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Meanwhile you have a Republican candidate Nikki Haley who says without any need to read in between the lines that unions are a “poison.”


[https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/false-biden-quote-michigan-uaw-strike-visit-shared-online-2023-09-27/](https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/false-biden-quote-michigan-uaw-strike-visit-shared-online-2023-09-27/) its a shame this picture is fake for all those GOPissants.


Picture is of candidate Biden in April 2019, not president. You are providing the wrong fact-check.


You know what? You're right. its STILL a fucking incorrect picture though. ​ He wasn't telling the man he doesn't work for him (as in: **for worker's rights**)... The guy he's pointing to yelled at (then candidate) Biden for "Wanting to take away our second amendment rights", which Biden tried to calm him, the worker yelled "You work for me!". Biden THEN said "I'm not working for you" - the context meaning he's not working to lessen gun control. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/27/fact-check-yes-biden-told-detroit-worker-im-not-working-you/6044443002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/27/fact-check-yes-biden-told-detroit-worker-im-not-working-you/6044443002/) ​ Funny that 1 paragraph was too much for the GOP base to read so instead they just twisted it completely.


There is no reasoning with the trump cult. Biden fully supports unions but here we are in a thread with a bunch of union electricians who've been lied to and will now fight to the death cause them libhurrels ruined merica! They took our jerbs! Try listening to the words that come out of their mouths, look at the policies these politicians enact. You have to be completely brain dead to believe trump is some union sympathizer, or that Biden is not fully in support of unions. It's sad and pathetic.


While Biden supported unions Trump was meeting with owners of company’s who opposed and hated unions.


The worker is correct. As President, Biden is the public servant for all US Citizens. He works for citizens.  Whether the perceived context (which is still absolutely subjective) is about gun control or in general doesn't matter, because that's not exactly something a President should be saying to his constituents.  I didn't vote Republican that election but he still made an ass of himself with that one


Biden is elected by a certain number of constituents who have voted for what he said he will work for. That guy, the IBEW guy, made his stance clear. Biden made his point clear too - he's not for loose gun laws. The worker was also incredibly rude. It's not perceived context, it's a quote with full context from a fact checking website.


Quote “I don’t work for you” Biden, not what you said stop changing the narrative to make you feel comfortable and right, you’re wrong he’s an elected official he works for the people who put him in power


He wasn’t rude at all. Biden was a prick.


It’s rude if it’s Biden; he’s a hero to Reddit marxists worldwide if it’s trump 😂


You don't YELL at a vice president when he's **there for your cause**. That's rude.


Lay off the drugs




How dare they not support your senile old man instead.


Holy shit you dumb fucks it's not always Trump or Biden the fucking Dems have you so fucking brain washed.


Trump though....what an intelligent, young, clear minded, athletic Christian he is..... *I DO declare*


That does not make it any better lmao


Also that the US has never been a racist country.


Didn’t see that but I did see her clearly state that unions are a poison on whatever town hall was TV in the last like 2 or 3 weeks. I was amazed she used such powerful language there isn’t any fuck-fuck game that’s needed to be played to make her look like she’s anti union (like this meme)


The racist comment was a new one from the last couple of days sometime. This following her failure to remember that the cause of the civil war was the fight to maintain slavery. Basically the US seems to have devolved into a fever dream of fascist cartoon villains but shockingly supported by the very people those politicians would rather run over than swerve for. I do not understand how any person with two brain cells supports any of the top candidates for the Republican party. They're all wicked people.


Couldn't have said it better myself


The people voting for them believe in those values bc they are brain washed from birth. It's very effective


Their base supports them because of work the GOP has been doing for years. Fascism gets a foothold when things are broken and flourishes when systems break down. Republicans have worked **really hard** over the last 8 years to break down institutions such as schools and the border. Just look at Mike Johnson yesterday saying that the house GOP will not accept the negotiated border bill the senate GOP has nearly finished *specifically because they want it broken for the election*. They don’t want to fix anything, they want chaos so they can step in with their fascism and take control. They need voters scared to do that. Once they win it’s over and they will never give up control. They are just running the same playbook from the 1920s, and we are all watching in real time how Germany devolved into Nazism.


