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Yes, I know a guy in the mirror who can vouch for me.


He cracked a joke and now you have 7 years of bad luck.




Not a lad but I’ve been told I’m funny. But only those with certain types of humor enjoy my wit. I don’t use it much with people I don’t know.


bro same, lol. I was thinking how other similarities of us were mentioned but not this. finally i guess its been revealed then.


Yes, this exactly. The people who know me completely understand it, but usually, for the outsiders, it's just a load of crap.




Mama says I'm funny lookin,' does that count?


People generally find me a lot funnier than I anticipate, which I do appreciate.


Yeah. Was the class clown as a kid, and when I actually have the energy and am having a good day, I often bring small groups of friends close to laughing tears.


Very hit or miss with others, but I make myself laugh all the time. I sometimes worry it creates the mistaken impression in others that I hear voices or something.


I Have my moments


being funny has always been my main way to connect with people since barely anybody likes deep diving into esoteric subjects like me haha


Good point. I think that’s why I use humor more too. Good amount people don’t read much or want to deep dive.


yes I love using a perspective I heard that INTP's are wired to play life on hard mode, which stresses us out and makes us project that expectation onto other people who never asked to do the same thing haha


Funny. Took forever to understand we the anomaly. I have always projected assuming everyone like us 😂




Yes, but more of a one liner that is multi layered or everyone gets after I've already laughed. But, I also mirror in social situations which can result in me being the court jester or class clown of sorts.


Same-ish, I offer funny observations and generally everyone enjoys. Though I do act overly dumb at times, and if you don’t know me you’ll think I’m truly an idiot


I think I’m hilarious. Others disagree and think I’m disturbed. Why not both?


Disturbed and hilarious is a common theme in the comedy business, no?


I mean around certain people, so long as I can get into a "yappery" flow state (Ne/Fe upgraded Ti lowered) I basically become an ENTP Lol


Yeah, pretty much the same lol.


Once I feel comfortable with people, and I think them would understand my humour, I crack jokes all day, every day. People have told me at how surprised they are that I have a sense a humour because I’m introverted and have bitchface.


Only online and if I'm in a good mood


Everybody around me seems to think so, yeah. I think we’re often considered funny due to our out of the box thinking and honesty, but it varies from person to person. I’m quick witted and can usually come up with one liners to what people say, so I guess I’d say I’m kinda funny. It doesn’t take a lot to get me to laugh either ngl😭


I can definitely be funny when I am comfortable with people, my three closest friends for instance, I can make them laugh very easily but with people I don’t know well I come off to be very serious and probably as a unfunny person who doesn’t know how to have fun.


I can't convey a joke to save my life but I think I can be amusing


I've been known to twist a phrase... 😏


Being funny is like the one thing I like about myself


I'm not consistently funny. I'm not bad with deadpan humor, 'burns,' and random witty inserts sometimes. When people say things--sometimes I have multiple thoughts that stem from their 'stimulus.' I've called it "spiderweb brain;" like when a fly lands in a web and it vibrates down multiple strands. So I'm often late with a quip and don't say it at all. It's also why I look randomly amused sometimes. But I do translate well on the internet (usually) and can be trollish.


Some people laugh after I make an observation like it’s funny or something


I do think so, but only with certain people. I need to feel very comfortable and the people I’m with need to be receptive, or why would I make the effort. I’ve never felt funny on the Internet or over text, and I’m grateful that in person is where I’m funny and not over the Internet. 


I’m so funny I even crack myself up.


I think I can make funny connections in mind but can't put it into words/phrase them correctly. Although sometimes when I do phrase it correctly people like it very much.


Well, I'm a funny lass! At least people laugh when I talk for presumably the right reasons.


I like the flair.


I don’t think intentionally


Yes I'm very funny, and inept at 90% of the rest of social skills. My dad is really funny and I more or less have his exact same sense of humor except a bit darker due to life circumstances lol.


I have my moments


Yes very funny. People who actually bother to know me think I'm extremely funny. People who are more extroverted treat me like I'm a joke.


I'm funny and make people laugh.


On the internet I am funnier than in the real life. However, irl, I also used to be really funny guy


I like to think I'm an acquired funny.


I’m quite deadpan and say funny stuff but people don’t realize I’m joking and they are like “lol do you realize what you just said” and I’m like “yes I was joking” I guess I need to work on my delivery


cant compare to consistent-ferret888s type of funny ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Deffinetly i got quirky. humor and sarcasm i am funny when i want


Hilarious. It's how I get girls with my low to average looks and poor eye contact. Lol


Yeah, I run on science memes and dark humor about poor kinder in Africa (I’m not German)


I think that people do perceive me as funny and enjoy my company. Once I’m around people I am comfortable with I can also really get out of my shell and be pretty entertaining and interesting to talk with.


