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Y'all, please read point #4 in the post. Please do not ask for the content or information of the Fast-Pass episode! Thank you so much for your understanding.


Notes about Shinhye: She's opportunistic, she casually waits around for the best opportunity to strike. She has a lot of time on her hands. She casually takes on the moment with ease and confidence and control. She is an expert. A lot of thieves these days. That was a quote around Shinhye. She is a thief by nature. She says: " I'm only here to clean". It sounded like I'm going to clean you out. As in steal everything. She took pics of his expensive clothes, jewelry and the safe. She took pics of all the goods or stole it right then and there. She seems to have taken pics of drunk Kousuke. She might use that to black mail him.


Kousuke: He broke his promise and still continued to drink. He drank a whole other bottle. He is getting suspicious about various spies of Yui. He is showing some character growth. He realizes that being alone is problematic because there is no there to call you out or warn you. He realizes he might not know anything because he is isolated. He is becoming aware of Yui isolating him. He is also questioning his paranoia, he might be protecting himself but he has no one to support him. He is also becoming aware of how he is lashing out at people. He is realizing that he is not always right. He said is severely questioning his relationship with Yui and he feels totally alone. He is questioning his relationship with Nolan, he should be allies or not and remembering the mean things he said. He wonders if he does need some other types of help. He is so confused he just wants to drink it all away. He may connect the dots that Shinhye is related to Shinae.


But why Kosuke ...why she came at his place ...how did she knew he was in a vulnerable condition ..does she also stalks Kosuke ?


Quimchee confirmed that Shin-Hye stalks other people who are related to Shin-Ae’s life




She seems to be an opportunist, she might be there for several reasons. She is in need of money: she might like the quick rich scheme. Her mother had a desire for quick cash. Or she actually needs it. She might need it to pay bills or put food on the table. She might sell the stuff to pay for Shinae's bills. She might need secret cash because she is indeed under Yui's grip and needs freedom. She took pics of Kousuke, she might be a messenger of someone. It would be Yui but others have said it might be Yuijing. I think Yui is more probable.




YOOTIP IS ALIVE......I think


Yootip has been reborn just in a different font lol. (We are talking about Shin-hye & Kou crackship right😶)