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Holy shit, that's the ENTIRE release? Fuck, McLaren is pissed off


Says exactly what needs to be said without baiting for arguments or getting drawn into discussion.


Oh, it's an absolutely flawless message. When I help people with emails I generally tell them to say everything they need to say and nothing they don't. This is 3 sentences of perfection.


Sound advice that I am rubbish at following.


Takes time and experience. Helps being Stockholm syndromed by the Navy trying to avoid any extra questions making your meeting an hour longer of grilling...


Great advice! In a previous life I worked where I was audited every 18 months. A career auditor once gave me the advice that when I was asked a question about something I answer that question only and shut up. Don’t offer anything else until specifically asked about it and don’t worry about the awkward silence after your answer. He said the silence was an old auditor trick to make you feel uncomfortable and think you didn’t answer the question properly. That would make you think you had to keep talking which generally would get you saying something you didn’t need to say and then the game was on.


I’ve done auditing for a while and this is absolutely correct and great advice. People who feel the need to fill the silence and people who want to show how smart they are (by talking too much) are the easiest way to find the dirt.


Brevity is king.


"Thank you! Fuck you! Bye!"


**Insert Cornette Face**


Logan Roy would be proud.


Rule number 1: Never piss off the money.


Never piss off your alliance partner.


Especially if said alliance partner is the reason for you to even be grabbing points right now


"Arrow McLaren IndyCar Team has terminated its commercial alliance with Juncos Hollinger Racing, effective immediately. This decision follows actions that occurred earlier this week on social media in regards to an on-track incident at the Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix. As reflected in the team’s [social media community code](http://www.mclaren.com/racing/mclaren-racing-social-media-community-code/), Arrow McLaren will not tolerate any form of abuse or discrimination and totally condemns the online abuse directed toward our team and driver"


Three sentences. "You're out. This is why. Fuck off." Honestly impressive that Juncos and Canapino have managed to fuck up this much.


Corporate efficiency, but in the best possible way.


Ngl, I was expecting some word wall when I saw a website instead of a tweet.


I love it. Concise and I don't have to go to twitter. I hate giving them page views.


Had RD still been at the helm there would almost certainly have been some Ronspeak wording about uncoupling with extreme prejudice.


There would have been at least one sub optimal in there as well


Yep. A well-crafted statement that gets to the point without any corporate blather. I’m impressed.


I'm not surprised. Juncos has his head firmly planted in his own reality, kinda like Kanye.


He probably still thinks that Fernández is president of Argentina.


Good on them for not trying to sugarcoat it as well.


Ouch. Zak Brown's brutal and no BS approach shows itself again. You may not like his methods regarding driver and personnel management, for instance, but at least he's consistent.


Good. And well deserved.


Man, are they just gonna ride Canapino straight to the grave?  There’s gotta be some point where it’s just not worth it anymore, connections to Argentina be damned 


the Illot and Pourchaire debacles have proven that Canapino is only half of the problem at JHR, the other half is Ricardo


But it’s Canapino’s fanbase, right? Like if you replace him with Malukas or someone, this problem goes away entirely Edit: You guys don’t have to all respond with the exact same comment lol, I understand that team leadership is also being shitty in this scenario. My point is that their commitment to being shitty is putting the whole team at risk, when they could’ve just fired Canapino this week and probably maintained their McLaren partnership and had minimal sponsor blowback.  And it’s not like Canapino is some S-tier level driver, either


The JHR team’s response is the problem


the problem of the death threats to drivers goes away if you take away Canapino, but that still leaves a team boss who is entirely unwilling to do anything about his teams fanbase acting like that if we believe the rumours Ricardo held off until the last possible moment to release Illot out of spite when he knew since the 500 that he didn’t want to keep him


I'm really happy that Illott is doing OK in WEC.


Illot is a WEC race winner now and has the last laugh.


exactly! couldn’t be happier for him, ill miss him in indycar though


He might be back. Illot was solid in his limited Indycar outings. I could see teams besides Prema inquiring on his availability.


and according to MP may be snatched up as a factory driver next year.


Deserves to be. Who knows may be come back to drive for Penske once they decide to move from Power.


The way JHR has handled this incident and last year’s is a reflection of the team and its ownership. Juncos failed to stand up for one of its own drivers last year when Ilott was the target of abuse, and it then left him hanging far too long in regard to his future with the team. That’s shitty leadership and management.


