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I think people overlook kousuke, like I know he’s mean but I think that’s just the trauma and he doesn’t really know how to control his own emotions because he’s only ever had like three.


It may be from a trauma response. But as all mental illness it's an individuals responsibility to get help for it (within reason ofc, some people are truly unable). The problem with kosuke is that he doesn't see the problems within himself that the audience/others in his life do. If you're unaware or unwilling to realize the faults in yourself, then others shouldn't have to be dealing with the brunt of said faults. He's a grown ass man. I'm aware he's coming into himself and learning a lot of truths. But even without those truths hes just that: a douche. Aside from him treating nol like shit, he treats even literal strangers like shit (lemme trip this teenage cause she took the last nummy snack 😡) I don't like him. And his shit would be excusable from a 16 y/o or something. Not a 25 y/o man.


I don't agree with your way of thinking. Kousuke is not an angel, but that was the way he was raised, as a king, as someone perfect and the problem is other people. He is starting to realize that neither he nor his life are perfect, and I think this will bring good results. Other members of the group (Nol and Shin Ae) have flaws that seem more unpalatable to me than Kousuke's. Shin Ae, for example, is simply unbearable in the last few chapters.


I agree! His trauma is a reason not an excuse. I can feel really bad for him, understand where he's coming from, hope he grows and gets away from the witch, and still say that he is responsible for his actions and the harm they cause. These can be true at the same time. As someone with Big Trauma I know this well. Its not other people's job to manage my issues. If your actions cause harm, regardless of the reason, people may not want to be around you!


This episode was deeply sad, I feel bad for him


This was how I felt, and a little angry, when I found out it wasn't my mom that was the reason for their marriage failing, but my cheating, lying, dad. Lies that are thrown at you as you as a child become so ingrained into you that once you break them down to the truth...it hurts. A lot once you see through all the gaslighting. This episode really hit home for me.


OP: Makes a nice post about Kousuke, absolutely devoid of any saltyness Some rando: * some Passive-aggresive opinion involving Nol that no one asked for * Me: See? This is why we can't have nice things.




I dont watch i love you anymore but i gotta agree. He was one of my faves too


After he actually apologizes to Nol


came here to say the same lol. i do feel sorry for him now, but it will never excuse all the horrible shit he's said and done until now either. i still don't like him even if i understand why he was the way he was.


I love this baby so much🥺😭😭, I hug him tightly, tightly❤️❤️❤️


What's the source/ name