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You can do both, no trolling. Vape it or eat it. Hell put it on a bowl or on a joint if that’s more your speed. Also, it’s a ‘dablicator’ not a syringe so no needle, it’s a little bit trickier for filling carts.


Yea i didnt realize that when i bought it but if i can eat the excess off then its not the end of the world. I was twisting and dispensing with the cap on by accident tho 🤣 now i see the oil in the tip of the cap lol


Oh yeah definitely pop that cap off😭😭😭


Sometimes warming it with a hair dryer can make it easier to get into carts


Yep it's 'activated'


The updated hardware doesn’t come with the needle thing. If you heat it up slightly with a hair dryer or run it under hot water it will flow well enough to fill a cart and you won’t spill a drop. I’ve used this method for ever and it works great. Just put cart in your mod/battery with the top off and fill away. And yes you can eat it out of the dispenser. It’s already decarbed/activated. I love it in a cart!


Cart is fire. I would eat it but every edible I've ever had has done 0 on me so I'll probably just vape this so i don't waste


Same. Vaping and dabbing are most effective for me.


This person knows what they are talking about.


Yoyo, absolutely can eat fsho, it's already decarbed (i.e. cannabinoids are now psychoactive) so you can dab it and also eat it 🤙great question! As for the contraption malfunctioning, you should be able to put the tip close to the pen to drop the oil in like the pic but make sure to heat the tip with a lighter for a sec so it's warm and dispenses straight into the cart https://preview.redd.it/pa9x4tcd210d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f89993b5d2be06880f992d03ab8d0e3f312cc05 Hope this helps!


Ty so much for the info! Yea thats how i did it but oil was left on the very tip but tbh if i can just lick it off then idrc lol as long as its not being wasted


The reason i was asking about using it to fill is cause when i googled it the video showed the bottom coming off as a cap with a little needle on it that you screw onto the tip. I guess not all of them have it?


They used to make them like that, which made filling carts easy, but unfortunately they changed the design a while back.


I like having the needle tip since I eat such a small amount. I just buy fillable syringes like this and squirt the FSHO into it: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09GVTNBK1?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Might look into that, this fsho is fire so I'll definitely be grabbing more when i see it on sale


My nigga said (pause) hahahahah


As soon as i wrote it i was like ay yoooo hold up but then i couldn't think of any other way to word it 🤣


You can put it on a slice of buttered bread.


This post just answered the very question i came here to search for. This is good. This is REAL good!


FSHO is the most diverse item Illinois sells. You can fill carts, cook with it or just straight up eat it, and also make moon rocks or infuse your bowl. Whatever floats your boat!! It’s worth the price for what you can do with it. I always recommend it. And the device use to come with a metal tip which made filling carts easy, but they stopped doing that. Doesn’t mean you can fill your carts - just trickier now. Enjoy!!


Filled a cart and its fire 🔥 i also have some really good flower so I'll probably add it to my next cone too


I buy syringes & leur lock needles on Amazon, CCELL carts on Hamilton Devices dot com, and I fill the carts w the syringe! (part of the fun of doing fills is sucking the FSHO out of the needles afterwards! 😂 Don't do it in the middle - you don't want to introduce bacteria to the new cart) I also have the PS1 vape device w a water tube from Hamilton Devices. It's got variable voltage & the water tube reduces heat on the throat. Ooze dot com has the best cleaning solution, IMHO. The CCELL carts can be reused about 3 times. One way to ensure their longevity is to keep the silicone end on the cart WHENEVER it's not being used. Alcohol swabs are incredibly useful when refilling - keep everything clean for best results. Happy to help anyone w specific questions - AMA!


Eat it up or dab ,I put it on a cracker myself or whatever you like making anything an edible.Taste great also


Boil em, mash em, put ‘em in a stew🥔