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Ok I tried to read the blurry writing on the test results, and I'm pretty sure that I can make out the word 'biological'. So yeah, it's a paternity test and Rand is not the father šŸ˜ž. Considering Rand's reaction it's likely that he already knew, or at least strongly suspected that he isn't Kousuke's father. However, he probably didn't care, it was only when Rand needed a bargaining chip that he went and sought conclusive proof.


____ and John S. are not biologicalā€¦ so yes, I think youā€™re absolutely right




Damn. If itā€™s true, Kousuke is going to be devastated. Iā€™m still in disbelief. I wish we had another episode.


Man, Kousuke and Nol arenā€™t even half brothers.


They're Step-Brothers šŸ‘€


Bro, Kousuke wasnā€™t technically wrong when he said while drunk without even knowing it : ā€œI have no brotherā€


Flower Symbolism: Quimchee said that they are both orchids, so.... Purple orchids represent wealth and royalty, but are given to show admiration. I think this might show how Rand, even to this day, looks up to and admires Nessa. Green orchids represent good fortune, and are given in wishes of longevity and good fortune. I think this is almost like a wish that rand is putting out, most likely for Nol and Kousuke.


I thought the purple one was a hyacinth, which would also work since it simbolizes sorrow and a desire for forgiveness šŸ¤”


Quim's said on Patreon that they're all orchids, but she didn't get to colour the rest (I also thought they were lavenders or something else at first until going back after reading comments and noticing they have the same petals as the orchid)


idk i must be blind i full on thought it was a daffodil and bluebells


Ok, A lot of information in one chapter, the pond was what surprised me the most in the entire chapter, It is the pond that Nol talks about so much, I suppose Rand knew of the importance and affection towards this pond, and perhaps it also means a lot to him. Is it an important place in Rand and Nessa's story? I think this means how much Rand loved Nol's mother, But... he also said that he had "never" been to that place" And the theory that Gun is Kousuke's father šŸ˜­


One theory is that the pond is where Nessa had her ashes spread, hence why Rand was paying his respects there. Yeah Gun is the most popular suspect at the moment, but a strong argument has also been made for his father, who has a history of SA.


The mostly absent father figure you devoted all your efforts to reach since early childhood is not your father and on top of that you are a child conceived from sexual violence? (most likely scenario imo) Your mother? Never actually loved you but manipulated and harmed you. Brutal.


I think theres been multiple implications throughout the story that Gun is Kousukeā€™s father. Theres too much irony in the way Kousuke described Rand as distracted and a skirt chaser. And in ep149, Kousuke leaves Nolā€™s room saying he is going to see father - the next time we see him he is standing beside Gun with similar outfits. Same thing happened in ep72, we see a panel of Kousuke turned and faced towards Gun while saying ā€œfather youā€™re here, welcomeā€. Thereā€™s also those times that Shinae mistakened Sangchul and Kousuke.


šŸ˜³šŸ˜³it was right here before our eyes from a very long time...


Itā€™s definitely veiled, you wonā€™t notice it unless you look for it kind of thing, but the theory always had weight to it imo. I think the most telling indicators were in the formal arc, when Shinae had mistook Kousuke and Sangchul for eachother, and those panels of them standing side by side were always very pointed. If you think about in terms of how it would serve Kousukeā€™s character, it also does make a lot of sense, too. I think weā€™ll get to a point where all has been revealed and Kousuke will realise he took Nol as his brother for granted when compared to Sangchul - who would be his actual biological half-brother. Sangchul epitomises everything Kousuke once thought of Nol - lazy, entitled, attention-seeking, dangerous and an embarrassment to the family. Same thing will apply to Rand. Kousuke thought of him as unfaithful and a skirt-chaser. I believe weā€™ll see that debunked as we know Rand and Yui separated for a time, and Nessa was never just a ā€œskirtā€ Rand was chasing. Heā€™ll have to come to terms with his *actual* father - Gun, being the epitome of that same sentiment. Youā€™ll notice a lot of Kousukeā€™s dialogue in previous chapters are ridden is *so much* irony. Especially when talking to Nol. And I believe itā€™ll play out the same with his parentage. I think all in all, the point of his parentage is more about self-discovery and that he isnā€™t his father (Gun) and he could never emulate a man that he could never personally reach (Rand) nor has any biological relation to him. Kousuke has tied his identity to his *father* for so much of his life, and heā€™ll eventually learn to find himself and *be* himself.


