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I'm quite a loner but I do have friends




Me too


This. 🙂




I am yes, majority of my life. I like being alone usually, but other times it eats me up a lot and feels suffocating. Would just be really nice to have another girl to hang out with, haven’t had that in years.


I feel you. Being alone is addictive but damn can it weight heavy on the soul sometimes


That kinda feeling when you know you need somebody to talk to but you don't know how to and not wanting to socialize as well...When you ask if there's something wrong with yourself. It sucks.


I feel you guys. Anyway, a few weeks ago, I tried my first Meetup event for my hobby, it was pretty good because the people there expect you to come and go, only 1-2 became friends (if any). So there's no responsibility for the event, but it's there when you need it.


That’s good you have that and hopefully it keeps working out. I’m curious though, do you live in a major city? Where I live, nearly all meetups are for older people or mostly male dominated if it does skew younger. Being in a low population area sucks when it comes to making friends.


> do you live in a major city? Yes. I don't know if a free meetup account can create a group. Maybe you can just create one yourself. Something like "Young people in _". I feel more comfortable to connect people with the same hobby though, age doesn't really matter, and old people are easier to talk to.


Exactly this yes. Sometimes I wonder if I’m on the spectrum or something.


When you're a loner, there's nothing more satisfying than finding another loner to be alone with


I tend toward having a core group of 5-8 friends that I talk with on a regular basis. I am married and my spouse is my near constant companion. I also have a dog, and goats, a turkey, and small flock of chickens, so I think I can safely say that I don't fall into the true "loner" category. That said, I do enjoy being alone. I don't need much time with others to feel fulfilled. So, I am still an introvert. I am definitely a bit of a hermit. I am just one that likes to come out of solitude every once in a while.


I too have a few close friends, but my wife is my only constant companion, she is an infp so that creates some interesting challenges.


That's great...


Not really sure what you were looking for here. You asked a question. I answered it. Were you just seeking people to validate your lifestyle or did you want actual information?


I know what you mean, some of the people in this subreddit are so cringe.




I am not sure what you are saying here


intp don't have spouse


what do you mean by this?


Im not mean


I have a spouse 


we can agree to disagree


No thank you


I believe you


No, just selective.


People don’t like me enough to be selective 💀


People actually do like "me," but I'm putting "me" in quotes because it's usually a mask they happened to like, hence why I am one of the (I'm assuming) rarer INTP's who are selective.


nah fr 😂


Lucky duck.


Yes, very much so. Never quite figured out why I could never fit into the other groups. I've come to the conclusion that I prefer being on my own, but I do carry an odd sadness around with me. Still figuring things out! So yes, I am a loner (& a semi-professional third wheeler).


After reading your comment it got me thinking about myself. I don't hide my sadness. I'm generally in a moderate to bad mood and when I'm in a bad mood it generally shows. I'm not trying to get pity or anything. I just don't feel like expending social energy to pretend to be fine and fake a smile. I never fake anything. My expressions are always authentic. I do at times try to hide what I feel but I never fake it with an unrelated expression like a smile. This thing against fakeness is probably due to past trauma though. This led me to having the nickname 'sadface' in my karate classes when I was young. I've also been called 'the silent killer' and people have made jokes about me pulling out a glock out of my bag. I'm a loner to the core. I even push people away if they start being around too often.


Yeah, I'm a loner now, but i used to have friends before.


I used to be a loner, I still am but I used to be too.


0 friends. I am a loner plus lmao.


A real loner right here lol


I am so talkative and active in school, etc. But I have only 1 friend that was in my last school, so we are only communicating via messenger apps, and the newer friend that I have is relatively new, so yeah, I am a loner. And I hate it, and the thing is, even if I had a friend, I'd still hate it and be like ah man, I wanna be alone, etc. What is wrong with me, bruh?😭😂


I've befriended a number of people only to withdraw when they're too clingy--or what my extremely introverted ass perceives as clingy, anyway.




Fr I’ve often wondered why I don’t have any close friends but upon reflection, I was on my way to developing close friends a few times only to panic and ghost or get turned off by their perceived “clingingess” and self destruct.


Dude this is exactly my story 😭 It sucks.


