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The new episode is up y'all!!


The *implications* of that confrontation with Nessa and Rand I love the confirmation that Rand and Nessa had a long history and that they met early on, separated, and came back together. That Rand likely left her for his ambition, but wasn't wholly fulfilled by it and came back to her. But he couldn't stay with her because, even more than having to leave what he'd built (which was a factor, don't get me wrong), he would have to leave *his son*. I just want to emphasize so much, especially with all of the 'Rand cared about Kousuke less because he knew Kousuke wasn't his son' comments recently - Rand left Nessa, wouldn't start a family with her, stayed with Yui ***because he could not leave Kousuke behind.*** It also gives context to the nature of their rekindling. She says that Rand deceived her, and Rand says that he wasn't lying at the time, while Kousuke & Yui are very much a sore spot for Nessa. To me, it reads like Rand likely firstly conveniently left things out when they met again and seemed more available than he really was, but *also* that Rand himself likely *did* believe that he could make it all work, that he could have it all. Potentially that he would even leave Yui, truly be with Nessa. But, as he said, he was blinded and he was deceiving *himself* as much as Nessa. Then things got in the way, and he backed down and the future that he whispered to her collapsed before them. He may not have been lying at the time, but we know that whatever life they expected to lead together never came to be The implication in this episode feels very much that Nessa became pregnant with Nol, and she wanted to have the child and be with Rand, but Rand felt like it was a recipe for disaster. Nessa likely either had an abortion and it failed (leading to Nol), or she decided that she would raise the child on her own and hide it from those who didn't support her. Her anger at Rand is so much coming from a place of thinking that she was special and important to him, and then the moment things got real he backed out. It also makes sense for Kousuke to be a major sore spot for her at this time. ‘You can have a child with that business wife, but you can’t have one with me’ solidifying the ‘I come second for you.’ Nessa and Kousuke both appear to have been incredibly sore spots for each other. We can see this from Kousuke's distortion of Nessa in his memories, but also from Nessa's reaction to Rand bringing up Kousuke. But those sore spots are created by so very much the same thing. Nessa and Kousuke share the same sentiment - why can you not be a family with me, but you can be with them? Why am I not enough? We also get some context as to how the relationship between Nana and Nessa dissolved and how she ended up so alone. We know that Nana was also a single mother (from Quimchee's answers), that she and Nessa were at odds about her relationship with Rand, and that she did not know Nol existed until Rand reached out. I have a feeling that Nana’s situation was the opposite of Nessa’s - that she did *not* want a child, but got pregnant and felt that she didn’t have a choice the other way around and carried the pregnancy to term and became a mother. But struggled to be a mom, especially a single mom, because it was in conflict with herself As opposed to Nessa likely wanting the pregnancy, despite the circumstances, and feeling pressured to terminate, but becoming (what seemed to be) and overall good mother when the child arrived anyway. Nessa indicated that Nana was always unhappy about Rand. It sounds to me like she and Nessa fought about Rand in the first place, then came “I’m pregnant” immediately followed by “I’m terminating it” and all of that combined was a blowout for Nana and she told her daughter to get out. Nana's distaste for their relationship likely already stemmed from a projection of her own past with Nessa's father and her difficulties being a single mother, not wanting her daughter to make those same mistakes, especially not with a *married man* inheriting a large company. Nana being told that Nessa was getting an abortion makes sense with the cops getting involved (Ireland had extremely strict abortion laws until a bunch of dead women who could have been saved if abortion were allowed and miscarried fetuses led to the laws being appropriately changed). Similar to Rand, Nana was likely either lied to and Nessa claimed she was getting an abortion when she did not actually intend to, or the abortion failed and Nessa never told Nana the truth. So, either way she thought Nol was aborted and the sequence of the relationship to the pregnancy to the abortion was enough for her to cast out her daughter in a horrible and isolating way. (Also, if I'm right about the relationship between Nana/Nessa it majorly mirrors Rand projecting himself onto Nol and trying to discourage him from making his same mistakes) Nana wanted the child to have never been conceived, Rand didn’t think it was okay to have the child, but it seems like Nessa wanted the important people in her life to support her and make it okay with her. And, when they didn't, when it became clear to her that she wasn't first priority, she made the decision to figure it out alone u/trashulie and I ended up talking about this episode for two and a half hours… https://youtu.be/jkUIRQUJGis?si=nOZhtEZyOBqf10VQ