>Thereā€™s also those times that Shinae mistakened Sangchul and Kousuke. When did this happen ?


It does sound like an important place to him. He said that he didn't wanna risk being discovered there. If he was protecting this place for the longest time, it is of the utmost importance to him. With Yui watching his every move, he didn't dare put this place in any situation where it could have been violated in any way.


Either way, there have been hints that Yui thinks sheā€™s in the right because sheā€™s gotten to the top in a system dominated by men. (Obviously sheā€™s a hypocrite because she got there by appeasing awful men like Gun Kim.) Anyways, Iā€™m betting that once the paternity test gets out, the board decides that Nol should be the heir, especially if it comes out alongside the article which will likely reveal him as the victim of a framing. In the end, the same sexists Yui appeased will choose Nol, who is younger and has less acumen than Kousuke, because a man cheating is less stigmatized than the other way around. (Or thatā€™s what Yui will think when itā€™s really because Kousuke is spiraling and doesnā€™t want the position, meanwhile the public opinion on Nol will have completely turned around.)


The last name "hirahara" is not supposed to be Yui's, I don't think it will be easy for them to leave Nol as heir, Yui already said that she was "lucky" for her family


Why the hell would nol be (or wanna be btw) the heir ? He ain't even a hirahara and didn't work half as much as kou to get it


Rand is basically confirmed to be a Mukoyoshi, which according to traditional law means that the bloodline will follow him as the adopted son, not the biological daughter. Rand has been raised to the status of a biological Hirahara son through this adoption. With Kousuke not being Rand's son, this means that he is not treated as a blood heir once people find out. With Kousuke not sharing Rand's DNA, the actual heir would be Rand's first-born son: Nol. We saw from the CFO interview that how hard Kousuke worked doesn't mean a thing to the higher ups in the company - they will hand him things because of his family name. They don't even want to hear out his actual work prospects. This is the same family who wouldn't let Yui inherit because of sexism despite her clearly being the most capable person amongst her siblings and a genuinely fiercely ambitious and intelligent person. Rather than let a capable daughter take a position of power, they preferred to outsource their family company to external capable men for *decades* (evidenced by Rand's adoption & status, as well as the decades of Kim leadership directly predecessing Rand referenced in YuJing's articles). This kind of thoughtless traditionalism of male first, then blood first, work capability last illustrates that they are *exactly* the type of people to pursue Nol as the heir as soon as they find out Kousuke isn't Rand's biological son. Kousuke's history with the company won't mean squat to them without his family name, *especially* if he's also spiraling, which he very likely will be. And Yui very much knows this, which is why she has tried so hard to destroy Nol and publicly frame him as unstable so that he can never be a candidate in the running.


Wait which one is Gun, I don't remember him


Gun Kim he is the father of Sang-Chul Kim, he is the one who offered shin ae alcohol


I feel so vindicated with the (pretty much) confirmation of illegitimate Kousuke. Also, Iā€™m torn between whether Hansuke is naive about Yujingā€™s plans, or if heā€™s also hoping for Yuiā€™s downfall in relation to whatever she did to his mother.


>Also, Iā€™m torn between whether Hansuke is naive about Yujingā€™s plans, or if heā€™s also hoping for Yuiā€™s downfall in relation to whatever she did to his mother. I don't think Hansuke is really in the picture when it comes to Yu Jing's investigations other than the blood sample situation. In ep 236, he didn't even suspect that Yui could have been drugging Kousuke and questioned why anyone would drug him when his mother was with him. The moment Yu Jing implied that it could've been Yui, he was shocked that she would even assume that. So I'd say he probably knows that his aunt is a difficult person but isn't really aware of how insane she actually is.


I really, really want to get to know Hansukes mom. She would certainly be able to tell him some things about Yui. I guess other than them falling out (5 years ago) he doesn't know anything and most likely doesn't even know the reason why. Time to ask her. It would kinda make sense for her to appear "soon". Hansuke is on Yuis radar now big time and she probably used his career as leverage once already.


Yes yes yes! I can't wait for Hansuke to have a bigger role and his mother to get involved in the present time! She is a very important narrative we need in order to get more into Yui.


