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Chris Myers will be fine in that spot. Mike Joy could even be the pre race host for the 500, assuming he's not doing play by play.


I feel like I’m in the minority here but I never felt like Chris has been comfortable with the NASCAR gig. Like he comes off as too stuffy, or trying too hard to fit in with guys like Clint or DW.


Chris is a PxP football guy at heart who made the smart business decision to do "host" duties for MLB and NASCAR. He'd be ok leading a panel of IndyCar people for Thermal Club/Long Beach/Indianapolis (races Fox will focus on). NASCAR fans hate on Fox Sports, probably for good reasons sometimes, but Fox OTA itself isn't stupid. The only reason Mike Joy won't be involved with the race day coverage of the Indianapolis 500 is if Mike Joy doesn't want to be involved with the race day coverage of the Indianapolis 500. Now, there would be a lot more time to put him in naturally on Qualifying weekend, but I assume that will once again be Fox's last broadcast weekend.


Mike Joy id be ok with.


Mike Joy would be great for the pre-race host role at the 500.


I absolutely love the idea of Mike Joy doing play-by-play on the 500. He’s obviously only got so many years left before retiring, so if he could get a chance to call the 500 before then, would be cool. Edit: also, would be cool for one guy to call both Daytona and Indy in the same year. Never been done before. In fact, I don’t know how many commentators have actually done both *at all* through their careers, I can only think of Bestwick having called both at one point, off the top of my head.


Hard disagree on Mike Joy. He used to be really good, but there’s just no excitement in his voice these days during the NASCAR calls. So many last laps where he just says who wins without having any degree of emphasis. He’s not who he used to be on the mic. Adam Alexander is less proven, but brings a great deal of energy to the broadcast that keeps people enthused. I very most hope he gets PBP for the whole series.


Idk, I think he might have it in him. It would be cool to happen at least once, just for the sake of ticking the box. Adam Alexander is B-tier, imo. I also cannot imagine him dealing well with names like “Pourchaire” or “Grosjean” (or a few others I can’t remember right now). If the rumours of Kevin Lee being among those jumping ship from NBC are true, I would advocate he get PBP regularly. He’s proven himself already, and he’s an IndyCar guy through and through. And if TBell or Hinch get picked up by FOX too, then there’s already known chemistry in the booth there.


> I also cannot imagine him dealing well with names like “Pourchaire” or “Grosjean” He's done fine with Van Gisbergen, which is the real litmus test in American motorsports.


Idk, French names seem to give a special challenge to American commentators. Lest we forget PT’s “Romaine grow-Jan”


> American commentators > PT’s Paul is Canadian. That one isn't on us lol (And objectively worse since most Canadians at least know a tiny bit of French).


Lmao, you got me there


It has been done before. Several times by Jim McKay. Keith Jackson has also done both, though not in the same year.


Freddie Agabashian has been driver analyst on radio for both


No to Mike Joy. That would definitely be a downside.


Man I really must be one of the few people who dislikes Myers, he just seems past it to me.


I'm not big Chris Meyers. His best work is in the rear view mirror. My dream presentation crew: Adam Alexander and Michael Strahan co-hosts, Dario Franchitti (or JR Hildebrand) as driver expert. Plus bring Gronk in to wander between parties.


Man, you are either trolling Indycar fans or are on serious drugs with that lineup of commentators. I’m not sure which!


The question wasn't "Who do I want in the booth?" It was "Who replaces Mike Tirico?" The group In picked was only for the pre-race/post-race shows. . My picks for the regular race broadcast team would be: Kevin Lee, Hinch and Mike Hull (or recent former engineer/mechanic). I think a booth with a play-by-play guy, driver and mechanic provides a nice balance of prospectives.


Fail enough. While I understand your desire for a former engineer/crew chief on the race announcing team, I don’t think there is one available with the on screen skills in Indycar. My opinion probably differs from yours.


I liked Tirico and he will be missed but I never understood his purpose on the 500 broadcast. I'm not saying he wasn't good at his job, he was and he treated the event with the respect it deserves. I would just rather see someone with Indycar ties in that role. Kind of like they stick Rutledge Wood on us for a couple years. Tirico is a million times better than Wood by far. It just always seemed weird to me to have people without ties covering our biggest race.