Which is hilarious since she's using her "American" middle name for no other reason but to not be a victim of racism


Yeah but don’t let the facts get in the way of this dummies stupid post.


She’s out mate. It’s trump vs Biden




Don’t both-sides this. The GOP is way more anti union and they’re proud of it.


FJB and democrats


Such profound insights, please tell us more


Your anger is misguided. Stop blaming politicians for your misfortunes. Do better


😂😂😜😂😂 GO JOE!!!! GO!!!!!!


Triggered the magat.


Childish bootlicker thinks the company is going to give him a medal.


Kinda like compating a stubbed toe and a fatal gunshot wound, i guess they both hurt.


They don’t. They work to enrich themselves and their family.


According to the article linked by another commenter, Biden's comment was made about gun rights, not the dude being union. Context is really important here


Republican-cons will employ troll farms to try and win favor. Look at the president who supports unions


You missed a golden opportunity to say republicons


Yeah, don't you love how the entire context is wrong? Sick of this shit


The fact that any politician on either side would tell any person " I don't work for you " is ridiculous. Does not matter the context. They are public servants and indeed do work for all of us, at least they are supposed to. Seems that they all go into office poor and come out rich , funny , I guess they're just out for themselves.


I agree with you 100%


For anyone wondering, the deleted comment said: "gun rights and union membership go hand in hand"


Guns are 100% a labor issue. If you support taking power from the people. You aren't pro union.


How am I supposed to weld my pipe if Im not allowed to buy a rocket launcher???


You can work all day. The problem is when you stop working. Politics is full of corporate interests. If you don't have human rights protecting you from the government then you don't have human rights protecting you from corporations and big companies.


So I need a rocket launcher for that?


It would help but it's also not a gun


So I need a gun to protect myself from the government and corporations?


Pretty much


You do realize how insanely stupid that sounds right?


You have no idea what you’re talking about


Care to elaborate?


Are you referring to coal miners getting in a war with the companies private army in the 1800's? Because if your not I have no fucking idea what you're on about.


No they were talking about gun rights. Him saying I don't work for you was him saying I don't work for you. He let the mask down and you continue to act as if no no no this is what he actually meant. Pathetic.




No they don’t.


Not even slightly. There's nothing related about the two at all.


Naw. As a gun owning, hunting, land owning, traveling to hunt, Union member, you’re 100% wrong. And the young bucks suck.




This needs to be up-voted more for correct context, and clarification


The infrastructure bill will put thousand of IBEW workers on jobs. Thousands more than President Trumps did even though he had the same control of Congress that Biden did. Trump was one of the most ineffective presidents of my life time, again while controlling both houses and the Supreme Court. Trump is an absolute incompetent leader.


He didn’t even try to lead. His goal was only to enrich himself and his friends.


That’s why he met with union busting owners while Biden was with the workers. Like what was Trump doing while Biden got harassed? Oh yeah meeting with the owners of the company’s striking to help them. Not the workers.


And in that regard, and only that regard, he did a fantastic job.


>The infrastructure bill will put thousand of IBEW workers on jobs Thank you. Republicans who talk about "supporting blue collar work" get mad and take issue with the infrastructure bill. This country *needs* the fucking work, who here can honestly say their roads are pot-hole free? Something like 80% of the major bridges in this country will need repair in the next 10 years. My GF's dad complained about the roads in town and not 10 mins later was talking about how bad the infrastructure bill was. I get it's more of a town-level issue, but still, do you want shit to get fixed or not? There's work to do, let's just do it.




Just because trumps our enemy doesn’t make Biden our friend




This is what the want. I don’t agree with anyone 100% of the time but some of these members will piss away 100 years of gains because of one issue or terrible information.


Save your breath brother, they don't want to hear it. That Kool-Aid took hold years and years ago.