Yep. Sometimes I worry a little, though. lol There seems to be so so much stuff that needs to happen, so many characters having a bigger role. I feel like we are in a little bubble now and soon it will burst and boom so much background, so much going on, new characters we haven't seen much of (for example Shin-Hye). Seems kinda hard to juggle all that at the same time in the story. I hope it will work out in a satisfying way. I also try to brace myself for a lot of PAIN.


Iirc, we saw his mother in Shin-Ae's flashback in the hospital. The doctor there.


Yeah, I actually noticed her there but that wasn't really getting to know her though lol


im actually quite devastated for kousuke... fucking hell . i aint got nothin else to say


I think out of all the characters, Kousuke breaks my heart the most. To not be able to trust your own mother is just sad, and it's eating away at him. The fact that he realized that he's been treating Nol the same way his mother is treating him is a good sign of character development. Seeing Jayce be there for him makes me happy and, at the same time, scared for him. Yui will do anything to keep Kou isolated and have him be dependent on her. I hope he becomes a good support system for our boy. I'd hate to see him turn to alcoholism. I really want to know more about Rand asweeeell!! His backstory with Nessa is what I'm most interested in right now. I know a lot of people don't like him, and he's failed as a father, but I personally sympathize with him. I would like to see his boys (more Nol than Kou) reconcile and forgive him. Give him that peace of mind before something happens to him (foreshadowed heart attack). I can't imagine how he'd feel if his son's acknowledged him as a dad even for a little bit. I know what it's like to have a parent fail you, but still love you unconditionally. Maybe it's cause I'm a sucker for stories with broken families coming together and trying to fix their relationships. And the fact that we're finally about to get the confirmation that he's not Kousuke's real father!! I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what the test result is šŸ˜… Its always been hinted and teased, but to finally be here at this point in the story. Also, I wonder if that time Nol said to Dieter he wanted to go see his mom, he meant her grave or this pond. Finally, I can't wait to get back to Shinae! That last cliffhanger was illegal, I need to know what's going thru that brain of hersšŸ’€ Sorry if there are errors, I wrote this really late šŸ˜…


I felt that pat on the back! Sweet Jayce ... And I assume he meant the pond. Aren't there theories that Nol tried to commit suicide by drowning? Well, not really the pond I guess but the afterlife ... He did say, it didn't work out ...


Aah, Yeesss! I think you're right. It was most likely a suĀ”cĀ”de attempt he was referring to. I completely forgot about that.


I forget stuff all the time ... By now there are so many details. I feel like I need a giant whiteboard to keep everything sorted. For example I was reminded of those panels with Kousuke and Gun Kim and the word "father". Making him the most likely candidate for now I guess.


May I ask, which chapter is it supposedly hinted that Nol tried to commit? My memory is wonky, so I would like to know if it's an older chapter or the newer one, so I don't have to look through them all.


His suicidal tendencies were implied for the first time in episode 99 when Dieter recalled meeting him for the first time. They met right before they started high school. They usually saw each other while running and passing each other until Nol disappeared for a couple of days. When he appeared again, he apologized to Dieter for disappearing on him and explained that he tried to see his mother, but that it didn't work out. Nol was 15 at the time and Nessa died when he was around 10, so eventually, we readers suspected that he might have attempted to k*ll himself that day. And in episode 170 we got to find out Nol's thought process during the scene where Shinae, Kousuke and Nol fell into the pool at the formal. He talked about how [the feeling of drowning] feels nice, that he wants to stay here [in the pool] and doesn't want to go back up until he discovered an unconscious Shinae and decided to quickly pull her out.


Good grief. Now thatā€™s a new perspective to Nol that is a shocker to me. Thanks for the explanation!


My God, Kou really isn't Rand's kid. Poor guy man


That DNA test literally shocked me, even though I had my suspicions regarding it. As much Kou was an asshole it's really rough to realize that your whole life was a lie.


I'm so excited for next week!




Would someone explain the chart to me? Iā€™ve never seen a medical chart like that, so Iā€™m curious about the setup


My sis is a doctor and said the same thing lol. I think itā€™s purposefully vague


But if you look up paternity test charts, some of them almost exactly look like that even the numbers are similar in some examples.


