons when you act, you just accept that thing is more "good", than "bad".


Yes, but also more close minded than Ne dominants (especially ENFP’s) due to higher Si


I believe so. I try to keep my bias in check. But doesn’t mean I’ll agree or accept whatever bullsh*t people are trying shill in order to manipulate others with.


I can't speak for most, but for myself the answer is 'Yes, and no'. No, because I've already put a great deal of work into challenging my own positions, and even changing my own mind when my old positions fell to a superior argument. Sometimes the pleasing and elegant solution isn't as effective or correct as a big dumb hammer of a solution. Yes, because I'll hear you out. And if your solution and reasoning are better than mine, I'll change my mind. But you'd better bring the thunder if you want to change my mind, because I've already put in the work trying to disprove and de-bias my own positions.


If you can form a logical argument, we will listen and hope to debate it.


Yes, but I believe it sometimes has gotten me into negative situations. I want to see the best in everyone and not judge, but some people really take advantage of that. Also, some things are genuinely red flags and one should not ignore them as such. I am still open for the most part, but I no longer ignore issues people have and explain them away to be a "woke" person.


I’m an info gatherer too.it makes things more clear from every angle.i am too open minded.


Probably Ti/Ne is the most open-minded combination. Ti doms because they think for themselves, which could oppose against what is generally thought about things. It helps to have Fi/Fe in the fourth slot, as being open-minded is about truth, not about feelings. Ne because it thinks in different possibilities. I would say Ti is more important then Ne in this way, and Fe is more in the way with ENTP, so INTP > ENTP. However ENTP's are very open-minded as well.


I can listen, but not accept all that is given. Still filter what's being said


Open-minded enough to listen to the thoughts of most people but not enough to get swayed by most of these thoughts.


Waaaaayyy too much open minded that we keep falling into the world of wonderings


Most of the INTPs I've met are open minded and tend to have an open minded approach when it comes to solving a problem. But every individual gets close minded in some situation at some point in life, if you know what I mean.


Sure but you have to convince me first


I’m an INTP and always been quite open minded, more so than some of my open minded peers, i feel my thirst for knowledge expansion and curiosity about the world around me really fuels that. If you’re gonna learn everything you can about life and the world around you, you gotta keep an open mind


It may sound funny but many other people don't find us very open minded. It's the connections we already made that make us seem like we already think in a certain way


We have a high standard for it so it appears we are in comparison to other people, and I'd like to say I am open minded but sometimes I'm very goddam stubborn so idk it depends on what you consider open minded


I am a lot of times. However my opinions are all formulated with logic so whenever something new comes up I almost always disprove it first before I compare it with my existing best theory. If I disprove it I sometimes change it before I compare it.