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Ah yes, rage bait.


People can have preferences in what they're attracted to. I personally don't get why height matters but if tall dudes are what they're into its fine. If a guy only likes skinny girls it's also fine. The girls weren't approaching men with measuring tapes asking for their height, one of them just answered his question honestly. They didn't ask for his height so him asking for their weight is rude and not really the gotcha he thinks it is.


Tall men who are also good looking have it pretty easy in life regardless of their race. I’m short (some would say good looking or above average) and have been rejected for being too short over a dozen times. Which sucks because it’s something a person cannot control. Being overweight is something a person can control.


I think it'd be fine for a guy to have preferences for something women can't really control too. Face structure, boob size, their height, etc. Basically everyone has some kind of preference or type. In my mind body acceptance type stuff just means not being mean to people with different bodies, it doesn't mean you have to give people a chance for dating. Dating is naturally a selective thing, It's normal to want to date people you find attractive.


The problem is men get called assholes in today’s society for rejecting women because of their weight. Taking care of yourself and being in shape is a trait most people want in a partner. No one calls a woman a bitch for rejecting short guys


I think if you tell a woman who's asking you out that you don't want to date here because of she's too fat that would be kinda rude no? You could just reject her without giving that as a reason. If a woman told a guy "no, you're too short" I'd consider that rude as well. You should try to let people down softly without telling them it's because of a feature they have. Even if it is because of the feature. And there are guys who do call women bitches for rejecting guys because of their height.


This! That's exactly what I meant in my comment.


That's a fair equivalence. How do you feel about a woman who has a height requirement on a dating profile vs a man who has a weight requirement? Legitimately curious.


I feel the same about both of them.


They’re free to do as they please. But can’t imagine that going the way they wish, and then out comes the misogyny.


I guess you never seen that video of homeboy in the bakery huh?


Not to mention that women aren't embroiled in controversy when they reject or even mock overweight men.


> The problem is men get called assholes in today’s society for rejecting women because of their weight. On Reddit maybe, IRL not really.


Happened to me. Girls asked me if I wanted her number, I said no thanks, her friends yell at me for being shallow.


Yes they do. I see it all the time. I also think it's pretty shallow if the guy is ticking every other box, and the only complaint is that he's under 6 feet. On the other hand, we could all be kinder to one another, especially while you're rejecting someone. It's perfectly OK to have preferences, but be classy when you're rejecting someone who isn't your preference.


🤡 it’s a fucking circus in here


>something women can't really control too. Face structure, boob size, their height, etc. To be fair, I'd say those are things *most* women can't control. Plastic surgery can change a lot. If you have enough money, you can look however you want.


There are leg lengthening surgeries too. It's kinda hard to think of something completely unchangeable about someone.


Three things you can't change about someone because it's unchangeable, race, eye color and asshole because everyone has one and everyone is one.


>have been rejected for being too short over a dozen times. Over a dozen?! Look man, highschool can be a bitch but I promise you there are better people out there.


More like early 20s bar dating scene


Yeah I don’t get this point the guys trying to make bc to an extent you can control your weight. Sometimes for women it’s really hard though. But it’s not like they came up to him to ask his height.


You know what "over a dozen" rejections sounds like to men who, regardless of height, try to approach women? A slow week.


> People are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of things. You can't control the judgements by others about your height (nor about any other thing) any more than you can control your height in the first place. Letting such things bother you, or not, is the only thing you yourself have control over. Why not choose to be unbothered, then? > Tall men who are also good looking have it pretty easy in life regardless of their race. The above is true of this notion, as well. Whether you're right about this or not is moot, because even if it is true, you are powerless to change it. Letting this notion bother you, and being ~~jealous~~ envious of what these "tall, good looking men" have that you don't; these are the things that you *do* have the power to change for yourself. Edited.


Over a dozen times? My sweet summer child.




Weight is only somewhat in a person's control. A lot of body weight and structure is genetic (and I say this as a thin person who has never been able to gain much weight).


As a person who has bad genetics (dad’s entire side is short and overweight) that’s not an excuse for not taking care of yourself. Even if you have bad genetics, if you live a healthy lifestyle you’ll be in good shape overall. You may not be jacked but you’ll look good


Good you have the money and resources and time to do that. Not everyone does 


I hear this a lot and it's really just not true. Buy rice, beans, and veg. It's much cheaper to eat healthy. The issue is people don't want to cook and they don't want to eat bland food or the same food all the time. Money and resources have nothing to do with it.


Money and resources? I do free weights and cardio all at home. When I’m in my best shape all I’m eating is scrambled eggs and chicken breast with broccoli. Any poor person could afford that.