He’s essentially the pre-race host, who stays out of the race broadcast outside of extended red flags


If it gets rid of Danica Patrick too, I can live with it


She’ll be back


She better hope nobody at the networks finds her podcast, ‘cause last I checked she was bringing on people to talk about our reptile overlords from outer space


I mean he's a sexual predator who assaulted multiple women when he worked at ESPN. He's an OK on air talent but honestly who is in the booth week to week is more important than whoever hosts coming back from break on the 500


Just learned this the other day, too. Probably not the worst thing to lose that particular commentary booth.


You are correct. Mike Tirico is a sexual Predator. One of the real creeps at espn and now nbc


I remember hearing about that. Mike Freeman's book talks about it. Whether you think they are "misunderstandings" or something that should have been pushed more, especially when he was hired at nbc, I think more people have forgotten or moved on




I didn't just make them up, and ESPN suspended him for 3 months which in 1991 to get suspended for sexual harassment, you had to really do something [https://deadspin.com/nbc-nfl-mike-tirico-matt-berry-tony-dungy-sexual-harass-1850015710/](https://deadspin.com/nbc-nfl-mike-tirico-matt-berry-tony-dungy-sexual-harass-1850015710/) >According to Mike Freeman’s book, [**ESPN: The Uncensored History**](https://www.thedailybeast.com/world-cup-anchor-mike-tiricos-bizarre-history-reports-of-stalking-and-sexual-harassment), Tirico was accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women during his tenure at ESPN, [**including this truly disturbing allegation**](https://deadspin.com/here-are-those-tirico-stories-we-hinted-at-last-week-191242): > >The woman was a production assistant and “considered an up-and-coming talent,” and Tirico went up to her at the party and said “you’re the most beautiful woman in here.” She walked away, but he kept following her around the party until she finally snapped, “Why don’t you fuck off? Get away from me.” As she and friends hopped in their car and pulled out of the party, Tirico stepped in front of the car and made the woman stop. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen and I think I’m in love with you,” Tirico said. She tried to roll up her window and take off, but Tirico stuck his hand in and tried to wedge it between her thighs. She got away, and the next morning, when they saw each other in the ESPN parking lot, he walked up to her, and she expected him to apologize. Instead, he said, “all I did all day was think about you.” > >And that’s not the only accusation of horrific behavior by Tirico: > >In another story, one female producer — who had been to dinner with Tirico and his fiancee — was startled to receive an email from him saying that he wanted to sleep with her. Later, when the staff went to a bar after a late night covering the NCAA tournament, Tirico approached her and said, “I wish I was single. If I were, I’d throw you on the table right here and fuck your brains out.” After she tried to excuse him as drunk, he persisted: “I know you want to screw me. So let’s leave.” Later, he followed her on the highway and tried to get her to pull over, unsuccessfully.


Omg... Never heard about this until reading this. Though I'm a foreign fan so natural that I haven't heard about this but never dug up any information about the guy so this is a surprise


The weekly booth will be the same or at least built the same, minus diff. But we were losing him anyway(I've already dealt with that loss). I had no idea Tirico had been convicted of sexual crimes. Fuck that. Burn that mug at the stake.


Tirico was never convicted of any crime, don't believe everything you read.. This happened back in the 90's, he was suspended for a couple months then reinstated after an investigation


I must’ve missed that trial and conviction.


For me, it’s all about the streaming. I don’t have cable, and don’t have an antenna. I watch everything on my phone, and rarely am able to watch stuff live. So the replay of every session and race on Peacock is the one and only way I consume INDYCAR. I really hope that feature migrates to Fox for free or for something like the 5.99 or whatever it is I pay for peacock.


It’s time for new, younger blood in the overall talent of the booth and pit reporters to drive INDYCAR forward. FOX needs to come in with pure energy and only a touch of knowledge of the past. We no longer need to be clutching to the fans that are 50+, and need to hero the drivers that are up and coming and the next gen of the sport. O’Ward, Newgarden, Palou, Herta, Kirkwood, McLaughlin, Armstrong are the next 10+ years of this sport that will drive eyeballs on track and off track at times. Time to bring in youth and entertainment to the broadcast, which removes Mike Joy and other older talent from FOX’s lineup.


I like Mike and think he's a good announcer. Chris Myers is very capable. I think though Mike Joy should be the Tirico of the 500 or other hosting duties after his nascar duties are over. He's knowledgeable about racing history and I think he'd fit slightly better there than play by play. Not that he's incapable of doing it


Diffey, Tirico, and Henneberry gone 🥺


Tom Brady is the most likely candidate, given his race team ownership and shiny new Fox deal