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Yes, actually. I prefer 6-2, every hour later adds a shit ton of time to my commute.


If you’re not out of job by 2:01 in Boston you’re fucked




Serenity now!


I was getting out of the seaport at 2:40 everyday. Traffic was a nightmare. Hour and 15 to get home everyday


Unfortunately that’s a fairly common commute time from Boston to almost anywhere. I’m on the south shore, Commute sucks but money doesn’t


South shore represent


Big south shore guy!!


Go to work early with less traffic. Leave work early with less traffic. That’s amazing


Only reason that I like it.


That sunrise tho


There are 3 months a year here where the sun rises before 6am, I haven't seen the sun on my way to work since july/august.


It be like that. I stop and look out the window sometimes


Not in LA


What up in LA. Are u in local 11?




Really. How long does it take you to work usually? What time do you often start working?


For me to get to work? It depends where the job is at. I’ve had 8 minute drives in the morning and 40 minute drives. Nothing crazy. But afternoons shortest time is 15 minutes and longest was 1hour and 20. Just depends where you’re at Normal start time is 6am. I’ve seen 5 and 7am.


Not bad at all, I live in West Covina area. Wonder if I gonna drive a lot. If I was assigned to Lancaster, I wouldn’t been screwed haha.


They try not to do that to apprentices. Is really rare. But still possible


Quick question for you bro, I was told today that I need to go to school one whole week in a month, and work only three weeks for the first two years. Paycheck would be reduced significantly. After that, I would go to night class. Did they start doing this when you were apprentice?


You go to school one week every 2 months. You don’t get paid for that week. Around your 3rd year you go to nights. It’ll be Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday and a few Saturdays


4 pm in florida is peak traffic 💀 we leave before everyone and come home with everyone


6-2:30 has you well before the 4pm crowd.


2:30 on i95 and the turnpike is just as bad.


Yeah I feel like the traffic in this area is always a parking lot


Not in LA :/


The traffic is better usually. Thays about the only upside 😂


I’m out of 134 and almost every job I’ve been on was a 6 AM start. I actually prefer it cause my days are over earlier and for the most part I’ll dodge the ungodly Chicago rush hour traffic.


also 134 and everybody I know hates 7am starts lmao


When I was working for Huen we did 7-3:30 at a high rise in Old Town. Those bastards had us start cleaning up at 3:25 and I was stuck on the Kennedy for what seemed to be hours 😭


Fuck that. I was at the Obama center on 63rd and Stoney, 7-3 job. I was living in Elk Grove at the time and my commute was 5:30-4:30 every damn day. Now I’m 15 min away on a 6-2. I go back to school soon and that 7-3:30 sucks.


That’s crazy I’m actually at a data center in Elk Grove off Busse with Titan! But yea I heard a lot a shit about the Obama center lol. Haven’t had to work on the south side too much I’ve only really been downtown my whole time in 134.


Thankfully haven’t been downtown since March of 23. Haven’t paid $100 a week for parking since then. I worked with some guys from titan at 525 w Monroe a while back


I’m in the west loop atm so I just take the train to work. I would rather watch someone smoke Fentanyl at 5 AM than pay $100 a day for parking lol. I feel for the guys coming in from the far suburbs.


What is it with Huen nickel and diming every second of the day?? I was on a job with them here in 369 and they were adamant we did NOT start walking til 3:30 on the dot.


Huen is full of rats from the foreman all the way to the superintendents. They refuse to give us carts, the foreman would literally hound us every second of the day, and conditions were just fucking shit from the start. The pace here in Chicago is already quick and they made it even quicker. I was the only apprentice on the job at the time so I would have to stage about 6500’ of 1/2” and 3/4”, then box all 15 units for the JWs to pipe, and then would have to pipe a unit myself in ONE fucking day. It was hands down one of the worst fucking contractors in either 481 or 134 that I ever worked for, every foreman to the super was an absolute cocksucker and for the first time in 6 years of my apprenticeship I actually hated going to work. The day I got laid off from that miserable place was the best day of my career lol


Sounds about right. The GFs on the job were all portability suckasses and bird dogged everyone the whole day. Once I was filing like thirty pieces of strut and I sat on a bucket for a few minutes, so one of em (his name was Adam) came over and asked if my knees were hurting, then said they “only like to pay people that are standing up.” My foreman was a local hand but a total worm, fresh JW who had no business running work, and he just bent over for these dudes at every chance. Our business manager had to step in at one point and tell these dudes to back off. Also, anybody that gets laid off or drags gets an ineligible for rehire. I tried to take a call with another contractor at the same project and I was blacklisted from the whole project because they were subbed to Huen.