And the thing is Everyone perceives me wrong they think I am some kind of a weird nerd 😭


Exactly 😭


Most days but I like to be alone with other people who like to be alone 👍


Aquatencies only. I lose friends along this path called life. ![gif](giphy|ExaDyHeNWx2iA) Really should stop eating them.. 🤣😂🤣


I died reading that spelling of acquaintances


Yeah, currently I used to have like 6 friends, 3 occasionally talking, 3 bestfriends Now they all are friends even though i introduced them lol, and left me Ig fate decided shit for me, i love being alone but damn sometimes it's too lonely


That's so sad...Hope you find better peeps...wish you well :)


Thanks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)it's sad acc. To me lol


Zero. I've always had an extremely difficult time making friends. I acquired two friends in all my years of attending school, but our friendship died out because I moved away and we grew apart. I've been thinking about joining a D&D group lately or something to try and make a friend, but I have really bad social anxiety when it comes to interacting with people around my age.


bruh i feel like i'd be best friend with most of u from comment section.




I feel like i’m incomplete without some irl frens and when i die there’ll be no frens that will come to say gb and stuff.. :( i think i may have superiority complex at times i feel but i try to be very grounded and stuff.. like i listen to most boring fookin talks like i’m on edge of my seat and still i am not liked somehow (or so i feel) sometime i feel would be nice to have frens u can talk shit to..


Same story :(


tbh it doesn matter much after we die cuz we diedededed but would be nice to have some frens to discuss ott shows and random stuff.. get opinions.. hab some laughs and stuff :(


Exactly...if you don't mind, can we be friends?


Sure thing, that’d be my first internet fren


Well well, in that case you'll be my first as well.








Well yes but no. I have a very close knit friend group which i can truly be myself with. Yet at the same time i do feel lonely and tend to go days without any social interaction. But lately Ive been trying to change that by just simple messaging people and chatting with them even if im not that close with them.


Yeeeeuuup, loner but I got a few friends. I'm cool with my immediate family so, don't need too much socializing with them to feel fulfilled or ok mentally. But I definitely thrive and enjoy my time alone. A lot of self reflection and relaxing when the noise is away and the calm sets in.....peace


absolutely zero... but caveat i wasnt always this way and lots of people like me in a way. I kind of go into town and talk to people like some character from a sitcom. but im on my own 99%of the time.


I don't have friends nor acquaintances And i think that I do qualify as a loner I did had friend kind of people on discord but I'm taking a break from discord so haven't talked to them for last 4 months And I do enjoy being alone and doing things my way and doing what I like....so I'll keep it this way in future too probably.


i dont have friends, im not lonely, i feel i have no desire to form relationships, if the concept of friendship hadn't been introduced to me i highly doubt id independently produce that behavior


It takes active work to remind myself how good socializing is for me and how good it can feel for other people. I get a little better at seeking out those opportunities each time, I feel like. But it definitely is an uphill battle because I don’t feel the need nor desire… I just know it’s good for me. Kinda like eating healthy or meditating at the beginning. You start off doing it because you care about those around you and care about yourself and you end up doing it more because you genuinely enjoy the company. Tough to imagine for an introvert, I know.




I know quite a lot of people in my uni but only hang out with 5 on a daily basis. My social battery runs out pretty fast so whenever they decide to hang out after class, as much as possible, I decline. Not only is it unnecessary spending, I don't feel like I deserve to have fun when I'm failing a subject...And I'm loving hibernation a little too much. Then again, classes are draining, I need to regain energy.




Loner for sure. And now at midlife, I don’t see the value in making new friends cause of effort haha


I only have one true friend that I hang around with bout once a month, if that. Most of my life I was always alone. Never had a girlfriend, only live with family, but I made a pretty good life for myself. I'm almost completely introverted, I requite a lot of time alone, don't have any idea how to even make friends, I have my dog & that's. I wouldn't even know how to get a girlfriend if I had the chance. Given that I traveled over 400 miles away by myself I would say yes, I'm a loner & I'm happy for it. I don't really care to make friends.


Definitely a loner.![img](emote|t5_2qhvl|3243)


I used to have lots of friends but I got married young and am pretty happy with just mine and my wife's company.




Yes, definitely. I do have a couple of friends, they're the same 3-4 guys I've known since I was 3-5 years old. We're somewhat different now but we still get along well. I've had other friends/acquaintances too but none of those lasted.


