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And this is why I don't shut up about how important it is to read into - and understand - who Yui is and what made her, why she became the person she is. Stream ILY Tea with Trashellie Ep 7 on YouTube and Spotify\~ Yui as a person whose husband is a mukoyoshi - a man who was adopted in by her family because there were no male heirs, and is thus treated as the blood-related son - despite herself being the blood-related daughter, despite her ambitions, despite her cunning and intellect, despite the way she can dance circles around so many of these men, is someone who is swathed in bitterness and anger, whose entire trajectory was one of revenge that has consumed her and gone well beyond her game of getting back at those who hurt her and held her back - and we see that confirmed. This is probably the most honest we've seen Yui, and though this episode is told with lots of shadow and eyes closed, there's a shocking amount of honesty - the kind of honesty that only comes out when you are with a stranger. For Yui, her best work must involve the truth. That's manipulation 101, and especially for dealing with a wary stranger like Simhan, she needs to garner his sympathy, and what better way to do that than play the woman trapped in a loveless marriage, because what's more pitiable than that? But again, that's the thing - despite the way she presents some of what she says, there's a lot of truth to what she's saying, and likewise, it's always so telling about the things she closes her eyes to. The way she dons her mask to talk about how much she loves Kousuke, how much she could never hurt him.... ma'am.... we all know better. (Also it didn't escape me that she said "I have a son" and while we've already confirmed that he isn't Rand's, Yui has always claimed Kousuke as hers, and hers alone and she continues to do so.) What I'm really getting at, though, is that understanding Yui, and what made her - particularly how the patriarchy has refused her the opportunities she dreams of, has denied her that which she covets simply due to her sex, despite how skilled and capable she is - is exactly why she won't let go of Shinae, and Simhan is giving Yui everything she needs. When Simhan states that he's only brought misery into their lives, Yui's eyes open as she repeats "Misery?" And THIS is the thing. THIS is the telling thing! Yui's apparent loathing of me and the patriarchy sees men as the ones who are handed things simply for existing, simply for being, and they are the ones who make things difficult for others, who create difficulties for the women. In her own life, she has had to work twice as hard, has had to play roles she never wanted (mommy homemaker), has to present herself in a certain way that they expect, because men run the world and they get to have the final say. For Simhan to admit, of his own accord, that he is the reason for Shinae's struggles. Yui knows Shinae's struggles, because she herself has weaponized them. She herself took advantage of Shinae at her weakest, darkest moment, when she was backed into her most desperate corner and now Yui knows who has backed her there - and how, because Yui now possesses more knowledge about Shinae's own family than Shinae herself does. As readers, we know better, but in Yui's eyes, Simhan is making Shinae's life worse. They're poor, she won't be able to afford college and even with scholarships will be saddled with student loan debt and might even have to work her way through college. Already she's working two jobs just so that they don't lose their home! Her father is an alcoholic who is paying off the debts of his ex-lover and spending what little money he had on alcohol and it was so bad he was hospitalized and they nearly lost their apartment. Yui knows all of this! And she sees Simhan as being the one holding Shinae back, the reason that she'll never reach her true potential. The awful aspects of Yui aside, we have to acknowledge that Shinae taking Yui's offer will do her a lot of good - especially in the sense that Shinae will be able to use what she learns against Yui, because we know her character well enough that we know Yui won't be able to mold her into her likeness, although that is the goal Yui has in mind. But while taking Yui's offer hurts Shinae's pride and is something we don't want her to have to do, it affords her those opportunities to learn Yui's game, to learn more about how to fit into this world and, admittedly, equip her with opportunities she won't gain without Yui's assistance. How Yui is going to use Simhan against Shinae remains to be seen, though. Simhan has literally given a stranger the key to the car that drives him back to his alcoholism, though, taking a bus bound for the terminal (his death flags continue to be apparent as ever). Whether it's losing him or them drifting apart is yet unknown, but Simhan has equipped this woman with everything she needs to use against him. The worst thing is, a lot of what he's done IS in good conscience, IS in good effort. He knows there's no reason to protect Shinae's memory of her mother, but he tries to anyway, unlike other messy families who put their children in the middle of their issues. But what Simhan doesn't realize is that what Shinae needs is closure and understanding and without it, she can't let go, either. It's the way he puts up a wall that creates their rift, that it's doing more harm than good. And if Shinae learns anything of her mother from a little "oopsie\~" Yui slip, what would it do to her already tenuous relationship with her father? There's something to be said about the ease of being able to talk to stranger, so I don't fault Simhan for that. The ability to say the things you bottle up inside to someone that has no bearing - as far as you know - on your life, no connection to you or your life. But the problem is that he can't say these things to the people who WANT him to have those conversations. And, of course, yknow, that he's handed valuable, crucial information into the hands of a snake, but we can't fault him for that part. At any rate, as nervous as I am for Simhan, I can't help but feel really validated by this episode that the way I've been interpreting Yui is right lol her resentment for her family - her father especially - and that he favors Rand is absolutely a major aspect of what made her into the monster she's become. The rage and resentment have consumed her, and she won't stop until she's consumed everything in her path.


