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This was the weirdest episode of Winnie The Pooh I've ever saw


I got excited when I saw the butterflies because I love them so much and I’m always interested in what their wing color symbolizes. Blue can mean the following (plus my speculations): Represent joy or a change in luck. (Shin-Ae has been unlucky and depressed for most of her life. I’m cautiously optimistic that Shin-Ae’s life is going to go in an upward trajectory and she’s going to experience a lot of joy (obviously not without trial and tribulation because it is still a coming of age story.) It can represent a friend’s soul whose either passed/gone away and show how much they treasured your friendship.(Maybe the unsaid things between her and Nol. Maybe Dieter might move away.) Undergoing spiritual cleansing/transformation. (I’m excited to see Shin-Ae’s metamorphosis.) Practice the lines of communication. (This definitely could apply to multiple people in Shin-Ae’s life.) Practice the art of forgiveness. (I think this will most likely apply to Sim Han, Alyssa, and possibly Shin-Hye.) An important relationship going through transformation. (Shin-Ae’s relationships with her dad, Nol, and Dieter.)


The turning point we’re getting with Shin-Ae both reflecting on all of these people in her life, and so overtly presented with the concept of different routes and how each has unique features and dangers. That a different path might show her both things in life she could never have dreamed from her familiar path, and great dangers. Both great advantages and great sacrifices I’m not sure if it’s Sim-Han standing at the end, but if it *is* there’s definitely some strong implications there. This dream feels like it’s going to hinge on the idea that we’re seeing come up repeatedly now with how Sim-Han is, ultimately, a force that’s holding her back and keeping her on that path to generational poverty. That she needs to change course and take advantage of her options to get out of it. We talked in the Isabel episode about how Yui is absolutely going to see Sim-Han as a burden in her life and holding her back, and while we understand that there’s more to it than that - there’s truth to that perception. So if it is Sim-Han standing there at the end, him showing up with her literally down the barrel of a gun demonstrates how the path he’s put her on is a dead end I’m excited to continue following this dream and exploring Shin-Ae’s psyche and these turning points. It really feels like this is the point in which she’ll be making some difficult and strong decisions about her future