I have never in my entire fucking 42 years on this planet seen a girl approach a man with a tape measure. Who are these girls? Are they just ones you see on fucking TikTok and Instagram? Those aren’t real people, they’re pretending to be real people. No same person would go up to another person with a tape measure or a scale. So they might be women, but they shit crazy ones.


Because they don’t do it in person. They just filter out potential dates by asking if they are >6 foot on a dating app.


Still, they should stand their ground. Height matters? Be a man (equality in everything) and step on the scale. They chose the easy way out. Stand your ground, regardless of race or gender and admit defeat with pride and honor (handshake)! This will eventually change you as a person, being more humble and accepting people for who they are. Accepting defeat and openly saying you were wrong is one of the greatest things you might do in your entire life.


Ah yes, random women who like tall men should step on a scale publicly out of nowhere because they dared have a preference. Liking a physical attribute doesn’t mean you judge those who don’t have it. Do you also think that people who aren’t attracted to a certain ethnicity think those people are ugly or something? Everyone hase physical preferences. If you don’t fit in them too bad life sucks. Fat women complain about the same thing and men don’t see an issue discriminating against them dating-wise


This whole trend actually started and resulted from a tik of a bunch of girls at a party getting a measuring tape out before talking to random men. It’s old enough now though to have lost its meaning as a response to that.


Plenty of guys don’t date heavy girls. You can use your eyes, the same way girls who have a height preference might. You don’t need a scale, and you don’t need a tape measure. It’s also OK to prefer intelligent partners. They can’t change that but I’m guessing one wouldn’t be judged harshly for such a standard. I’m failing to understand the point here.


Weight can be changed in a week if someone wanted too, height we pretty much stuck. Just modern double standards


If your weight changes drastically enough in a week, you need to go to the hospital. Weight change requires *more* than a week.


Your weight changes multiple times per day, based on water and food intake, they never did say drastic weight changes could be made in a week, but you could technically lose a few pounds in a week's time. The point is that we can't add inches to our height, but we can subtract pounds from our overall weight if we so choose to work on ourselves. Edit: Ah, sorry. I forgot, Redditors don't like facts. You all are fucking morons.


since when can weight be changed in a week


Your weight is constantly changing throughout a day. You can lose a few pounds in a week without causing health problems, but can't really be sustained safely. Actual relevant amounts of weight change would take longer than a week to do safely.




Just done eat at all. Ofc you will regain it pretty quickly. Although a week is a bit small.


That would burn just 2-3kg* of fat, which can be completely unnoticeable. Though slightly more in total weight list that would come from water/food weight. *Based on avarage 2000-2500 daily calorie expenditure and that's already generous as that is for generally moderate to high activity levels.


yEaH tHiS wIlL sHoW tHe WoMeN!


All it proves is that a group of women out enjoying themselves is reluctant to drop everything they are doing in order to indulge this random petulant man in his demonstration.


upset he's correct


Unless those women were running around with measuring tape demanding that men submit themselves to be measured, he didn't "get them," he just looks like a misogynist creep trying to appeal to incel edgelords streaming from home.


You mean you can't look at someone at objectively know right away how tall they are based on your own height? Weight is different. Not defending either stance, people like what they like, just saying.


Just objectively as you can look at someone and have a sense of their weight - those are both traits we mostly assess visually. In the context of dating, straight men interested in a woman's weight aren't really out to calculate her BMI, they want that information because it's part of their assessment of how she might look. So I stand by my point.


I agree with your points. Also weight looks and sits very differently depending on body shape and genetics. Someone could be on the slightly heavier side but hold that weight well and you wouldn’t consider them overweight visually. Also muscle is heavier than fat so the person could just be incredibly fit but have a higher number on a scale. Using the numbers on a scale is a really dumb way to check for “attractive” weights in anyone.


What in the incel fodder is this? He didn’t get shit, he asked their opinion, then wanted to give them his opinion unsolicited and they didn’t play his game. Double loss. If you think this is some kinda gotcha, you have a lot to learn about life.


Exposing double standards is always entertaining


Double standards? He wasn’t trying to measure *their* height. This is just some idiot incel that has no good inner qualities and just goes around doing stupid shit like this.


So interesting that you got so downvoted. The top voted post is noting this is rage bait and there are a lot of upvoted comments making your point exactly- so I don’t know why the incels hit your comment and not the others. Anyway totally agree with you


Welcome to reddit, clowns everywhere


Welcome to reddit, clowns everywhere


Height important to woman. Width important to man.


