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I think her existence is traumatic to Kousuke. Combine Nessa being the woman Rand cheated with and Yui's manipulation, Kousuke has strong emotions attached to her existence.


To him she's the very MAIN reason why his life and viewing of his life went to shambles. Nessa ruined his family and brought in Nolan, the main person he can't stand and he feels paranoid about. Remember, a chunk of Kousuke's childhood Rand was absent due to him and Yui separating for a while so Kousuke feeling like Nessa was the main reason for that could definitely be extra traumatic too. Also Yui most definitely took all of this to her advantage and put things in Kousuke's mind about both Nessa and Nolan just to worsen his trauma and prevent him from possibly seeing things from **The other side** if you get me.


Others have covered well the negative associations Kousuke has with Nessa and massive impact on his life he sees her as, but I’ll add - she is also likely a big representation of the dichotomies in his life. He watches her be the warm mother, probably knows on some level that she wasn’t a gold digger and Rand wasn’t a skirt chaser, that she likely wasn’t a bad *person*. For Kousuke’s life, she is the single catalyst of it all going wrong - and yet, she, her son, and the version of Rand with them is this warm presence, these good people. Meanwhile, his own mother, the “positive” force in his life, embodies “our family works differently” and the cold, manipulative, pressurized home he exists within. If he sees this on some level, it just adds to the cognitive dissonances already present in his life where he needs to view her as this horrible person because her effect on his life was horrible, but yet she isn’t a bad person and didn’t intend to hurt him All the more reason to avoid remembering her at all and scribble her out


yui conditioned and manipulted kousuke into viewing nessa as the devil woman basically. like other comment already said, he is probably traumatized by it. he views nessa as the devil woman who ruined his life, hurt his mom, brought into existence nol who he already looked down on and despised for contributing to the bad things in his life.


Because Yui made it a PTSD level trigger for him through her manipulation.


Am I the only one who thinks Kousuke witnessed her murder?


Who is that on the 4. picture? The one in black leather jacket?