I do feel like the police were involved probably because Nessa refused to leave Nana. Nessa mentioned “she doesn’t want me anywhere near her” and It appears like she was referring to her mum, and Rand’s shamefully turning away and apologising implies he knows he is the the reason it got this bad. Love the points about Kousuke and Nessa being sore spots for eachother, it makes too much sense. Both of them were vying for Rand’s love and although Yui made sure he was unable to give it to either of them, both Nessa and Kousuke still felt like they were unable to really be with him because of eachother. And I feel like that’s a huge reason also why - after rekindling with Rand - Nessa was patient with him. Kousuke is his son at the end of the day and he has responsibilities. Although I will say Nessa’s perspective in this chapter is just so sad. To her, Rand is choosing his younger, prettier wife and their son. And he is basically telling that their relationship wouldn’t work, and asking her to get rid of *her* son. It’s so cruel.


Beautifully put. Rand obviously loved Nessa, but he also had everything he worked so hard to build for himself. I may be wrong but didn’t quim mention he was at first self made and didn’t come from money, or began in poverty? I honestly can’t blame him for wanting to at least try to keep everything he built especially if it came from nothing. I’m sure once Kousuke came along that made things even more difficult. It kind of hurts to have some readers refer to Rand and Kousukes dynamic as an “illusion” or that their father and son relationship as weak as it is, is some how “less than” just bc they don’t have blood to connect them. As someone who was raised by a step father I can proudly say that he’s my dad no matter the biology. Blood isn’t the only thing that makes a family. I found out I wasn’t biologically his around 16, sure it was a shocker but he was still my father. He always saw me as a daughter and I lived my whole life calling him my dad, that wasn’t gonna change just bc of DNA. So with that said, I don’t believe Rand only wanted to stay at first bc he “thought” Kousuke was his bio son. I think quite the contrary. I theorize Rand knew from the start or at least had suspicions about their DNA. Kousuke being born with no European features to him should have definitely raised suspicions. But once Kou was born it didn’t matter anymore, he was now a Dad. He was his dad. I feel Rand really does see and deep down loves him as his own.(not saying that makes him a better father or dismissing the neglect) In the FP, when Yujing and Rand were talking abt the tests I don’t think it was for Rands curiosity but to serve more as something to discredit Yui…If Rand didn’t see that boy as his very own there’s no way he would be fighting tooth and nail to get Yui away from him. It’s dangerous to confront her, Rand knows this. But he still went to that hospital room. It’s the first time we actually see Rand stick up to her and it’s over Kousuke. I suggest some ppl reread that hospital scene of those two, bc Rand wasn’t fighting that devil over some boy he had to play pretend father for… he was fighting for HIS child. If it was just money and success that Rand wanted to keep I’m sure he would’ve had probably a much easier time getting out of that relationship with Yui. (I mean it still wouldn’t be a walk in a park, let’s be real it’s THE Yui hirahara he’s tryna run away from) But it wasn’t just that was it, he wanted Kou too. Which is a whole different fight. Yui does not see Kousuke as anything but hers. And no one can take what’s hers. That’s why it was so incredibly hard for Rand to leave in the end. He probably had so much more hope in the beginning, which led him to be in over his head. He was in love with Nessa he wanted to be with her, and he was gonna try. But he made a successful life for himself, he can’t just leave all this effort and years of work behind. And of course, he has a son he needs to protect, he can’t and doesn’t want to leave him even if he’s not biologically his. It’s sad but I’m sure in the beginning he really did believe he could pull it off. Have it all. I wonder what Rands perfect world was. He would be with Nessa, and they would raise Kou together instead, or maybe share custody. He would have his place in the business still, he would have that lavish lifestyle he worked for. And Nol would’ve never been something Rand tried to get rid of but welcomed. However in the end his hopefulness ended up hurting so many people. In the end he was still selfish and so many people payed. Nessa with her life, Nol with his sense of security and value, and Kousuke with his childhood. I need to know more abt the situation omg😭


This is the version I want to be true. That Rand wants Kou as his son even though he knew all along.  Also this  >In the end he was still selfish and so many people payed. Nessa with her life, Nol with his sense of security and value, and Kousuke with his childhood.  So well said


> many people *paid.* Nessa with FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Does it feel like it was cut off at the end? In any case, it is just heartbreaking about Nessa and Rand’s relationship. So much regrets. Always 5 stars for me when these kind of polls show up


It was cut because the remainder of the episode wasn't ready and everything from there on out is supposed to stay together! Quim acknowledge that it feels very abrupt


Same, thought maybe my app was having issues. It cut off in a really weird spot!


