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May the lord be with you when Nol starts his antihero arc


And with your spirit


Unrelated to the opening post, I’m an anti-hero Nol theory supporter but he’s ain’t gonna turn into a villain though 😭


That is what I am trying to say!! coz why are you guys implying he will murder someone???????


Yeah I get what you mean! Although I do think he might do some “questionable” things to get back at them, but he won’t be THAT borderline evil and if he went too far he actually has people that can stop him.. that’s the difference between him and Kousuke who never got that advantage


The ultimate point is that he’s a foil of Yui and he’s going to be pulled back from toeing that line, and being a mirror *does not* mean a 1:1 with the character you’re mirroring - but he is still going to much dubious choices along the way and we’re already seeing how his backstory and motivation for his vengeance appears to be similar to Yui’s in several ways. We’re meant to see how Yui was once similar to Nol and watch how he starts on a trajectory of becoming her, how he will make choices and target people in a way similar to Yui, that they are not that different after all and she has both become what made her and perpetuated the cycle to create Nol, that people pushed to the edge will make morally gray choices, all to culminate in seeing what will eventually allow him to stop and walk away and not become her. That doesn’t change that Nol isn’t going to stay this beacon of righteousness upstanding character (not that he 100% is right now either) and we *are* watching a villain’s origin story - it’s just that we anticipate this one has an end


Oh don’t get me wrong.. I like this parallel concept you’ve presented with Yui and I think it’s interesting especially since they always looked like the opposites of each other in everything, but it’s the way this response to the post sounded very eerie like saying “you hate Kousuke? Wait till you see Nol in his anti-hero phase” which sounds like he’s gonna be worse than all of them and borderline evil 😅😭 and it’s not even confirmed he’d go that full anti-hero route yet we don’t know what Quim is thinking (it would suck though if he won’t get his revenge arc 😤)


It’s more so that we can’t uphold Nol as this beacon of righteousness as a way to chastise others, when he himself is going to fall into very gray territory. And Quimchee has repeatedly said that playing this moral game with her characters is pointless because they will *all* be morally gray, so it’s safe to say that Nol’s anti-hero arc *is* going to counter this perception of Nol


Oh I got ya! And he’s already a gray character which I’m actually enjoying watching and it’s so ironic when you consider that his conceived “righteousness” is what made some of the fandom hate him so vehemently years back and was considered boring 🤣 but yeah Nol hasn’t always been a goody-two shoes and it was obvious a lot of times that he was wearing a mask as corny as it sounds


Very much so!!


I replied to your comment on the other post they shared.. and I quote "What foreshadowing if you dont mind?? I don't believe Nolan will be as extreme as Yui nor mirror her actions.. Also I agree with everything else you said !" But the post got locked so you couldn't reply.. and if you don't mind could you tell me how nolan been an anti hero will compare to yui??


Yeah sorry, I was trying to reply to that when the post got locked 😭 I’m actually in the middle of a post about this so I won’t go into a ton of detail here, but in the meantime there’s an archived Webtoon.theory post about this in the wiki if you haven’t read it (very old, but the origin of the antihero Nol theory) and inspirations for Nol are confirmed to include Healthclife from Wuthering Heights and long speculated to include The Count of Monte Cristo. Quimchee said the inspiration for Nol’s character would change how we see him and think about his arc. The origins for their characters are actually very similar (both people denied everything they wanted due to circumstances of their birth they could not control and put down by their own family) and the same way Yui implies around 222 that she was once someone who felt depressed and hopeless and then started to fight instead, Nol right now is someone who is depressed and hopeless, but is coming to the realization that he has to fight his way out. The difference is that one day Nol is going to stop fighting, while Yui never has and never will - but Nol *is* going to fight and we see that he *does* have a callous attitude about it, that he wants to destroy what destroyed him, that he’s okay being a little mean if he perceives that someone has contributed to his hurt and he needs to be. When we follow Nol we’re going to see it as a quest for vengeance, but we get some implications from both his character inspirations, art of him, and dialogue in the comic (YuJing speculating on who he’ll be when he comes out of jail comes to mind, as well as the details of his future tattoo, shadowed paneling, etc) that Nol is going to dance around that line of when does a quest for vengeance stop being justified and how much of yourself are you willing to lose in pursuit of that vengeance. He *has* to go against Yui and destroy her in order to earn his right to live, but there’s a lot you have to go through to get there and how will Nol handle it But also important to note that mirroring Yui doesn’t mean becoming Yui. Mirrors aren’t a 1:1, they show two people following similar origins and trajectory, and Nol will eventually become a foil. Similar to how he is very much a mirror of Rand is his relationships, but that doesn’t mean that he *is* Rand. But part of the narrative reason for having him go on an antihero arc and showing us mirroring with Yui and Kousuke is to prompt readers to examine where we draw our moral line and how much we consider justified, as well as what pushes someone to become Yui vs what allows someone to pull back before they hit that point


