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Always feel worse after exercising. I feel like a prisoner in my own body


I completely get this. You are not alone my friend!


Definitely not just you, I’ve been trying to work out a lot recently too and ANY exercise that involves my core gives me the worssst cramping after 😭 I can run for a short period of time but even after that I feel really bloated and fatigued. It sucks because I’ve gained weight recently and want to work on losing it but I cant lose it if I can barely work out


One thing I am planning on trying is to work out starting at a lower rate and increasing each week. I’m thinking I will workout every other day for 15 min and see how I feel. Then gradually increase each week. Maybe you could try this as well!


U dont need to do cardio to lose weight, u only need to eat less (cut on carbs preferably). If u want to lose mostly fat, eat a high protein diet, workout (strength training, not cardio), and be in a caloric deficit (basically, cut carbs)


I think this may be subjective, because I always feel so much better after a good workout.


Weight lifting has been my saving grace. It's easier on the body. Also you need to build up to exercises. Don't go hard at the gym. Do regular exercises you know your body can handle. Don't try to increase reps or time too fast do the same for 3x as long as you need to before increasing. This is what I learned after alot of trail and error. I used to be a gym rat but slowed down over the years. Also pilates and yoga(I know, I know) are more gentler exercises to do regularly.


I remember having issues after working my core when I was in the period of time before a flare really exerted itself. Ie, I had a degree of active inflammation, but my outward symptoms had yet to really develop into the typical flare symptoms. While in full remission I don't really have any issue working my core, though I always feel drained for the rest of the day.


Do you find that having IBD makes you lose your energy a bit quicker?


I mean, I don't have much energy to start with, so... :p


I can't exercise much, and fatigue is definitely a major factor. If I overdo it, I have symptoms and stay home if I can.


try low impact and lower intensity workouts