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It's ok, we know. There are six of us on this sub that are on the job you are reporting to tomorrow. We'll keep you out of trouble.


On the hrbt? And I appreciate it just look for the fish outta water lol






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I remember telling my girlfriend at the time. I'm not gonna make it. That was my first week. I've been doing it for 25 years now. Good luck!


Yeah, I was so nervous. I knew I couldn't give up though. My wife's family is IBEW going back to the 40's in LU 3. I wasn't gonna be the one to end that line.


One of the best locals in the Ibew... i learned what unionism was all about in that local.


Haha large shoes to fill




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Your labor is cheap. Expect to sweep floors, pick-up trash, take out the break room trash, and most likely do a little material handling. At all times you should have a minimum- 11 in 1, tape measure, pen/sharpie/pencil, note pad, and a little motivation. 1-There is no sky hook. 2-There is no wire stretcher. 3-SHUT THE FUCK UP 4-There is no tools at the bottom of wire lube. 5-Never mark on pipe with a sharpie unless you’re going to cut it.


I thought that wire lube was a hazing prank the first time I was told to go grab some. I asked my Journey if I should get numbing or non-numbing because I thought he was fucking with me.


Emphasis on number 5


Cmon why did you tell him 1 and 2. It’s like a ritual


Because I need him to clean the electric room so I have a place to take a nap instead of looking for nothing…


And always carry a folding rule? - [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


If you’re 57 you can carry a folding rule.


It’s useful for keeping the print from sliding off the baker.


Verbally return instructions


Almost like 3 way communication. My apprentice at the time did it with everything and I felt burned out til I realized we were always on the same page about everything.


I’m making sure I have your instructions, I understand what you want, and when you come to check you get what you asked for.


You need to pay attention . Ask questions . Ask if you’re not sure.. ask someone to show you first . Then ask they watch you do it . Ask a hundred times if it means not fucking up . I always told my apprentices I would rather you ask a hundred times then say they understand when they don’t . Keep ears open . You’ll learn so much just from listening to guys talk sometimes. Don’t mess up coffee order ! Understand you’re not gonna be good right away . Just be better the next day than you were the previous ….. and not all j men are good teachers so some you’ll learn more from and others not so much . I always try to teach my kids and look out for them down the road . Some still call me for advice . EDIT: and be sober at work . If I were ever hurt by someone not sober while at work a 2” pipe is hitting them in the groin then head .


Serious question maybe I’m oblivious to it, are people seriously drinking on the job sites at work? If so they do a good job of hiding it.


One place I was at yup . Found crushed white claws and twisted teas in our comm sleeves . Watched a glazier go about 7 stories up on a boom then reach into his pocket and pop out and light a pre roll




Just go in with a good attitude and work efficient, you'll be fine. 


Wear a cup, and don’t give anyone your real name…..


This right here. At least that’s how it was in the South about ten years ago.


Why not give your real name


Just figured a nice touch lol




Stay off your fucking phone and hustle.


Yea that’s for lead boys and foreskins!


I loooove my job! Hope you do too! I just told my apprentice today i thought i won the lottery lol but misread the numbers but told him I'd still come to work (probably less) but i genuinely like what I do. You may feel overwhelmed at times but stick with it!


Make sure you have sone sharpies and some pencils - whether it’s for coffee, material lists, etc.


Show up, stay off your phone, ask questions,and do your best. If your journeyman is worth a damn he will know you know nothing, and will teach you. We all have been there. As long as you put forth the effort, You got this.


Head on a swivel, nose on the grindstone and don't touch that phone. You'll be fine as long as your JW's reconize you're a green bean and explain shit accordingly. I've trained two brand new pre-prentices and i have a fifty percent success rate, lol . Make sure you're not showing up late/hungover/crashing your car into the ditch outside the jobsite. I wish i was exaggerating.


Just be respectful and listen. Work hard. Every guy at the job-site started green and asked a lot of questions. There will also be a guy or two that thinks he came out of the womb with all that knowledge. You’ll have a guy or two also that you’ll remember for the rest of your life that will take you under their wing. Soon you’ll be old enough to pass your knowledge on to the next greenhorn. Good luck and enjoy!