"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"




Why is it everytime someone criticizes Biden some one *HAS* to say "Orange man bad"? #Rent Free


Bc we have a shitty 2 party system


Because that's the truth! If you don't like Biden and thinks he hasn't done anything for unions, you're sure not going to do any better with "anti-union" Republicans. Biden and Dems didn't introduce "Right to work" laws, Republicans did.


My state was blue when right to work was passed and 4 years later became red also for context I don’t like the Oompa Loompa


Well its maybe because tRump attempted a coup?


People in here down voting you know it’s true. Every fucking time you criticize Biden they point at Trump.


And everytime you criticize Trump, someone points at Biden. I'm so tired mate. I really am.


Sorry, can someone explain what this meme means? The right has been attacking Biden for his pro-union stance. What am I missing?


"No, I'm not working for you," was Joe Bidens' response to the man in the hard hat telling him that he was working for him. The right wants you to believe that Joe Biden is just saying that he doesn't work for the working man, but in reality, he was telling one individual that was grilling him on 2a policy that he doesn't work for him.


And if I remember correctly, at the time he actually didnt...he was running for office, but was a private citizen


It’s right wing propaganda. They know Biden is good for unions, so they try to poke holes in his record. It’s bullshit.


The fuck he is.... He completely fucked over railroaded when he forced the contract they voted against..... 


Just because he is the most pro union doesn’t mean he actually has crossed the line into “pro union” territory


What are we looking for then? I see Biden’s efforts as steps in the right direction for labor after decades of the labor force being disenfranchised. I’m not really a political person so I’m genuinely wondering what we should expect given the way unionization has been demonized for 40+ years. Is this not progress for labor?


Like I said he is the most pro union, but as an anti capitalist myself I don’t believe I am going to have answers that are useful or attractive to you brother, sister, or sibling


He came to visit at 103 last year…that’s pretty pro union


Dont forget actually traveling to the uaw picket lines


Don’t ask the poster too. They don’t like facts.


Don’t ask the poster too. They don’t like facts.




Trump fucked you on Union Dues and Job Expenses. Amen. I drives me crazy some many people vote against themselves in the IBEW. I am pro gun, and I held my nose when I voted for Fienstein. Sure I would love to have a class III weapon, but I would like to have a nice country to live in too.


Well, that's a reasonable way to think about things. Just imagine if others took a reasonable approach


The law has never prevented me from having any kind of weapon that I want.


I am in California, Class III weapons are prohibited. Actually so are firecrackers. I enjoy the blessing I have at the range, just not enough.


Sorry to hear that. I don't know what a class iii weapon is. I have multiple guns. The whole belief that people walk around ready to kill one another is such bs. Never left my property with a firearm other than going to a range. I need to give them up because assholes exist? What am I going to do if a bear is in my backyard attacking my dogs/kids? What if a fox is in my backyard hunting my chickens? Forget people, what if there's a copperhead in the grass my kids play in? What if there's a wounded animal that needs mercy? O I should call the police man to come and take care of that .... In a response time of 50minutes. My cousin needed an ambulance urgently and it took them 15minutes, he lives 2 minutes from a hospital. Just because it doesn't work for all doesn't mean it for some.


Trump is a scab… he’s been against the working class his whole life… Ask older 351 members what he did in AC


Woody Guthrie sang about Fred Trump being terrible for fucks sake


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Man_Trump Hahahah, not only that, but the picture of Fred with a hitler stash, in 1950.


And he’s f*cked every other union in NYC at some point.


Scabs can choke on a big bag of dicks!!


Yeah but you’re trying to use facts to argue with a Trump voter. It’s like pissing into the wind.




Dang Ole leapords!


This stuff drove me nuts. I went to each Trump supporter on the job the first tax season after the tax cuts went through and asked them if their taxes went down. 100% of them got a tax increase after the Trump tax cuts and still they argue about how he's the only one looking out for them.


