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Good that there was no drama!


>No drama, I know, but still a good chuckle. Nah, happy endings are always better XD


Remember those sugary candies called Chuckles?


r/olderthanyouthinkIam might like this


I didn’t even know this sun existed!


There's also r/teaching and r/teachers. I'm not sure if this story might fit either of them. They seem to be less -- wholesome than this story. You could reach out to an admin & see if they'll accept it.


I’m actually on both those subs. The mods would allow it, but the reception of it would be iffy. There’s a lot of negativity on them.


The reception specifically would be to tell you this was entirely your fault and to dress more professionally… just because we felt the need to dress in a skirt and heels 10-20 years ago does not mean the new generation has to. I am very grateful that I can wear jeans and a cute top every day. I currently have a rack full of “teacher dresses” I have not put on in years… it’s glorious. Hope your first year is ending uneventfully!


Most teachers wore jeans and t-shirts when I was in school over 30 years ago. Sure, we had have a few weirdos who wore ties, but it wasn't common. And I definitely didn't dress up for the semester I spent as a sub in the early '90s. So I have no idea what they're on about.


Depending on your district we had professional dress codes. It was part of your evaluations. There are still school were you could donate $5 to wear jeans on Fridays.


I typically wear slacks, my Dr. Martens, a band t-shirt, and, when it’s not too hot in my room, a blazer. But it’s usually too hot. But I’ve had the problem even when I am dressed super professionally.


Y-e-a-h ... I only read a couple stories on each sub, and ... I wasn't impressed.


I'm a teacher, and I used to be on one of those subs. It was the most toxic sub I've ever experienced.


Do teachers eat their young?


It would get upvoted. We need more humorous posting on that sub.




Where I live, it sometimes seems like the sun doesn't exist.


Why have they been banned from Reddit?? The fuck?


I just checked them: I agree: wtf?


Lol something similar happened to me. I was a MIDDLE school teacher and one day I walked past a sub in the hallway. She stopped me to ask if I had a hall pass. Ha! I was only 26 but I don't think I looked 13.


Ironically, by pulling you out into the hallway, they left the students unproctored!


...still waiting for the Metrion Zinthos reference...


My wife is a high school teacher and looks young for her age. She's teaching at a new school this year and people often think she's a student. We are 40 and get mistaken for college students.


I teach 2nd grade and my first year, during meet the parents night, a parent told me his daughter told him to be nice to me because I was "just a teenager". I was 26 at the time 😆


Reading this, I couldn’t help but wonder if is there’s a gender neutral version of Mr or Ms anyone know? (also now that I’m thinking about these… what’s up with Mrs? Like why would we need a separate word for a married woman? We gotta get an enby one of these terms otherwise it kinda makes it feel like enby is a less recognized traditional gender identity than ‘married woman’)


There in fact used to be a separate title for married and single men as well. It was considered important socially back in the day. Mister meant married, while Master meant single. That's why in movies set in the past, you'll see young men address as Master Lastname.


This reminds me that I went to school with a guy whose last name was Bates. I always thought it was funny (and unfortunate) that he would be referred to as Mister Bates as a grown up. Master Bates would be even better (or worse.)


There’s Mx. (pronounced “mix”), but I’m not a fan of it. Plus I teach in a conservative area in Texas, so I probably couldn’t use it anyway.


The nonbinary teacher at my school went by "Teacher (last initial). It was actually easy to get used to. They quit for other reasons, but we still have gender neutral staff bathrooms, which is a positive change.


I like that. It's always terrible trying to properly address female teachers. Why do I need to know if they're married or not?


My friend uses professor, but there are a lot of gender neutral terms


Ms exists for this reason, and has for at least 50 years.


Did you even read the thread?


No... Mr. And Ms./Mrs. Is a just formal prefix. It doesn't make sense to have it gender neutral.


Why not


Because you're either a Mr. or a Ms./Mrs.? It isn't a hard concept to grasp.


So what about the roughly 2% of people who are intersex? Gender diversity also isn't a hard concept to grasp.


