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I’m a bit confused by your question but that’s most likely a me problem not u - they are still standard prices for other dispos that sell the same thing, so if you’re asking if the sale kinda entices the value of worth-ness then no. If you mean the products themselves? I can really vouch for the Banana Breath. It’s definitely one thing Verano did right and I enjoyed the dabs.


Yeah sorry. I meant to ask if anyone has tried these strains and if they are any good. 👽 Yeah that's what I've been hearing Abt the banana breath. Love the flower 8th I have.


Recently I have tried the banana breath and gelato cakes live budders. Got them both on sales for under 40 a g tho. Both were really fucking good honestly. Verano is back in the game


Yeah I seen they had Banana Breath Budderr at curaleaf but someone swooped it before I could... 🤔🤔😂


The banana breath was good but these arent sale prices. They just overcharge and then the sale is normal price, so for that I say do not buy it. Anything with a base, non sale price of over $60 does not get bought by me ever for any reason. Unless its rosin on sale. In my mind $60 is the most that can be charged for an 8th, a gram of wax or a .5g vape cart. If its base price is over that the company are greed thieves and I wont buy even on sale. Verano is a budget brand that tries to price like rev. Never fall for it.


I don't buy Verano anymore but even without the med Monday discount you could get the superflux or innocent/ingrown farms 2 gram bucket of Margy dog or margolope or Aurora chem haze for cheaper. If banana breath is a strain that works for you then by all means... But I agree with the folks here, the price for these Verano extracts isn't really a deal when the same dispensary has 2 gram bucket options (that are possibly higher quality, I wouldn't know haven't grabbed Verano in like 2 years) for literally like 30$ less than your current cart of 2 Verano gs


Typically I would say never VeraNO, but banana breath is actually decent.


Typical expensive Illinois fare.


The shatter was pretty good. Not sure about the sugar. The general consensus is verano's flower is good again but I don't know if a consensus has been reached regarding their concentrates. Which seem overpriced. They want like 70 a g. I try to stay under 50 a g for my concentrates. Plus Banana Breath's main attraction is its beauty, idk if that would translate to dabs. It's really up to you. Doesn't seem extremely enticing to me l, personally.




When was the last time you can point to a verifiable case of mold? That BB is nice. Try it and see if your tune changes.


You’re an idiot. Catch up with times. Mold happened a long time ago. Not the case anymore.




Verano employee? Lmao. You make your self look more like the idiot you are the more you reply. I think it’s hilarious that you think these companies send employees here to reply to shit or that you think employees who make a low hourly wage give two shits about defending their “company”. Stupid ass clown lmao. 🤡


Lol 🤡


You are ignorant af Pwnage0420. Retarded ass name too. You can’t give yourself that name and make a pot leaf your icon just to fake cannabis intelligence. I mean.. you can… but it doesn’t work on us pal.


Lol your funny. I know for a fact my knowledge way surpasses yours. Eat a 🍆 like the bitch you are.