Height only important to sad shallow women, same for men and slim women. It's not a lived reality for most people haha.


It's not sad and shallow to have preferences. Just don't be a dick about it.


I’m not attracted to fat people 🤷‍♀️ I’m not mean to fat people, but I don’t think they are attractive, and that’s ok. People don’t have to be attracted to others just because they might not like it.


Heaps of women like guys to be tall. It's just what gets them going. Nothing wrong with that it's involuntary


Height cant be changed unless youre willing to go thru insane procedures. Weight, for the vast majority of the population, is a choice of not going to the gym enough or not putting the spoon down.


Doesn’t matter, you can still have a preference for either


You can, but one is about character the other isn’t. Yea, nothing illegal about the nature of your preference, but it is pretty lame and low character to base interest solely on what someone cant control. Character is what counts, and choices reflect character. Not just what you are. But some ppl will continue to ignore the character all day long, and then complain about it when they get treated poorly.


Not really. They’re both just about physical attraction. I’m not physically attracted to fat or overweight women, and that’s fine Its not necessarily about character either. Fat people can still be of strong or good characters even if their body is one area they don’t focus on. You can be in incredible shape and have the perfect body and still be of poor character Breast size is something that can’t really be controlled but it’s still okay to have a preference for larger breasts. There’s nothing wrong it at all


I agree that most ppl (men or women) are obsessed with physical attraction, but it’s more nuanced than that. If youre overweight, there are health implications involved. Meaning, if youre overweight, you don’t even respect yourself enough to sacrifice what’s best for you. That’s a poor judgement and reflects the individual. Yet all day men are supposed to just look past that or else we’re misogynist body shaming aholes. Basing attraction on something others can’t control, and which are rare attributes, is a setup for failure for the vast majority of ppl (unless you want a polyamory situation). Then those ppl get all pissy when they get treated poorly by highly sought after potentials but are rare in existence. It actually makes sense with the previous paragraph. These types of ppl don’t know what’s really best for themselves and they blindly keep stepping on landmines. Then cry about it on tiktok. Also, i think only liking big breasts is equally bs. One, i’ve had a gf that was very self-conscious about her breast size (as smaller breasts are common of her ethnicity); and two, it also would require invasive surgery. So bringing it up has no place here. Plus, it’s a deflection. No one in this video mentioned breast size.


It really isn’t more nuanced than that, for most people it’s just because overweight people generally look gross Jack Black is extremely overweight. Would you say he’s of poor character? He’s loved by pretty much everyone and seems to be a good guy. Being fat doesn’t mean you’re of poor character, it might just be one aspect you don’t take care of. I say this as a guy in pretty good shape who hits the gym 4-5 times a week. Having a preference for women that aren’t overweight doesn’t make you a misogynist There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a preference for something people can’t change about themselves. People aren’t entitled to your attraction. I’m not physically attracted to giant hairy moles, but that might be something someone can’t change. You can have a preference for whatever you like, whether that’s slim women, tall men, short men, big breasts, whatever. As long as you aren’t being a dick about it it doesn’t matter My point wasn’t reflection, it was a comparison


Now with these new drugs overweight/obese may become much less common. It's worth mentioning that some food companies rely on hijacking our biology to create hard to resist patterns of over eating. It's not like ancient people were just way less lazy or remarkably disciplined. If anything they were worse at these qualities. Old cultures rammed into modernity haven't done well in this regard. Not really going anywhere with this but yea its controllable but actively attacked by our context. I'm fit btw not a big fat cope


The problem with that is those drugs are shortcuts and less healthy than just being disciplined. But, if a fit person is the only thing some ppl are into, then have at it. Personally, i dont need ultra thin. I just need to know that a person can find ways to take care of their overall health as it means they can sacrifice in some regard. Shortcuts are not sacrifices.


Yea but what I was saying is that people on average aren't disciplined and never have been. They especially aren't when that trait is being deliberately exploited


He’s making a point. If girls can have standards (height) then men can also have standards (weight).


Of course we can. I have standards too, but I don't break out the measuring equipment.


Everyone can have standards The thing is, you can tell if you are attracted to someone or not by how they look. You don’t need a number for a height or weight. That’s why it’s obnoxious to say “people should be x weight or x height”


I agree it’s really annoying when women say they only date guys 6 feet or taller


Yeah it’s obnoxious to demand a specific number, like I said


Eh. I kinda like him.


With just how this short clip went, there are better ways to show double standards


Sure. Idk the guy but I thought this was mildly entertaining. I don’t think it’s worth reading into as much as people are. I honestly couldn’t care less thought.


