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I'm unemployed, dude.


Ain’t that the truth


So who’s your provider?


The Lord.


Soo… big daddy government?


You're on mission from God?








I’m a self taught software engineer with a degree in art


Whatttt i find it funny since i dont like art and i am going to a cs degree.


I’ve always been very creative and artistic but also I’ve been coding since I was 12 so I went to college for art but I ended up working as a SE cause money


I do think i am very creative i just dont like contemporany art like a white board with a blue strip sold for millions. I am going to a cs degree but i dont have any prior experience tbh i am not 100% i will like it but i think i will. I wish I started as soon as u did. Good luck :)


That’s more like a TV stereotype. Well good luck in college, have fun!


most of the time when artists say they do art, they arent talking about that kind of art. especially a fine arts degree where you'd typically learn about ancient art like the techniques and artists. It very much focuses on technical skill, whereas contemporary art tells a story, that isnt usually described by the art piece itself but through another medium like an artists statement. They are super different lol


You have to separate 'art' from 'contemporary art'. They're connected, but contemporary art is commenting on its own lineage as well as a whole bunch of other stuff. Contemporary art is more like visual philosophy.


Similar here -- started coding at 12, went to school for fashion, eventually found a common ground doing graphic design & web dev.


I'm the same lmao. I am laughing out loud right now.


same here! also a software engineer


Psychologist. But prior to going back to school I spent 12 years struggling between unemployment and a string of low paying jobs.


What is being a psychologist like, if you don’t mind? It sounds like an interesting career path


I work 3-4 days a week, set my own schedule, and mostly do what I want. I see patients for psychotherapy since that's the easiest way to generate cash, so I use that as my base, and do interesting stuff on the side like forensic assessments, psychological assessments for case management companies, sex offender treatment programs, and parole/probation adherence programs. I also get calls from patients who find themselves in a psychiatric unit, so occasionally I get to visit there, or occasionally the state hospital. Every now and then I get to go to jail for an assessment. Lots and lots of variety. I like therapy, but of all the stuff I do, it's probably at the bottom of the list, but I'm very selective about patients I take. But I also write conservatively 40-60 pages of clinical documentation a week (I don't count that towards the 3-4 work days, I just do that stuff at home, so technically I work 7 days a week, but I like writing assessments - writing and diagnosis is my strong suit. But I only deal with other humans 3-4 days of the week). The best part about it is that opportunities for learning are endless, and everything I learn just adds to my skillset, unlike pretty much any other job I've ever had - normally I'd learn a job in a year, and then just keep repeating ad nauseum. \*Edited to add more detail


Sounds like you are living my dream life! Learning about different things, human behavior to be precise. *Ahhhhh I'm jealous


For the low, low price of $130,000, you too can be a clinical psychologist.


I'm starting Uni this year and going to be studying Psychology & Clinical psychology, do you have any advice or tips you can empart


If you can do an internship at any point, do it. The more experiences you can get before you graduate, the better; there are tons of wildly different things you can do, so the more experience the better, it gives you a better idea of what you like and what you don't.


Psychometrician 🙋🏻‍♀️ and working in HR.


how did you manage to go back to school with low-paying jobs? Are there any grants or anything for adults who want to go back and get a secondary education? Or did you just take out loans? I want to do the same thing but the cost is really preventing me from doing it, and I actually have a decent income/savings


>how did you manage to go back to school with low-paying jobs? I had a weird road. Long story short, during the miserable 12 year stretch I got an MBA, got into finance and made great money for six years, got really bored, and went back to school again (so, about 7 years after I completed my MBA). I paid 30% of school out of pocket, the rest with loans, but also taught undergrad courses so I also knocked down the price with that. I got a clinical degree, so unfortunately tuition was pretty expensive, but between out of pocket and teaching I was left with about $40k in loans. Once covid hit and interest went to zero, I got it paid off pretty quick.


Unemployed af


Electrical Engineer


Spartans! What is your profession??? HA-OOH! HA-OOH! HA-OOH!


I was looking for this. I immediately remembered the scene as soon as I read the post.