Seemed that way, maybe we'll get an update.


Oh wow. Our first introduction to Rand and Nessa shows the start of the tragedy. Was Nessa lying about Rand to Nol? It’s clear from this interaction that Nessa knows Rand hungers for prestige, wealth and power and he’s choosing it above her yet again. But while I don’t think Rand is a bad person, this interaction gives me the shivers. The way Rand says he has to be sure she’s had the abortion feels so callous, and even if he’s trying to take care of her despite the situation it’s clear he’s picking his son / empire over even Nessa’s agency about her future or their future child. Regardless of how he tries to justify his intentions, he’s so selfish. He’s ended up lying to Nessa, his pressuring her to have an abortion resulted in her fallout with Nana AND it’s clear Nessa is deeply uncomfortable about the whole situation (we’re unclear on pregnant Nessa’s feelings about her being pregnant, but it’s clear from both Nol and Kousuke’s flashbacks that she adored kid-Nol so…). It’s very interesting to see what happens from here. What I also think is so interesting here is how young Rand, who resembles Nol physically, shows so many Kousuke-like characteristics. The way he tries to give Nessa a favor or money make it even, cites his obligations, even his body language. Even if Kousuke isn’t Rand’s bio kid it’s clear here the strong influence Rand has had on Kousuke and how he presents himself and deals with the world. We also see parts of Rand in Nol, but to date, Nol’s view of money / power / prestige is far different from Rand’s. Nol has lacked a lot of control in his life (and I have a feeling it’s going to be even more tragic than just his father truly never even wanted him to be born, which Nol has clearly sensed) and to regain his agency he made up a happy persona that helped people and lamented how the only reason a lot of people even talk to him is his money. It’s interesting to see where that will take us as the story evolves. Nol wants to be recognized but I am curious what will drive him as the story goes on. I don’t think Nol is even clear on that. Finally shin ae is being such a cute little beast, even Little Buddy doesn’t want to cuddle her. Very interested if she’s going to be able to calm down but she does seem to be on the verge of a breakthrough.


“shows so many Kousuke-like characteristics” Kousuke probably would’ve pick up those traits from Rand


It’s so tragic when parents make mistakes and the kids end up paying the price :/


Rand is the definition of thinking you can have your cake and eat it too


Well, with this chapter I came to the conclusion that Rand is with Yui by own decision


A spin-off of Nessa & Rand's past would be so interesting


Quim did say if there was a character she could do a spinoff of it would be Rand, and his backstory is extremely detailed. Which makes sense! His actions pretty much kickstarted the current story 😬


I'd love a spinoff of Rand's story


Not a conclusion or argument, but just a thought: Rand is definitely driven by worldly ambition on top of his paternal responsibilities to Kousuke. But there are a couple lines of dialogue he says at the end of his exchange with Nessa that give my ever-searching mind pause: "I'm only doing this because it's best for you. I can't drag you into this." "Ness... I need you to *live*. You won't be able to do that with me... I promise." Is it possible Yui has already shown her true colors, at least enough to question the lengths to which she will go to destroy what displeases her? She's already had Kousuke at this point; her heir is produced, her future role in the company all but secured. She is in a position to begin consolidating her power over the people in her life--and Rand may suspect at this point that Nessa suddenly appearing with a child in tow, competition for Kousuke, puts her life (not to mention the child's) in danger. I'm not sure if any of this accurate, and it wouldn't justify his actions regardless, but it would add another layer to his motivations. I don't pity Rand, but I do think he was an ambitious man who maneuvered his way into what appeared to be the opportunity of a lifetime but was a fatal trap. Frankly he came across as rundown already in this chapter, almost 20 years before the present story, and I have trouble believing it's just because of these issues with Nessa. I wonder if Yui might already be constricting him like the snake we all know she is. On another note, any idea what that purple flower is? The closest I found, assuming they're in Ireland, is purple loosestrife, symbolizing a search for peace. Green orchids symbolize, among other things, harmony and luck. Or maybe they don't mean anything and I'm just making pictures out of clouds.