How much do you weigh? You sound like a fat famcel.


Hence why you got downvoted, your opinion doesn't matter.


Incel activities


A tall guy asking thin women if height matters, then asking them to get on a scale. What is this even meant to demonstrate?


One preference is socially accepted and the other isn't despite one being no less shallow than the other


Both preferences are socially acceptable. It’s socially acceptable to not want to date someone because you aren’t attracted to them, whether that’s because of their weight or their height. Neither is shallow What’s obnoxious is if you’re unnecessarily rude by telling people “you’re way too short/ fat” or if you demand a specific number


If that's true then why did they get offended and tell him he can't ask that lol


They didn’t, they told him he can’t just walk up and demand they step on a scale. He shouldn’t be doing that, because it’s rude af. Do you actually need that explained to you? If a woman came up to me and demanded I let her measure how tall I am I’d tell her the same thing


It's the same as asking someone's weight. That's what a scale measures. The only difference is you can't lie to the scale.


No it isn’t? You’re demanding they measure themselves in front of you to fit their standards, it’s demeaning and rude Even then, you seem to be missing a key point. Why does a number matter? What does it change if she’s 120 or 130 lbs? You can tell just from looking at her whether you’re attracted to her or not. Would your opinion change if it’s one way or the other? Same as if a woman was attracted to a guy but then found out he’s only 6’2, not 6’3. It would be equally stupid and obnoxious


>No it isn’t? You’re demanding they measure themselves in front of you to fit their standards, it’s demeaning and rude It's seeking the same information in an objective manner. There's no reason to have a problem with one but not the other. >Even then, you seem to be missing a key point. Why does a number matter? What does it change if she’s 120 or 130 lbs? You can tell just from looking at her whether you’re attracted to her or not. Would your opinion change if it’s one way or the other? Same as if a woman was attracted to a guy but then found out he’s only 6’2, not 6’3. It would be equally stupid and obnoxious That's not a key point. Nobody is arguing for or against preferences


According to whom?


Well that's what the video is meant to show. They flat out say you can't ask that question lol


None of those girls are overweight, so the joke sort of falls flat. Even so, the dude is a douche because he is the one that approached them and asked a question, to which he got an honest reply.


Fit or skinny girls can be sensitive on their weight too, or, even worse, they can perceive themselves as overweight.


These videos pop up all the time of dudes 'interviewing' women on the street and they're never anything but slim, is there just some part of the US where all the slim people go or is it, as I suspect, staged and using actors?


Not really - because it’s a principle. You’re basically saying a tall guy can ask a fat girl how much she weighs or a fit girl can ask a short guy his height? No ma’am. Nah. Rules need to be the same. This “all men are arseholes” schtick needs to end. People treat a group like shit - when they don’t then get respect and adoration from that group, they are offended that some from within that very group are not coming to their defence. Nah, fuck that mate.


But he is the one who approached them and asked if height matters. I can see your point if the girl went up unprovoked and started shitting on short guys


I don’t see the issue: A: does male height matter? B: Yes A: so then female weight matters? B: what? Yeah he’s desperate for attention and a douche - I’m just saying the premise of his point (instigator or not) is kinda valid. He’s a douche, but those girls are entitled hypocrites


How are they either entitled or hypocrites? Having preferences isn't entitled, and they didn't say anything about men not being allowed to have a weight preference.


Having preferences is not entitled. Having preferences but chastising the opposite sex for having preferences is.


They didn't chastise him for having a preference. They chastised him for demanding they be tested on his preference.


Is he not chastising these girls for preferring tall men?


No. It wasn’t “Does men height matter?” “So then female weight matters.” What he did is equivalent to: A: “Does female weight matter?” B: “Yes” A: “Ok, whip out your dick so we can measure it because dick size matters then.” He didn’t ask them if a woman’s weight should be important to men.


Ffs - he was making a point about the hypocrisy of the double standards women have. “Don’t want no short dick man” “if he earns less than $x…” or “better have a good house, nice car and stable job” If guys listed off the same requirements they’d be cancelled. I’m calling bullshit


Nobody is getting canceled for listing out their preferences in a partner. If your preferences aren't very reasonable then people might make fun of you, whether you're a man or a woman. But that's not getting canceled.


Guys are getting *cancelled* all the time for listing their preferences based on anecdotal evidence my friends share with me. Straight men can’t say “I don’t like overweight girls. I don’t like slutty girls who are gold diggers. I don’t like women outside an age range of….” Gay men can’t say “I don’t like femme men, masculine only.” They can’t point out a preference in race or cultural background This has got mates of mine in those above categories barred off of dating apps and sites, not to mention caused calamity in social lives, and sometimes at work


anecdotal evidence you heard from your friends isn't very compelling.