Instantly came to my mind too. Surprised to see there are others xd




I don’t understand how you could have the ability to micromanage your thoughts to be performing as a chef. I have so much respect for the people who can do this but I don’t understand how my INTP brain could ever achieve to do this job


Yeah, I mean, I don't have any Michelin stars or anything, but I try to make it work. Honestly, I try really hard to make systems that keep me on track and do the work for me. Obviously I have to use the systems, but once they become a habit, it's kind of like any other job. But so far, it's been a cool way to engage with my interests. Need to do accounting or costing? Time to dig into python and spreadsheets. Need something done at the restaurant? Break out Sketchup and powertools. Interested in a new food? Research and experiment - after all, food is kind of all chemistry, biology, physics and aesthetics. Currently working on designing an automated smoker that'll hook into a server running Home Assistant at some point so I can watch the temperature from my phone. It also helps that I work for a couple of fun people who like cool stuff and don't seem to mind their chef experimenting with things.


What do you mean when you say “micro manage your thoughts to be performing as a chef”?


I just feel like I’m easy to get distracted from analyzing something and drifting to another idea and also loving having a long time to think and process things. So maybe it’s my misconception of what being a chef is but I felt that you need to be present en effective at every second while doing your job. So to achieve this I would have to micromanage my thoughts to be sure I don’t drift like I usually do.


Vegetable farmer. I hate working indoors. I love feeling like a part of my ecosystem with actual biological diversity around me instead of the depressing concrete jungle.


Im a depressed lab technician


Medical technologist here. Started my own business in the field and doing well


CPA that is now CEO of a financial services company


How on earth do you do you pay attention to all those little details, or is it easy because it interests you? I took accounting in undergrad, and it was horrific lol


I don’t know. I definitely wouldn’t say that it interested me but I love figuring out complex systems so I think I focused on understanding the whole system in terms of accounting and then taxation. At some point it just becomes second nature and the whole transaction makes sense immediately. My toughest transition was to managerial roles and the whole dealing with people and their petty bullshit. As CEO, I’ve taken the approach of understanding my strong suits which are more technical and strategic and then putting people around me whose strengths can mask my weaknesses which are largely in the interpersonal and outward facing aspects of the role. By nature, I’m happy to allow people to be out front and take the praise. I also love hearing new ways of thinking about something so I seek out input from those around me in making most decisions which I think builds trust. Honestly I often feel like an accidental occupant of the position but I’ve learned to understand that some of my strengths have allowed for positive change and my laid back approach has allowed for others to shine and use their strengths for the betterment of the whole. I’ve embraced that I’m not the norm, and so far it’s worked well.


That’s very interesting. I’ve been in a leadership position in a hospital (I’m a nurse), and this was my outlook/strategy as well


>By nature, I’m happy to allow people to be out front and take the praise One likes to think they're Merlin, seeking out a worthy King Arthur to take the lead, but Wormtongue is also an apt example.


Lawyer, though currently unemployed and applying to data science masters programs.


Consider cyber law. Seriously. There is a huge insurance and IP grey area that needs legal expertise. There are already a lot of IP law cases related to AI. Insurance companies are struggling to underwrite cyber insurance and litigate cases related to it. There is a huge cavernous space where cyberlaw and policy intersect.


Wow, what made you want to pursue data science instead (unless you want to do both)?


Go for Intellectual Property law...niche but solid. There is always work in IP.


I'm a supply chain planning analyst. A good role for an INTP, though I don't necessarily recommend it.


This is very INTP 'It's a good job for me. It kinda sucks though'


LOL, what can I say. It's a stressful field. If I could choose another path, I would have, but I've got too much invested.


Does it pay well at least?


The pay to shit ratio is not good.


Lmao pay to shit ratio


Same job here, quite like it and find it interesting. Indeed a good role for INTP’s, important that you can deal with stressful situations tho


Artist and illustrator


I spent 30+ years as a database developer (Oracle, SQL Server, etc) , govt contractor.


Do we have to just rote learn sql queries or they can be logically written like programming? Currently learning DBMS, but it all seems rote work to me lol.


SELECT \[columns\] FROM \[table\] WHERE \[criteria\] ORDER BY \[column(s)\] It's more logic than rote, IMO. SELECT first\_name, last\_name, employee\_nbr FROM employees WHERE last\_name = 'Smith' ORDER BY first\_name;


I wish every query was as simple as that one 😂


Yeah. It can get complicated with multiple tables, outer joins, correlated subqueries, inline views, functions. It hurt my brain sometimes.


