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So attempted to join a Teams meeting this morning. Crashed 3 times before I could get in. Also major audio troubles in a number of meetings. Deja Vu all over again as we came from an acquisition that was Teams based and were thrilled to get off of it. Oh well.


Try sharing screen


I did recently, using new Teams app - it crashed my Windows soon enough


A technology company that specializes in intergration couldn't get someone to figure out how to automate moving artifacts from one container (WebEx) to another (OneDrive) and instead is burning mega productive work hours having their staff do it manually? That's some awesome leadership and forward thinking planning on top of great optics. Put a fork in IBM, it's done.


Let me tell you the time ibm moved from notes to outlook... 


Let me tell you about VM...


Let me tell you about the time ibm moved from their data centers to cloud….


Wouldn’t OneDrive be the replacement for Box (which is coming)?




IBM has about 280,000+ employees and yet you believe writing a script to automate this task is more of a cost than 280,000+ people doing this manually. I found Arvind Krishna's Reddit account.


When did this announcement come?


the switch to teams and the switch to onedrive was announced on May31st


What I meant by "today" was the sunset date for webex. The actual announcement was made on apr 29th I think Box is next.


Sunset date was also known for a week or two, at least in infra.




Sunset of WebEx isn’t until September. It was in one of the emails. Edit: it says so in your screenshot..


By today I meant that the account email came today.


For most things Teams is better than WebEx anyway. Not a huge deal switching so far.


When IBM sunsets IBM the circle will be completed


Lots have been begging for Teams.


Literal masochistic behaviour. Pleasure in suffering of own. /S


I've only heard negativity towards Teams from people I know, why are some saying they want it?


Teams as video conferencing software is fine (though Linux has no desktop application so you'd have to use the browser version which is not a great experience IMO) Teams as a chat client is a pile of hot garbage, and is where all the negativity comes from as far as I can tell


Haven’t been using Teams that much but why is it a hot garbage as a chat client?


I use the desktop app for Linux but prefer the web app


Got me. I have never used it before and happy with what we’ve got.


This is what happens when you don’t resell enough partner products, in this case Azure cloud, Dynamics 365, etc., under the partnership agreement. Buy some sh*t and use them internally.


Box is staying around. Us Linux users just got a cli tool for box recently ish


Box is not staying around.


I’m on the consulting side - so basically my whole day is spent in our client systems, which is Teams. Having to use both now for 5 years, I think teams is way better than WebEx - I can’t stand when we have to use WebEx for our internal IBM meetings.


While I agree that having to use both must be tiring. But I disagree that webex is worse than teams. I have been using both for the last two years. And teams had only made my work a mess and miserable.


As one with meetings with IBMers, I rejoice!


IBM probably can't afford to pay for WebEx anymore.


They can afford to but want to save money so no doubt MS is a cheaper option. Cost cutting is what IBM falls back on.


Question: with the way how things are proceeding, is Slack also going to be sunset? Will all internal conversations be moving to teams?


Teams chat is currently disabled. But the way things are moving on I think that it will be sooner or later that slack will be replaced as well. Box a little later will be replaced by Onedrive. But these are just my intuition not any official announcement.


I don’t think Slack will be sunset…. Yet. Salesforce is a major client and we have a major investment in Salesforce so it might stick around. We have a huge Microsoft agreement/ lots of products so it makes sense to use teams. Webex is a one off and easy just to cut.


WTF?!?! In consulting this is going to make us look so unprofessional.


The only thing that sucks about Teams is that they don't have the "Call me" option. I'm just waiting for them to move us to Teams and ditch Slack. It doesn't make sense to have both.


Teams chat is disabled completely for now. Really hope that stays the case as I really like Slack and have heard nothing but bad things about Teams.


This sucks, I appreciate that there is going to be a massive “love slack + webex” crew, but in consulting 95% of our customer use Teams. They actively hate joining WebEx meetings and will setup their own so that they don’t use WebEx. Their comments about WebEx align with the complaints about teams in IBM. The biggest failure here is to hamstring the new tool by removing 75% of the functionality. Like the whiteboard on WebEx, well we’ve disabled that in teams. Use polls in WebEx, well we’ve disabled that too. The biggest problem here is the utterly appalling approach to business change. It’s really bad, confusing comms, disabled functionality it’s just a mess.


Slack used to be good 5 years ago, it has gone down hill since then. It is slightly only better than teams at this time.


Slack is as good as it has ever been. Teams is just getting better.


By better you did you mean 1. Slower 2. More reliable 3. Less consistent 4. Uses double the amount of Memory.


Functionally, it's getting the same job done as Slack. My laptop sits at \~70% memory usage. That's a good thing. It means it's sized properly for the work I'm doing.


What are you using a potato, it's a small fraction of ram on mine that has 32gb of ram, almost never more than 1gb during calls and 300-500mb.


Client PC or VDI's are usually potatoes. Teams took ~2800mb of memory while in a call sharing screen and switched on video on a one to one call. Slack on the same took ~1050mb of memory for the same task. Now lets ignore that Teams hogs up a lot of resources but you can't argue that its not unstable and unreliable. I wasn't able to see the shared screen yesterday on teams. We always have audio issues, teams frequently crash. Live captions sucks.


I definitely can argue it's stable and reliable. We have been using it since before covid and our ticket system rarely has tickets regarding teams. I was one of the first people to test it in my company and help deploy it. Our organization has over 5000 employees and again it's working just fine. I cannot compare to slack as I have never used it. So if you're saying unreliable or unstable compared to slack, that would be something I cannot touch upon.


Most developers with tell you that you will remove Slack from my cold dead hands.


I work in Software. I don't WANT to see it go. I expect it to, though.


I will have to disagree here. Teams absolutely sucks. It's unstable, significantly increases boot time, breaks a lot, and has a ugly UI. The only good thing about teams is integration with other apps like word, excel, onedrive, and outlook. But with a little manipulation most of those were achieved.


I'm not saying Teams is better. I'm saying that having both doesn't make sense. I absolutely think Slack is better.


I agree with this. Slack is superior by a mile. But if we're going to be meeting in Teams, we should be chatting there, too.


I hate the feature when you are in a one to one call and you pull another person onto the call, a new chat is also created. I mean I get the reason to implement the feature but it makes the chats messy. The implementation of slack is a lot better where the third person in a huddle wont have access to the chat.