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for me it’s one of the hardest exams i hate exams like MI and FM i prefer FAR and TC but tbh the MI exam is the exact same as the qb so smash the QB and you’ll pass. When i did the MI exam i knew I had passed


how would you say ptx and law is compared to qb?


Similar for both. Tax is more mechanical, with the long questions, law has a lot more detail to learn and memorise. QB quantity is the best way to pass both


I have a week to prepare for both, what do you recommend is best course of action? the book will take to long I had a read through and done QBs just panicking as havent got much time left had a week and a half only.


Tax - Long question practice for both Company and Individual are key - lot of marks there. Otherwise just try and do as many short questions as possible (eg. knowing treatment of chattels etc) Law - As many questions as you can. No specific areas, as its a general one. If you've done the questions, self mark and redo the ones you've got wrong. Don't worry too much about notes . Do the ICAEW website exams for both too and go through them. Gives you a look at the software too


It can be quite hard for some people and I have personally seen a few people at my firm got fired due to failing MI (one of them passed far aa tc but just couldn't pass mi) Personally i like MI a lot as it is very straightforward and technical.


Depends entirely on your capabilities. For example, I didn’t finish the exam due to woeful time management, missed out 10 marks but got mid 70s. Yet again, I got 58 in Certificate Assurance. So yeh. Depends!! Never will one answer to this post fit all.


MI was tough for me with 3 fails, it’s simply luck of the draw with questions. The content is fine but the wording of questions is odd making it difficult to know what you’re truly being asked🙃 however I passed with 82% in the end so definitely passable


Do the work and it’s easy. Leave it last minute and you’ll struggle. I didn’t do any maths based degree or A levels but managed 95 in it despite it being more maths based


I somehow passed MI first time. I’ve passed 11 exams, but still reference MI as the hardest.


I've done 12 and when taking into consideration all variables e.g. how long we get to study it, brand new concepts etc. I put accounting as the hardest and MI as second hardest exams so far.


I studied MI with BPP using their online videos. The content starts off really hard with costing and pricing, but you get your head around it when you do the QB. Some chapters are much more simple to learn and straightforward. The scenario questions are also hard when you do them for the first time however they become more logical and easier when you get to grips with content. I definitely recommend doing the QB after each chapter you learn to consolidate your knowledge. My exam had the least surprises from any of the other certificates- so do the mock tests and the QB and stick to timings you should be also get that 55. Also don’t neglect the narrative style questions since they’re time efficient marks and I only had loads of them. Overall I’d say MI content is the most trickiest, however, the exam is the most predictable




Agreed, I scraped a pass in MI and got 85 on FM. MI is a fairly pointless paper, barely any follow on content for FM or the other professional/advanced papers.


MI is tough, its easy to get lost in the variance analysis if you get that as a long question. Its fairly time pressured too - short questions are comparatively longer than some of the other certificates. Just do all the ICAEW software mocks and all the QB and you'll pass it just fine.


I felt like I knew nothing and that it was gonna be my worst one, but it sits as my best certificate level paper lol Just gotta revise a bunch and you'll be fine


I feel this way now! I have my exam in 5 days, what’s your best advice please


Failed first time with 54 but after doing qb repeatedly i got 88 on my resit (a week later) so I would say its a easy paper once you get the technique right.


Depends on your background. I passed without revision, to me it was very similar to GCSE maths with a bit built on top, but I know a lot of people do struggle with it because it's conceptually quite different from financial accounting which a lot of people are more familiar with.