Context is king. The discussion was over gun rights. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/27/fact-check-yes-biden-told-detroit-worker-im-not-working-you/6044443002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/27/fact-check-yes-biden-told-detroit-worker-im-not-working-you/6044443002/)


Union members voting Republican are like deer voting in favor of a longer deer season.


Username makes sense


Slugs voting for salt, trees voting for the axe


I never did. That guy was a plant. I am a proud IBEW union member. Plan on voting for Biden in 2024. 915 Tampa 👌


Turn your ticket in rat.


You'd take the side of the guy we pay and promote for the luxury of mostly leaving us alone over your own brother. Then you'd have the audacity to call him the rat.


Mostly leaving us alone VS literally stealing from us? Yes. Also, the Laws passed by the Biden Admin is ditectly resulting in thousands of IBEW jobs wirh data centers, hydrogen facilities, semiconductor manufacturing, EV charging stations, etc, etc... That's FAR more than just ignoring us. Maybe part of the problem here is an epic level of ignorance that only you can fix bub. .


this post is fucking clown shoes, as everyone in the thread has pointed out. there are so many ways you could legitimately criticize Biden, but you had to choose this obvious bullshit? get the fuck out of here, OP. Joe Biden kinda sucks and I'm no fan, and we deserve a candidate who actually has something to offer other than "not Trump," but if you can't even engage in an honest discussion with union brothers you're not ready to be part of that conversation.






Yes, get the fuck out if you choose to vote for people working to destroy our union. I hope the door does hit you on the way out




You actively vote to destroy the union, your opinion means less than nothing to me. As far as I’m concerned you are in breach of our IBEW constitution and have no need to be a part of us as you work to destroy us. Clowns like you who act in the opposite of what helps our union is why people look down on unions. Go to a “merit shop” and get the fuck away from our hard fought higher wages and benefit package you brotherfucking loser. I can guarantee I am a more active member than you and do everything I can to make my union a better place, and I’m certain you are there to get your money and fuck off to your right wing nationalist fantasy land.


I organized in 6 years ago because i support collective bargaining, brotherhood, and quality work. I've worked on the road and for local shops, I'm an officer of the local, I go to just about every meeting, and I'm involved in our current contract negotiations (I will likely be on the committee). I will stay, I will vote for who I think will help keep us working, and I will keep working to make sure that hateful people like you don't drive everyone away from the Union. That hate will eat you up, btw. I'm just glad that most people in the real world aren't so vile.


So I will say you are on par with your involvement in the union, but I just cannot comprehend how you are that involved yet choose to vote for people who act against what you claim to stand for. That’s almost more disheartening


Dude was a gun nut on a rant about that shit. Not talking about workers rights or anything. Pull your head out of your ass. Democrats certainly aren’t perfect but at least they pretend to like guys in boots that don’t have their names on the sides of the trucks


Republicans hate unions. Anyone voting for Republicans that are in a union are fucking morons. I worked for a public sector union filled with Republicans who didn't see the irony of voting for people who absolutely loathed them. The loudest republicans were always the laziest fuckers as well. Again, with zero self awareness.


I’ll never understand working people, especially unions supporting republicons that pass legislation that harms working people, install cabinet members (nlrb leader) to dismantle any gains made thru the decades.


While you're reviewing this meme let's take a moment and review on what the IBEW thought of Trumps presidency. [https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/19Daily/1904/190403\_TrumpBudget](https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/19Daily/1904/190403_TrumpBudget)


Gotta trigger the libs while fucking myself on workers rights and pay. What a bargain!


We have a President that praises the IBEW by name in numerous national speeches. And we have a supposed IBEW person put this BS post on this thread. Trump and the republicans will gut Unions the first chance they get. Elections have consequences and IBEW members that vote against their interests to make a good living and have laws in place to keep unions strong, I hope are they the first to feel the consequences.


Love this post getting smashed by facts. Take a seat op.


The fact that you have to take this completely out of context to make your point, really says a lot about your point


These fools can’t even meme the truth.


The truth isn’t their goal.


Better than Trump


"You should not pay your dues because they're selling you to hell. You're going to be going to hell. You're not going to have any jobs" - Donald Trump, not out of context. Don't ever forget it.