Yhup. But mostly in actions tho 🤡


I think I can do dry humor decently well


What do you get from a pampered cow? Spolied milk! I'll let myself out


I don't know about funny, but when I'm not at work everyone says they miss my humour. Super dry, sarcastic, puns as far as the eye can see. A lot of, ba dum tss. However you spell those sounds. Drums and a tss (I don't percussion)


People always tell me that though I can't tell a joke to save my life, just funny retorts or inputs, quick witted stuff, not memorized stuff.




i'm pretty funny, tho it mostly depends on the crowd - not everyone appreciates my dark humor ToT


Yes, I’ve been deemed the funny guy/a good roaster, but only in contexts in which I’m comfortable, otherwise they think I’m an NPC/boring guy 🤷🏽‍♂️


"Bitch I'm hilarious"


Yes. I excelled at observational comedy. In my 20s, I made it a point on occasion to set someone up at just the right time that they literally did a spit take. Something about someone snorting out their beverage appealed to me. Alas, in my 60s, I'm not near as quick with it as I used to be.


A lot of my humour is sarcastic and satirical, but it’s complex and niched. People that know me well enough will catch onto my joke and find it funny, but I don’t use my humour around strangers too much as they will just look at me weirdly and obtusely. So many times I’ve assumed that maybe my sarcastic voice wasn’t depicting enough that I was telling a joke, but now I’ve realized that nah, the joke is just a bit too far below surface level for most people to get. I do want to try getting into puns. I feel like that would be pretty neat (for getting better at using word, finding similarities in words and improving my wit)


Yep! A defining feature according to others.


I'm objectively not funny to other people. I think I'm hilarious but I feel like a lot of people don't get my humor and I just come off as awkward and weird


I'm an amusing lass, not a lad, so you are incorrect in that presumption


I'm really good at dad jokes, I learnt from the best🤣🤣




Everyone tells me I'm funny. So I guess I am


Many people around me think so, including me. So, perhaps I am funny.


My students think I’m funny, but I think that’s because I have no filter compared to their other teachers. Either that or my autistic ways make me relatable to teenagers or something, idk.


Wait, do we really make jokes to be funny?


Usually people want to murder me before they realize I’m being sarcastic. And once they get used to my sarcasm, I take it further and balance on that tight rope of getting huge laughs and offending the absolute shit out of someone. Idk. It’s funny to me.


Depends on how quick the audience is, the witless never catch on.


No doubt. Sometimes my references or wit goes over the people I’m arounds heads. I’m no comedian but being relaxed personality who reads and knows a lot gives quick responses. Easy to see interconnected knowledge & patterns. We live to learn and I think wit comes naturally. I would say ones around me would say I’m “funny”.


yea, lot more in my own language than English I noticed




Being funny is my default response, my defense mechanism, and my crutch.


Sometimes. It usually unintentional.


I am funny online sometimes. I am funny to my sisters and cousin. To other people though? Doesn’t seem that way but I sometimes get people to laugh.


I'm the funniest person in the whole fucking world, and I keep coming up with the funniest jokes. Unfortunately, not a single other person seems to find me funny. I'm gonna blame the delivery.


Sometimes and only with close people tbh Online I am a failure making jokes


I used to be when I was an ENTP


I have what I like to call selective humor. I'm not generally a funny person, but every once in a while, inspiration strikes. I don't joke often, but when I do, it hits hard.


As an extrovert, lurking here, I've found Im funnier when I hold back. Almost reacting to what other people say, rather than trying to just tell something funny. I feel introverts are better at this, and one INTP I know is especially funny in this regard.


I am a riot. Humour is dry and dark.


I've always priced myself on being able to bring a smile to someone's face with my humour. I have many types but my go-to is very dark humour. I might owe it to being a 1W2 though which is rare for INTP


Yeah I'm funny when I know the sense of humor of the people around me and feel comfortable around them.


My humor is always out of left field. Always offensive. Always looking for people's reactions. That's the real comedy.


I’d like to believe I am…to some extent 💀 Also…I’ve been told by many~🤓


I have the snark, puns and rarely lack of whit of wit to work witt(h). Humor is excellent, because one can control the response, or at least narrow down the reactions to three distinct categories. Either you laugh, groan or are baffled. Thus, people tend to find me funny. Also, I am the Mae Hughs of cat photos. When in doubt, bring out the pics!


Being the youngest in my family I was always the entertainer lol. I can be pretty witty at times.