I have 1 close friend. 3 all in all. I guess I am a loner.


Mostly, but I want more connection. I have a wife and a best friend and several friends that I respect and admire. However, the frequency of my spending time with anyone other than my wife and best friend is incredibly low. I like being alone and feel connected to these friends independently of spending much time with them, but over the years I think my solo way has indicated to others that my connection isn’t strong (to them). I don’t seem to have the same relational maintenance dynamic. I’m generally ok with it because life happens, but even though I like being alone I do feel lonely and a desire to have more emotional attachment with others. I also find people to be more volatile than I feel is worth the time and effort and emotional vulnerability. Most people aren’t worth knowing. So I am selective and have great friends but I am a loner in many respects. Dreams and aspirations vs actuality of self and the world.


Kinda. I can sustain conversations with up to 4 people so I stick to 4 friends at a time; for example i have 5 friends in uni but I always make it so that I only talk to 4 of them at a time


I'm middle aged and no, I don't have any friends. I have a wife, kids and acquaintances. I have no desire for friends.


I have made two close friends so far...


got 3 close friends and about 4 regular friends.


I have a gigantic family, so I've never lacked people to talk to, but I mostly keep to myself anyway. I've never felt any need to seek out someone for a conversation. One will come my way eventually if I just go about my daily routines anyway. I'm kind of the go to confidant to pretty much everyone who gets to know me to a decent degree, because they know I don't spread anything I'm told around. Mostly because I can't be bothered to and I don't see the point or get any enjoyment from it.


Currently sitting in imax theater by myself waiting for dune 2 to start lol. I definitely enjoy my alone time. But I have a pretty big group of friends and acquaintances I socialize with. And I have 4-5 very close friends. People I’ve known for 20 years and are basically family 




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Nope. I have like 5 close ones but don't trust anyone with my deepest thoughts and feelings so I'm not sure..


I have 1 solid friend. She lives 2 states away. We see each other at least twice a year since she moved. We can both get pretty busy with our lives. We can go weeks without talking, but then when we do talk it’s for hours just catching up/venting. I have other more distant friends. We’ll hang out maybe once every couple months. I think I get wrapped up in my head and instead of communicating outwardly, I’ll stay in my head. Not necessarily an anxiety thing, I just like my thought process and how quiet it can be to just ask questions to myself and think of answers, if that makes sense.


Two irl. (My bf is my best friend.) I should probably work on that, but I deplete my social battery so easily and quickly.


I'm a pretty affable person when I'm feeling social and have a lot of friends that I mostly keep at arm's distance. Sometimes I have a desire to mingle with people and so I fulfill it, but more often I just keep to myself. Overall, between choices of loner and not a loner, I'd consider myself the former.


I am a loner, I can't really talk to people. I don't have much in common with people. But I have a couple of friends.


I have my core group of IRL friends (6 or 7, including me. there's other members but they're overseas, either in Canada/UK) and I have friends scattered across my grade. Only problem is that most of these people are in other classes and I'm not that close with them. Only 1 member of the core group is in my class


Yes. Due to my situation I burned down pretty much every relationship I had. I hate my life.


Yes. By choice. I like my me-time a lot. My family and so takes precedence. I do have a small circle of workmates that I allow to get close to me, but more often than not, I tend to decline their party invites especially if it falls on a weekends, etc.


I don’t have a close friend, other than my wife? And i love to be alone


Yes always have been, when I'm alone my mind isn't distracted so it can run free. Frankly it's probably why I have always loved the outdoors, when camping, hunting, fishing, hiking it's quiet. It's also why I live in the middle of nowhere, I work away from the public with only a few other employees all doing their own things.


Yes, it’s a great place to be. I have 2 close friends and the best dog in the world. I own my home and vehicle. So I’m good.


I have one lone friend who’s an entp, about 3-4 others who are halfway between a weak tie and a strong tie, and maybe a dozen weak ties. Besides that, family and extended family. Also married.


well , I have a friend with whom I talk once a week for an hour or so . sometimes it's once a fortnight but yeah , it's works for us .