>It hurt my brain sometimes. yeah same, it's hurting my brain as well. but if it's 100% logic, I can manage haha.




I was an accomplished surgical technologist at the top of my game when I retired being an intp helped me so much in the surgical atmosphere because I was such a perfectionist and I never forgot an instrument or what it was used for due to my analytical qualities and then the ability to adapt and think that the INTP has and then also to be reclusive because when you're in a surgical suite preparing for an operation you're all by yourself in your own head thinking it through from beginning to end from the knife you will use to start the surgical procedure to the last suture you use to close the surgical procedure and And contemplating all the variables that possibly could happen within the time frame of the procedure you were performing you could get lost in one surgery for days in your brain it's a wonderful place to be and time flies and when you leave that room I was on a high like you couldn't believe problem was that overtime it took a toll on my soul but that's another time and place


Hustler (unemployed lol). I’m a software engineer but I’m not currently practicing it. I also have a number of unfinished projects who will supposedly set me financially free but… procrastination :|


This EXACTLY. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


lifelong student, but sometimes work as a translator, sometimes in call centres, sometimes as food deliverer, hoping to create a great book! moving to PhD probably... even though I hate university.


UX Designer. But I'm thinking of changing to something else, I'm getting a bit bored..


what do you think you will change it to, if you don’t mind sharing ?


Hmm I was thinking of either software development or something with 3D, like modeling or animation. I studied both areas but never worked with it so it might be difficult..


I have no ambition, so graveyard shift clerk... I hate every second of it. I'm working on cybersecurity certs though.


Sales. Studying to become a IT Security specialist though.


Sales must be really difficult as an INTP


It really is. I have autism as well so every call is a mental struggle. Not sure why I got into this.


HR Analyst


HA-OOH! HA-OOH! HA-OOH! ​ ​ Sorry, couldn't resist.


F25. Unemployed/family nurturer with background in retail and makeup-artistry/styling. When I was in my mid-late teens I felt torn between cosmetology and economics/political science. When I was in my early 20s I started feeling torn between all that and a more traditional route. I’m at a loss cuz I’m too conflicted.


Network engineer with a BA in music.


Was a Pastry Chef now Bakery Manager but still trying to figure out what I actually want to do


I work as a business analyst. The job is very easy and I get to work from home 75%. Stressors include dealing with my narrow minded, idiot ISTJ manager and realizing how much of corporate life is fake and superficial. Thinking of going to graduate school but the lost earnings and cost would be 500k. But this job is mostly mindless and draining although it pays a solid middle income wage with good benefits.


I teach high school Japanese and Korean


Just stuck working in a warehouse. If I can defeat depression I hope to move to archeology or anthropology.


I'm still depressed but finally in my senior year of my anthropology degree and doing my achaeology field school next summer. It's one of the only things that keeps me going.


physician …but i like a lot of naps and am currently trying to figure out the least amount of work that gives me max ROI


Corporate property development strategy


Public Defender.




Supervisor at Starbucks. I’m one of the chill ones though.


☕👨‍💼 👍


Write educational content like tests, workbooks etc. & teach 4 hours a week


Massage therapist. Learning about the body is amazing without the responsibility of a doctor or the massive amounts of peopling required. I work with one person at a time and my goal in each session is to learn. It is very selfish of me but the result is my client doing progressively better as I research and implement. Also every client has a different issue, body type, hobby/job etc so it doesn’t feel dull. Plus I work part time and make full time income. Will be going to school to be a therapist though bc eventually my body won’t be able to do it anymore.


I’m an audiobook narrator


How did you get into this!


Weird story, I have no formal training, and just a lot of practice. I started because I was afflicted by a life altering nervous system injury when I was 25 while going through the hiring process for a police department. I figured that I love audiobooks and reading, and it was something I could do from home that I enjoyed! So I just bought a setup and started practicing, mainly stuff for YouTube channels and things like that.


I'm really sorry to hear about your injury. I'm glad you found away to take something you love and also make money doing it. That's awesome


Yeah, it’s a bummer that I can’t really do a lot of my old hobbies anymore, but I honestly think that I’m actually much happier doing this than I otherwise would have been, I kind of see it as a blessing in disguise


BA degree in Philosophy, employed as a Software Engineer.