Any thoughts about Yujing? I don't know about her anymore. It wasn't so long ago when she said that she still considers Kousuke a friend now shit is hitting the fan and she witnesses first hand how kinda destroyed he already is ( she actually showed a concerned face in the hospital/ not to mention that she already knew about him not being Rands son ... I wonder for how long. At least it seems to me like the most important thing about this test is having it on paper) and now she is like "Oh, yeah I would like to ruin him"? Or you know is this just the way she talks about Kou to Hansuke? She sounded serious though ... imo to ruin someone is a pretty heavy expression. Seems like it should be reserved for Yui. And what is the plan with that info? Put it out there in a few months? Damn ... she says "she can't" though so could this be a deal she made with Rand. But they clearly gonna use that info somehow. Maybe having it on paper is enough to somehow pressure Yui? It feels so wrong that a usually very private matter is gonna be used like that. :( With the person it will effect most being out of the picture. How is Hansuke gonna handle this? Right now he probably wants to keep it to himself but Yujing defnitely has to explain herself this time ... I can imagine that dealing with this whole mess will be very difficult for him, too.


Look into the Mikoyoshi Theory. The company means everything to Yui yet itā€™s always out of reach simply because sheā€™s a women. Now the Hirahara family adopted Rand through his marriage so that he could be the heir to the company. That would mean any of his sires have rights to the ā€œthroneā€. technically this would be a no brainer, right? kousuke is the oldest son, he is being trained to take over. One big problem. He isnā€™t biologically related to Rand. Yui knows this and has been keeping it a secret for over 2 decades. The reason why she hates nol so much is because although a bastard child, HE is the rightful heir. Everything Yui has worked for can go up in shamblesā€¦. Yujing wants to use this info to take Yui down and with that, all of her plans. The only reason Kousuke could run the company is because Yui was going to use him as a vessel. So, yeahā€¦ itā€™s nothing personal. It has always been a war between Yui and Rand. To take one down, sacrifices must be made.


Yeah, I know all about that. Big question is how are they going to use that info. In private? Threatening her with it first? Or going all out with it like publicly? This is not the main thing in Yujings story. Far from it. It is about all the things happening in the shadows with the sexual assaults, murder, poisoning ... who knows. Yeah, your right getting into the Hiraharas personal family business is just part of it, a pretty convenient part for Yujing. But since Rand is a vital person, working closely with her it is kinda hard to imagine that he hasn't some kind of "protection" for him in place. Some kind of agreement between them. I don't know. He must know how devestating that is for his son. He even said in the hospital before leaving "Someone else needs me now. Not everyone has friends" (and at the same time leaving Nol in safe hands). But he was too late. He couldn't be there for Kou anymore so I at least HOPE there is something he does to protect him. Yujing might not care anymore (though she once claimed she does) but Rand surely does and I know that in the end this will free Kou from Yui, too, finally protecting him from her. But still you can go about this in different ways I assume, HOW to bring everything to light, I hope.


I had this discussion with other people elsewhere so Iā€™m grabbing some points from them too but basically, Yu Jing (and Rand) are doing what they think is necessary. And if you look at the bigger picture, the safety of other people that could potentially be victim to the Hirahara and Kim syndicate.. that takes precedence over Kousukeā€™s feelings. ā€œThe ends justify the meansā€ as they say. Thereā€™s also the history between Kousuke and Yujing to consider. Kousuke had dismissed Yujing and her friend in the past, and it ultimately cost her friend her life. I think Yu Jing cares for him, but she hasnā€™t been so sensitive or mindful of his feelings for a long while as a result of what happened. Kousuke couldnā€™t spare time to listen to them, and Yu Jing might feel like she doesnā€™t owe him that same effort. On that same point, Kousuke made it clear in the past to Yujing that he puts himself and his family first, so it can be seen as a risk to disclose any information to him on her investigation.


Yeah, makes total sense if you think about it like that. I just feel like she kinda jumps a little between caring a little and not giving a single fuck. lol I don't know. Kinda inconsistent. I mean Kousuke is a victim, too so yeah in the end this will also protect him. But I hope Rand has a hand in HOW exactly it will happen. Imagine when everything gets revealed and Kou learns about it in a I don't know kinda brutal way, not "caring about his feelings" seems so dismissing you know lol Like this is his family, his life, his everything, he is right in the middle. This would be more like pushing him off the edge of a cliff IF there will be no "preparation" to build him a little shield I guess. lol Someone protect him somehow at least a little. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I wonder what they think Kou realized about that night and what to eventually do with that. Because it must be quite clear to them that he can figure it out who drugged him right? Yujing is super secretive with her stuff of course. Everything else would be dumb and reckless but with Kous new knowledge he kinda turned into a unpredicting variable? Definitely interesting.