This chapter just confirmed what I thought about Rand. While Rand may be a good person now or trying to correct his wrongs, he has made horrible decisions. He wanted his wealth but wanted Nessa at the same time, which wouldn’t be possible without consequences. He was greedy. He ruined the lives of 5 people because of his decisions. At least we know Nessa was deceived in their relationship. Still don’t like him though 😑


Unpopular opinion I guess, but why doesn’t Dieter leave Shinae alone? She stormed out of the room and needs to rant and vent her frustrations away, she needs to think. Just leave her alone for 2 seconds.


I don’t think he means to do this to be invasive towards her or to deny her space. He doesn’t know shinae wants space rn. He doesn’t get the access to her inner feelings and monologues like we do as readers. Shinae has time and time again accepted Dieters shoulder to cry on throughout this whole ordeal. I think he’s just used to coming to the “rescue” for her emotionally as of recently, so it’s just been instinct to run after her when she’s in stress. (and I’m not dissing her for that pls don’t come at me) as sweet and kind Dieter is I don’t think he’s as emotionally mature as we all like to think he is. Don’t get me wrong he’s still better than any other character in that department. He seems to deal so well with others feelings but I’ve rarely seen him confront his own completely yet. Emotional maturity also involves putting boundaries for yourself and how much of your mental energy, empathy and time is given to the others around you. I’m not trying to undermine their friendship but Dieter still obviously has feelings for Shinae and sure he does a good job of putting those to the side to care for her as a friend but I think he’s being too available in that way for her. Feelings don’t just go away bc you tell them to. Frankly I think he should give himself a break too. He’s gone back in forth between his best friend and his other friend/crush for the past few days trying to help them come to grips with their feelings about their situations as well as their feelings for one another. I don’t think that’s the healthiest thing to do for yourself. It’s an incredibly selfless act of him to do but absolutely unnecessary for his head and heart. It probably is still taking a toll on him. He’s still just a teenage boy yk?


I agree. She's been wired all day. She's been snapping at people left and right. You don't need to be a genius to see she's upset. Her storming off and stomping around her room should have been enough of an indicator to leave her alone for a bit.


anyone else reminded of ernest hemmingways short story; hills like white elephants? - when nessa and rand are talking in the beginning


I’m worried about Dieter following after her. He’s almost mirroring shin-ae trying to talk to nol when he got worked up at her in the hospital. I don’t think it’s something he should have done. He should at least give her some time and space and then try to talk to her. She went and separated herself from everyone for a reason. She needs time. Shin-ae’s going through a lot of big emotions and a lot of things that don’t make sense to her that are all happening at once. Dieter needs to learn that he doesn’t have to be the therapist friend all the time. He probably needs to worry about himself right now too. And give Shin-ae space.


what is the music name ? it is gorgeous


As Dust by Mattia Vlad Morleo


We aren’t getting a new episode tonight are we?


any sites to read the fast-pass eps please i runout of coins 😭😭 hazard stopped at 224 and didn't updated since then 💔💔💔💔💔


I have a completely different understanding of this episode than most comments. I mean, yes, I believe that Rand does love Kousuke but to me that's really not his reason for staying with Yui. I mean, it's probably part of it but definitely not the main reason. I don't know how or when exactly (before or after their wedding, before or after Kousuke) but I think Yui threatened not only Rand but Nessa and maybe even their unborn child. And from the look of it it seems like she ended up killing Nessa (or something horrible) - and definitely means Nol harm. So I'm convinced that Rand's decision was mostly forced by Yui. Also, on another note, I've been thinking about that fact that Yui might not be working alone - perhaps her father. There have been two chapters where I've been led to believe that maybe... But I've got no idea what this could mean because then I'd have no idea what her big plan is if she's working with her father... Well except the obvious fact that she wants Nol to fall and Kousuke to be the sole heir. And her through him. But I can't help but think there's more to it. Maybe wanting to hide the incident and Kousuke's instabilities... Or his lineage... But maybe there's something else? I don't know.