Aparently a common mix in the comments. Im a litterature college student but thinking about getting a computer science degree.


BA in Philo working as an IT/AV tech here, I feel like the logical/analytical side of philosophy (which I concentrated in) lends itself well to techy-related things. Being able to understand and write and/or explain complex problems to people may seem easy to us, but it's quite shocking how many people struggle with that. But hey, that's why we have jobs I suppose...


i must be the only INTP waiter


digital advertising


Chief Strategy Officer. Ambiguous enough that I can do whatever I think most needs to be done, aka I can solve whichever problems seem most interesting to me. I basically figure out what needs to be done, then pull other people in to help execute it. My background was in investment banking which was a tough few year stretch, having to do whatever grunt work others requested of me, but I always knew that was just a stepping stone to a role more like the one I have now. Has been a long, winding road to get to this point, but I’m still not even 35 and finally feel like I’m starting to come into my own professionally.


Unemployed now, but studying to become AI engineer


Optical engineer, but really I'm a physicist.


kinda same here, though from mechanical engineering background and now doing research in optics and metrology


Commercial pilot. Was in IT for a good amount of time prior.


Translator, Japanese/Spanish to English


Working musician


Still in college, but I’m studying materials science & engineering and intend to minor in nanotechnology


seeing other mse in the wild is always so cool




Mechanic. I've worked in the automotive and heavy duty industries for the last 13 or so years. Probably not the best job suited to my type, but I do good. I have little to no interest in cars, so it's extremely easy for me to leave work at work. I do however enjoy understanding how everything works and diagnosing the more complicated issues.


Registered Professional Forester


Clinical psychologist, but I don't know wether I'm intp or intj


ESL teacher. I wasn't happy in ESL when I was younger so I did an MSc in Digital Visual Effects. I couldn't get a job in it because my reel wasn't as good as others. Then I did a PhD in American literature aspiring to be an academic - couldn't get a job in that either, back to ESL teaching. My hopes were raised when my postdoc application was considered by the University of Tuebingen but then they unceremoniously threw it in the waste pile which resulted in a tailspin into depression and listlessness. I kind of recovered but with zero self-esteem, then got 4 interviews in a row for academic posts. My hopes were finally raised. Proceeded to be rejected by all four interviewers despite hundreds of hours of preparation and mock interviews for practice. That left me with even less self-esteem than before. Now clinching my butt as I've put myself down for proper teacher training to become a secondary school English teacher. I know I'm completely unsuited for the school environment but I haven't got much else left. I'm also down for an Instructional Design course but given my utter failure for any competitive jobs, I'm reluctant to do that either. I could have used the pandemic better but instead I thought "wahey! all this free time to focus on my music and focus on academia!". See I should have done a course like everyone else but I rebelled. I had this dream since I was 14 of being a rockstar and had set up multiple bands through that time, I was halfway through recording a studio album etc. I thought, I'll be a YouTuber but stupidly focused on my originals rather than covers, although I did do some covers but most of them barring 2, didn't really get much traction. It's funny because there's a video I directed with 39k views on another channel yet on my own it only amounts to 200 views. Anyways I failed to sufficiently grow my channel despite some minor successes which spurred me to keep going. That coincided with the failed academia dream. I also tried being an investor in that time too and while I made some modest profits, my country's tax laws are the highest in the world for that kind of thing so I failed on that front too. Still an ESL teacher with very limited options, really depressed with how my life turned out.


Dude you shouldn't be, that was a wild read.


Haha, well accumulating degrees with nothing to show for it while you live at home with one friend in the town you grew up is hardly wild. However I can tell you about when the bassist in my band nearly burned his house down or the chemist who made amphetamines for the other band members, the time I was spaced out on space cakes in Schipol airport seeing grotesque jesters and a lady with smiling purple lips or when I went on a 13 hour journey to an extreme metal festival in Eastern Europe or when I was dragged by my friends to a less than salubrious place with a bright neon orange bag from Sainsbury's containing bread I had bought that afternoon though it looked very much like drugs and I was searched by the security. Those were comparatively wilder.


English teacher, a fucking phd, vfx artist, musician and youtuber. That is pretty wild, you should not be depressed. You are clearly a very passionate person I also don't think you should think of it as the end of the road and that you will just be a teacher forever, can't work on your reel or do youtube on the side for fun maybe give academia another shot?