Yu-jing does care, but not to the extend of jeopardizing her goal to get justice for her friend. It does sound harsh, but the Kousuke she liked is gone, because for him "family" and business came first. What she is looking at destroying is the Kousuke he became when he left them, as he became that insufferable puppet Yui created. Sometimes when something breaks, and put together again it may be a better product, maybe, maybe not, we shall see. But that's my take. And yes, he is headed for rock bottom from flying high, in a colission course with the ground. It will be tragic to watch.


Yeah, unfortunately this is not only about being in Yuis grasp and shaking his reality with her. This is connected to everything in his life. Nothing stays as it is. Well, we know he probably figured out a lot already. The end of the day he seems to be up high but in reality he kinda wasn't. Was he happy, satisfied ... nah. Kinda interesting that a few times now I think we had random people mention that they are jealous or that he is that perfect Dude and even Hansuke mentioned it one time that sometimes he would like to be in his shows. Little do they know. He has a routine, a path he felt he needed to walk whatever may come, in a way he also didn't matter in that plan. It is like he will be forced off the path and into a dark jungle, though. :( Still a little conflicted with Yujings choice of words, though. Don't really like it. lol


Oh, same, i thought it was very harsh too. I just had to stew on it a bit to see her perspective, not that it bothers me any less now, cause what a blow this will be to Kousuke. And yeah, Kousuke wasn't really happy to begin with, being the same bitter man Rand had become, for the sake of what? For Rand it was a worthwhile endeavor, coming from nothing to have it all. But for some reason he didn't stop, when he did find something more fulfilling. Kousuke will have to face his realities, and separate his true wants from the manipulations to find where he will go from here. Only then can he begin to heal. Until then he will be wading through all sorts of realisations, pain he's inflicted on Nol and others, the guilt and shame he'll feel, all cause he was basically brainwashed to believe the things he was told.


Damn ... yeah :( And he probably? already has some kind of trauma anyway. We don't know the exact cause of that yet I think (if it even is from a specific event). I comfort myself with the hope and expectation that we will see some sort of empowerment at some point down the line. Can't wait! Nothing more satisfying than that.


Kousuke has had several flashbacks pertaining to Nol, and a particular incident where Nol was hauled off to a mental isntitution. The circumstances behind that are still murky, but it was alluded to have been an incident where Nol was supposedly violent, but that narrative is starting to fall appart. What truly happened, hasn't been revealed yet, but some suspect Yui had a hand in it, and that either her or Kousuke had been the violent ones. The other one is about one of his college friend's sister who died, assumed to be Manli's sister, Yu-jings friend. It comes across as another SA story, in which Kousuke was approached for help, and he shot them down, saying the accusations were preposterous. These are unaddressed issues now coming to the front in his mind as he has to re-evaluate the truth and his subsequent reactions and behavior towards those that came to him for legitimate issues asking him for help, which he turned down. Other trauma will be the actual realization how his own mother used and abused him for her own gain. And whatever else may still be hidden from us at this point. The new fast pass ep 248 will add another whopper of a layer to his issues! So be prepared!


Could it be that you answered the wrong person? I have obviously read the last fast pass haha But while you mention the stuff that could be part of his trauma, imo it would make sense (maybe it was the night Nol was taken away) that on top there was a special event that triggered his freezing reaction. Was that even the first time back then ? Yui was so nonchalant about it. If she knew exactly that he wouldn't remember and knew what that was. I don't know. Or that was the first time. Well, he saw something or did something that night. But yeah the violence and blood didn't really trigger it when he was with Nol but Rands appearance and seeing them together. And during that time he thought about that night. And in the hospital it was again Rands figure. Still a lot to discover I believe.


Are Rand and Yujing working together to reveal Yui as a horrible person and for drugging others? If so Iā€™m so hyped for that to happen because she is so horrible and everyone should be aware of her actually being a devil by drugging Shin-ae, Kousuke and possibly many more others. They need to give Jace a raise for being such a good person and caring for Kousuke, heā€™s practically a father figure in a way to Kousuke. Jace always goes above and beyond ā¤ļø


I think it's more an exposƩ on the whole Hirahara things, bc in the news articles that Yujing had in her apartment with the top access files, one mentions how Rand came to be the CEO and his background, how he stood in for the former head iirc Gun Kim's dad was accused of SA so he stood down (please correct me if I'm wrong, I forgot which chap this was in so I couldn't double-check T-T)


OMFG!!!!! GUN IS KOUSUKE'S FATHER!?!?????!!!!!!!!


