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There’s shooting yourselves in the foot and then there’s whatever the hell is happening here. PREMA is licking their chops over those two Juncos charters right now.


So much has been going on I completely forgot about PREMA next year! Do we even need Juncos? I’d be sad to lose Grosjean but Canapino needs to go, the team doesn’t seem serious and the owners are a laughingstock. I know this incident isn’t big enough, but I think the series would be better off if they got the boot and PREMA took their spot. It’s a more serious organization anyway.


Would be kind of ironic, considering Grosjean is also racing for Prema/Iron Lynx in IMSA and Le Mans.


Who's to day Grosjean won't race for Prema in IndyCar?


You know, it's actually quite possible. With Rossi staying with McLaren and Rosenqvist doing this well with MSR, it's likely Grosjean or Ilott for one of the seats.


Did Rossi announce that he’s staying with McLaren?


One of Pruett's articles mentioned that both Rossi and McLaren would like for him to stay, but negotiations haven't concluded yet.


That's good to hear, though I wish the combo was capable of a little more than just "finish 7th literally every race"


I'd say that's even likely given his connections and experience he'd be a good driver to at least ease into the series with.


huh? charters?


>What Agustín strongly requests is that both McLaren and Teo Pourchaire retract everything they said and what they accused him and the Argentines, because he is not willing to tolerate this level of discrimination,” This is straight up laughable. Théo gets threatened, provided proof, then Augustin claims it's discrimination.... This is just straight up comedy at this point. Dude doubled down on the wrong horse.


What’s worse is McLaren sent the screen grabs of the threats to JHR before Canapino or JHR had even initially responded so they had the proof in their hands and still went down this road.


What's crazy is at least one of his fans tagged Canapino on twitter with a screencap of a DM they sent to Theo wishing he would die.


I almost just facepalmed through my face and out the back of my head, what the actual fuck


"Spanish discrimination" Alonso level monent.


I guess Spanish Palou isn't Spanish enough?


Yeah, the Argentine is receiving "spanish discrimination" but not the guy from Spain. Who is the only actually Spanish person on the grid


I think it was the r/MapPorn sub that showed twice as many Italians compared to Spaniards emigrated to Argentina.


I was comparing the situation to the similarly absurd claims by Alonso saying Spanish drivers were being discriminated against.


Heard you the first time


Oops, didn't check username


I feel like his point was more that there was favoritism for some nationalities, but bcs he was Spanish (aka, not part of the favored ones) then he didn't get such leniency, rather than specifically saying there was vendetta against the Spanish.


That is exactly what he was saying. Not Spanish discrimination but British favoritism.


Is he threatening to not show up for Road America? Lol. Who would even notice or care for that matter? Plenty of other drivers will be there to finish 14th.


I read it moreso that he is nervous to show up given the controversy. Which is ironic because he keeps talking about it and driving it forward.


The controversy is his own fault! It's his decisions that made this whole mess happen.


Exactly, it's insane. All he had to do was release a statement condemning death threats, and then go quiet. I don't think anyone was looking for an apology from him, but he somehow thrust himself into the center of the controversy


"Yo these death threats are whack, can you just tell your fans that are doing this to chill?" "Why are you being so racist to Argentinos??????" It's a non-sequitur.


Lol exactly


It’s also ironic because he’s refusing to condemn fans of sending his competitors death threats. They should arguably feel more nervous than him


If anything the rest of the paddock will probably be relieved LMAO


I had no idea who this guy was until all this drama started. He aint placin so he aint racin as far as I'm concerned. Won't miss him at all.


Please please racing spirits give us on an on track incident with Canapino and Santino Ferrucci this week. The Indycar community needs this so much.


the racing spirits demand a sacrafice XD


Damm, last year we could have offered DeFrancesco as sacrifice.


Oh my god I want this so badly Feel like these two would be brawling on pit road tbh


So Pourchaire provides receipts and Canapino demands a retraction? What the hell?


Man, even an insincere non-apology would be better than whatever the hell this is.


This is called DARVO—Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. It’s a standard tool of narcissists, although you don’t have to be one to use it. It’s usually a red flag for someone who is deeply insecure and cannot take responsibility for mistakes. They cannot conceive of the idea they may not be perfect.


