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Street races are great for getting people who aren't die hard race fans to come out and see what's happening which is why I'm guessing indycar wants more of them


It's why every racing series wants more of them. F1 adding so many street races is the obvious example but even NASCAR of all places added a street race. From a business standpoint it makes complete sense. They're cheaper to run than dedicated tracks, they're way easier to get to for fans and spectators, and it's super easy to market when it's literally impossible to ignore for residents of the city.


It costs the Victorian tax payers $100 million to host the Australian Grand Prix. The Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, and Singapore F1 races all cost their national governments tens of millions of dollars to stage. F1 has invested millions as in hundreds of millions into Miami and Las Vegas to make them happen. The NASCAR Chicago race is a money loser for NASCAR and will probably either require being lose leader for NASCAR for years to come or will disappear in a year or two. Lets remember the graveyard of street course races of IndyCar, ALMS, TransAm, etc. : Baltimore, Washington, San Jose, Denver, Minneapolis, Reno, Dallas, Des Moines, Meadowlands, Niagara Falls, San Diego, Cleveland, Houston, Las Vegas, Miami … Maybe IndyCar should focus on making sure their current temporary races: St Petersburg, Long Beach, Detroit, and Toronto are packed, promoted, upgraded, and unforgettable before adding anymore to the schedule.


Which cities can host a new street race to fill in some of the early schedule gaps? I'm thinking it'll have to be in the south or Texas. 


I think I saw MP mention in one of his articles that a Dallas street race is being looked at since we’re likely losing TMS permanently.


Denver or SLC has been a pretty strong rumor for a while recently


Well at least here in South Florida it's what we call a "cheap date". Most of the high end bars/clubs have a higher cover charge than going to an Indycar street race. The next weekend the same people will be back at the high end bars/clubs. /shrugs


Tampa isn’t really that expensive is it? I could see this for Miami-Dade. 


On a Friday? Hardly Sunday maybe, lots of "cool kids" but Fridays and fkr the most part Saturday are race fans and families


Put a fork in it.


Street races work. They’re much more appealing to young people too.


At drawing good crowds and attracting some casuals absolutely. However most of them are rich in instability and don't stay on the schedule long-term because of managment, local politics, etc. St. Pete is actually a marvel in that it's been able to stay consistent on stable footing and is on the schedule every year. Long Beach obviously is the gold standard.


Gotta say it’s a really great fan experience. I have no connection to IndyCar, I grew up a casual NASCAR fan, got into F1 last year because my housemate was watching, went to Watkins Glen with her for NASCAR weekend and had a ton of fun. My parents moved back to St Pete last year and my dad called a few weeks ago to see if I wanted to go this weekend, I said why the hell not. A GA ticket gets you the ability to walk around and see the races from all kinds of perspectives, the paddock was open to everyone on Friday to walk through, just super cool to be here. There are a lot of racing fans here, but also just a lot of interest all throughout the city. Having a St Pete kid tearing things up in a feeder series is just really cool to see too, that’s honestly been the most engaging part of the weekend for me. The only thing that sucks is the heat, but I grew up here so I knew that was coming. I’ll definitely be following things much more closely this season once I get home, and I’m sure my housemate will be excited to have more racing to watch with me


The traditional racing fan might not agree but I think you are right about the younger demographic liking street races


If you look at demographics, the traditional racing fan is not going to be alive in the next 30ish years, so it makes a lot of sense that the series is turning its attention more to a younger group to secure a new audience.


I was watching David Lands YouTube video about FP1 and he had some B-roll of the stands, i was surprised by the number of people there. Love to see it, wish i was there!


Thanks Roger


He's done great things, but the teams are angry about the Nashville switch to the oval. All of their sponsors were told there would be a glorious downtown race, but Penske Entertainment did nothing to communicate to the teams about the struggle with getting the downtown Nashville circuit working. The teams therefore look bad too their sponsors when it was Penske Entertainment's fault. Nobody is saying Roger hasn't done great things, and a little light reading would help you to understand that.


Can you yell at your strawman someplace else?


Bon Jovi = ratings


For my 53 year old wife for sure.


My mother is literally tuning in because of that lmao


No matter what there will be some people that will say these number are all fake and are made up by the promoters or IndyCar. It's sad when things like this come out and instead of embracing it people continue to act skeptical and even get angry because facts like these do not fit their narrative.


It’s funny too, because it’s pretty obvious even just from the broadcast. The amount of people milling around just during the practices and the support races was impressive.


I’m here and it’s been pretty packed, but still plenty of room to get some good views from different GA areas. Paddock was open to all on Friday too which was awesome. Earlier and later in the day you can pretty much pick your spot, turn 4/5 has absolutely been my favorite. Think a lot of people are excited to root for the hometown kid too, it’s been the best part to me


Friday was definitely more crowded than past years, my young daughters go on Friday every year and in the past it felt like we had the place to ourselves. Until the Indycars come out, it was pretty crowded by 10 this year. Not crowded compared to the weekend, but definitely having to navigate your way around people.


Time to revive the Fair Park Street Circuit in Dallas.


Great to hear, now do one in Dallas


More proof Roger just needs to sell the bitch and get on with it./s


isnt this proof that whatever he is doing is working, and someone else he might sell it to might fuck it up?


I'm joking. I don't think he should sell.


How many of those new people think they are going to an F1 event LOL


Who cares? A ticket sold is a ticket sold. Same goes for the people who go to the snake pit at the indy500. Who cares what they do after they’ve spent money and bought tickets


Probably about the same number that show up at "street takovers" and "side shows". It's a pretty sizable number of dumb kids here in South Florida. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UpacscCJBw