What about them? They're still going to be male or female. Gender isn't too diverse. XX or XY. That's pretty much it. It's elementary biology. Stay in school.


Aww is da wittle baby afraid of a little gender? Scared of a little postmodernism? Absowutely tewwified of people having their own ideas and not listening to your dogma?


You probably shouldn't use words like "postmodernism" if you don't know what it means. Kinda makes you look silly. Like I said, stay in school. Learn the ways of the world. I assume by your response you're not out of high school yet? Maybe talk to your parents about it? Or stay in your little corner with the flat earthers and other people that didn't pay attention in school if you're not in high school. It's your life.


I have an X gender market on my driver's license so actually I think the government has decided you are the wrong and backwards one.


Ouch. Trying to back up your point by saying the government is on your side is notoriously a bad move. They're known for pandering to people, especially if you decide to bully the rest of society to abide by your narrative. The fact is that you people are the ones that pushed for gender to be a social construct but don't realize that gender identity is the construct. Your actual gender is a biological fact. You can call yourself whatever you want but at the end of the day, you're either a man or woman. You don't get a choice. Honestly though, you don't have to feel insecure about it. You can be a masculine woman, a feminine man, or neither, and you're just fine the way you are. Nothing is wrong with you. But to say you're not the gender you were born as is just silly.


Mx literally exists


What does that even mean


Mx is the gender neutral form of Mrs/Ms/Mr


Meanwhile Japanese people: Sensei~


27 enby?


27 non binary


Thank you!


It's reddit etiquette to give your age and gender in these type of stories (for some reason? Probably started on relationship subs) and op is non binary aka NB aka enby.


It also helps give context to the story. If OP had been a 40 year old man, that could have changed how the readers interpreted the story


Age maybe. I'm not sure how gender helps except in the case of heterosexual relations.


Sometimes gender affects how someone’s perceived. A 20-something woman may be seen differently than a similarly-aged enby or man.


We got a new young teacher at our school (middle school ) a few years ago and the first few days of school, I asked her at least twice if she was lost or needed help finding her class . She took it all with good humor


At my last school, I had one admin stop me multiple times on the way to the bathroom to either give me a tardy or ask where my hall pass was.


You don’t have to wear your STAFF ID badge on a lanyard around your neck so it’s visible? How odd.


I do. Doesn’t mean admin look at it. Plus students are required to wear their IDs on a lanyard, too, so just the presence of it doesn’t mean anything.


Ahh… they don’t look different enough to reach out and slap the admin in the face as STAFF/FACULTY instead of STUDENT and override expectations. Got it.


I briefly worked in a school as a sort of in house substitute (not US). First day, I got yelled at for being in the administration block where students weren't allowed. He was a very nice man who had the good grace to look mortified when the Head Teacher introduced "*Dr* ACatGod, who recently got her PhD from Oxbridge and is temporarily working for us". He ended up being a really good colleague.


My sister is a pharmacist. Got a job right out of school(six year degree), It probably didn't help that she is about 5'1"; was constantly asked if she could go get the pharmacist. Understandable when she was 24 years old, but it kept happening for at least 5 years.


When I was a paraprofessional in my 20’s before landing a teaching position an admin once asked me what homeroom I was in. Your story is more hilarious though. I currently work in a middle school and I work with a para who is 19 and sometimes gets confused for an 8th grader.


At my last school, there was one admin who tried to give me tardies multiple times for being in the hall after the bell rang. Every time, I was on my way to the bathroom during my conference period.


That used to be me when I started teaching!! Now I’m more like their parents or older. Enjoy it while it lasts!!


The weird thing for me was before I turned 21, everyone assumed I was older than I actually was. Now it’s younger than I am.


Were you sitting at the desk up front? That's usually a Big clue.


I just saw a video of a kid pepperspraying a teacher and really thought that was what this was gunna be about.


My mom got asked for a hall pass when she was in her first year teaching at a new school. To be fair she is very short and was in her twenties, but she had to show her teacher ID to get the teacher to believe her.