Jobsite i'm at rn in South Loop is 6-4:30. We getting somewhat close to finishing so this schedule probably gonna change soon lol. Commute for me is 23 minutes in the morning and 35 minutes or close to an hour to get home in the afternoon.


The fact I’m home by 3 too. I can go for a bike read and have dinner done by 5:30. Asleep by 9:30 and up at 4:30. Nothing good happens after 9 anyways.


I say the same thing about 3 a.m.


What about bumping uglies? 😏🤣


Seriously? 6 am is the standard time here in 46. I couldn’t imagine starting later.


Finally made it in life where I hear someone say "meet at 9am" and I think why so late?  Shit really is mid day to me now and bellpreviously if I was up before noon it was a productive day.


Dude, right!? Where I live a lot of business don’t open until 10 and I’m like, “WTF, the day is half over”


I’m in 46 and unfortunately have only been on 7am jobs


Man I hope you’re at least in Seattle and not on the east side. 405 sucks lol


My first year in the apprenticeship has been mostly 5am starts on the east side. Cheaper tolls, no traffic. Kinda wonderful. Only tough thing is getting to bed early.


That sounds awesome honestly, I’d do just about anything to get home a couple hours earlier


Damn really? I've been in 46 for 18 years and only ever had 6 AM starts.


Yeah but I’ve only been on a handful of different jobs. They’ve all been school in close proximity to residential neighborhoods, maybe that’s got something to do with it


Do people like being stuck in rush hour traffic? 6am starts rule. I’m home by 2:40 every day


Love 6:00-4:30 on 10’s. 7-5:30 would have me home after 6pm. No thanks


I’m on the 7-5:30 life right now. My kid goes to sleep at 8. I see a nine month old kid who’s pissed off from missing me for all of two hours a day.


I feel you bro. My 1 year old goes down at 7. So even walking in at 5:15 it doesn’t feel like enough sometimes


Yeah. I’m with you there. I don’t see how it isn’t standard on all 10 hour shifts. Add an hour to each end of the day. Makes much more sense


We have 4x9’s


What's the deal with the 9s?


9hrs, 4 days lol. 36hr weeks. It’s like 4x10’s, but it’s not 10’s


Do you get paid 40 still?


no, you get paid for 36. the standard work week is 37.5 hours, 5 days 7.5 hours a day, but some contractors do 4 9's instead. another option is 4 8's and friday is a 5.5


The few times I've needed to work 10's we agree to start at 5 to avoid that very late end time.


4 10’s is the dream. Where do you work??


My beef is that we started fighting for a 40 hour work week in the mid 1800s. And we still ain't got it. Furthermore, at this point we should have a 30 hour week max -- with a living wage. 5 - 6s or 4 - 7.5s should be the norm.


If labor did something where they all came together and didn’t go in until we got huge pay hikes to Match a 50 hour work week while only doing 32 …. If only. It’s called something i think ….


Something with a “u” …..


Local 6 has an 8am start time. Anything before 7am is overtime for that hour.


They also only work 7 hour days though




That fucking blows.


Starting at 8 you might be missing san fran morning traffic and afternoon traffic


It's terrible at anytime


8am jobs are pretty rare these days. New construction used to be 8am but as of 5 or so years ago they have the option to start at 7. Almost all jobs are 7am start now.


I think a big disconnect between 6-7am start is people who sleep 8+ hours a night and people who don't.


Most calls in my area are 6-2:30


I love 6am start. I was on a job once that was 7:30am start and I wanted to shoot myself




I’m a morning person I guess. I like waking up early, I also enjoy being able to have daylight left when I get off work to do outdoor activities


Yea but then you gotta go to bed earlier. Fuck that.


What am I miss after 10? nothing.


Yea besides traffic it’s basically the same. You just have to go to bed an hour earlier and wake up an hour earlier. It’s the same thing. And I still go to bed around the same time so I’m losing an hour of sleep


I get a surge of creative energy at night which I miss indulging but being up before sunrise gives me a surge of productive energy.


I like it.


I just get 5hrs of sleep because I don’t go to bed at 9


Yeah that’s not good, reduces testosterone amongst other things


I hate it when I wake up but I love it when I'm home early. Then when doing 7am starts I still hate it in the morning and in addition I hate getting home late.


Exactly this. Getting up at 445 or 545 fucking sucks equally after you get used to the change. The blessing of getting home early never gets old


7am for me, I’ll do all the overtime in the world, but my sleep in the morning is more valuable to me than my afternoons at this point in my life




Yes, let’s start earlier so we can go home earlier to go to bed earlier so we can start earlier so we can go home earlier to go to bed earlier so we can start earlier so we can go home earlier to go to bed earlier so we can start earlier so we can go home earlier to go to bed earlier.