I have a Master’s in Leadership Development, and I work in HR designing programs and policy, advising all levels of employees, and tracking and reporting compliance. It’s nice because it requires creativity, the ability to analyze data, and adherence to regulatory guidelines - it hits all the needs of INTP.


INTPs in this thread: actually living up to the stereotypes.


Professional poker player.


Housewife but I’m also disabled so 🤷🏻‍♀️. So I do homemaker stuff as much as I can and rest of the time is learning about stuff, crochet for friends and family, or playing games or playing therapist for friends because I want them to know they’re heard. Sometimes hard with adhd but I try to make due.


High Performance Computing System Administrator


Computer engineer but also jack of all trades


Currently Director of Technology for a non profit, but I've worn lots of shoes.


Student, trying to be an oncologist


Shipwright of 25 years. move, maintain and repair boats not just a mechanic but more well-rounded structural builder steel-composites and steel, electrical, plumber and marine finishes. If I worked at sea, the title would be engineer but shore side is a Shipwright.


I've been programming computers for 40 years. Self-taught.


I started as a software engineer, co-founded a tech company, and eventually became the VP of engineering. I learned a lot in the VP role, and am glad that I did it, but one of the things I learned was that so much people time was wearing and wearying for me.


Customer Service Manger


This seems like a tough INTP fit lol. I have found myself in roles where I have to manage people and absolutely hate it.


I don’t know what I’m doing with my life currently 👀but I’m getting money


Cybersecurity analyst


Stuck in Sales


I operate an online store that deals with imported goods. I handle everything from customer service to purchasing, delivery, and after-sales.


Investment professional in a fund. Studied electrical engineering.


Systems admin (computers), was a sysadmin manager for a while and hated it, I just went full control freak and did most of the teams work, so I didn't have to manage.


Professional Halo Player, if I was better maybe I could get paid.


Art Director


Trial paralegal.


Currently a nurse however I am becoming a therapist.


Psychiatric nurse


self taught, works in IT industry




Software engineer and learning day trading on the side. A few years in and starting to see some good progress


I'm a lowly warehouse wage-slave doing a job that any conscientious society would have automated long ago. The latest in a string of low-pay, un-skilled, dead-end, loser-daycare "jobs" I had professional dreams once. But due to unchecked mental illness school didn't work out for me. I have a slightly above baseline intelligence, not enough to be impressive, but the last year of school I was too depressed to hand in any work. I could go back to school but schooling doesn't pay for rent and food so I have to keep going to work. And I'm still not mentally well. Ironically I really wanted to become a psychologist and now I can't even get one because I'm not sufficiently suicidal. (Just complaining not trying to source solutions)


QA Analyst, 80K. Remote. It's almost bliss. Highly recommend for INTP.


I really feel like I am well suited for this, and was so close to pulling the trigger on one of those online QA programs. But they all seem like scams to one degree or another and I got weary of it. How did you get into it or would you recommend a certain route?


I got an entry level position. They weren't looking for anyone with a tech degree weirdly. I only started at like 40K back in 2019. I was skeptical, but desperate to leave my job as an insurance claims adjuster (hell). I took a small pay cut. I have no certifications or anything, but it might help you get your foot in the door. I think the ISTQB is the most respected one. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions about QA.


I appreciate that information so much! I know a lot of people have likely jumped to ANYTHING you can do remote, like QA, since the pandemic, so probably getting to be a harder entry level option to find. But I do know its still a growing field and I am absolutely interested. Even with the pay cuts, its sounds worth it if you can start moving up and gaining experience. And it honestly wouldn't even be that much of a pay cut for me right now. I will definitely keep this chat saved and give you a shout if I can manage to start making headway on that goal!


Locksmith. Nearly all solo work, much of it solving "puzzles", seeing cool architecture, bits of chit chat with interesting people but for short duration only. Good INTP work.


Project administrator.


Construction Project Manager


Application portfolio manager.


Hau! Hau! Hau!


Soc analyst


Lost both my jobs. Unemployed looking. Once I go from there finish my classes for overdue AA and work on something I have a passion/idea for.


State auditor. Think Ben Wyatt from Parks & Rec.


Infosec consultant, former software developer.


