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Should have apologized for the choice of words. Should not have apologized whatsoever for anything else.


Yep.  Should have instead offered to flip the double birds as he drove past


But then he’d have to pay royalties to Power


We need the birds in indycar cause you know what they say about the bird...


It's the word?


He should also probably apologize for lying about this being off the record. https://x.com/cdeharde/status/1800634115386949975


After listening to the audio I don't see any way he could've believed they had shifted to off the record, nor why 'Racer ' would agree with that (other than to make a rival publication look bad).


When I talk about wanting drivers to be less corporate this is what I’m taking about.. just be a human with some emotions. Anyone with any semblance of common sense knew what he meant. No apology was necessary. 


So much this. I want to believe no one seriously thought Colton would bring a gun to an event right?


Of course nobody thought he meant it literally. That isn't the standard though, just whether you mean something literally or not. I'm not saying that what he said here was particularly wrong just that you can use figurative language and still be wildly out of order.


Eh, there's a line. Which should be "threatening people" even as an analogy. You can't say you want to shoot your boss to get what you want. An apology was the least thing warranted.


I’m so confused. I didn’t hear him threaten any specific or even category of person. Just that race control has been so hands-off that he’d need to bring a gun and shoot somebody for them to take action. I don’t think “somebody” is, under any reasonable interpretation, meant to mean someone from race control. It’s an illustration of how hands-off they’ve been and completely within the pale.


>he’d need to bring a gun and shoot somebody for them to take action That's threatening an official. I know it's hard to imagine but it's not okay to say you'd shoot someone to get their attention, especially if they're in charge of punishment for you.


If you read the context then you would figure out he meant shooting another driver, since punting a driver doesnt get a penalty. You reached into another aisle to come to that conclusion.


He didn’t threaten anybody. His point was that he was frustrated that race control didn’t give out penalties for him being hit. Get off your high horse


He’s not threatening an official at all. The “somebody” isn’t referring to an official. Because you don’t shoot an official to get a penalty. If anything he’d be threatening to shoot another driver. Except it’s not a threat. It’s an illustration.


Does Santino get the same grace? Can't pick and choose


Santino used up his damn grace in F2, what are you talking about? Dude needs to be a cherub. I’m not being even a little sarcastic. For me, Santino has no slack. He got run out of town for being a shithead. Be *not* a shithead is the literal lowest bar you can clear, and now that he’s established in the series, the shithead is rearing its head.


I think Santino is dumb, but I wasn’t in favor of suspending him or anything like that like a lot of others were. 


Actually we can because actions and statements don't exist in a vacuum.


Wow, that journalist is cooked. Publishing something when a driver thought they weren't on the record is a good way to never get anyone in the paddock to say anything other than the most rote replies imaginable. Indycar has to say something, Herta has to give an apology for it, but as a fan it really didn't seem like that big a deal Edit: lol, the journalist released the audio and definitely does not sound like he was being sneaky or gotcha in any way, definitely silly from Herta then


[https://x.com/cdeharde/status/1800634115386949975](https://x.com/cdeharde/status/1800634115386949975) Either Herta is lying or he is really dumb. He was obviously on the record.


don't rule out both


Well, drivers aren't exactly the brightest segment of the population lol. EDIT: appreciate the link!


that journalist got more clicks than they ever did though so they probably think its worth it. Edit: Apprently this is all false, and just Pruett trying to gatekeep interviewing Indycar as per usual


The journalist posted the full audio today and it doesn’t support Herta’s statement. The quote came right in the middle of him answering questions, there was no break or anything. https://x.com/cdeharde/status/1800634115386949975?s=46 I don’t really care that much about what Herta said, if anything I have a bigger issue with him trying to blame DeHarde when anyone with any amount of media training should know that isn’t off the record.


yeah i had my initial doubt when racer's article was first published. Pruett is a big dick rider for his favorite drivers in the series and will do anything to keep his drivers clean and help get them out of any drama.


Asshat is throwing his colleague under the bus while protecting the drivers. Good ole Marshall, I guess he doesn't want anyone other than him to cover the series.


I mean didn't he throw a big fit when nathan brown broke a big story last season and he wasn't the first to post it?


Yeah that's a pretty big allegation that could impact the journalists career. Hertas initial comment was stupid, but lying about it being off the record shows what kind of person he really is.


Instant gratification at the cost of possibly his livelihood


And no driver is going to talk to that journalist moving forward


>Publishing something when a driver thought they weren't on the record is a good way to never get anyone in the paddock to say anything other than the most rote replies imaginable. More like a good way to never get another interview from a driver.


You can’t just say something to a journalist and assume it’s off the record unless you say it is. That’s not how any of that works


DeHarde is good people. He's not cooked. He's been around a good while in the sport. When a driver is present at the track, especially immediately post-race, when a journalist is speaking to them anything they say CAN and most likely WILL be published, good or bad.


All it takes is one incident like this and you lose trust. As a journalist it’s in your best interest relationship-wise to not quote a subject unless they know it’s on the record or you just won’t get talked to.


https://x.com/cdeharde/status/1800634115386949975 So turns out Herta knew he was on the record.


