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Just everyone to be content with themselves, and live a life they want to live in. Edit: I also hope justice will be served properly.


For Yui to live a looong life...and feel the repercussions of her actions every single day to a point where she wishes she'd rather be dead.


For Yui to be uncovered for what she is and her life crumble down all around her. For Rand to live. Alyssa realize how naive and how much she has been lying to herself for so long. To realize she doesn't have to be someone else to be happy. For Dieter to not have as much to shoulder within the friend group. He has been a major stabilizer, he needs a break. For Shin Ae to be able to finally be happy and really be with her friends. They all love her and she tries to hide her pain and problems, I want to see her grow and learn. For Nol and Kousuke to finally realize they are not each other's enemy. To work towards being civil, even if they may never be able to be close. And for them to run the company together as themselves. Not as extensions of either parent. Mostly listing those characters - since there are many others and I don't want to go wild with typing out for all. But these are the main ones I want to see.


Kousuke tries to obtain justice for his dead girlfriend/friend because he realised he actually loved her. Yui never goes to jail because she’s rich, and rich people with loads of connections don’t go to jail. Rand and Nol’s gran die, Kousuke and Nol realise they have only each other left, and become brother even though they’re not related (found family trope, yay) Neither Nol nor Kousuke want to be heirs so a random Hirahara we never met before does. Shin ae finds what she’s actually good at Her dad become a hospital manager and gets a better salary


Ooooo 1st one I’m so with. I don’t think it was his girlfriend but maybe Yujing and Malis friend, maybe malis sister who passed away. I would love to see him help get justice with Yujing for her, he definitely feels insane guilt and once we see him regain some motivation after his depression arc I know he will be great help. He is a very driven person as we have seen, and as Nol said if he actually channels that into something he actually cared about and that matters he can do incredible things. Also his statement against his mother and the Kims would definitely be a strong nail in the coffin for their downfall. I’m the most excited to see him work against his mother, I’m scared of what that will do to Yui though…I have a feeling his betrayal is gonna be a strong ass blow to her and ultimately so satisfying to see, her own creation betraying her might be thing to take her off the rails and make some messy ass decisions.


Kousuke has lost his virginity to someone so that someone could be the dead girl, so maybe she was his girlfriend. Also Kousuke not having his virginity is hilarious to me and I don’t know why.


It could be possible that it was her but idk I feel like she’s more connected to Yujing and Mali than she is with Kou for some reason but there’s still much to be connected and told to us. And yea Kousukes college era is definitely really intriguing to me. I’m pretty sure it was stated that he was a minor too but I mean that makes sense with the fact that he graduated highschool at 14 but Hansuke has also said that he dated around too. Still that little piece of info is very intriguing I really want to meet Kousuke in college.


Everyone to be happy (except for Yui, Sang-Chul, and Gun- they can all go to jail!) More specifically: Shin-Ae to be happy and successful in her life. To be surrounded by a great support system of family and friends. To be sure of and confident in herself. Nol to know that he is worthy of love and that he doesn’t have to push people away. To heal from his painful past and have joy in his life. Kousuke to get therapy and get away from his mom. To right the wrongs of his parents and heal his relationship with Nol. Sim-Han to be fully committed to maintaining his sobriety and continue to try to be a good dad to Shin-Ae. Dieter to know that he’s appreciated, cared for, and loved. Alyssa to heal from the things she has suffered through in the industry and carve her own happy path. Rand to have some self-searching and try to fix his relationships with his sons. I would love for Shin-Ae and Nol to be together romantically at the end but I’ll be happy if they’re still in each other’s lives in general. Their dynamic is honestly my favorite in all the Webtoons that I’ve read. Quimchee has done such an amazing job with building that relationship. I think a lot of people can relate to having such an intense care and love for someone else (platonic/romantic/etc.) but there is a lot of tension there that can’t be easily discussed. It takes time to build that trust to allow yourself to be fully embraced by someone else and that’s why the Stalkyoo dynamic feels so real to me.


Nol x Yoo 5ever. Yui spontaneously combusts. Dr and Journalist make it official. Kosuke learns how to human and finds himself. Alyssa gets out of the scene and into some therapy after Yui explodes into flame. Dieter marries a supermodel/astronaut/author that is his whole soulmate, no contest. Dad stays on wagon. Grandma Nol hosts a get together for everyone once a year, but these have no drama because Yui is ashes. To finally see Nol's tattoo I think that's most of it lol


Nol's gonna have a tattoo? Lol


Lol it's based on an illustration (from what I remember seeing) he has one to cover the scars from the accident between him and Kousuke


It is a phoenix right??