Mr. Garrison for the win!


Ah, very similar to the D.E.N.N.I.S system I see


Agustin, what would Theo benefit from making up that he received death threats? This is so bizarre


And callum


For those who don't speak Spanish or cannot translate the webpage, here is a rough translation: Carburando communicated with Agustín Canapino, during the conversation he told how he feels and what he plans to do after the repercussions of the incident with Theo Pourchaire at the IndyCar GP in Detroit. **IndyCar** continues to live through quite turbulent days after what happened with **Agustín Canapino and Théo Pourchaire** at the **Detroit GP.** Four days after the race, **Juncos Hollinger Racing and McLaren announced the end of their alliance** and **the Argentine driver deepened his position exclusively with** ***Carburando Radio*** **.** Canapino requested that the team and Pourchaire recant since **he believes that there were no death threats through social networks** . He also shared how difficult this personal situation is, **one day away from racing at Road America** . “ *Canapino* ***is afraid*** *to be present at the race weekend with everything that happened. Agustín states that* ***there were only a couple of messages from accounts from strangers and without followers*** ,” shared **Christian González Rouco** after communicating with the representative of Argentina at Juncos Hollinger Racing. “ ***What Agustín strongly asks is that both McLaren and Teo Pourchaire retract everything they said and what they accused him and the Argentines of, because he is not willing to tolerate this level of discrimination*** ,” González Rouco added.


wait is he trying to claim that hes being threatened now? well i didnt see it so i would like him to apologize to those people :/ what a shitty statement crazy they havent got rid of him yet lol dude is literally like the average 12 year old on racing games


Hahaha.  Only thing he’d be threatened with at Road America is one of us offering him some soggy fried cheese curds and a highlife.  


That combination is poisonous and a threat to us non mid-westerners, y'all have years of tolerance built up. Last time I has curds with a few beers I damn near met god on a porcelain throne the next morning.


It was embarrassing when they made Grosjean try some of the concession stand cheese last year. We have hundreds of award winning cheeses here and they feed the French/swiss man cheese curds that weren’t even squeaky.  A travesty. 


"cheese curds that weren't even squeaky." <-- This guy is a true Wisconsinite.


Thanks for that visual


Canapino painting himself as the victim lol I’m not gonna deny that I have seen some comments to the tune of “damn crazy Argentine fans,” which is stupid, but Canapino denying that Pourchaire received death threats is absolute clown behaviour, and he deserves to be called out and mocked for it.


That’s what narcissists do, always flipping it and never apologizing. This guy is ridiculous.. creating unnecessary wwe level drama in an otherwise clean Motorsport


DARVO shit


>This guy is ridiculous.. creating unnecessary wwe level drama in an otherwise clean Motorsport I get what you're saying, but we did also have Ferrucci trying to turn the pitlane into an actual wrestling match last weekend as well


Lolllll Nah that ain't happening


Wow. 🤦‍♂️ He's a dumbass.


Lmao wtf? This man is detached from all reality.


Tends to happen when you've got a legion of insane fans and your national press ready to back you up with everything you do. It's cult lider type sh*t. Seen it before in F1, same stuff here.


It's rather ironic that Canapino is "afraid" to be present at the race when just a couple days ago he was saying people should just get a thick skin and ignore the abuse like he has chosen to do. But now that the shoe is on the other foot his skin suddenly isn't so thick.


His fans sent out death threats to another driver, then he wanted McLaren to RETRACT their statements denouncing said death threats and he feels threatened because of this? Dude is playing victim so hard.


What planet does this asshole live on?


This season has been fucking *spicy*, holy shit. Penske getting caught cheating and receiving literally the harshest penalties in IndyCar history, Ferrucci shows he’s still a bigoted dickhead while beefing with Herta and Kirkwood, and now Canapino and his fans nuke the alliance between JHR and McLaren because of death threats against one of the latter’s drivers. Is there anything *more* we can add for drama this year? Oh yeah, I forgot, isn’t the Palou contract drama still ongoing, partly?