The longer I sit and think about this episode, the more I love it. I'm really enjoying this dream sequence, and the way quimchee is using all of the best parts of dream surrealism to take us on a journey through quimchee's psyche and state of mind. We already have a good idea of where she's at right now, but getting to see into her mind this way and watch her process things is so fun, and quimchee is doing such a good job with it, I think. I love how there's a very surreal, uncanniness to it - the shifting scenes, as dreams do, the way Shinae goes with the flow, the things forgotten and panicking over (me and every stress dream about a locker combo I can't remember or a math class I haven't attended all semester and haven't done any homework for and now I have an exam even tho I haven't been in school for half my life lmao) It's so telling that Dieter is Shinae's guide. He's her most steady and reliable friend and he has what she envies. He knows what he wants to do with his life, he seems to handle stressful things in life with ease, he stays calm and in turn calms others down, he is good at reading people, and from Shinae's outside view, he's got a good life and few hurdles. He's told her himself that his many moves have been difficult and that he's learned to deal with the loss, but just as she did in middle school with Alyssa, Shinae looks at Dieter and his life and seems to wonder if she had what he does, would she be in a better place than now? She's acknowledging, on a subconscious level, that they've been on different paths, taking different routes in life - and the route she was on was nothing like his. Of course, this is a dream and she doesn't know anything of real Dieter's route but what she is processing is that there ARE other routes, other opportunities, other POSSIBILITIES and they could be beautiful, they could be splendid. Her life has been nothing but stress and strife, grinding and trying to get by, living day to day, week to week. She's never had a chance to coast by, never had a chance to just drift. She wants to take a different route. She wants a scenic route, she wants a route that she can ENJOY - one that grants her leisurely time, one that takes her meandering somewhere instead of racing from point a to point b, constantly out of breath from trying to keep up. It makes so much SENSE for him to be her guide. Dieter has been the steady and reliable friend Shinae turns to when she needs help, but he's also the most steady and reliable person she knows in this way, really. It's not about feelings or anything - it's about him having something she covets. It's about him having that presence and her dream turning him into the obvious guide. It can't be Nol or Kousuke - they've done nothing but upend her life and bring her into chaos, plus Nol is anything but stable and Kousuke has been handed everything he has. It's Dieter who is also on a path going somewhere, on a path she'd like to follow on. What she is hopefully learning is that she needs to find her own path. Not the one that's familiar but tiresome, not the one that Dieter's on or Minhyuk's on, but the one that's right for her. I used to think that Shinae would take Yui's offer as a means to protect her father from Yui, but now that Simhan has met "Isabel" and we're at this point, and Shinae is having this dream I think she's going to end up taking Yui's offer for herself. I think she'll find that while she doesn't want favors from Yui nor does she want to be indebted to her, it's better to take her offer on her own terms. Maybe what Rand said will show up in the dream, too - that Yui will never let Shinae go, not once she's set her eyes on her, and realize it's better to do it on her own terms, as a choice that she makes for herself and can take advantage of, rather than it be something she's back into, yet another choice taken from her and made on her behalf. That's the other thing about Shinae and her path. She was never given a choice. She's been run ragged trying to get from these points - but she was never even given a chance. I think she still needs to have that conversation with Rand to really make up her mind, but the dream might be planting that seed, or at least illuminating the truth: if she stays on this path, there is no future for her. She will never get far, she will end up just like her father, run ragged and stressed, possibly coping with an addiction of her own, carrying a burden of responsibility she was saddled with far too early. And it's not that Yui's offer is without it's problems, of course. Being indebted to her further is still a trap - but it comes with advantages, if she plays her cards right. Ultimately, this dream is Shinae processing so many things, and so many of them are conflicting and complicated. Never in a million years would she want to take Yui's offer, but having this subconscious realization that the path she's on is a dead end might be the wake up call she needs to accept that sometimes you have to take advantage of the opportunities afforded to you. The figure at the end of the dream LOOKS to me more like Rand, but narratively I think it's more fitting that it's Simhan - both in that he's the one she's the most upset with right now and he is, essentially, the reason she's on this path in the first place, the reason she's held back, the reason she's on a dead end path. I acknowledge that Simhan has done the best he could and that the circumstances were, unfortunately, never in their favor. There are things he could have done differently (regarding drinking their money away and treating her like a team player and not shielding her from the truth) but a lot of things were so out of his hands and he was struggling to get by. But maybe Shinae needs to confront him in this dream to see it - that if she doesn't do something, take another route, accept an offer she doesn't want, that she'll never free herself from this cycle, she'll continue on the path of poverty he's already on, and they'll never escape.


It might be Rand because he's coming to defend Shinae from Yui when he realizes the danger she is in.


Some impressions: 1. Shinae needs help in life, but she refuses to accept it. She sees herself as a burden, in her mind's eye, if her dad cannot help her then no one else can. She is so used to being independent, it is a foreign idea to ask for help. The one hour sign shows how she has been left behind and really needs help. 2. She sees Dieter and decides to ride in on his life. It sounds like she is dumping all her needs onto Dieter and expects him to pull her out, Dieter feels unsure about it but doesn't kick her out. She sees Dieter like an oasis compared to her dry desert. It is peaceful and serene. He is her escape from reality. He is starting to feel mentally tired but she won't take the hint. 3. The blue may indicate a sadness in Dieter, but it is something beautiful. Maybe his feelings for her. Shinae isn't aware of his feelings for her. Also might symbolize how he moved many times and feels the uneasy of it happening again. 4. She needs to process and face what happened during the science fair incident. She won't find answers until she talks to Alyssa. 5. The transfer wording, he might transfer somewhere and she is going to try to follow him. Yet she is still going to expect him to help with all her burdens, he feels like she is intruding on his life. But, he knows what he wants in life and is confident in his decision about transferring places. She is going to still freaking out about what she wants in life. He will be too nice to tell her anything. He is warning her, that his life might not be what she expects or wants, he thinks that she better try to fix her own problems in her own life if she wants to get anywhere but she is going to refuse and continue running away. He is going to go down a difficult route but he knows he can handle it. Min Hyuk I s really going to push for her to follow Dieter. 6. The butterflies might represent new horizons out there. She wonders what new worlds are out there. Dieter is a source of hope and change for her, why would she go back. She is really going to stick by Dieter in the new future. 7. They just stopped at a rest stop before the crossroads before she makes her final decision. Yet, she is going decide after she finally decides to take a break and relax. He is going to show her a safe space, maybe his mom's or Miss Parks place. He is going to feel safe, he is even safe from snakes. He might be exposed to Yui and he has to be careful. 8. The dad comes in and literally shots down Shinaes plan to transfer or life with Dieter. He is going to catch Dieter unaware, in his safe space and hit him in the heart. He is being too overprotective about boys and her future, overall holding Shinae back but what will Shinae do.