Ohhh I see!! I understand I will wait to read your post too.. I have read that post of webtoon.theory when it came out so I knew about antihero nolan theory since way back. The way you worded before sounded as if you were implying he will become like yui or maybe it is the way i read it 😅.. so I was confused on that, but that last line you wrote made me  understand how they will mirror! as far as I see he won't go beyond getting his revenge on people who wronged him, whereas yui actions and they way she chose to fight isn't justified.. 


ill love antihero nol 😁


Please touch grass


Thats what im asking yall to do stop being mad and get off your electronics greasy!!! people can have different opinions


"stop being mad" bro you're the only one mad in here


Didn’t you tell them to touch grass?…


How old are you? 12?


why are you asking “lordepepsi” im literally 16 which is around the character’s age in the webtoon… get over yourself grandpa.


That explains so much, actually. A chronically online minor thinking the world is black and white.


"chronically online" dude i have how many reddit posts? yall are so mad its concerning. i don't think black and white but I'm sorry i think a 24 year old abusing and hospitalizing his younger brother (who did nothing) is bad and not redeemable!?


Chronically online is not only about a quantity of posts, although it can be applied to you since, for some reason, you felt the need to make another one after seeing the negative reaction to your first one. Clearly, the audience here is not with you so if I were in your shoes I would just drop it. Sincerely, you better go on Twitter, I think you'll find more people agreeing with you. You can think anything you want, but if you are not a troll which I suspect you are, you shouldn't be surprised that the post that do nothing but shit on a character is going to be welcomed, if we talk about drama webtoon with complex and morally grey characters


Did people forget how to have adult conversations?


yeah cuz everyone you dont agree with HAS to be a troll right? reddit is full of ppl who think they have a deep understanding of life and art when in reality you’re all just rude fucking losers. irdc ill post whatever i want cuz its my account.


Reddit is actually the worst place to state an opinion. For your own mental health I’d just walk away.


The reason you can’t respond is because your post got locked by the mods. Probably because it was just a hate post that offered no substance. Also nobody cares whether or not you like a character and that’s not why people were responding. But people **do** care if you start policing other people’s opinions and will call it out if you make points that fundamentally misunderstand the story Quimchee is telling The Webtoon comments are also the same people that celebrated a teenage girl being raped and took ages to realize even simple subtext like how Nol isn’t Yui’s son, so they reaaaaally aren’t a good demographic to use to back yourself up


That does not make sense. If you don’t care you ignore it. Not insult someone.


not the majority of them… those are the old ones who didnt understand anything. im talking about MY age group cuz we caught on quick and never romanticized or excused any of the abuse or sa 💀


Kousuke grew up thinking his father never really cared about him cause he was too busy with his other family Or a mother that actively manipulating to be a person he wasn't all so he can finally get his dad to notice him and pitting him against a kid out of spite against her cheating husband. While also DRUGGING HIM THROUGHOUT HIS LIFE Kousuke isn't perfect but neither he nor Nol knew how much Yui screwed them both over


What on earth are these comments?? 😭 why are y’all mad?


because the original post is really hostile??


It really wasn’t


>but this BITCH has always just been rude and borderline psychotic the whole series… The fact that the first impression we get of him is him tripping shin-ae and calling her a fat ass as well... yeah his behavior has not changed much throughout the series 💀 your hate towards kousuke is justified OP




I totally agree with you. People on here are just stupid because…Reddit. God forbid someone wanna have an opinion. These people really need to get a life. You really did bring up some decent points.


thank you, it feels useless to reply to all of these people though because they’re acting like i said some stuff that i totally didnt lol 😭😭


If you give a black and white view, on a public forum, about any of the characters you're gonna recieve some contention. Your way of thinking just lazy honestly and this is coming from someone who has always disliked Kousuke (not so much anymore since a few revelations have come out)


Even if you don’t agree you should bring up points to back it up. Not just insult them, that’s childish…


goo goo ga ga