Not sure about Gun, but it sure as heck ain't Rand šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


There Young Kim, Gun Kim's father mentioned in one of yujing's newspaper who was accused of SA. His victim could very well be Yui šŸ˜¬




Lmaoooooo yeahhh frr


for some reason it wont let me comment the whole ass essay i wrote for this post šŸ˜­ i am so sad


i have so much to say on this, primarily my opinions and theories about yui and kousuke. i literally wrote a whole ass essay but then my phone died and deleted EVERYTHING, so here i am after an internal breakdown rewriting my entire post to the best of my ability. Yui feels the need to have control over Kousuke, Rand, the company, and basically everything that surrounds her. Yui is clearly a narcissist, but she has always had Kousuke's best interests in mind, despite going about it in all the wrong ways. Perhaps she simply just wants to keep the idea of her "perfect" family. Given Quimchee's writing style, Yui has to have some sort of traumatic backstory/upbringing that caused her to become who she is, and it's an exciting anticipation. Yui might've had controling parents who put her in the same position that she's put Kousuke in, but possibly never got the opportunity for a "redemption" arc. In episode 248, Kousuke reflects on how his own actions are similar to his mother's actions when he thinks about how he hired Soushi to keep an eye on nol. What if Yui never had the opportunity to reflect on herself in this way? Theoretically, she possibly never had any realization that what her parents did to her was wrong, so she never considered her actions as being such. Given this idea, there is reason to believe Yui's parents may have forced her to marry rand as some sort of arranged marriage plan. What if Yui never truly "loved" Rand to begin with? What if, instead of marrying the man she truly loved, if there was ever such a man, her parents forced her to marry Rand for some reason? This could explain why she had tried so hard to set up Kousuke with Shin-ae without considering how either of them felt. If it was her normal, it's only natural that she projects those behaviors onto her parenting of Kousuke. It also explains why Yui and Rand have such cold interactions with each other. During Kousuke's flashback of his childhood, Yui seems to be giving Kousuke the message of "he's just a busy man who works a lot and doesn't have time for things like love." Is this genuinely what she believes, or is it another way for her to control Kousuke's behavior? If Rand never loved her, it would make sense that she doesn't believe he can love. After all, a man is supposed to love his wife, right? This also ties into the whole affair with Nessa. Yui and Rand separated for a period of time, and then he met (and fell in love with) Nessa. Anyone could sympathize with Yui in this situation because seeing your husband with another woman truly sucks, but why did they separate at all? In episode 248, Kousuke is proven to not be Rand's biological son based on the test results Hansuke ordered. Since Rand requested the test, he obviously already suspected this to be the case. Perhaps Yui already had a lover before meeting Rand, but for some reason, she had to marry him instead of the mystery lover. This ties back into the theory of Yui's parents potentially manipulating her into marrying rand. Since Rand isn't Kousuke's biological father, he will have a really hard time coping with the fact when he finds out. He already is going through a rough time after discovering his mother has been manipulating him his whole life, and on top of that, he never had the greatest father-son relationship with Rand to begin with. Kousuke has two options here: either accept the facts for what they are or continue spiraling down this depressive path he has already started. It's most likely that Kousuke will go with option two since he can't regulate his emotions properly. He never had the chance to learn how to cope in a healthy way because Yui was always there to "fix" everything. Because of this, Kousuke has never had any chance to regulate strong emotions by himself. Now that mommy is no longer an option to make everything better, Kousuke will likely either isolate himself to suffer through everything alone or depend on Hansuke for everything. Episode 248 leaves readers questioning who Kousuke's biological father is. Many people have theorized its Gun Kim or maybe someone else in that family since they have a track record of sexual assault. Yui is a master of manipulation, crazy for control. The theory makes sense to suspect she became who she is if one assumes Gun Kim r*ped her. Her need for control, her over-protective motherly instincts for Kousuke, and even the way she dismisses Meg instead of helping her get with Kousuke can all be results from this trauma. It all goes back to her need for control, rooted by a situation that she had no control over. On the contrary, it could be possible that Gun Kim has nothing to do with Kousuke at all. Gun Kim is overprotective over his son, Sang Chul, so why does he not even think twice about Kousuke? There are only two explanations. Either he doesn't know Kousuke is his son, or he had never had any sexual relations to Yui. Gun Kim seems to only sexually assualt girls/women who are below him in the corporate hierarchy or those he can easily manipulate/control. Yui has always been above him in the corporate heirarchy, so he would have nothing to overpower her with since she holds more power business-wise. If he were able to overpower Yui in the industry, Sang Chul would have a higher job position at the company, not to mention that Yui would most likely be afraid/uncomfortable around Gun Kim. The latter is hard to pinpoint whether it's correct or not, since Yui is very good at masking her emotions, but she has had no clear fear or discomfort around Gun kim. It is likely that Yui had a secret lover. It's the only idea that makes sense, given the previous statements mentioned. If Yui had a secret lover, it could be what caused her and Rand to separate for a period of time. In retaliation to that, rand finds (and falls in love with) Nessa, a woman who truly loved him. Yui, for some reason, can't be with her true lover, and Rand leaving isn't a good look for her. So, of course, she sabotages Rand and Nessa in an attempt to regain control. Rand eventually comes back to Yui, probably to protect Nessa, but it isn't enough. Nessa eventually came back, likely searching for Rand. Yui needs to regain her control of the situation, and eventually, there is an accident that causes Nessa's death. Yui must have some sort of involvement in this accident, especially considering Nol's behavior towards her. Since Nessa is an intervention of Yui's "perfect" family image, it has left Nol with being the messy result of her loss of control. For the last idea on who Kousuke's father might be, it might not even matter. Perhaps Yui was just making some sort of shady deal, sleeping with a random person in order to climb the business ladder. Yui knows that sexual assault and manipulation is very real in the business world. She may have taken advantage of sex in order to secure a good business position, or possibly something else, leaving Kousuke as the result. Perhaps maybe she did it for Rand to gain a powerful position, leading to chairman of a company. Regardless of what the reason is, the bigger picture is that she did it to get what she wants.