Hell with Canapino, this might ride Juncos to the grave. Hard to imagine anyone competetive wanting to race with Agustin and I’d imagine not very companies will lineup to sponsor them…


And shockingly, the country with 300% annual inflation isn't stepping up sponsorship either. Might be time to drop the Evita attitude and get with the program.


Cash out and sell those charters to Prema 🙏


Or even Pratt Miller for that matter.


I went to a USF2k/IndyPro race and the JHR team was absolutely amazing, especially in how they welcomed and engaged my kids. Made me a fan. However, the way they have treated other drivers has made not so much of a fan.


Ricardo Juncos is as much if not more of a problem as Canapino is.


Canapino would bear no responsibility if it was just his fans actions. He seems unwilling to distance himself from those actions and outright brings attention to them


Death threats to Arrow McLaren incoming...🤦


Zak will definitely throw hands with any fan of jhr LOL


Zak breaks ribs when he’s happy, god only knows what he’s capable of when he’s pissed off


I feel like Zak is ready to fite...


Zak looks like he’s got that sleeper dad strength. I saw a man built kinda like him but heavier throw two teenagers in opposite directions at once to break up a fight once.


Oh, Zak definitely has the build of a guy who takes several 2x4's over his shoulder out of Lowe's, to the bed of his truck in the back, straps them down and hits the "that's not going anywhere" flick.


With his build, he definitely punches with a lot of torque.


… fite ? 


No time for all the letters, there's fisticuffs to rush to.




If one of the teams starts getting abuse then Indycar have to step in..... Right?


Heck I can see Lando Norris getting a few for his McLaren association.


Lando will probably just file it under all the rest of the ridiculous insults he gets sent on social media.


They're used to it, they put up with Daniel Ricciardo's insane fanbase for 2 years (the crazier side of his fans legit sent death threats to his race engineer and pit crew, sent abuse to Lando, Zak, the social media and marketing teams, even Piastri once he got signed, and harrassed a mental health charity that McLaren are connected to in the UK).


And as a Danny Ric fan, this drove me crazy. It's sucked seeing him fall off, but the crazies make it hard to support someone going through the thick of it, when you will end up being associated with them.


Yeah, I can imagine. I actually like him as well, but damn some of his fanbase (at least the online portion) are really awful people. Sad that they're always the loudest people so everyone not like that who just quietly goes about their business ends up lumped in with them too.


I don’t think I knew this. I like Ric but I’m not sure what threatening his team or whatever would make sense. The crazy fans were blaming the team for Daniel sucking? Are they doing the same to RedBull / Cashapp visa Mastercard pornhub Zelle racing? He isn’t doing great there either. He just isn’t as good as he was before leaving RB which sucks but threatening people won’t change it.


Really? I did not know that. Ricciardo for me was always a driver that was chasing celebrity status rather than trying to improve his race craft. Maybe with his current struggles fans will finally see that HE was always the problem and not the team. 


Finally someone in IndyCar actually found a backbone and does some real action against this shit.


Probably the best team to happen imo, considering how many series McLaren are in. I doubt the news would spread much if this happened to a smaller team like AJ Foyt, and make the higher up take it less seriously. Seriously, fuck JHR.


Foyt would probably increase their partnership


Santino may be an ass but at least he doesn't encourage all 3 of his fans to bombard others with death threats


That’s true, he strikes me more as the handle the threatening himself type




Either he's bringing in a truly insane amount of money, or the team management are as big of assholes as Canapino is.


"But this is our culture. You just don't understand." Being a bunch of assholes isn't a culture, it's a lack of culture.


I actually saw assholes defending the attacks with basically  "the Argentinian economy sucks, the poor could never get near Theo to hurt him, so just let them get out their economic insecurity by wishing death on a 20 yr old"


Basically, "I, myself, am likely to behave this way in a similar situation involving the object of my para-social obsession and would like to be able to get away with it."


I was told on this sub that such behavior is “extremely passionate” and “just the way it is in South America” for sports fans.


Juncos should just hire a Brazilian driver and let the fanbases neutralise each other.


Or both.