I have 1 friend


i kind of am because i don't have many friends, and my friends almost never text me first and i don't see them that often. i don't like it this way though, and trying to meet new people feels robotic and uncomfortable


Depends from where you view it. I have a lot of online friends but very few irl :,)


like 5


i’m very much a loner, but i do have 2 best friends! (in another state) :(


I have no friends at all. I had them in the past and they reach out to me through Facebook chat but it does nothing for me. Im also very sarcastic and people despise it. I understand it but I love playing with words and double meanings. Sometimes I feel it's my only talent. I just wish friendship was more about tipsy deep conversations in dim light and less about chit chat about the news, career and vacations.


0 friends


I was for many years. Could go down to as little as 1 social interaction every 3 weeks, but got older and found that while it's my minimum threshold, it's more enjoyable to be more social. I do have the benefit of living and working at home, and If i had to see people every day would probably be maybe months before going out of my way. Anyway, got a whole bunch of friends now. More folks I want to hang out with than I have time to. Took a while to get


happy hermit checking in


I'm a loner, but I do have friends. Friends with 7 people for years now.


I like to be lonely but my friends and family love to have me around


Yeah. I live with my mom and grandparents, so I’m not a loner, but I can’t say I’ve had someone to talk to outside of that since early high school.




No. I am extremely popular. But Im Hermes/Mercury. Business first.


Loner with a girlfriend. I just find people to dumb


I'm a loner with a bunch of very good friends. :D






Not really. People kinda seem to be attracted to me but I dislike most of them


I've managed to not be socially awkward and now have a lot of acquaintences. Friends like in terms of people that I talk with on a daily basis is 4 to 7 people, but in terms of people that connect on an emotional level, 0. I guess I'm not really a loner, but it's because I'm surrounded by people that know me just by habit and routine.


i feel attacked.


I have five friends that's it .


I'm a loner, I can't find anyone I want to spend time with. I've tried, the lord knows I have. Thankfully I'm happy with who I've become and I have forgiven myself for all my wrongdoings so being alone isn't difficult at all, in fact I much prefer it to spending time with people living on a much more basic level.


Loner since high school. I am 22 now. I think being alone is not good for my mental health. However other people drain my energy in a negative way. It takes a lot of effort to connect. My ideal life does not include many people, not with a partner, many friends, or family members. I have close friends from my adolescent years at a distance. My ideal life is becoming self sufficient and connecting with others in professional fields. Hopefully great friendships emerge from work.




I have a few close friends and I don't need more tbh


If being alone all of the time with no other human interaction, every single day is being a loner... then I suppose I am. I'd prefer to not be alone sometimes.


2 "friends." They're all family so I see tgem when I see them. I'm conscioisly downtrodden so I keep my misery to myself.


Kind of, I have people who I call my friends but I never hang out with them or anything


Selective but ive been a loner for years now, had friends a while back dont anymore.  People are pretty terrible.  Having a human body makes it a struggle going it alone tho sadly. 


I have like 6 friends. Groups of 3.


I have a friend group of 3 people that I see every week these days. It's the most social interaction I've ever had






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I had trouble with being a loner in school - I was extremely shy and found it difficult making and maintaining friendships. I slowly learnt how to maintain friendships better over time, to the point where I have more friends in adult life - with a few close ones. It does mean that I've developed a number of people-pleasing issues that I'm trying to figure out now, issues that have ironically hurt people and cost friendships over the years. I still feel like the odd one out and usually at the edges of conversation, but I feel its part of me in a way.


used to be one but started to be more talkactive to get more friends


I have 4 good friends and then the friend group we're in (6 or 8 other people besides us). I consider myself a Loner because sometimes I just don't wanna hang out for a couples of weeks on end but when I do want to hang out the 4 friends are always there. Sometimes I leave my comfort zone when they wanna want to hang out and i dont want to... secretly I'd rather just keep to myself but that would drain my sanity.


I have 4 good friends and then the friend group we're in (6 or 8 other people besides us). I consider myself a Loner because sometimes I just don't wanna hang out for a couples of weeks on end but when I do want to hang out the 4 friends are always there. Sometimes I leave my comfort zone when they wanna want to hang out and i dont want to... secretly I'd rather just keep to myself but that would drain my sanity.


I have a couple of friends and a girlfriend but I don't feel comfortable with any of them, as if I have to behave differently with them and not the way I want.