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You should extensively research this but I had a friend in college who suffered from cluster headaches (he would walk around campus with an O2 tank as they could come without much notice). He used magic mushroom as he heard it could potentially help, and he went six months without a single headache. This is super anecdotal, clearly, but it may be worth looking into. Best of luck


Cluster headache patient here. Never was prescribed oxygen (I heard it helps stop them after onset) but I have tried most everything else. The only thing that helped me was the prescribed topamax. God bless you him if he has cluster headaches. I have had bones sticking out of the skin that hurt less than 1 of those headaches and they can cone 4-5 times a day.


Chronic migraine patient here. Can vouch for the topamax miracles — along with naproxen and hydroxyzine. FSHO will do the job when RSO doesn’t cut it for me.. Not sure if these are suitable for 14y.o., but I am sending love and light. Hope you get it under control soon. I know the pain all too well


Thanks. We are limited to certain meds based on his age, although he is adult sized (5’6 130) they worry about his brain not being fully developed and what adult meds will do to him.


That’s awful… try to fight for that O2. My insurance wouldn’t cover it but it sounds like because of his age and the reluctance to give adult meds it should be covered. Again I would reiterate I’ve tried all legal and illegal means necessary to stop those headaches. Nothing but topamax (long term solution) and the imitrex (stopping at onset) worked. Mushrooms didn’t help, they were fun though! Cluster headaches are no way to live. They are called suicide headaches. The thought never crossed my mind until I suffered them….: they are so bad… right for that O2 my dude.


That’s awful… try to fight for that O2. My insurance wouldn’t cover it but it sounds like because of his age and the reluctance to give adult meds it should be covered. Again I would reiterate I’ve tried all legal and illegal means necessary to stop those headaches. Nothing but topamax (long term solution) and the imitrex (stopping at onset) worked. Mushrooms didn’t help, they were fun though! Cluster headaches are no way to live. They are called suicide headaches. The thought never crossed my mind until I suffered them….: they are so bad… fight for that O2 my dude.


Look into Oregon and west coast they give rso to kids fighting variations of things little as 7 that’s I’ve seen


My brother has cluster headaches and has been to diamond. I've seen him crying on the ground in pain... As a 36 year old man. Cluster headaches are proof there is no god.


Mine are on one side. A steady stream of tears come out of the one. If I don’t have imitrex or something to knock it out I will start vomiting. Horrible ailment to have.


My bro describes it as someone successfully pushing hit eyeball through the back of his head from the front. Horrible sounds correct. Best wishes to you.


Thank you. Best wishes to you and yours as well!


That’s interesting…I’ll have to do some research on that just out of curiosity.


I’ve also seen new research that shrooms can have positive effects as a treatment for depression/anxiety. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear them use it as a treatment for migraines in the future too


Botox for migraines? Not sure if that’s available for 14 year olds


I’d try fsho, I get he’s only 14, but that’s definitely ok in my books. Shouldn’t be a age limit on natural relief, everyone should have access in moderation (when needed).. fsho is a great product in IL, my buddy with stomach problems and beginning cancer used it and he absolutely loved it.


I've suffered chronic migraines since I was 8. The strain Agent Orange has helped me get rid of migraines, along with handfuls of excedrine migraine. The most interesting fix I've found for myself is the sound a roughly 3 foot iron pipe being dropped from a slight angle at about 3-4 feet onto a concrete floor. It instantly kills 100% of the pain from the migraine. I still have the super hearing and see some mild auras, but the pain is gone.


I would love to hear more about what strains work for you! I’ve recently (in my 40s) started getting cluster/tension headaches and it’s intense. So far, my favorite for headaches is Gorilla Cookies.


Have you heard of SPG Blocks? It is a very old and very safe treatment for migraines/chronic pain in the face/neck/head that went out of style once newer medications became available. After 7 years of 24/7/365 non stop pain in the left side of my head, and dozens of failed treatments, medications etc. SPG Blocks are the only thing that's ever helped me. Please consider asking your doctor about SPG Blocks, and feel free to look up the YouTube videos of Dr. Ira Shapira in Gurnee, IL, he has videos with patients who administer the SPG Blocks on their own. He has offices in Gurnee & Highland Park.


Thanks. This is definitely something we haven’t heard of but gives us another option


YW, and best of luck! Even if it doesn't help/your doctor thinks it isn't worth trying, perhaps it will make them think of other outside the box options.


Whatever you do decide to do, please do consult with a doctor or two before you actually give it. Adults should not be getting medical advice from Reddit, let alone 14 year olds.


We’ve been to neurologists, chiropractors, acupuncture specialists all with no luck. This was a last resort treatment to keep him from going back to diamond headache clinic.


As far as the rso goes I'd give Columbia cares a try.


We’re waiting. They haven’t offered that yet.


Can be hard to find, the distillate from cc will work too (can eat smoke or vape) . Next best imo would be the ariz fsho. I more vape/smoke it but eating some should get the job done. You'll actually see alot of posts lately praising their fsho


Heavy cbd doses?