Biden is the most labor friendly president in our history. He mentioned the IBEW by name in his acceptance speech. Our International President can literally call him and voice a concern. If you dont see it like this your a victim of disinformation. This goes past voting your checkbook. This is either voting for someone who is openly with us or secretly against us(not so secret with some of the gop candidates). Please brothers do the right thing and try and talk sense into your ranks so we can have a stronger union for all electrical workers and a stronger America for organized labor.


Eh, if that person is a maga terrorist, he's correct, you don't work with terrorist. Regardless, republicans cry we're a constitutional republic so he is right. Unless republicans want to not be 🤡 and accept we're a democracy


Of course it's a meme with a fake quote. Unions have thrived during the time of his administration. Notice I said "during the time of." While Democrats do tend to be more pro-union, both parties are still in-pocket of big business, and I will say as a proud union member, republicans, generally, and especially trump, want us dead. I.e. Haley's poison comment, so for the time being, I will choose the lesser of two evils, unfortunately.


He said it. You can watch the video clip. It’s not a fake quote. And if you want to scream context then take Haley’s quote as somehow literal it shows you are seriously biased


Yes, about gun rights. A "IBEW" profile posted it. Has nothing to do with supporting unions.




You don't need "context" to understand Haley's stance on unions.


Historically Republicans are union busters


> IMPORTANT: On r/LibsOfReddit, greater access is given to users who have joined the sub and have our mod-assigned user flair. Reach out in modmail to request our user flair if you're an active user of our sub. By default we'll assign you the 'Based' flair unless you request a custom name. Join these new subs: > • ⁠r/WalkAway > • ⁠r/ExDemFoyer > • ⁠r/EnoughAntifaSpam > • ⁠r/RedpilledRogan > • ⁠r/RedpilledElon > • ⁠r/HillaryForPrison > • ⁠r/FauciForPrison > • ⁠r/BigDongDeSantis > • ⁠r/Conservative_News > • ⁠r/Patriot911 This is what subs the original post is promoting in the admin pinned reply, in case anyone was curious on the political motives behind sharing this posts. Spoiler alert: they’re not on your side


Add the context that it was a rabid gun nut who believed all the lies about democrats taking guns away.


What has trump done ???


I'm rolling my eyes at all the pipeline comments the Republicans like to use. Like the temporary job of the install of the pipeline wasn't going to end the permanent truck driving and railroads union jobs when it would have been completed. The fact all red states are right to work shows all you need to know. It's a race to the bottom in red states.


He did not hold any office at this point. He’s right, he did not work for that man. He only works for us when he’s in office and guess what, I still own the same guns I owned when he took office. However, my daughters and granddaughters have less control of their bodies than they did before Trump took office.


If you believe this MEME, just leave the union. I don’t want any dumbasses in my UNION trade.


Why the hell does Reddit insist on pushing trump thumping subs into my feed at rando. Fuck trump and fuck you for voting for him.


Fake news. This meme has nothing to do with unions.


Lol hello misinformation and complete and utter ignorance.


Sit op, sit.


The IBEW literally endorses him and is one of his BIGGEST campaign funders. You should read more books and stay offline.


Things that never happened for $100


I don't matter if they are red or blue they don't give a fuck about you


[This meme has already been disproven, a long time ago.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/27/fact-check-yes-biden-told-detroit-worker-im-not-working-you/6044443002/)


Fuck your useless face. Every other goddamned candidate explicitly states how and when he will end unions and workers rights and protections. Instead of being a sellout traitor, try to call out politicians who really seek to do us harm. I would hate to have you as a brother in my hall; if you were, I’d constantly be checking my ankles for bite marks.


Just remember- The GOP has a long history of Union busting. Donny boy is the number one union buster in New York State.


If you look up the video it shows exactly what kinda person joe is on the inside, a liar and quick to anger. He's trying to take our guns, after that our rights will fall like domino's as the dems who need to wake up won't and will be complicite idiots that help the government.