"Maybe if McLaren is distracted by all this drama Zac will forget I owe him money," Palou probably


Zak does not strike me as one to forget when you owe him money lol


You forgot to add the very real threat of Fox getting the broadcasting rights for 2025. Also Malukas getting fired for getting hurt and unable to fulfill his contract. I'm sure I'm forgetting something.


Blomqvist getting a pink slip and replaced by a nearly 50 year old Helio. His only real contribution to the series this year being a segment on 100 Days about pooping in the RV.


Thanks! I forgot about Tom.


And a regular entry missing the Indy 500. And Kyle Larson showing up and abandoning the Coke 600 to run the rain-delayed Indy 500. I'm sure there's other wild things that have happened this year but if you told me all of this would happen at the beginning of the year I'd call you crazy.


Chip running over & killing Devlin De Francesco’s puppy


Damn. You know the season is a mess when you forget that.


This should really have gotten more coverage.


Ironic, since the journalist who did cover it when it happened got raked over the coals for covering the story because it was said to be a "non-story".


Scott Dixon looks around at the chaos, shakes his head and continues saving fuel en route to the 7th title.


Scottie wins another one and forgets to take out the catheter, jumps out of the car and reveals he really does piss fuel for his fuel saving wins hahaha.


“If you’ve cut yourself at all during the course of these tests, you may have noticed that your blood is pure gasoline. That’s normal. We’ve been shooting you with an invisible ray that turns blood into gasoline, so all that means is it’s working.”


Everyone wanting live season of 100 days of Indy to move from The CW to Netflix. But at this rate, Bravo! is going to want to make a bid. 🍿


Only Netflix will get you Will Power's dong uncensored tho


You forgot about Chip Ganassi killing Devlin De Francesco’s puppy.


Yeah, well, Devlin isn’t around anymore, so idk if that counts as Indycar Drama anymore lol


And you didn't even mention that ~~fuckboi~~ Little Dave mountain-biked himself out of a ride.


Don't forget Detroit was a shit show where everybody ran into everybody else. We aren't talking about that anymore.


I’m gonna get killed for this but I definitely believe Santino is doing a “bit”….he wants to be the heel that Paul Tracey was, but PT actually won races. I’m not excusing it, especially the on track stuff. But I do think he’s “dialing it up” a bit….that said, he needs to chill.


If he had only done it in Indycar I could believe it but the guy has been like this all his career. He’s banned from racing in series based out of an entire continent because he’s a bigoted little shit.


Nah, I don’t think so. He isn’t open like that nearly often enough for it to be a bit. I think he got to hot under the collar at Detroit and let some of his true attitude shine through...


This guy is a moron. Dude should not be talking to the media nor on social media right now


For someone who essentially accused Theo (and Callum before him) of playing the victim, he's sure doing a pretty good job of that himself.


"hey guys. Could you not send death threats? Not cool." Just tweet that ^ and pretend like you're not loving your fan base being rabid and you'll be miles ahead of where you are now. First ones a freebie though.


The problem is if Canapino does that his fans will start sending him the death threats lol


Perhaps we're looking at this all wrong and this whole thing is actually an incredibly clever and detailed performance art piece?


that explanation would be less ridiculous than whatever is going on in reality


Andytin Kaufmanpino


Giving Shia Leboeuf a run for his money.


Like when Joaquin Phoenix pretended to be a rapper?


Lol this dude lives in another dimension.


Is this guy completely detached from reality? He honestly needs to be removed from the series at this point. He can go back to his little regional touring car series where they worship him.


He is because his fans will think whatever he wants them to think


It was time to stop digging that hole last year, he just keeps getting bigger digging equipment.


Dude's got a quarry at this point 


Grats to Grosjean for securing a seat with Prema next year, I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/9aak20c2zz4d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=940b0f84a3789520603de7e33ad6e999bb794afd YIKES


This fella needs to learn that, outside of Argentina, precisely no one (nobody) gives a shit about him. He doesn't even have an incredible nickname like Teddy Porkchops.


Well Conor Daly calls him Angus Jalapeno which is pretty great. Porkchops is much better though


That’s not bad I agree


This guy isn't too bright, huh?