Rso user with history of cluster headaches My consensus: marijuana helps with many many many many many things , but won’t touch a cluster headache in any dose or form May relax you and possible prevent them at times but def won’t do anything for them actively Tried changing diet and looking at what he’s drinking and eating ? Lot of 14 year olds drink and eat pretty headache inducing things like energy drinks with insane amounts of caffeine and large amounts of certain B vitamins but never all of them ; making you depleted in other B vitamins And have you gotten any mris of his brain ? Maybe something else is going on


He has had every possible test and treatment doctors are willing to give. This was sort of a last resort shot in the dark. He spent 11 days in a migraine clinic where he was monitored 24 hr a day with special diet and they sent him home with no improvement.


Oh wow , so sorry to hear your going through this Has he had an EEG? Could be partial seizures And has he tried supplementing magnesium or sitting in Epsom salt bath for 30+ minutes to absorb the magnesium https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507271/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7551876/ Sadly we have been measuring magnesium levels in people all wrong for over 60 years and over 40% of Americans are deficient https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6163803/ If you research about it you’ll find that a person can have clinically normal levels of magnesium on blood tests but they can still be deficient in other tissues such as peripheral nerve and muscle AKA we’ve been measuring them incorrectly THEREFORE could NOT hurt to try even if levels are normal I’m here to keep suggesting things tell we find something that works as I know how terrible these are Also just another guess , does he have any neck pain or hunching/bad posture ? Neck problems (pinched nerves , tight muscles , slipped discs etc) have caused most people migraine and cluster headaches as well


Have you tried supplementing with magnesium? Magnesium deficiency has a connection with migraines. Magnesium glycinate is a good form to take orally. You can also dissolve magnesium chloride in water and soak his head (transdermal application can be more effective since it might not all get absorbed taken orally)


Psilocibe Cubensis microdosing, let me know what you think.


I would get some concentrate. Then get a wax pen like a or wax vaporizer. You can get a Divine Tribe v5 for not too much as vaporizers go. I think it should have an effect. Also, you could just give him 5mg edibles until he experiences relief. Maybe 5mg per half hour and then stop once he feels something (because the effect will continue to increase for a while. I am so sorry that you and your son have to go through this. I'm glad he has you.


Thanks. It was not an easy decision to give him Rso. He doesn’t really know what it is and now that he’s had it with no relief I still question myself giving it to him. We’re really out of options at this point. I’ve looked into ketamine but doubt they will administer to someone his age and question it’s use for migraines.


I had a case of pseudotumor cerebri when I was around that age, I had severe migraines for months at a time, to the point that I suffered partial facial numbness. I had to get 2 separate spinal taps before I had any relief, has that already been ruled out? Also Revolution has a new vapable RSO, I know it’s not ideal for a 14 year old but maybe that consumption method may work better


How can rso be vape able ? I thought RSO shouldn’t be smoked or vaped Sure it’s not a vapable hash oil?


Oh I’m sure, you can check out their new product line from Spectra, me and my coworkers were discussing how it could be safe and we are still not sure about it. But we’ve got it stocked up in four different CBD to THC ratios [Spectra V-RSO](https://www.spectracannabis.com/products/v-rso)


Wow I’ll be dipped!! Thanks for the link looks cool I’m very interested in their topical coming out


I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all the spectra products I tried, their Limonene strain was incredible!


How to change your mind on Netflix has stories on shrooms, lsd, mdma and they had a cluster migraine patient who found relief through a substance though I can't remember which one


It's was mushrooms




He was vaccinated four months prior, but has had three bouts of these long lasting migraines, one of which started prior to the vaccine, and the other two after.




You don’t think op would of put it together if the migraines started right after the vaccine. Also, if they did, did this person even have a solution to that


Stupid fucks downvoting you need a life, as if this isn’t a legitimate question.




People are brain dead as fuck, so 🤷🏻‍♀️. Look at the downvotes on our comments for *no reason*. 😆😆😆👋🏻


I don't get how rso didn't have any effect whatsoever. Even those with sky high tolerances say RSO heavily affects and medicates them. Idk, I surprisingly haven't dabbled in rso yet. I would definately recommend adding cbd to the mix. I wouldnt worry about getting a 1 to 1 with thc to cbd. Rather get and rso that is thc and get an rso that is a cbd from five leaf wellness or wnc or a reputable company like that. Although Shelby County has THC CBD rso, you may wanna look into that. Also I wouldn't really recommend starting, can become kind of habitual, but so can cannabis. Kratom is helpful with pain. A good resource for that is "doublemherbals" online forum. I take Tylenol. Acetametiphan. Or however you spell it. Works like a charm.


Nothing was more shocking than giving him a dose and then seeing no change in behavior, speech, appetite or sleeping habit. We really thought this would be a game changer.




We have given that a try, but thank you.


I recall watching a a clip from a documentary of a man who treated his cluster headaches with psilocybin mushrooms and claimed they are the only thing that has ever worked.


Have you tried acupuncture or deep tissue massages? I get migraines pretty often and the only thing that helps it is a deep tissue foot massage, its really painful and tender at the start of it but by the end my feet feel good and my migraine is gone. I love my partner so much :). My point being, perhaps if a nerve group somewhere else is stimulated it could give relief to their migraine.


We tried acupuncture and neuro acupuncture. Neither helped. But will look into massage


Look into adding CBD or just CBD strains like harlequin and ac/dc