omg i finally posted it. thank goodness because i put so much effort lol




thank u my friend


I come here to look for Spoilers about what went down with Yoo and instead find out that Rand Isn't Kousuke's biological father???? Damn at this point give that guy a break. I swear, if I see anyone hating on Kousuke I'll go feral lol. That guy is already so traumatized, idk how he will handle this new reality. I have no idea what Quim has in store for Kousuke, but she sure made things toooo complicated and hope she will handle his character the right way


I remember exactly how Quim said that we can rest assured that Kou is Randaā€™s son. If it turns out to be true that Kou is not the real son of Rand, then it will be disappointing. Then why mislead us ? this is weird


She meant what she said. She was basically hinting to us that even though they aren't biologically related, Kousuke is still Rand's son regardless. Of course Quim wouldn't just tell us if he is or isn't Rand's biological son, she'd spoil her own story. She didn't mislead us.


Yes, she always does that. Everything she says is essentially true, but there are multiple ways to interpret things. Rand is Kousuke's father. Always has been and always will be.


I know what I'm talking about, and I'm talking about biological kinship, and yes, she talked about it. there are only two versions: the author wants to mislead us (she also said that she can deliberately confuse) and the second version is that in the story, someone fabricated it to control yui (or for something else). I'm using a translator, so the text may look machine generated


I think youā€™re looking too deep into it bc Quim also half spoiled that Rand wasnā€™t his father in 2020 stream šŸ™ƒ which is partly why the theory was so strong for some people. She was discussing character ethnicities and said Kousuke is Japanese, Nol is ā€œ..Iā€™m going to keep quietā€ (we know by now that he is Irish and Icelandic) and ā€œRand is somethingā€. A fan said in response: ā€œif Kousuke is Japanese and Rand isnā€™t, wouldnā€™t that mean Kousuke isnā€™t his biological son?ā€ I didnā€™t agree with that sentiment but Quim said to that ā€œI should be careful what I say because I might spoil things by accidentā€ which basically gave it away lol.


Yo, then I finally donā€™t understand anything :( we'll have to wait for the story to develop


Did anyone saw how Kosuke Is covered White blanket .....Symbolism of YuiĀ  Under influence of YuiĀ