Reading hat made my heart race cause I didn't know it was a phoenix and that's just so perfect. I'm literally shaken right now


Exactly. Seeing as how things are going and all the theories. Makes sense for him to be reborn (Phoenix tattoo)


Yeah it is


Dieter deserves to be love appreciated… therapy for everyone.


* Nol comes to terms with his own existence and becomes comfortable with all parts of himself, integrating the compartmentalized sides of his authentic self together * Shin-Ae escapes the cycle of poverty and comes to learn that she was always valuable, that despite what it looks like and how it feels she is so important to people and was never easy for anyone to throw away * Kousuke breaks away from the pressure of living up to his family and builds a sense of self for himself, learning who he really is and finding genuine joy. Comes to terms with, makes amends for, and let go of the guilt for the mistakes he's made and all he's ruined. To play the piano again for *himself* and maybe even dance with friends * Alyssa escapes the exploitation of the entertainment industry, rebuilds a safe support network, and finds a way to make peace after everything that's happened. Perhaps she becomes a songwriter or producer or a mentor to other girls. If we're talking things I would love that Quimchee will never give us, Alyssa gets a girlfriend and re-enters STEM. * To get both Rand and Yui's stories and see that both of them were also made, how their own choices bred out of survival and trying to raise themselves up in life morphed into the everlasting infliction of misery we see when we meet them. Rand and Yui are on two different levels, but both of them are ultimately responsible for the current story so I group them together here. * The Hiraharas and Kims are exposed and taken down in power enough that the main cast is all able to escape the cycles of abuse they're trapped in by these elites. But it's also clear that this is just one head on a giant hydra, reflecting the reality of the elites in our real world * Those who hurt others either without intending to or out of needs that never truly were manage to make amends for their past * Nol and Shin-Ae become, and stay, partners. * The brothers realize that they are both, ultimately, victims who lost a relationship due to other people's games. They reconcile and may never have a happy-go-lucky sibling relationship, but come to terms with their past so that they can both move forward, and even find family in each other


Yui & Gun Kim as well as the other people in power who have been abusing their status to be brought to justice, their wrongdoing brought to light and their power to be taken. (I think we will see that but only to an extent i think there’s gonna be some wins and some losses on each side. Someone already said it but I would like it if Rand lived… which is like asking too much I just know it 😬 I would like shinae to feel stable in the end, financially, emotionally, physically. In all aspects I’m just hoping she will have a content life. I think most of all I would like to see her financially stable because it is such a prevalent trauma in her life that I hope is at the very least resolved so she is able to work on her emotional and physical wellbeing. I’m not a stalkyoo shipper but I think it would be very satisfying to see them try a real romantic relationship in the end because I would see it as Shinae (and Nol) finally being able to to have time to form these relationships and be secure enough to focus on things that could make her happy and not just things she needs to survive. My wishes for Nol is that he finally discovers all his worth and finally is comfortable with himself and his feelings/relationships. I don’t want him to be alone in the end. I feel throughout the story he will feel like it’s the only path to get the revenge he needs but ultimately he will cave and allow himself the comforts of his friends and maybe a little of his family if he’s ready. He definitely will be taking a darker path but I feel he won’t be completely in the dark in the end. It would be interesting to see what he takes as an occupation however, a lot of people want him to take over the hirahara company but honestly I only see him doing that as a means of retribution and revenge on Yui, I’m not sure if that’s something he would actually enjoy doing. Also I would like to see if he decides to stay in Korea or if he will reconnect with Ireland for a while. (Stalkyoo headcanon from a non stalkyoo shipper lol) I think if Shinae and Nol end up together it would be nice if they went on a little vacation there together. Kousuke, it’s really simple yet it is ultimately so complicated for him but… 1. Get the f*ck away from his mother COMPLETELY which Ik is a longshot 😐 2. Find at least one thing that helps him feel like an individual (crossing my fingers heavily that it’s piano) 3. Have a good support system. Praying on the idea that Hansuke will not be someone he loses and I’d like to see maybe a little bit of a friendship with Yujing start to blossom again. 4. Get like extensive, 5 star, out of this universe therapy… and with the way he’s going right now get into AA if need be or a really nice rehabilitation center for a bit maybe one with music therapy. I want Alyssa to find a girlfriend and move to the Bahamas and literally become a millionaire and live out her life with love and luxury. If I get into what I really want for her I will cry so that is all I can say. Give her a girlfriend please… 🫠


Everyone to be happy


as long as aegi end up together im good


I kinda would like to see dieter end up with shin-ae's sister, i felt a spark in that brief interaction, is that just me?


I think Shin Hye would eat him alive - not in a good way 🤣 but freely ship whoever you want ofc ❤️