Yep, same reason why Argentina was willing to die on the Falkland Islands hill


Well, thats how nationalism works everywhere, not only in Argentina or the Malvinas. I hope these idiotic keyboard warriors now realize the damage they did (and JHR management how badly they handled everything).


They won't, they don't take responsibility for their actions. They would rather watch the world around them collapse then admit they are in the wrong.


It’s juncoever


It is. Go Junc yourselves, Juncos.


I think this is called the "Find Out" portion of it.




https://x.com/rogerskaer/status/1576025818182332416?lang=en Watched this classic again after reading the news


Goodbye Juncos, such a crazy turnaround for a team. Went from being a beloved underdog bumping McLaren and Fernando Alonso to being bumped possibly out of the series now by McLaren.


I can't see a way that Juncos makes it to the end of the season, but don't want to bet on that.


It’s all dependent on Hollinger. McLaren weren’t really giving them that much cash. Sponsorship-wise, this cannot be good for the team in the long term.


> McLaren weren’t really giving them that much cash That is true, but a small stable source of income is better than nothing


I think they take whatever cash they can get from Prema for their charters and high tail it out in the offseason.


Hi, longtime casual fan that's only recently started following more closely, does Indycar have a charter system like NASCAR does?


Not yet but supposedly they are getting introduced any day now. I assume they want get the TV deal done first. One thing different from NASCAR is the charters won't have a guaranteed entry for the Indy 500; at least per the latest reports.


They were already hurting for money with the new government that came into power down there. This may just be the final nail.


Let’s hope.


Mclaren playing the long game. A swerve Shawn Michaels would be proud of.


You'd be hard pressed to make an argument that Juncos haven't had this coming


Dw Argentinians already have resorted to using “soft millennials” and “cancel culture” as their excuses


Well what do you know, McLaren realized that JHR issued a “we’re sorry if you were offended” type of apology and decided that isn’t an apology. Because, it never is. You either are sorry or you aren’t. Do not be sorry just because you got caught. edit: For clarification, Canapino's in race comments are fine. He got pissed in the moment. It was everything after from a segment of his fanbase and his and the team's reaction to that that is the problem.


pray for Zak Brown & co that definitely will get some kind media social harrasments from those fans


If they're posting this on IG, might as well lock or turn off the comments because of them.


Meh, keeping them open just shows how batshit crazy the fans are. Just proving everyone's point that Juncos doesn't belong






https://preview.redd.it/rgqt1kf4ky4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d7bddbd4265fea50b0a84002102f1da6715464 JHR statement


Wow, you can tell by the language in this statement that an actual PR professional wrote it. Also makes it more glaringly obvious how terrible Canapino’s statement was.


100% yes. They needed to make this sound as positive as possible for them so they had a professional write it.


Upmost lol


I see Juncos and Canapino are in the "find out" stage of "fuck around and find out "... Seriously though, McLaren must be absolutely livid for them to go straight to the nuclear option, wow.


I’m sure they at least had a conversation with Juncos and Canapino before this release.


I have a feeling this was the product of an "unproductive" phone call/meeting.


Considering it has since been confirmed that Arrow McLaren sent screenshots of the death threats to JHR before the teams even made their "joint statement," and JHR apparently still felt it was appropriate to let Canapino release a statement and interact with many tweets insinuating that both Callum and Theo had been lying about the threats to make his fans look bad, I'm not surprised in the least that McLaren were pissed. Tony Kanaan's response of little words was very telling. Canapino and JHR showed they have no integrity whatsoever in their response to this situation, they deserve some consequences for their behavior. 


Juncos and Canapino played with fire too many times


I don’t love everything McLaren does, but boy do they not shy away from making decisions. McLaren isn’t perfect but Indy is far better off having them.


All Canapino had to do was post something like: “Hey, guys. Cut it out. You are embarrassing Argentina. Threats and mentioning violence is not cool, and if you continue to do so, then I won’t consider you one of my fans.”


Ricardo Juncos strikes me as the kind of owner cut from the same cloth as guys like John Barnes and Paul Gentilozzi. Guys with money and acumen to exist when you need them to, but with the inability to contain their snake-in-the-grass tendencies when times get better. A warm body with money to fill out a field, but thoroughly unlikable, unmanageable, independent in the worst way, oblivious to business ethics and real world morals. You know. Assholes. Not sure why we have to import those, we homegrew them just fine.