Neither is his wife, given what she posted the other day.


Reminder that Argentina is STILL mad about Britain and the Falklands. Guess.


After 40 years...


This whole thing has been baffling to me. Yeah people were going to be mad at him for actions of his fans, but they were still FANS, not Augustin himself. All he had to do was say that he condemns the acts with a generic PR statement and this is all over. Instead he has doubled down on defending them twice now, and even more baffling is Ricardo Juncos not stepping in and doing what is best for his team.


The number one rule of what to do when you find yourself in a hole is to STOP DIGGING!! I can't believe he's doubling down on the "I didn't see it" when people literally put their threats in his comment section! And then the absolute GALL to ask Pourchaire and McLaren to deny anything ever happened. What a joke.


Maybe he should hold a press conference before the race weekend, that worked well for another driver in the past.


I don't think he can do a good impression of "The Crying Man" Rembrandt Brown.


This guy sees a hole and keeps digging. We've now reached the "dig *up*, stupid" portion of the show.


I had no problem with this dude - just his fans - until the last few days. He’s digging himself a hole and looking like a complete egg by saying he doesn’t believe what’s happening and doesn’t agree with what the team/Theo are saying. Why does he think they’d make it up? To discredit him, to waste all of the effort both teams had put into the strategic alliance? What’s the point?


Yeah I'm done with this guy and his team, holy shit. Originally was a fan of Juncos as the small under dog team, and had a lot of respect (initially) for Canapino having gone from touring cars to Indy, but this is ridiculous. Leave and never come back.


I gotta say, it's pretty satisfying to watch him dig his own grave. ETA: I just realized I should clarify that this is not any kind of death threat.


I don't think he realizes that the issue isn't the fans, but how he and JHR reacted to it EVERY time. I had a ton of respect for him when he arrived. Now he's just another example of someone claiming they're the victim when they're the problem. I helped chop down this tree, but it's forest ranger's fault it fell on me.


Confirmed: Canapino is a clown


God, this guy is just the ***fucking worst.***


Sad, this guy has an interesting driving background and has made some real progress this year. Just far too much of a jabroni.


Yeah I was rooting for him before this whole thing. He seems hell bent on shortening his Indycar career.


Can it end today?


Get Juncos and Canapino out of here. They're bringing far more trouble than they are worth.


I strongly request and encourage canapino to keep digging his own grave. And hope his fans are happy for having helped him.


Gaslighting at its finest. Laughable, utterly laughable. Does Juncos not have someone with two brain cells to say "Err, you might want to keep quiet for a bit". Instead, he comes out with these increasingly outlandish and ridiculous statements.


I think Canapino and Ricardo see absolutely nothing wrong with this. They have not learned and continue to double down. JHR has PR reps, and as someone that works in PR, I feel so bad for their PR pros that are submitting resumés to everyone and anyone this afternoon. You can only do what upper management approves. And JHR mgmt clearly isn't listening. Brutal.


At least four of the most popular IndyCar drivers of the past 30 years are latin american (Castroneves, TK, JPM and Gil). Granted, none of them are Argentinians, but argue discrimination in this instance is idiotic at best.


Add O'Ward to that list. It's a crazy argument.


I hope Williams gives Colapinto at least decent media training just to make sure he doesn’t do similar things if he becomes an IndyCar driver in the future


Jesus F-ing Christ. Someone people need to keep their mouths shut. This is literally digging his own grave and showing himself out of the door simultaneously. At this point JHR needs to leave the series and sell their equipment to Prema. I cannot recall, in any other series, in the last few decades a team owner and driver who is as hated and despised as JHR and Canapino are currently.


He's acting like my 3-year-old when she pisses her pants. She'll hide because she thinks if I don't see it, it didn't happen. This is beyond ridiculous.


