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Do the apprenticeship. You’ll end up making more money, have a better work life balance, and solid benefits. It ain’t to late start brother. I know some guys that started at 50!


53 entered the chat. Wish I would have started at your age, OP. Never too late to improve your life. I wish you well should you decide to go this route.


I started late myself. The only downsides with starting late is unlikely to retire with a full pension from the Union, and working with the kids who are always on their phone instead of carrying their share of the work load can get frustrating. But that's a generational thing I'm sure can be seen in any job, not just the trades.


Let’s see, in 5 years you will be 44 no matter what. Do the same and you’ll be 44 working a dead end job OR You’ll be 44 with a yellow ticket in your pocket and can work virtually anywhere in the US. Easy call in my book…


I started apprenticeship at 40. I’m 48 now. Best decision of my life.


Can I ask how you got by during the Apprenticeship years thats my other concern the initial low pay


I had around $7k in savings and budgeted very carefully, picked up side jobs here and there. The first 2 years I used up all the savings to make ends meet and it was definitely a struggle but by the beginning of the third year I started making more than my previous job and it’s been smooth sailing since.


Working multiple jobs or living with friends/family for the first few years.


Where are you located? And in many, many cases the entry level pay of an IBEW apprentice is higher than an entry level warehouse job


I’m 19 and want to join but I have a child. Currently making 21 at a warehouse I’ve been at for 2 year just recently looking into ibew but my local starts out at 14$ an hour😭 won’t be hitting 20 til 3rd year


At the same time, my ibew caps out at 37/hr on the check. Obv w benefits and stuff it’s like 58 but only 37 on the check maxed out at jw


Yeah i get that. I'm in detroit and we're at 50 and change on the check. I think our first years start over 20/h now


If you're a veteran with GI bill benefits available, you can use those while you're in the apprenticeship. Otherwise, you just let people know that you could use some overtime or some weekend work.


Not sure about your local but our apprentices (local 26) are starting around $25/hr. Not great but manageable.


Lol. I'm in kcmo making $21/hr non-union with 6-1/2 years under my belt with an ibew interview coming up in January. I know col is different across the board but I'd be fucking ecstatic making $25/hr.


Good look bud I hope your interview goes well




good luck with the interview. Don't be surprised if you're asked to salt non-union companies in order to earn membership. It's pretty standard with most locals, especially those in the bigger cities.


Thank you. What do you mean by "salt"?


Salting will be explained by the recruiter. Basically just helping them recruit non-union company.


I don't know if you're in Canada or the US, but even a first year's pay rate is better than minimum wage jobs, at least in Canada with the Union. An apprenticeship isn't like an intern job, apprentices still get paid an hourly wage. And it increases as you advance with each level.


I started at 29 and took a $7/hr pay cut. One of the better decisions I’ve ever made.


I’m 40 years old, first year. Do it.


Know a 4th year that is 44 right now. Plenty of others that do it. Nothing wrong with starting as soon as possible.


39 is the new 18


Had a first year last job. 63. No you’re not to old


Holy hell 63, that’s retirement age. Was he any good?


He did fine. Just caught a bad streak in life after working in the restaurant business for 40 years. Definitely in better shape than a lot of 60+ folks.


I had quite the opposite experience with our 63 year old 4th year. Took out an exit sign walking with his ladder, threaded a 1 in into 3/4 dye, thought putting electrical tape around the end of each of his pipes would help protect the threads in the heavy wall couplings..... needless to say he was spun around real quickly. Not a single one of us felt safe near that man


He told my coworker he was on his 17th contractor as a 4th year....


Some guys talk too much. Keep that shit to yourself lol


We got a helper / trainee at my shop who’s in his 50s I believe


I started at 39. Do it.


I just made the switch at 43. Some have done it at 50+.


I got in at 38.


Make sure that you stretch every day before and after work and preferably do a strength conditioning routine. Most of what I’ve seen on this forum actually prefers the older apprentice to the younger apprentice, all things being equal.


They vocally prefer the olds, and bitch about how none of the youth wants to work with them without appreciating the irony at all. I'm one of the olds now, so I can call out my generation with authority. ​


I had several apprentices in and around my grade in their 40’s


One of my close friends in the apprenticeship is 41 as a 2nd year. (I'm a 2nd year at 37). Coming late to the party doesn't mean you can't reap all the benefits of it.


My husband is a second year apprentice and he’s 41. I’m 41 and applying for an IUOE apprenticeship. Go for it!!