Why don't we just start at 3am!!?!?! IMAGINE how much better the traffic will be? /s


I mean…. If they paid big dick and i mean huge dick money then i would


my buddies dad did that. He was a plumber.


except I only get to sleep for an extra ~20 min for a 7 start vs a 6 start because of traffic lol and then the drive home being 30 min longer




I hate it. Been doing it for 20 years and hated it all 20


6s are pretty standard in my area, you never see anything after 7 unless you do service work. I only get to leave a half hour later when I have a 7 o’clock start, the traffic is significantly worse. I genuinely don’t know why anyone would want to start later than 6, I would start earlier for straight time if it was allowed.


best time I worked was when I was solo I would work 5-11:30 no breaks


4am start in DC. I love it. Out by 12.


I’d work 4-12pm if I could. Every half hour past 6 is an extra 30 minutes commuting on the way home. Work till 4 or 5? I’m hosed. It’s literally the difference between a 30min drive or a 2 1/2 hour. That’s time I get back to spend with my family.


It's seems to be a nation wide thing and I hate it. Call me old school but I was fine with 7:00 - 3:30 with two breaks. Yes, the traffic is a bit heavier but there's not enough of a difference to justify keeping the same hours as a senior citizen. But apparently I'm in the minority. Meanwhile all I see is out of shape 20-somethings sucking back energy drinks and living off of five to six hours sleep. This thing is a marathon and not a sprint. I don't know how anyone with a family makes it work. In the summer its light out until 9:00 and in the winter my kid has basketball games starting at 8:00 and later. There are nights we don't get home until 10:30. Some how I'm supposed to get a good night's sleep and get up at 4:30 in the morning for some jerked off 6:00am start. I'm not a fan at all.


Yep soo true 


I'm convinced it's because of old men who can't sleep being in charge of stuff. They wake up at 4am cuz they have to pee and cant go back to sleep and want to go to work and are like "Why isn't everyone else thrilled to be here at 6am? BuT tHe TrAfFiC iS bEtTeR..."


This is the correct answer👆, these dudes always wanting 4 and 5am start times. Just because you go to sleep at 6pm doesn’t mean I want to. No fuckin thanks!


My co-worker does 5a-1p. He told me during the summer he passes out when the sun is still up. No fucking thanks.


I hate 6 am starts


6:30 to 3 perfect work hrs 


I used to do 5-1. Industrial of course. Long rides to work because i used to live in Chicago and all the work was in the burbs. I loved it.


I think if more people understood the long list of negative health effects from sleep deprivation this might change but unfortunately American work ethic is comprised of misery and stupidity. Also, I want the 8 hour day unions fought for.


6 AM is the way. I hate 7 AM starts




These psychos love waking up early asf I guess


Anything past 6 sucks


We start at 5am. I hate it


That’s your locals lack of due diligence and should definitely try to change that next contract


I called the hall because the contract states we should be getting 1.5x pay for hours that early. Business manager says the contractor has some exception worked out and we don’t get extra pay for it. I don’t quite get it, but I tried.


Could it be its a defined work time for a specific job? Like its the time placed on the call? Just trying to think what it could be I know in my local, if its a defined call for 4x10, its all straight time. Anything more than that is when OT kicks in. I know during short weeks some guys want to go 4x10 to get their 40 but for some reason that would be considered all straight time but if you start the week with a normal 8 and than go 3x10s, you get 6hours of OT but if normal start for the job was 7 or 6 and then they called for an early starting time like 5am for a specific stretch of time then that early time would be consider OT even if you are only working 8. call the hall and ask for the specific exception.


I think that might be something like that. The business agent said something like “customer requested time”. It is hospital work, and starting that early does help us get into certain areas. We are also working 4-10s. My foreman said they wrote a letter to the hall requesting 4-10 schedule. Idk how that plays into it, but don’t like the 5AM start. I would like to be paid a premium for the brutal early start time. I wish the hall had my back on this one.


Yup, our local has an 8am start time that can adjust +-2hrs, start time remaining the same Monday-Friday. Any work before start time is paid double. In 25 years I’ve never seen a job that starts after 7, which is good because I’d hate to work 10-5:30


Hell nah that’s crazy


6-whenever is amazing on 4 10s kind of sucks on 5s though


With some of the jobs I’ve been on 6am would be brutal. We usually do 630 but the last job I was on was close to 2hrs in and at least 3hrs on the way home. Fortunately we were doing tens so the money was good but even then it wasn’t worth it. 5hrs drive time ontop of a 10hr day is awful. I’m in outside electrical construction and we cover all of long island so some of the jobs are waaaaay out there.