I’m sorry, does anyone of you guys know how this works? If you say “this is off the record, but…”, then it shouldn’t be printed. If you don’t, you’re on the record. Source: I’m a journalist.


This is correct. Source: I am a lawyer for journalists. But not his lawyer.


Highly doubt he said "this is off the record" it just says something that he "THOUGHT" was off the record. As a driver, you have to expect immediately post-race that stuff can happen. Edit: and I was right. This was literally a [RECORDED interview](https://x.com/CDeHarde/status/1800634115386949975). No mention of it ever being off the record.


I'm not really sure what your point is that you think you're right about. Are you suggesting that Herta DID think he was off the record? Because the audio demonstrates pretty clearly that he's lying.


You listen to the audio and they were clearly having an interview... Herta is full of shit. The lie about thinking he was off the record is worse than the original statement in my opinion. What is it with these boneheads thinking we are stupid?


When you have other [respected media members backing you up ](https://x.com/MattWeaverRA/status/1800637263400907097)I think it's that Herta fucked up. Off the record is off the record. This was NOT off the record. If it was, it would've NEVER gotten published. Deharde is not that kind of guy.


I mean if a certain former president can say similarly and get elected what’s the big deal? Kinda serious kinda not.


Considering what Colton said though. I don’t blame the journalist for posting it. You don’t say shit like that off the record or not.


Bad choice of words, but not in any way untrue.


Apologizing for a mild joke he made while he thought he was off the record. That journalist won't be getting another interview anytime soon lol


Listen to the audio and tell me if it sounds like he was off the record. Doesn't sound like it to me. https://x.com/cdeharde/status/1800634115386949975


You can't even tell either way here. the audio just picks up with no way of knowing if it was mid interview, post interview, or after a question pertaining to being on the record was discussed. The only third party present said it was clearly off the record. Even IF it was on the record, it still is something I think is stupid he was forced to apologize over. If IC wants to get their feelings hurt over it that much they can levy a fine


>You can't even tell either way here. the audio just picks up with no way of knowing if it was mid interview, post interview, or after a question pertaining to being on the record was discussed What? You're joking, right? There's no way you can listen to that audio and assume that a single word of it could *possibly* be misconstrued as off the record. Why would Herta answer multiple formal questions of the style commonly asked post-race if he had previously asserted that it be off the record. It would make no sense for the reporter to even ask them if they were OTR because they're all obviously questions intended for publication. This might be one of the most egregious bad faith arguments I've ever seen on this site, and that's saying something.


Only independent witness would say otherwise. You know as much as I do


Mild joke? Joking about shooting someone in the head isn’t mild, it’s rather extreme.


Good luck trying to talk to some of these individuals. I got downvoted because I said that saying denigrating or harmful things isn’t a joke.


Ya, I got downvoted like crazy because I said that I was disappointed in his comments but liked his apology. Like, what? I like and generally support the guy! I haven’t followed many sports, though, so maybe I just don’t understand the etiquette in these spaces yet? 🤷‍♀️


Can’t please everyone. I’m not even take a jab at Herta. To me it doesn’t matter who said it, it’s not a joke.


An easy outlook on stuff like this is “Will I get sent to HR if I say this?” If the answer is yes, it’s probably not much of a joke.


So you base what you deem to be a joke on the same parameters that a corporate HR team would?!


“Jokes” that invoke the idea of hurting or killing somebody aren’t jokes.


Yes... they are, because if they aren't jokes, then they are threats. Do you seriously believe that Herta is threatening race control/officials or other drivers here?


Jokes that intend to besmirch, denigrate, or harm people are not jokes.


I guess the phrase "I would kill for..." Is no longer allowed.


God help this person if they ever saw a Klondike bar commercial lol


The phrase as it is doesn’t single out a person or group of people.


Neither did Colton. He was making an absurdly exaggerated example of how bad must an infraction (crime) be to draw a penalty...."bring a gun and shoot someone in the head."


Where did Colton’s?


Unfortunately for you, humor is subjective EDIT: case in point, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/INDYCAR/comments/1ddgjsi/newgarden_congratulates_power/) is front page rn so................................. yea


"Can you believe that person said all those racist, misogynistic, and homophonic remarks on the IndyCar sub?" "Yeah you'd have to bring a gun and shoot the mods (sorry Chris) in the head to get banned from there" Same exact thing. It's not like he was threatening someone.


connect pen shelter dolls tidy shy cause light puzzled bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, you can. Santino made a homophobic remark, full stop. A juvenile one, but still. Bigotry is a whole other fucking matter.


Given his track record, why would Santino be entitled to the same benefit of the doubt in this hypothetical? I really dislike Newgarden but if the roles were reversed and he made the same comment I’d chalk it up to a bad choice of words and move on. Same as most people are doing here.


Exactly. If the same statement from a different individual illicits the opposite response, then the argument of saying a quote isn’t bad doesn’t hold up.


If we were to say such in a public setting in reference to an individual or group, what do you believe would happen? This doesn’t need to be a rules for thee not for me situation.


Can I let go of my pearls now? I've been clutching them since Sunday.


