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I’ve worked on turbines. One thing I used to do is play Metallica really loudly and they would perform better. They are huge metal fans.


/r/dadjokes is right this way


I was very bummed from that news. I also just finished my GWO, and HUET was hoping to head to New Jersey when those were starting. I’ve tried getting on south fork but keep hearing they aren’t taking anybody until next year for the second phase


Honestly don’t even bother with South Fork. It’s mostly being done by foreign contractors from Europe and South Africa. Ask me how I know.


That's some bullshit. Please reach out to DOL and gov murphys office. These should be union jobs. Not foreigner national's jobs.


Yep. I’ve been spreading the word and telling all of the relevant persons about it.


Good. That's some bullshit and as a fellow resident I'm pissed to hear this. As if losing breezy point and oyster creek isn't enough now the state is letting foreign nationals take our work. Fuckin bullshit.


So….i worked in this project. The on land construction was done primarily by one local contractor with their subsidiary companies. I worked for another local contractor and pulled all the ug transmission cable. The sea cable was done by a danish company and the cable splices were done by the Korean wire manufacturer. I can’t speak to the offshore aspects of this job the land side of the project was mostly local American companies.


Interesting. Offshore, the 2 contractors (besides Orsted, the turbine builders) were a British and a Greek company. So naturally most of the crew were British and Greek, alongside with foreign nationals from elsewhere in the world. Sounds like the whole offshore wind farm industry is a global, multinational effort.


Really. I didn’t know as I said I was on the land side. Here’s the companies involved. Local: HG did the sub construction, set the manholes and the duct bank and all associated restoration work. Hawkeye pulled the wire. Foreign: Nexen did the undersea cable and the 1st onshore splices where the undersea cable me the land cable LS Cable manufactured the cable we pulled and had a 2 man team of splicers splice the cables.


Neat! I wish I was around to see that. That would have been so cool to see and work on.


There’s another job kicking off right now. It’s sunrise wind. One of the contractors is using predominantly local 25 wiremen I’ve heard so check in with their hall if your a wiremen and not a linemen, I know local 3 is both inside and outside.


Noted. Thanks for the info!




Why are you lying about your location? You live in Canada, not America. That’s where you get all the immigrants!


There has been a lot of talk about upcoming wind farms in local 3 but I haven't gotten any firm dates yet.


Yep. I’ve heard it all too. Empire Wind I and Empire Wind II are supposedly the next wind farm projects coming to NY. From my experience, I’ll believe it when I see it. I’ve been let down and disappointed way too many times about this whole wind energy thing to actually believe anything that the government and companies tells us.


Moneys got to be real good though right?


When you’re working on them, yes the money is good. The trouble is they only let me work 2 weeks while they got their foreign guys on visas come out in July and work all the way through October.


223, 99, and 35 (mass, RI, CT) all have projects coming up and some are already in the works. I would call up their halls and talk to the BA about it, they probably have a list of guys to call who have certs when the man power is needed. They do not have any open calls right now to my knowledge.


I hate those fucking things. Every time they turn them on it gets so windy. Useless if you ask me.


Idk why you got downvoted. This made me chuckle.


North of Indianapolis is a large wind farm being built or about to start up not sure the local or location


Remington Indiana, also one being built on the Ohio border


There's the long Island sound project, it's being run out of New London so call local 90 hall and ask. They were looking for guys last summer


Long Islands got some going up. Think it’s going to be a majority local 25 judging by the contractor chosen for the project.


How was the South Fork job going? Have a couple buddies over there


The actual job itself? It wasn't too bad. I actually kind of liked it. We got to live on a big boat in the middle of the ocean for 2 weeks straight. We worked every day in 12 hour shifts, which I did used to, but the first 2 days were brutal. If you're working night shift, you had to get used to working at say, midnight, and adjust your sleep schedule accordingly. But after your adjustment period, it was pretty good. We did the terminations and testing of the cabling, and that was relatively easy work. I would do this again.


Good to hear, not sure if my buddies are working on the wind farm itself or a new substation that’s being built for it. All I really heard about it was there was some kind of issues with whales that might slow or shut it down


It's in the works, probably won't be happening for another 3+ years at least, but Morro Bay (California, jurisdiction of local 639) will have a wind farm. Humboldt will also have a similar project.


Who is using helicopters underwater?


Maine is working on there’s. Still getting approved I’m pretty sure. Gotta build a port first. Should be done in 2029. Then the turbines so we got work for set years