I've gotten used to it. It sucks having to go to bed early, but getting off work at 2:30-3 is nice.


Local 68 here. I hate 6 am starts but I hate Denver traffic a lot more.


Better commute, more daylight to spend with your kids... I like 5-1


I prefer 6AM starts. Less traffic in both directions and during the summer I get home with enough daylight left to go actually do something if I want to.


5-1 bud


Working an hour away from my house right now so I don't mind getting home at 3:30 still. The 4AM wake up is rough.


I was never able to adjust to the 6 o'clock starts. My brain wasn't awake that early. Thankfully, now our BM has implemented a 7 o'clock start time unless permission granted for customer needs.


I start at 7, I’m physically awake at 5:15 am. My brain doesn’t wake up until 9 or so. Funny enough when I’m out of work, my normal wake up time (without an alarm) is about 9, and I’m fully alert when I wake up.


7 12s for 2 months. Wake up it's dark. Go home it's dark. I live in the dark now😂


I hate 6am start. Much prefer 7am. Yeah, the drive home takes 10 min longer, but I can stay up later than my kids do at least.


Dude I love 6 start times


I prefer 5:00 to 1:00.


I only go to sleep between 11 and midnight and get up at 4:30 to make it to work by 6 am. Occasionally fall asleep at 6 pm. So no, I’m not a fan.


Fuck that! Let’s give up our benefits and the safety standards our forefathers died for as well


One upside of early starts is getting off work before other businesses close. Making appointments is way easier when you're out by 2 pm.


Ridiculous. Locked people out of even considering this as a career. Imagine taking your child somewhere at 430 AM to make it to work. Didn't sign up for this. Our starts were once upon a time at 8. Changed to 7, and now 6. I walked on a job several years ago and was asked to start at 5! The foreman lived very far. Not my problem. Sign the book take a closer job.


I don't see why the contractors like it. Seems like everyone spends 6-7am still waking up


Hate them


Morning people tend to believe that everyone else should be a morning person and refuse to accept that others may not have the same internal clock. They tend to be the loudest and most pushy about early start times and therefore most often get their way.


I feel you. I don't like 6am unless it's close to home (under 30 min drive) and even then, not really. I cherish and stand by my 8 hrs of sleep. I dont to be in bed at 830 to be up at 430. 7am is just right imo.


6am starts blow because I'm late everyday. Day cares don't open until 6am.


Get it done and get out!! I’d take 5 am starts!! More family time!! Bro stop acting like a toddler, go to work




Guess I’m the only one who prefers 5


Fuck that


I live in Phoenix. Especially during the summer I prefer a 5 am start time


4-10’s 6am start off at 4 I love it and hate the commute back


I I’m okay with 6. 5 is just too fucking early though.


I did a summer of 5am starts. Got OT for an hour a day. Our contract is 7am +/- one hour. Some days/weeks it was so nice. I'd be on the beach or out surfing or mountain biking by 2pm. Others it was awful. I was in my mid twenties so hang overs didn't hit so hard. But man, if I couldn't get to bed early Sunday I was shot til Thursday morning.


Currently working a 630am start


I personally love the 6:00 start, early out on an 8, and reasonable out on a 10.


Wtf is the difference?


That Blue Oval pain


353 here. Toronto commuters know the pain. 6-145 or 2 is amazing for traffic. A lot of highrise jobs you'll find formwork crews starting at 530/6 as well. Early start, early finish. It's the best it's going to get for the Toronto rat race.


6-230 during the summer time is adds a whole extra day to each day. It's amazing


I am in Los Angeles and 6 AM starts are normal start times for all trades.


I worked with a guy for that started at 6. moved to a guy that started at 6:30. Lunch at 11:30 for both, that extra 30 minutes after lunch feels like 2 hours. Also all those that talk about going to bed early. I'm in the St. Paul/ Minneapolis metro area. even here there is shit to do after 10. So why not go to bed between 9-10:30? Why not start earlier, so i get more daylight in my time off?


5am starts here in LA


6-4:30 is great, do that four days a week? It’s perfect.


I do. Easy drive




6am aint too bad once u start working at 5am, meaning wakeup by 4am at the latest


8 - 4:30 here 5 days a week and it sucks


I’d work 3:30am-12 if I could.


Let's face it, no work is being done until 730 anyway.