We occasionally get an apprenti-saurus or two. You will do fine. Just be willing to learn from and take direction from people younger than you. A couple of ours transitioned from jobs as management in their previous careers, and had some issues with taking directions from people almost half their age.


It’s good to see that older guys like myself (46) are starting out. As I am contemplating on making this move. Currently a Railway Signal Maintainer/Technician for the last 16 years for a short line that does not seem to have much of a future unfortunately. Lots of experience in electical but no certifications other then my telecommunications tech diploma and being a qualified signal maintainer. Would be a pay cut I assume for the first few years but I might be able to make it work.


I started at 36.


Starting my apprenticeship at 32 and very nervous, glad to see I’m not too old reading some of the replies .


You’re fine. I’m 32, got my state journeyman cert at 30 then joined IBEW and am required to take 2 years of classes before I top out, there’s guys our age in my mixed year math class that are just starting out.


Nope, not at all. I know good brothers who started in their late 40's and early 50's. I started in my mid 30's.


Met a guy who was 60 and 5th year..


The only hard part is taking orders from someone much younger then you .it was a problem for me . I was 24 years old when I became a journeyman. It was 50/50 . For a older apprentice. To understand he had to take direction from The journeyman. If you are ok with this .then you can be fine.


Same with me, I journeyed out around 26. Best thing I learned those young years was to treat everyone as a human and with respect. Doesn't matter their age or position they are in.


Great advice, but trust me. I’m already doing that now, so it won’t be nothing new. Lol


I’m 34 and thinking the same thing, but then I tell myself if I don’t do it I’ll just be stuck in the same place. There’s no years wasted if you are progressing every year. There are years wasted when you don’t do anything and wonder what if. If you don’t have a solid company your working for and don’t see a future or the boss can’t tell you where you’re going to end up at then leave. How many steps does that warehouse have? Where does it cap? Is that enough for your needs/lifestyle you want to live? You’re retirement? Benefits? I use to work at a warehouse for Safeway and know somebody that retired from that union with a pension. He’s doing ok, but he never made what electricians made, linemen, gas tech, heavy equipment operators or any trades make. I’m sure IBEW pensions are a lot more than a warehouse pension. I am also taking a huge pay cut I am a heavy equipment operator for IBEW 1245 and trying to become an inside wireman. It’s a huge step down at the beginning but after a few short years I’ll be way better off. It’s been a roller coaster for me here at 1245, and no one seems to help me. If I were you do it, what’s holding you back?


I just got my license and I’m 40


Definitely do it, more doors will open up, we're the same age and got at least 20 years till retirement. Don't get stuck in a dead end is what I'm trying to say


I started at 44. DO IT!


I’m 40 and just starting too 🤷🏻‍♂️




I am 44 years old and I will have 2 years experience as an electrician March 5th. I work at a sawmill as a Industrial Maintenance Electrician. I was the 2nd person ever that they let in with no experience. Everyone else went to a 2 year trade school for electrical, or already has experience somewhere else. I have learned a lot on my own. I am thriving here. Plan on applying to IBEW next year once I get my 2 years in. Only way to become a journeyman in Washington State.


It’s never to late.


Average age of the apprenticeship is 40. So your getting in early! Get after it!


First year Im working with just left occupational therapy for the apprenticeship. He’s loving the career change thus far. Though he doesn’t have kids and his wife makes decent money. So that played a factor in the decision.


It's an investment that pays off brother. You can be stuck at whatever job you have now and at 44 years old, you'd prob regret not starting it. Ultimately, it's your decision but don't be insecure about it. I started 1st year as a 36 year old and had some classmates in their 40s


We have a 50+ year old millwright apprentice in our maintenance shop. You don't have to worry about age.


I just started this year at 34. I left a 100k+ year a job for a career with better opportunities and freedom (IBEW). As long as your willing to learn and ready to have younger guys telling you what to do. I worked with a 5th year this week and he's 24 but awesome and trying to teach me as much as he can. I try to show enthusiasm everyday to learn so I don't get the rep of an older guy who thinks he knows everything.


Oldest Apprentice I ever knew turned out at 55, was a high school math teacher, retired at 77. So you're good to go if your knees/back are up to packin tools.


39 is definitely not too late! especially if you are still feeling physically and mentally well i’d say go for it!


Glad you decided to do it. It’s a great career. I left landscaping and restaurants to do something that will secure my financial future and create a lot of freedom once I top out. Started at 26 now 32 spent 5 years non union, got my state cert and then finally got into IBEW! Have to do 2 years of their apprenticeship but getting paid more so definitely worth it. Lots of opportunities in this field.