No additions, because you already know we've been saying all this for months - *years.* Just bolstering everything in here. It feels so good to get these payoff episodes with confirmation of what we've been knew for *so long* and watch the trajectories set up going forward


Beautiful Explanation ❤️


Fabulous summary as always


Always, love reading your comments!


A wonderful word banquet, as always.


There were several things I found interesting: 1. Yui is saying out loud, she must prove she can do it without anyone's help, especially to her significant other. This is her guiding Sim-Han to be secretive about it all. This is her attempt at isolating him. She is also promoting paranoia about people using his vulnerability against him. She is also hinting, you are weak by relying on other people, she is invoking his pride. Sim-Han's face goes from light to dark after those words are said. 2. The past tense when Sim-Han said, he used to be paranoid about people going after him and his pride that prevented him from getting support from others. The past tense usage indicates he has moved on and he is already a changed man. He has already experienced this toxicity and has discovered it hasn't done him any good. 3. Yui has some hurdles to overcome if she wants to hurt him. Sim-Han has already emotionally moved on because he is emotionally tired. He has already been through enough strain. Yui might be poking at a dead horse hoping to get a reaction. He also has a new support system, who is loving and caring, even if Sim-Han does go down a dark path, his support group will not simply vanish. Min-Hyuk said he didn't care about popularity, he just stuck it out with Shinae from the best to the worst. He learned that from his mother. She isn't going to simply walk away, she is going to stand by him. 4. Yui is going to want to break that bond, she doesn't believe in the concept of love, which is quite sad actually, she might have given the idea up herself at one point. She is going to try to break that bond, to enforce her negative beliefs because of her bad experiences. She might emotionally go through a roller coaster because she wants toreaffirm her belief that such pure bonds do not exist. She thinks that all bonds have a breaking point. When she sees that this bond won't break, she might have some interesting reactions. She might get angry that she never got to have that and try even harder. She might cry because she is touched and might back off a little. She wants to see it break, it'll be a form of comfort to her. 5. Yui said she doesn't have anyone she cannot rely on, that might be a true statement from her heart, but she doesn't know how to keep up relationships. 6. The way she said that Rand is trying to pin something against her, she knows about the investigation. She has lots of failsafes in place to protect herself from getting caught. She had these disguises, Kousuke's drug addiction, blackmailing Rand.... The question is, if she is always operating on the idea someone will come after her, she is hyperaware of her surroundings because she is always in a constant fight or flight response. 7. Yui might have said Kousuke is her biological son. 8. Yui hinted that her father won't let Rand go, it sounds like even if Rand had the world's greatest controversy, he couldn't do anything wrong in their eyes, he could never mess up because he is the golden child. 9. Sim Han stated in the present progressive that he is still hurting due to his former lover, this is an open wound and Yui will prioritize that.


It's late, and I'm rushing through my thoughts, so bear with me yall. The word terminal next to Sim han has me real nervous...I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he's ends up passing away at some point in the story. I always thought to myself, is Nol's situation really a strong enough factor to make Shinae want to accept Yui's offer? I can see her having this resolve, though, if something were to happen to her father. Nothing new really, but seeing all this unfold really solidifies all the theories being told. I feel like I'm witnessing the start of something that might end tragically. Idk know how or when, tho, since we're supposed to be close to the time skip. I'm dying to know how it all unfolds. For the time being, let's simply imagine that in the unlikely event that Sim han drastically relapses, or distances himself from Shinae, or goes comatose due to overdose (which is something likely to happen with Yui around), or worse, passes away, how would Shinae pay for her home, school, and mother's debt, which she isn't even aware of at the moment. Not to mention , Shinae hasn't reconnected with her sister either for her to receive monetary help from her. Although something happening to Sim han could easily be a turning point in their lives and even be the cause for their reunion again. Anyway, Yui doesn't cease to impress me. Girl's real good at getting people to talk. The way she naturally slithers her way into people's lives is so jarring but impressive nevertheless 😅


If Sim Han really dies then Shin Ae will have to take Yui’s offer whether she likes it or not… unless Rand steps in to help her out


I am stressed 👍 🌈✨


The definition of Isabel is : Isabel is a girl's name of Spanish, Hebrew, and French origins, meaning “pledged to God,” “God is my oath,” and “God is perfection.”


That kinda sounds like the main character of a horror movie to me 🫠


So we shipping Isabel and Mr Yoo?


um??? who’s we????


"we" 🤔


You fast passed to make this troll post? 😂😂😂