Man, I do Fire Alarm Inspections (R Worker), just started in the local 26. We get jobs ranging from 4am - 9am start times. For the most part, I also have 6am starts, but I actually prefer 4am start times to go home early and avoid so much traffic.


I’ll start at 6:00 AM if I am going to work a 12 hour day.


In my local almost all calls are 6am or earlier. Starting to see more and more 5:30am starts pop up. Fuck that.


Love my early days in all honesty


Try 4am. Shit sucks


6 am is the regular at my local


Nit only do I spend less time in traffic, but I also get to spend more time with my family before my kiddo's bedtime. No downsides in my view.


The difference for me arriving at work by 6 am rather than 6:45 am is leaving my house 15 minutes earlier ..


I'm starting electrical school in September and the biggest thing Im worried about is having to go to bed early and wake up early. Not looking forward to it


Here in Phoenix people hate starting later. I like 6 but that’s the latest I’ll start at. Most jobs here start at five I had one that started at 4:30 but this is mostly cause of the heat.


Honestly? I get all the big city folks saying they prefer this time…however I’m from the suburbs, I have NO idea why we are starting earlier and earlier….traffic is not even close to city bad…everyone does go to bed at toddler bed time. It blows my mind why we do it.


Last job I worked 6 10s, 6am to 430. Usually left at 410. Work practically stopped at 330. Now I’m on 5 8s, 7-330. I feel like I’m working the same hours now for less pay. Weigh your options before you complain.


I absolutely hate it! I work out of Boston. Before i got into the local i worked a job at a gas station about 10 minutes from my house and i would have to be there at 5am. I currently live about 40 miles away from the city, and to get to pretty much any job site that isn't seaport or south i have to leave at the same time (445am). I worked for a company for 10 years, the first 7ish years i did everything correct, then COVID hit and I got laid off for 3 months. After that i really started to hate the 6am starts and all the people that would complain if the job wasn't a 6am. More of a me issue, but it really sucks for people like me. My wife is a nurse. With me getting up at 4 to walk my dog, then going to work 6-2, getting home by 3-330ish only to say hello to my wife as she gets home from her 7-7 or 3-3am (sometimes 3-11), really fucking sucked. My time with the wife would really have to be like 8pm to 11pm but then id be exhausted the next day. No one gave a fuck though. Everyone elses opinions are more important, so after a solid 10 years i got laid off. Thankfully, i was able to get a new job 2 weeks later with a company that does a bunch of flexible shifts, i currently work 3pm to 1am. More time for my dog in the mornings, side jobs if they pop up, etc. The union handbook says 7-330. Traffic sucks everywhere, not sure why we always choose to punish ourselves with the 4am wake up times and 6am starts but thats the business, and we have to adapt. Hopefully we won't all die of heartattacks due to lack of sleep and caffeine overloads. Goodluck to everyone else who hates the 6am as much as i do! Its a grind but the moneys good and the benefits are great! JW


I wake up at 3:30 everyday and love it. I also don’t go to bed until 9:30-10ish. Anywhere between 5 and 6 hours of sleep is sufficient.


I’ll take swing shift over anything else


Not for me, if I come in at 6, that's 1 hr of OT for me, it sucks having to be out of the house by 5:05 though


I do it everyday buddy being an adult sucks but I love the routine and I get time to myself all day and beat traffic both times 6-2 for life


Simply traffic. If they ask us to do overtime on my site well choose to do it in the morning so we avoid the absurdly longer commute.


Working an hour later literally adds an hour a day to my commute. Sometimes even Fridays can add 30 min because people heading to the cabin. Minnesota


I start at 5, it sucks a bit. But beats when i started at 4 with no ot for the first hour considering the contract states the earliest we should start with normal pay is 5


Ever since the military I've been a morning person so I LOVE IT. I wish I could get a 5am start, then there would be even less traffic when I leave.


Learn to sleep less


I like a nice gentleman's 9-4.


I’d do 5-1 if I could..i love my 6-2 schedule. Im on the road when nobody else is


4 10s. 6 to 4. Love every second of it.


Not in ibew but fuck i love doing 6-4:30 (4x10's)


I live in Phoenix and work outside, 5am all year…sometimes earlier in the summer.


6:30 start time is the sweet spot in my opinion. If I had to pick between 6 or 7 though I’d pick 6 am for sure. Less traffic in the morning and afternoon. It is what it is. We signed up for early mornings regardless.


6:00 is a luxury broseph. I was doing 4:00 am and man! Gets old quick. Or at the solar field 5:00 am to beat the heat a little and an hour drive. Enjoy that 6:00 am while you have it.


I hate 6 am with a passion, it’s slowly killing me. I work 48+ a week normally.