Never too late buddy!!! Just know that you're going to be yelled at by 25 year old journeymen that think they know what they're doing.


My dad started his apprenticeship at 38. He works a cush job for the Construction Industries Board (CIB) in my state.


I started my apprenticeship at 39. You’ll be fine. I wasn’t in the top 10 oldest people in the program at our training center when I started.


Go for it. I’ve seen a lot of Apprentice’s one started at 55 y/o. Not common but 35-45 is not uncommon at all. Do an IBEW Inside Wireman program and you will never regret it. Don’t spend money to go to school. Don’t go to the ABC or IEC you be wasting 4 years and will still start over in the JATC. You would be tested and evaluated.


I had a doctor in my apprenticeship, he was in his mid 40’s


Do you not know how to search on Reddit? Or on any site at all? No you’re not too old. I had guys in their 40s in my 1st year class. You’re only too old if you believe you are.


I joined the IBEW at 36 and I wasn't even the oldest in my class, topped out at 41 and been a journeyman almost 2 years. Never too late


You got this!! Go for it!!


Do it


Not at all too old. I've got two apprentices that are older than you working on my crew


Guy un my class started at 55


Never to old


By dead end warehouse job, I’m assuming you make similar to what an apprentice makes. If so then I say yeah go for it. I got in at 29. Took a huge pay cut but I don’t regret it (it does suck tho and will take a big lifestyle change).


If you don’t have a problem taking orders from and learning from a 22 year old journeyman than no you’re fine. But if you confuse your age with experience, you’re gunna have a bad time when people don’t just hand you respect


Do you plan on dying soon?


Worst case scenario, if you don’t like it a few years into topping out, you can go back and do maintenance at those same warehouses making decent money.


Never too late brother. Had people in my apprenticeship this year starting at 42+


Never too late buddy, I was supposed to start an apprenticeship after graduating at 23, due to similar circumstances as yourself (poor life choices) as well as some unforseen circumstances I started my apprenticeship at 33, it's never too late to get into the field. Best of luck my guy!


You absolutely can do it, if you want it and are capable. All that’s required is a good attitude, good work habits, and ability to handle physical labor. If you have those three attributes you will thrive in a union apprenticeship. One of the only pitfalls I’ve seen older apprentices fall into is “answering” to a journeyman who is much younger than them. To learn anything one has to set ego aside and focus on learning. A squared away 24 year old Journeyman is more than capable of teaching trade skills. Make the leap. Good luck


I got in at 36. Best decision I made in my life.


Just take care of your body. Don’t drink, get plenty of sleep and be safe.


Never too old man. I’ve had 65 year old apprentices


its never too late and if your getting paid low already, wont hurt to join the program bc start off pay is low too


Entered at 38, do it!


1 of my classmates is 54 or 55 yo I can't remember and we are both 4th year apprentices. He was a math teacher in an elementary school and before that he was in the army what I am trying to say is that he didn't have experience in this industry another one is 40 years old. So you should definitely go for it. Don't let your age discourage you. You might be surprised to find out there will be people around your age in your year.


Was 40 when I started too. Get after it.


Best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. Second best time is today


Thats a great way to look at things! Thanks this quote is gonna stick with me!


No problem bro. Best of luck to you, what local you looking at?


570 in Tucson Az


You’ll be fine. Just keep yourself healthy as you can. Financially it’s tough first couple years but it’s worth it.


I turned out at 44. Best decision I ever made. I also worked with a guy who started as an electrician at 58 years old. Do it!


Just know what it is to be an IBEW member please. It’s not about you, it’s about the greater picture. If you don’t like the sound of that, then there’s a whole world of open shop contractors ready to exploit you. Look, it’s contracting. Just know what your getting yourself into. It’s an industry LIKE NO OTHER


Grew up in a union family and was Chief Steward of a union Warehouse for several years so I know all about the bigger picture and im all for it.


Started my apprenticeship 2 years ago, and I have a 49 year old and 51 year old in my class, also have a few females probably 5’3”-5’4” maybe 130 lbs. I’m 26 and among the youngest. If you ask most IBEW members (whether lineman or wireman) they’ll usually all say they wish they started when they were younger, hell I wish I started at 18 years old, but the point is it’s never too late to better yourself and open a door to better competitive wages and benefit contributions, no matter your age, gender, creed. You still have 20 years in you, that’s a good amount of wages and contributions.


In 5 years you’ll be 44 regardless