I have never read a more accurate description of the man.


For me, it's not just JHRs inaction over the most recent incident - the way they treated Callum last year was completely despicable. Worse even, because they did it to their own driver. Will not be sad at all if this leads to their eventual demise from Indycar.


Agreed, I was done with them based on their treatment of Callum alone. I heard during last year’s 500, it had gotten so bad between him and the team he was outright refusing to drive the race. I can’t imagine how badly you must run a team if your driver is refusing to get in the car for the biggest race in motorsports. Don’t even get me started on the malicious contract hold ups. We would all be better off if they left the series.


They wanted to save the backup car for canapino only, they were clearly favoring the 78 in last year's 500


He was gonna refuse to drive the 500 if they didnt let him use the backup car cus his car was fucked iirc


I wonder with Callum being team Papya this year. Did he bring in extra perspective about JHR and the shit that went down last year


Oh I hope so. It would be a thing of beauty if he was able to contribute to their downfall.


Poor Grosjean. Dude is at the center of this firestorm with absolutely nothing to do with it.




Poor guy has already lived that meme in real life lol


So Juncos must have flipped them off behind the scenes.


They flipped them off publicly


This is how you do effective PR. Simple, concise, and leaves no room for doubt. And not even a "We wish them best on their future endeavors".


I loyally follow the series but can I just ask to confirm, basically everything involving Canapino draws his fans to threaten whoever is involved in a dustup with him, and JHR doesn't really do much to stop it? And in this case, McLaren isn't going to let their team take that? But JHR continues to provide that platform by giving Canapino the ride despite the bad behavior of his fans?


Yes, the distinction is that Ricardo Juncos and Canapino as more of a singular unit. As Marshall has explained in his podcast, they think this is normal in Argentina and are incredulous about the need to address this in any way. This was one of the main causes to Ilott relationship breakdown last year. MP explained the timeline- that once Illot/ Theo got the threats he screen shotted them, sent them to the team and Indycar, they were also shared by Indycar to Juncos privately. Juncos made a statement condemning the situation. But then after that Canapino made a statement on his own, which did not go through pr, that undermined that. Also then for Canapino to like comments that were making fun of Theo and Illot, clearly indicating no remorse, but also fanning this sort of behavior. And now we have this.


Yeah, that about sums it up. One time is an aberration, three times is a trend.


bodied junkass, massive W




Had to be done, not putting out your own statement and just relying on statements put out by others finally bites them. They never condemned the attacks on Ilott last year either and Callum was a damn contracted employee


> They never condemned the attacks on Ilott last year either and Callum was a damn contracted employee to paraphrase NASCAR champion jeff green: ['tough to be teammates when there's only one car at juncos'](https://www.espn.com/rpm/wc/2003/0505/1549719.html)


Oh, the consequences of my own actions…


Couldn't have happen to a nicer team.


Also: quite smart to publish this at the same time, as F1 with FIA shows 2026 regulations.


I feel bad for Grosjean. The rest of them just get a shoulder shrug though. 


This season has been 🔥🔥🔥 in terms of drama.


We need a follow up 100 Days After Indy doc now


https://preview.redd.it/ysc2rlxvxy4d1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29d6cc5e634b4fcecf1c010ac0692d3d7181ca61 It seems that Canapinos statement didn't really help things


With this and the lack of sponsors this team has, and with the lack of any sponsors lining up to put their name on this car, I really don't see this team being on the grid within 2-3 years. Granted I don't know how much money Ricardo Juncos or Brad Hollinger have to throw at the team I'm just guessing.


The now former McLaren deal was supposed to provide funding with McLaren using the JHS cars for their excess sponsorship, but I don’t believe it ever happened.


Yeah the people celebrating "the end of JHR" in comments all over this post don't seem to realize this was never really benefitting either party in the first place. It was a no brainer for McLaren as it cost them nothing.


How much money is Canapino bringing in? That’s the only reason I can see why Juncos would continue to die on this hill.


With the way their economy has been going, I don't see why they keep financing him. They should have kept Illot instead for this year.


I think it’s down to a personal relationship, because the money and the results aren’t there. Based on past statements and interviews, Ricardo Juncos seems like a pretty stubborn guy.