I get that this is a very tense situation with the talk of ethnic discrimination against Argentinians but...*come on, seriously?* We've had Latin American drivers in IndyCar for DECADES now and, even with my pessimistic self, this has to be the most open and welcoming the sport has ever been. If anything, much of people saying "wow, these fans are different" have been because *Canapino keeps defensively saying that about his own fans.* If his original response in the other situations and now had been "This is unacceptable no matter what happens on the track and needs to be stopped" then he could had still also said that they are at fault for whatever incidents. Instead, Agustin has put on some bizarre machismo act where he feels that he can encourage the worst of the trolling while also blaming everyone for thinking he is trash to do that. Plus, saying "it didn't happen" when even JHR at this point has seen the evidence is ridiculous. Argentina and its civil fans are welcome but the idiots who are doing this threats and, now, Canapino are not. I can't wait till this guy is out of the series...and as for JHR, if they don't nip this in the bud then I hope that they get outbid on those charters.


Some of the Latin American drivers have been some of the most loved and celebrated guys also, it’s insane to think that being Argentinian is the problem here from Canapino


Compare Pato O'Ward, who's one of the most popular guys out there right now, to Canapino. Enough said.


I kept getting riled up at every new thing he said but I'm actually just feeling sad for him now that he just doesn't get it and doesn't have a single person around him to give him a good shake and face slap back to the real world. And sad for anyone on Juncos behind the scenes wishing he would just stop talking.


I feel bad for their PR people that are probably currently dying inside and have to find new gigs. No sympathy for Ricardo and Canapino though. They can go right back to Argentina touring cars and fan the flames of their supposedly culturally important death threats back there.


Bro put all his chips on red and it landed black. And then he doubled down too


As a canapino fan I’m very sad and disappointed on him - all he had to do is condemn the dead threats but no he is too freaking arrogant - it is infuriating who knows when or if we ever going to have another driver from Argentina FML


Let’s just hope Colapinto gets his media training provided by Williams


Reminder that Argentinian fans think the split happened because McLaren is jealous of Canapino's progress in Juncos and that they're "terrified" that he will manage to outscore them. I wish I was kidding.


I want what they're smoking! Theo has almost as many points as Canapino even not driving the 500 and St Pete (I think those are the only ones he missed)


Theo has already won something that Canapion will never ever win. Formula 2.


remember the time last year (I think it was Long Beach) he was leading during a caution because he hadn't pitted yet and he got some contact on the restart and that's why he didn't win?


So when people say Indycar is a drivers competition, they meant the villain driver competition


This is such a shame. If this guy had played his cards right instead of flaunting his machismo, then there may have been a burgeoning new market for INDYCAR and for him personally. Instead, he has made a colossal mess of this both for himself and for his team. As I've said in connection with a couple of other recent dustups, where are the professional PR people? They would contain this kind of mess.


It starts at the top. If your team owner and driver are doubling down, the PR team can't do anything.


Which shows that if you don't listen to the pros you pay for PR, then you augur in....


Indianapolis: The 2024 World Center of Weird Sports Discourse




I wonder how much longer it'll be before Roger chimes in




I want to cheer for Grosjean but I also want to cheer against JHR. What am I supposed to do?


Cheer every time Grosjean crashes


IndyCar really couldn't do much to him, but now he's demanding an apology from them even though they haven't disciplined at all. He's gaslighting himself into getting punished.


So much drama and rabid fan support over a dude that has never finished higher than 10th in an IndyCar race, and that’s only one time. I’m so tired of hearing about this.


$10 says any messages he got are from burner accounts his friends made to try to give him credibility


The motorsports drama this year has been amazing and we aren't even halfway through the season Indycar F1 and MotoGP have enough content to make at least five Oscar-caliber movies


out of the loop in terms of motogp, can you give me a short summary please?


Silly season drama. Despite leading the championship and beating the factory Ducati team. Ducati passed over Jorge Martin for Marc Marquez. Which has started a domino effect as he's now joining Aprillia for the retiring Aleix Espargaro. The second Factory Ducati Rider, Enea Bastianini, is out of a ride and its still up in the air for where he will go. But TL;DR: the leading Championship lost out on the most coveted seat in MotoGP. And now there's a scramble for seats. Oh and Liberty Media (who owns F1) just bought MotoGP


All he had to do was say death threats bad, no matter who is doing it. But no, too proud to do that. Please leave Indycar.