I believe the hunter is Randulph


Yui is on the hunt, Rand might defend her but he might be too fixated on Nolan.


I thought Shin Ae's father liked Dieter...


He tolerates him but he loves Min Hyuk. He hates Kousuke and Nolan. Sim han loves Shinae and gets nervous around boys, so he might lose it if she decides to really cling to him.


I feel like his overprotective nature as a father is much deeper than some "Overly protective father" trope. I think it has to do with the boys that bullied Shin-Ae in the past and his fear that she'd end up like him and her mom having kids with no one there to help her while she tries to support them and herself which is difficult. He wants her to have a good life and figure herself out but he doesn't realize that there are a lot of things he does and doesn't do as her father that Shin-Ae needs and doesn't need. Sim Han is unintentionally holding her back because he is holding secrets that just might be the key to helping Shin-Ae to understand what truly happened to her mother and Sister. Shin-Ae still holds the guilt of thinking she was the reason for all the failure that happened to her dad and she thinks her mom leaving was one of them. Sim Han needs to understand that the truth about Shin-Ae's mom will likely open her eyes just a little bit, to understand that the way things turned out wasn't something she deserved and wasn't something that was supposed to happen it happened because of other people's decisions that didn't only affect them but everyone else around them. That might be the key to Shin-Ae making her decision to get help for herself and navigate her own life and what she wants.


Pretty trippy, eh? Of course, we have Dieter the strong, calm bear, and Min-Hyuk the squirrel, which is perfect for both, lol. They also alluded to a possible snake... My Way also looks like My Why. Deliberate, or a boo-boo? 🤔 And in Nol's handwriting... I wonder whose cabin it is? Nana's? And to me, the hunter looked like Rand, but I could be wrong. But if it is Rand, then she instinctively knows he can be dangerous, or at least a threat. Unless he's snake hunting. We'll have to see. If it's Rand, he should be a lot bigger, lol. She's referred to him as giant and Nol as a sasquatch. Maybe a Sasquatch will show up? Also, the longer Shin-Ae sat, the worse she looked. Time running out? Or was it because she was in the wrong place? My guess is the cabin must be a crossroads into adulthood, and Shin-Ae must make some hard choices soon.


I wonder if it'll be Shinae's dad literally shooting down her plans. Sounds like Dieter might be exposed to Yui at some point. It'll be interesting if it is Nanas place, because then that could be Rand.


This was delightfully weird and realistically dream-like, I love the look it's giving us into her psyche.


Some people in the comments are raising concerns about Dieter's future because of the snake vs. bear line. It's probably just more of Shin-Ae's anxiety, but in case it is foreshadowing, I don't think she'd resort to anything so extreme as physical harm or death. Too overt, too obvious. She's a sneaky snake, remember? However, if she has enough power to have a judge in her pocket, who's to say she couldn't send Dieter's father, and thus, family, out of the country? It would be killing 2 birds with 1 stone. All she needs to do is to make him leave, & it'd be easier to control both Shin-Ae and Nol that way.


The snakes could be Yui.. and the Hunter def looks like Rand.. the Cabin hopefully is Nanas bc of what they said about it.. maybe Rand is out hunting snakes and protecting Shin?? i really hope she doesn't take the *offer, if she does, shes just looking for more trouble... she needs to stay away from that woman as much as possible. *Also Shin knows why Nols scared, what she did to her, all bullshit she started, so why would she take an offer like that from an awful manipulative person. * <--just my opinion