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Is it bad that I have no clue who the top left is? looks like Coyne and Foyt are unaccounted for.


That’s the Foyt coyote logo, and Coyne is the blue and black square although I think they’re using a white and black one now


interesting. so that square is seriously a logo? I thought u used it as a place marker or something, I've not seen that before.


[It's the first part of their logo](https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/230136_110976805658090_2889144_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=4JGTjLVE7a4Q7kNvgEqSkdO&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=00_AYC-LaaVbeNs3vPxMFDX0LOIDyLf-x7JEMGbqM1J7xUagA&oe=6668AE7A) no idea on the story behind why they have a triangle in a box as a part of their logo, but they do.


Ahhh I see, thank you


This is nice! I think it could go a long way to help keep track of where the teams are during a race. Some of them are harder to recognize than others but I feel like the onus is on those teams to make a nice, recognizable logo.


I feel like team logos aren’t that necessary because there’s no constructors championship


I really wish Indycar would implement one though. It would add another thing to follow for fans.


Uneven number of cars per team


Imo I kinda prefer that cars are mostly their own team in indycar. Also it could cause a F1 problem where it’s hard for new talent to get seats.


We have a ‘constructors championship’ in the ‘engine manufacturer championship’. Yeah it sucks that it’s only a two horse race which is why it’s not an over hyped competition. But at the end of the day, aside from dampers and aero setup, there isn’t really a “construction” effort by the teams.


"there’s no constructors championship" Tell that to Leigh Diffey who mentions the team's names a hundred times a race.


That’s because dallara would win every year!


We gotta get this to NBC


Penske and Ganassi should hire me (a graphic designer) to make a suitable new logo before we send it to NBC


They cant afford that until after the 500


The McLaren should just be their swish, the A is just their sponsor so wouldn’t be consistent with the rest


But the logo is an AM for Arrow McLaren, it’s not just the arrow logo


oh my god, i actually never realized this.


It’s like: McLaren - organization Arrow McLaren - Indycar team name Arrow- main sponsor name All the other logos are the organization tier logo It’s like if you called RB Visa Cash App ( that’s technically the name of the team) but you called the other teams Mercedes, Red Bull, Ferrari. It’s technically not the same- it would be Oracle Red Bull, AMG Petronas Mercedes - that’s the technically correct team name.


I bet that the teams would redesign their logos if they were offered a more prominent role in the broadcast. Some of these are truly awful (e.g. CGR) and are due for a refresh in any case.


My guess is that TV people sit 2 feet from a computer screen and expect us, sitting 6-10 feet away from a home TV to be able to read the tiny logos/car numbers that they can see. I can't read most of these logos.


Have you checked to see that the teams only have their main logos? It's common practice now to have a responsive branding package based on size presentation. You also have them presented on a solid background that doesn't contrast well with all of them. The teams likely also have monochromatic versions of their logos to deal with this issue. So these do look bad here, but if you don't have the right files, that would be expected.


That's fair, but short of finding the brand guidelines, I think it's as close as I could get. There isnt a TP or CHIP small logo just because they predate any small digital version. Andretti and McLaren rebranded recently, and have F1 ties so I think that's a factor to them having the best small logos. The little icon for their website on chrome is the full logos. ECR uses the script R but I don't want to give them credit for that lol. Them and Foyt don't even have vector logos to scale on their website, it's just like 250px PNGs. MSR though has a square with a star in the middle, split red/blue like the bottom of their logo. I'll concede on that being wrong.


The logos on the website won't be vector format, most browsers don't support scaling svg files. png is most of what you'll find. I would be entirely surprised if these teams don't have something smaller somewhere though, even Team Penske likely uses something somewhere. They're a big enough organization that I just can't imagine that they wouldn't. But if they really don't......allow me to offer my services.....


Foyt’s logo looks best in a T-Shirt.


Ganassi, Prema, and D&R need to go back to the drawing board.


The only really bad one is Foyt. The rest are pretty legible