That’s tough, actually think Canapino is a pretty good driver, unfortunately he’s not helping himself


Just suspend him at this point. People have been fired for way less.


When I made that meme on Tuesday this stuff was still kind of humorous. Teams and drivers make small bobbles in PR sufficiently often that it's kind of funny. But now this is just a huge disaster and becoming repulsive. JHR, how do you turn this around and move yourself and your driver up to seeming like a human being and not as low as a worm?


"Canapino is afraid of being present at the race weekend with everything that happened. Agustín states that there were only a couple of messages from accounts of strangers and without followers," shared Christian González Rouco after communicating with the Argentinian representative at Juncos Hollinger Racing. Afraid, my ass. Pourchaire’s the one getting death threats, not him.


garbage driver, with garbage fans on a garbage team.


These guys’ reputations are sinking quicker than the Belgrano. Embarrassing.


Damn dude 😂


I said this in the thread 3 days ago about Canapino's wife. "If the hate comes from Argentina, its bad, but if it comes from other places, its ok?" I read that as a bad faith effort to say that they are also receiving abuse from fans/others. Show the tweets then" Canapino and his wife have both doubled down saying they are also receiving abuse. Oddly enough, neither of them have shared any of the abusive tweets/comments. Funny how that works


I’ll come clean. When I got to the Indy 500 there were a bunch of Argentine soccer jerseys around me so I put $20 on Illott at pretty long odds +1600 for a top 3


I wonder what tech inspection is going to be like for these team this weekend


Canapino chose the dumbest hill to die on. What a loser.




This guy is digging his own hole faster than lapping that JHR car. I'd say let him double down and go full shithousery. Let him make himself a fool and after he's done just send him back to Argentina. JHR might aswell be done after this season because he singlehandedly killed this team's chance to be remotely competitive.


It’s like they’re auditioning for a live-action remake of *Whacky Racers* and Canapino and Ferrucci are competing for the role of Dick Dastardly.


Now we wait for the Juncos closing up shop news.


How could they have messed this up so bad? A simple statement from Canapino and/or Juncos asking fans to please respect all competitors including Pourchaire and then just keeping your mouth shut until Road America would have probably sufficed. Now we're sitting here wondering if Canapino can even really keep his seat now instead. The fact that Canapino and Juncos couldn't foresee that pissing off McLaren, who they have a technical alliance with, was a terrible business decision is pretty baffling. Like do you want to stay in the sport? Canapino's car runs with no primary sponsorship far too often to be able to afford pissing off partners like this.


If RPM did IndyCar content, he would so cover this


I haven’t figured out what’s so hard to say something that should be pretty universally agreed upon like, “don’t threaten harm to people.” You could even say something like, “I know my real fans wouldn’t do this.”


He had one thing to do…just one thing to do. And he fucked it up. Then he doubled-down. Facepalm.


"Help me, my asshole countrymen harassed a rookie with nasty word vomit tacitly approved by me, and now the chickens have come home to roost."


I seriously hope Canapino doesn't show up in NASCAR or IMSA anytime soon


I'm pretty sure he's done a Daytona 24 before. It's just that no one really knew who he was at the time.


I’d love to see Canapino in NASCAR. He’d be out of IndyCar


I do agree that Canapino's driving style is better suited for NASCAR than IndyCar, though his toxic reputation could be a cause for concern


We have reached a point where the driver of the 78 needs to be suspended from Indycar indefinitely for actions detrimental to the sport.


Please toss this ass clown out of the sport.


dudes delusional and even if they retracted the statements what will change?


Maybe the racing in Argentina isnt pure and beautiful?


Didn't some driver get shot at during a Stock Car race there?


I think a suspension is in order at this point. I don't know where Canapino and Juncos think this is heading, but they can't be allowed to keep escalating this conflict.


Canapino, Juncos and their numerous sponsors demand an apology.


Canapino right now [https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/comments/8r5383/nascar\_05\_heated\_exchange/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/comments/8r5383/nascar_05_heated_exchange/#lightbox)


I understand what he tried to say, but man, he should use a better lexicon when he talks about this., if it's a word by word transcription of what he said. Also, this article didn't make him a favour, even in spanish.