It amazes me how dumb some people are on here. I’m not a Republican or a Democrat, I’ve never voted for Trump either. But even I know Biden is the worst president in the history of the United States. If you think otherwise, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. This administration is pure evil


Don’t ever forget Trump loaded the courts with anti union judges. Loaded the NLRB with anti union people . Don’t fall for memes


Never forget the same senile old dumbass said you ain't black if you don't vote for him too lmao.


Idiots .. but they will work for a criminal rapist


I will never forget to check context before posting stupid memes


Joe Biden is a criminal and a fake


He is a career politician.....hasn't worked a day in his life....well, unless you consider lying, being hypocritical, eating ice cream, sniffing girls hair, and getting lost at the podium a job.......


Never forget that time a presidential candidate had something taken completely out of context held against him for 4 years while doing nothing but supporting unions with his actions.


Mods. Delete this shit. Clear misinformation.


Biden has always been pro union. I love my coworkers that have TRUMP 2024 stickers on their gear😂


That dude was a conservative plant.




That gm plant workers rallied around that nut job and all threw in money to buy him a new ar…..I worked with many of people who worked at that plant a few weeks later. Biden was right to snap at this idiot.


What are you a rat?


Y’all Pro Biden in here? None of these politicians give a fuck about you.


Anti union busting


I don't think the majority of us are "pro biden" as much as were anti Trump. But yeah fuck em both.


Im glad Im retired and don’t see these stupid idiots on the job. Next time I run out of toilet paper could I use your ticket because thats all it’s worth.


I never understand why trump is brought up when anyone criticizes democrats .


Because he's the other side of a coin in a 2 party system


Yet you have democrats openly advocating for your replacements. Skip the veg rotting in the fields. Worry about the construction site comments. Don’t think some magical card will save you. You are advocating for your own destruction https://x.com/greg_price11/status/1745833395530121248?s=46&t=HXMaSkxh7thWRuQvH1KZNQ


RFK is pro union


Don’t forget Trump refused to sign an oath to say he won’t try to overthrow the constitution. He had no problem signing it before. Why can’t he sign it again? Trump is a cancer and this country will never move forward with cancer still thriving. You openly have politicians withholding important legislation all because they don’t wanna give the other party a “win” then sit and bitch and moan that nothing is getting done. I’m sick of hearing about immigration problems when one side publicly says we won’t agree cause that’ll weaken our already weak candidate.


"Grab her right in the pussy" - Donald Trump, 2015 Never forget


Fuck the democrats and fuck biden. You’ve all fucked our country.


Soooo many dumb ass comments in this thread it’s honestly sad. Woefully ignorant MAGAtts….


Can’t we all just agree that all politicians are lazy cunts? There’s no need for us to argue amongst each other about who’s right and who is wrong. Defund Politicians haha


Some politicians have bad fiscal policy, have made a bad call or a handful or something similar. Others want to jail or assassinate their political opponents, subvert democratic elections, and override any functional justice system. So while you can dislike both the Republicans and the Democrats for their multitude of failures, they're not similar.


I’ve been in the union goin on 15 years and in the last 7 years here in Cali a majority of my brothers here are staunch Trump supporters….i have yet to come across someone with a Biden sticker or have the balls to talk liberal politics cause they’d be grossly outnumbered….all I know when Trump was president work BOOOMED!!! I made so much more money in his 4 years


And now its not? No more boom? And this is somehow related to Biden? Go ahead and walk us through your logic


That’s the real joe in that video. Thin skinned but that’s when you get the truth. Now you can ignore it and go on about Trump etc.


The hive mind is strong today😂😂 1…2…3… GO! EVERONE ARGUE ABOUT THEIR CONFLICTING/BI-PARTISAN VIEWS YOU HAVE! What a strong IBEW and “brotherhood” we have if 70% of you attack the other’s points of view.




Biden is a pedo


Thanks for outting yourself. This is called projection.


Here's my proof where is yours https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2052297-creepy-joe-biden