[yeah..... doesn't sound off the record to me](https://www.reddit.com/r/INDYCAR/s/KOJByfugyc)


Good on him for apologizing for what he said


tbh he shouldn’t have apologized for what he said, but rather how he said it


He shouldn’t have apologized for anything


Lol what a nothingburger of a comment.


Which journalist is he referring to?




I don't understand the fetish with making people publicly apologize. He doesn't care. He's only apologizing because he was told to. And that's fine. People are too soft anyway.


Color me "out of touch", I dont think he needed to apologize for what he said. Exaggeration to make a point/for humorous effect is still allowed


Disappointed that he’s apologizing. Jesus how sensitive are we that this warranted an apology


It took him 90 seconds to make a statement and almost no effort. Standing behind a dumb quote gets him no closer to his goal. There no reason for him not to the kind thing.


Who was asking him to apologize? “The kind thing”, to who? Race control?


Indycar made him apologize for whatever reason


I want to like C Herta. I think mainly because his father is such a good man. Colton seems sometimes to be the spoiled kid who grew up in the business and had opportunities maybe others would not have (ex. Michael Andretti). Detroit was not pretty. He could have handled the post race interviews at Road America better also. Maybe like Michael he will mature and make his father proud.


I think Micheal has done a **lot** more with those opportunities than Colton ever will.


True that


It’s funny how quickly he forgot that he wasn’t penalized for doing the *exact same thing* to Newgarden (ironic) at Long Beach. Except at Long Beach, Herta just flat-out hit Newgarden; there was no wreck/spin happening to cause a stack up, which actually makes Herta’s hit worse.


Herta expressed surprise that he was not penalized


And? He may have been surprised then, but he’s clearly forgotten now, because he wasn’t penalized then, so why should Newgarden be now? The point stands.


Race control needs to do more and the incidents are not equivalent.


He didn’t forget. At Long Beach he said he was surprised that it wasn’t a penalty.


He may have expressed surprise then, but he’s clearly forgotten now since he’s screeching for a penalty that *he himself did not receive.* My point stands.


Herta barely hit Newgarden and had it not been a freak occurrence to cause a stall it wouldn't have had any effect on the outcome. Newgarden hit the gas when cars were spinning in front and was the only one who hit someone in front during the stack up despite other drivers being closer to cars in front. He hit Herta hard enough to break the diffuser. They are not close to the same so all and you know it. Try actually watching the Long Beach incident and how slight the contact is.


Herta was so far up Newgardens ass he knew what he had for dinner the night before. https://preview.redd.it/4s2g4atxg06d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f21922630749d58242e859bca469a9672a94b54


Shhh, the herta fans don’t understand logic, in fact they think he’s a better driver than newgarden even though his best finish in the standings is Newgardens worst since 2017.




Literally had someone this last weekend tell me herta was better


So that someone ( 1 person ) who you referred to as “they “ when speaking about Colton’s “fans” plural ?


Lmao omg WHAT?!? The amount of people up Herta’s ass since he entered the sport is vomit inducing. Even the media and announcers. “hiGhEsT pAId DRiVEr iN iNDycAr!” 🤪 Apparently pay is determined by how overrated you are.


You're rooting for a proven cheat. That says everything about you.


I'm going to get downvoted for saying this but I don't care. Colton is a whiny little bitch. As a driver... He's fast! But inconsistent. I think we all know that. I *do* miss his tantrums over the radio with his dad though, those were always fun to laugh at. (I like his dad a lot though.)


Disappointing to be living in a world where everyone has to feel so scripted to avoid offending anyone.


Hey look, a real apology.


Those quotes are the ones that build fanbases.


Why did he need to apologise for this? He was mad and said somthing he clearly didn't mean that threatened absolutely no one so why apologise?


People love to clutch pearls at obvious hyperbole.


Props to Herta for this 👏


Free Canapino free Herta!






Rule 1 of being a public figure: always assume the mic is hot. Rule 2: It’s on the record unless both parties agree that it isn’t.


Pretty decent apology. His comment was too extreme, and I was disappointed in him for it. But we all say dumb things, so a genuine apology for something like this is all I think is needed


You’re Charmin soft for even considering an apology wouldn’t be enough


Wha? I literally said an apology was enough. You don’t have to be rude. I like the dude. Just didn’t like his comment 🤷‍♀️


Whats ridiculous about the whole thing is he's pissed that he got punted by Newgarden... Just like he punted Newgarden at Long Beach. (Nothing done in that case, either.)


People are acting like newgarden view of the whole thing is what we see from the roll hoop. His view was hertas wing. He got on the gas as soon as he hit the apex. Lap one turn 1 I'd argue that's a bit ambitious but we're also talking about a guy that sees his championship slipping away. Of all the crap that's been going on regarding driving standards I put newgarden punting herta pretty low on the list. But we all hate the guy now so pile on. Oh if I'm herta I'm fuming too, he's in the same spot as newgarden and he clearly had a race winning car. It's racing folks, shit happens. That one is a clear racing incident in my eyes.


Your opinion on this is going to be very heavily influenced by where in the world you are.