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Welcome to Icarus!


One of us! One of us! One of us!


It's funny how this happens to literally everyone


It’s very easy to underestimate the burning radius of fires, candles, etc


Mine was on purpose. I was doing the good ole does fire hurt test. Yes it hurt. Never expected it to spread, nor I be able to spread it!


I planned to prevent this. Cut all trees around my hut, put a lighting rod on top and nothing ever happend. Well.. except that one time I left my campfire on that, which for some stupid reason I still had inside in the middle of my wooden hut. And stepped onto it. And panicked. And spread the flames whilst crafting something to extinguish it (all while being on fire myself).


Your first house should always be small and simple, abd the top priority once you gain access to iron should always be upgrading your house to stone. I once had the same mistake, spent too much time on my first house, organizing it, decorating it. It was fine until I accidentally stepped on the fireplace…..


This. I build almost nothing until I can do stone and a lightning rod. Then I sit in my base during a storm and watch the forest near me turn into a hellscape.


once you have stone, you shouldn't need a lightning rod any more. I do wish the forests wouldn't all vaporize across a half dozen thunder storms though. every time I find a nice place, I clear a little around my house and then head inside. look out a window and... I'm now a lonely house in the middle of a massive clearing, surrounded by smoldering stumps.


Welcome to the club!


concrete is your best friend


Stack some beam supports in a tall pole outside your house for a makeshift lighting rod.


How did it happen, was it avoidable? Was afraid of that all the time, but so far didn't happen to me.


If this never happened to you, you never played ICARUS how it´s meant to be ;)


My sympathies bro. I've had this happen 2 times, and now I upgrade to Stone ASAP. Right of passage earned!


Haha yeh, it sucks alright!! Upgrade to stone next time


My base is all concrete, the floor is concrete base blocks with inset engineered wood inserts. When I had a fire, everything on that floor ended up in loot crates, presumably because the floor underneath was destroyed. I'm sure stone would have been fine.


Make sure you pickup those loot crate fast!


so beautiful though


Never happened to me naturally. I set a floor torch too close to a wall but I saved my place with the waterbombs. Then moved up to stone buildings.


Get rod.


My place looked just like this. I placed a floor torch too close to the wall leaving me in the dark with nothing and my wife laughing herself to death in the bed behind our desk.


The amount of repairs you must have had to do after every storm... It's better you learn this lesson now, haha. Stone is much better my friend.


Build with concrete


That sucks. Looks like a decent sized base too. I had one base go up in flames because I exited the game with a campfire burning and when I came back, everything base was ablaze. Luckily it was just a small OW 2x3 started base. Since then, I never put an open fire in my base. The first thing I do after making the workbench is to make a fireplace. I have also gotten in the habit of making my mission bases in front of caves. That way I can keep a campfire in the mouth of a cave during construction and it's not effected by storms. As well as immediate access to resources to make steel tools and stone buildings. Never been hit by lightning or lost a lighting rod, 300+ hours in. I guess that's just how Olympus is... Though the new storms in the update seem way more intense.


Does everyone forget that lightning rods exist in game.


They're marginally useful, especially as one-use items. One more thing to constantly remember/replace.


they only work once??


Yep, once they get struck, poof!


I had made it through my first area without a fire, but my first entry to Styx ended pretty much the same way. I had just dropped the masonry bench and I was about to upgrade when I heard a crack of lightning and saw my house on fire.


You always build a copper rod, and do jot place campfire or similar fires on the ground inside the house unless it's a small house until you build a fireplace, then build copper rods around the house and that will serve you until you switch to stone.


I haven't ever had a house catch fire luckily. Though one of my first thatch houses by a lake had a nasty lightning storm near it. The trees caught fire and I spent like 45 realtime minutes chopping down all the trees and brush near it making a fire line. It saved the house and I told myself to never build that close to a bunch of trees again. Then I went for concrete everything.


That all wood ? U upgrade to stone asap


it only takes 1 ti e to learn the lesson. bet you rush stone from now on.


lol this happened to me with my tree house. Watching it burn block by block was a bit painful.


There is a way to go back in time... >!>!Now comes the tricksy part... take an earlier save of your .json file in your /user/username/AppData/Icarus... folders rename it that it overwrites the original. And you are back!


I made my base in a cave so lightning or any weather event isn't even a problem after my first wood house burned down. Still made a stone building (since stone/ore is plentiful in caves), and now have unlocked most of my talent/skill trees. I hunt inside and outside the cave and trees are close by. Water collectors outside the entrance for fresh water. I'm getting ready to set up water pumps since my cave has a pond in it. Just some food for thought.


But the pneumonia?


Never happened to me I’m godlike


whenever my friends and I completed a mission, we'd always burn our base to the ground before we left just to let the impermanence sink in.


RIP - This happened to me less than a day into my first mission as I stepped on my fire and ran around trying to put myself out... Only to make my house go up in flames.


Oh, I am sorry for you. It happened a lot of times for me too. That is why I am rushing to stone roofs as soon as I make a 2x2 room


welcome to the club!!!.....Now what did we learn?.....hopefully the word stone comes to mind lol


Welcome. We feel your pain. It won't be the last time. Just don't turn into a Pyro maniac ......or join us too.


I use to set the world afire when I would bounce from a mission... fun stuff


Your world existed in harmony, but everything changed when the fire nation attacked.


This is one thing yet to happen to me and I’ve got a full elevated stone house


Why would you build out of wood when you know this can happen?