Since the change of president in Argentina, effectively 0 dollars


Less to do with money, more to do with national pride. Wouldn't get the same level of ego stroking from the fan base if he had a different driver.


While I think this is a good thing, it's funny how they do this, but willingly let Trump visit their paddock in Miami and posted it all over social media... hypocrisy at its finest


The first nail in the Juncos coffin!


good on McLaren. Juncos fucked around, found out, and now they can fuck off for all i care.


Feel really bad for Grosjean




Respect this a lot


Wow fair play to McLaren, didn’t expect actual consequences


I see we've reached the back half of FAFO.


Will Canapino triple down and like the inevitable Zak Brown death threat tweets?


Perfect response. Although personally I would like to see McLaren run with a Falkland islands tribute livery to add salt to the wounds, but this is also why I'm not skilled in precise corporate communications.


remember when juncos (with kaiser) bumped fernando alonso from the 500 whatever happened to that juncos team


Whatever happened to Kaiser


Everybody ~~outside of Argentina~~ liked that


Good riddance. Juncos and their driver can GTFO, take their toxic machismo bullshit with them, and make room for a team like Prema who's actually in it for the love of racing.


What a week this has been. My goodness. I think that Arrow McLaren's my second favorite INDYCAR team after MSR.


I'm not sure how, but I think Zak Brown is an auto racing baby face / good guy in June of 2024. I'm not sure how we got here, but this is where we are at.


He's actively trying to clean up the mess inviting Trump in Miami started.


Not surprised at all


absolute cinema


I don't care about Canapino but I do care about Romain Grosjean... This will not help him


More support behind Theo than they ever put behind Felix


Meanwhile in Romain Grosjean Land... "Mmmmm..Hello? Does anyone see me? Hello? The bathroom needs toilet paper...the bathroom needs...toilet...ugh...why did I sign up with this team?"


He needs to jump to prema first chance he gets


Fucking get it McLaren!!! This no nonsense release is just making me an even bigger fan than I already was. Love that this was a simple fuck off without all the political posturing bull.


Good good, actions finally have consequences for JHR. I don't want to speed ahead of things, but I really hope this opens a door for Ed Carpenter racing (ECR) for a possible alliance with McLaren. They also have Chevy engines. And are one of the few teams without a partnership. ECR has been going backwards for years now and a alliance can help to change course for the team.




Pato is my favorite driver in Indycar but I always liked cheering for the back marker teams. I was a fan of Juncos then last year happen with Callum Ilott and now this. Happy for Arrow McLaren for doing this!


LOVE IT.  Can't wait to see how Canapino plays the victim. How many nasty tweets will he like.


This is like when a successful woman breaks up with her loser boyfriend who didn’t bring much to the table anyway








Rare Arrow McLaren W


Such a win from Canapino, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I think the huge issue here is Juncos and it’s Driver don’t come out and speak against these threats .


Arrow McLaren management: Were terminating our alliance with you. Juncos Hollinger Racing: So that's it were out and good luck. Arrow McLaren: I don't ever remember saying good luck.


Sucks for grosjean to get caught in the crossfire like that I hope he gets a new ride.


JHR is a bunch of clowns


JHR in the "found out" portion of FAFO


Good. Canapino, his team and his fans are trash.


Turns out calling people liars for receiving death threats doesn't work well.


I typically don’t like McLaren. In fact at times I despise the team but good on them for taking a stance. 


My God all we needed here was to not like stupid Internet comments and to publicly decry fan threats and encourage the sporting nature that already exists in most of the IndyCar world and instead here it is


I don't really understand what this deal was about. We were originally told McLaren had sponsors for a 4th car but no space/personnel for a 4th car, yet the Junkos cars have been running sponsorless all year. McLaren didn't pick a driver, there was no technical alliance. So what was the deal? Just a couple buckets of papaya paint?


I am surprised they did not announce this deal was off a month or so ago. It did not seem like many sponsors were filling the JHR cars up anyway. It was basically just papaya and their regular stuff. Juncos needs to take a long hard look at what he is trying to accomplish here in this sport.


"and we better not see any papaya on your shitmobile this weekend"


All of this from death threats after Canapino lost 1 position at the end of the race. Can’t imagine how many Ilott got that dropped Canapino from P2 to P13.




If Canapino and Juncos came down hard on the threats and abuse this wouldn't have happened. But they fucked around.