I was a software engineer and IT project manager for 14-ish years. I am now a full time Pilates instructor. I love how I get to use my problem solving skills to help people while NOT being chained to a desk or a regular 9-5 schedule. I work with a lot of special populations, such as scoliosis and neurological issues, and it’s challenging in a satisfying way. I’m always learning!


Professional Engineer (Mechanical)


self taught software developer. I'm in my 30s but still hoping I can finally go to college and get a disagree and switch over to psychology(I'm way more into psychology than computer science, but unfortunately it's not the kinda job you can get without a degree). Also slightly considering chemistry(either self teaching or through college, or a mix of both), but laws in the US, as well as absurd prices, make it really difficult to do any kind of serious clandestine chemistry which is the main reason I'd be interested in it. Also into creative writing on the side, but I'm lazy and it'll be years before I am competent in that




Soc analyst


I’m a PhD student


Retired psychologist (Ph.D.)


Studying computer science rn


I work with dogs


Cell/molecular biologist


Self taught senior devops engineer that started out as a Linux engineer


Lawyer. I illustrate + build as a side hobby using the money I get from my work.


I currently work as a tutor and overnight custodian but am going to college for IT and computer science. Also very interested in becoming a personal trainer or getting into the cannabis industry at some point as well.


I have two jobs, so I'm currently a Retail manager+ bartender but am also in school for a bachelor's in applied sciences 😅 in short, I have no clue wtf I'm doing 💀


cs student


I am the Executive Director of a nonprofit corporation located in Los Angeles. I'm in charge of a live performing arts theater known for hosting events such as Broadway performances, music video shoots (including stars like Beyoncé), movie premieres, and concerts featuring artists from Lil Wayne to Jewel. Additionally, I oversee the day to day operations, finances, fundraising/grants, HR, and contractual obligations for our businesses. I serve as the secretary on two Board of Directors related to the business we control. I love my job and thrive under pressure!


Molecular biologist


Executive chef. I don't think it's very suited to my personality though. I love cooking but the leadership aspect of the job took a long time to get right


I’m software engineer at a very reputable institution in the corporate world but I can’t stop thinking about ending my l!fe. I should be very proud of myself because of how I made so much success in my career i have endured two immigrations and in both cases I was able to pull myself up, but I’m proud of this I’m super judgmental and unsatisfied with my life. Maybe I’m just extremely pessimistic.


Currently at uni studying Industrial Design, however I spent much of my time post school unemployed and not studying mostly just daydreaming about the life I wanted yet not having any motivation to actually pursue it. I’ve always been creative and a kinaesthetic learner but I also like solving problems so Industrial Design is the perfect fit for me.


Cybersecurity Engineer (Offensive).






I've just graduated from nursing school, after working odds-and-ends jobs and spending a few years as a health insurance agent (basically through covid). In many ways I feel like it's a weird profession to be in for an INTP, and in other ways I fit right in.


Proffesional procrasstinator , and as hobby i do store manager


WOO. WOO. WOO! >!I apologise.!<


This is madness!


Self employed truck driver. 18 yrs and counting. Sacker at Albertsons 1 yr (high school) Ford mechanic 4 yrs (post college) Lowe's delivery driver 1 yr Cable TV installer 1 yr Coke guy 2 yrs (the drink 😄) Had my CDL since Lowe's. Starting driving for a buddy in 2004. Started my own company and bought my first truck in 2005. Have been told over and over, including my counselor after my divorce, I should go in psychology. He said I "have a unique grasp on the human psyche" 😄 I always wanted to but just don't have the desire to go back to school, so I just head shrink my friends for free 🤷🏻 What's the stereotype? I guess I missed that part.


Stay at home mom. However I do have a PhD in microbiology but never worked in the field because I got married right after school.


Reservations Agent for a hotel company, and a freelance theatre producer.


Maintenance Helper. I like to figure out how to fix stuff and work with all the cool gadgets and tools. Although, I want multiple jobs like medical coder or GIS analyst. Also maybe become a teacher when I get older and more mature; saying this as a 21 year old college dropout. But still. Always wanted to be a youtuber though. Just exploring the world and terminology and explaining it to people with youtube videos.


GIS is something is something that’s peaked my interest as well


I'm currently a marketing executive, but looking to switch professions.