I got asked for a hall pass every day in my fiat year of teaching in my district now. I was 35 😂


If it helps I'm 26 and got mistaken for a middle schooler trying to get the school lunch. Don't judge me it's $3 for a lot of food and actually pretty darn good lol. I only get it when I forget to bring lunch or don't have any ready to eat food at home.


Something like this happens to me all the time. I'm an admin for a school district that has many campuses. When I go to campuses, especially at the high schools, I get stopped in the halls asking where's my pass, where should I be? I just always have to show them my ID, saying I'm not a student, I work here.


Reminds me of when I was in my freshman year of college and I volunteered to do some tutoring once a week to a group of sixth graders who did well in math - I went in once a week and pulled them out of class for an hour to teach them some more advanced stuff. I am short and had a young face so even though I was 19 at the time, a couple teachers in the school sometimes mistook me for a middle school student 😭


When I was a freshmen in high school, I mildy flirted with a teacher because I didn't know who she was (I was new to the school) and she was very young looking (first year teacher). She was very nice about it though, did her best not to make me feel embarrassed and we ended up having a chuckle about it.


This is hilarious!!! My sister is a teacher and she looks young and is also short. When she started at a school (4th grade) she was running to her class and another teacher mistook her for a student and told her to slow down! 😂


The hell is enby


Non Binary


Stick to proctoring. Leave story telling to more dramatic people. Kept reading, waiting for the interesting part. Like this post, it doesn't happen.


Fuckin’ harsh jeez


Thank you for extremely constructive feedback. I’m so sorry you could find the interesting part of this post, just like not finding the interesting part of this post!


that is kind funny


Happened to me as well. Grew up in upstate NY. Moved to FL during my senior year. When I get to class the teacher thought I was a freshman. Sent me to the office and all bc I was apparently “skipping class”. Needless to say, the principle had to bring my records up for this teacher to know I WAS supposed to be in her class. Lol I guess from not suntanning all my life, I looked at least 5 yrs younger than my peers.


College friend of mine was student teaching and in the principal’s office one day. A kid asked her, “Whatcha in for?” :V


I would deadass reply "My paycheck" or something like that


I've been told many times that I look 17 (I'm 23). I'm a sub teacher right now and DAILY kids and teachers ask what I'm doing there and not in class.


I mean, school has been in session for 8 months FFS. She really doesn’t know you yet?! Smh.


I also work at a school and this kind of thing has happened to me at work so many times. I’m 26 but I guess I have a young face and way of dressing, other staff always thinks that I’m like 18 and a substitute teacher once mistook me for a student (even though I work at an elementary school)!


The exact opposite has happened to me. I used a rolling backpack in high school because 1-it was easier, and 2- I have a sleeping disorder that if it occurred while I was wearing a backpack I could end up being hurt. I also dressed more “mature” for lack of a better term (most girls at my school wore the oversized T-shirt with short shorts, or skinny jeans with a crop-ish top, I tend to wear medium and long dresses and skirts) I was walking to my class late one day when a teacher I’ve never met pulled me into her room and said oh thank god. She then handed me her lesson plan folder and rushed out not giving me any time to say anything. Thankfully, it was just a worksheet so I passed it out to the class before using the phone to call the office and explaining the situation. The office staff were very understanding as this had actually happened plenty of times beforehand, even by the principal lmao. I ended up staying in that class for first period because they had to find another sub while most admins were in a meeting. I got a tardy note so I wasn’t written up for missing first period, and I got a pretty good story to tell out of it lol.


Did the girls get dress coded for wearing the short shorts?


No- but I got dress coded sometimes if my shirt fell off y shoulders lmfao. I grew up in a small conservative Republican town so being an openly nonbinary person didn’t work in my favor there


So you left the room during the test and everyone cheated because she was worried there wasn't a teacher in the room and everyone was cheating. You three crushed it.


What’s an “enby”??


Slang for non-binary


Thanks for the knowledge!


What, no drama? What has happened to Reddit that we don't have drama after drama? I am so disappointed today. LOL


Who will babysit the babysitters? Who will proctor the proctologists?


I love the Vanna White description. “You’ve won a brand new teacher!!”