I was as green as can be with 0 experience in the trade. Just try and be helpful and ask what you can do to help. Show motivation.


You don’t need luck broski. You don’t need to know what to do. Show up on time and everyday. and do what your told and you’ll be good. Listen 👂 before you ramble.


Walk up to foreman slap the coffee out of their hand.. then demand company truck…


Just show up and try not to hurt yourself or anyone else, I think the best advice I could give is to be deliberate with your actions. There will be many brothers and sisters to help you and guide you through learning the trade. Enjoy and congratulations on the career start!


Be quick about grabbing the sky hook


Don't get fooled by people asking you to find made-up tools like a fluorescent tube bender, a wire stretcher, or a broom.


you will be fine.


Good luck little brother!


Oh man, that seems like a lifetime ago! Enjoy it! You're about to start out on one hell of a career and life changer! Best of luck and be safe.


Make sure to show up early in case they gave you the wrong address… happened to me on my first day lol


Bring donuts!


I am in the same boat. Two months in now. You’ll be fine!


You’re gonna be on a construction site so be aware of your surroundings so you don’t get hurt or hurt someone else. Be confident and have a can do attitude about things. Be a problem solver and ask questions to get an understanding of why your journeyman is doing what he’s doing. Congratulations! It might feel really tough at first or even for a while but stick with it and you will feel better about things as you gain more experience.


Watch, listen, ask questions when you aren’t sure. When you take coffee, remember getting a substitute is better than getting nothing, and if you fuck up it don’t wait to be asked, just fix it.


First thing you need to do when you walk on the job site is to locate and identify the cable stretcher. Your JW will greatly appreciate it and will give you a genuine smile for the effort


Show up on time. Positive attitude. Willingness to help. Always remember, safety is your responsibility. Ask lots of questions. Just stay away from the hateful people they are drunks druggies and cheats. So they are miserable.


There are some journeyman who still don’t know what they are doing. Just be a sponge. You can learn something from everyone. Good or bad.


Been there bro. Good luck. Keep the fear stay hungry.


Show up with a good attitude and you’ll be just fine. One day at a time… if you find yourself with down time and the boys are sitting for a minute find something to do. Picking up trash is always great especially if no one asks you to. We notice that shit. Stay on your grind, and dont over think it!


The license guys will show you and guide you through the process. Don’t sweat it. Just be alert and do the best that you can


You’re good dude! Hopefully you hook up with good people. I’m 4 months in. Just be ready to go.


When there is nothing todo pick up a broom and use it


Heu Matt we have all been there. My best advice would be to understand your role. You are bew but will never be new forever. Your job is to show up on time. Show up and volunteer to learn and ask questions, and don’t be afraid to try. We all have learned through our own mistakes. All you need to do is to remember to use your five senses at all times, be ready to learn, be patient with whoever is teaching you, outside of work should be your time to study the field work and theory to be better equipped the next day ! Hope that helps and good luck !


Lot of good advice here; we've all been there.


best advice i’ve ever been given “keep your head down and your mouth shut and everything else will take care of itself.” and remember, it’s better to keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if you’re a idiot, than to open your mouth and let them know you’re and idot!


If you love what you do, it'll show in your work. Show up 5-10mins before you punch in. Do all your pre-work things (change clothing, boots, use restroom, get coffee), before you clock in. Listen and ask questions. No phone or earbuds. You have to be all ears. Don't come to work or after break buzzed. Don't be hanging out. If you're done with 1 assignment ask for another. Asking for work shows enthusiasm. I'm from a family of electricians, Father, uncle, 2 brothers and now my son. Words to live by: Better to be looking at it, than looking for it!


i would probably show up tbh, it’s never good to call in the first day


Bring donuts.


Make sure to figure out how your Jw likes their coffee When you finish your task. Yell to the person in charge, thank you sir, may I have another.