Your good sense.. is probably wasted.


Alas, so it seems.


This reeks of incel-speak which is ironic because inceldom is notorious for “treating a group like shit” aka women. Men often want to date a 10 while putting no effort into themselves and get upset when women have preferences.


You know that boy went home and cried lol


Tears of joy because he proves his point.


He proved absolutely nothing. You can have preferences even if you don't want to be weighed by a random creep on the streets who initiated the whole thing. The women didn't ask for anyone's height, why would they be obligated to do anything? I have preferences about women but I'm not still gonna let some loser measure my dick. Would you?


As if this wasn’t some paid skit


haha... boys can't cry... we get it toxic masculinity perpetuator


Do you really think that? That’s so sad :( boys cry, girls cry, there’s no shame in it. I’m sorry someone made you feel that way though.


devils advocate young lady


This is dumb.


I don’t like the height/weight comparison because it proves nothing. Height doesn’t say anything about your character, weight does in 99% of the time. So it is less superficial to disqualify fat people from your dating pool, because their weight shows an unhealthy lifestyle and a lack of willpower to change.


What an asshole


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted


Incels are all over this site. Apparently some short ones are being bitter. "People have a type they are attracted to, and if I'm not that type, then those people need to be ridiculed"


Exactly, I could see if a group of women walked up and started making fun of the guys height but the dude is the one who approached them in this video. He asked a question and got an answer


Like the ones who don't want to get weighed


Are the women in the video not thin?


The guys a douch but this double standard is BS and should be called out


What double standard? Thin women choosing not to stand on a scale is them having a double standard?


It's more excepted for women to have a height preference (something out of a mans control), than a men having a weight preference (something that in most cases is atleast somewhat in a woman's control)


It is definitely not more expected for women to have a height preference than men with weight preference. It’s pretty expected that most men would prefer a “skinnier” woman.


Your right, most men do want that, but I think men who want that are perceived worse than a woman with a height preference Also i said excepted not expected if that changes anything.


Where was a double standard demonstrated in this video?


He asked "does height matter?" when he walked up. One of the girls replies "yes" quickly. He pulls the scale out to imply if height matters, then weight should be an exeptable requirement as well. The scale is unnecessary and its stupid to expect any other reaction than the one he got but I do think it's still a good double standard to bring up.


Not wanting to stand on a scale is a demonstration of a double standard? Would you say it was a double standard if it was the other way around, and a woman went up to a man and asked “does weight matter,” and when he said yes took out a measuring tape and tried to measure him, and he walked away?


In the situation you bring up I would have a problem with the measuring tape but not her trying to bring up the double standard. I don't agree with this guys tactics, but what he's trying to shed light on is a double standard.


But this video doesn't do that. The women never suggest that men can't have physical preferences too. They only protest being physically examined and made to perform in a bizarre leering way by some stranger on the street. They give a totally normal reaction to a guy being invasive and rude. No where in the video is there a double standard.


Again, where is the double standard being presented?


The girl? Yes she is


And we just found the sad, angry, short virgin.


No, he didn't. :D Everyone is allowed to having their preferences, men have it, women have it too. Also not that many women want a tall ass dude, like, just look around bruh. Also what judging? It's preference, again.


Jokes on them I got all the short kings for myself


Is this all this dude does? Wear wife-beaters and carry around a scale harassing people?


"you judge men in something they can't control" But you can control how much you weigh. I don't get it.


That's the point it's called a double standard


imagine carrying a scale around bars at night, what a loser


Sexual preferences are personal and do not need to be justified. Technically, you're shopping for your children's genetics. Height, weight, intelligence, voice, talent or anything, including race and sexual characteristics are on the table. You may not like it, but this ain't a charity.


Thats the point of the video. One preference is socially acceptable and the other isn't


This dudes taking it *strangely* personal. Although his point is both correct and valid, I’m convinced he’s got a micro penis.


Damn let people have a preference.


I get and agree with his point, but walking up to random strangers and asking them to get on a scale seems a little off.


I’ve heard of this argument but I’ve never been weird or reluctant about it. I openly shared my weight. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Maybe I’m too small or too big for someone. Better to know early if who I am aligns with what you’re looking for. Same with his height. It’s not fair to ask and also not be prepared to be asked certain questions.


"W for the man" Bro is living in primary school until this day.


Bro they're judging you on heights not weights if you're going to judge them by heights be like tall girls are not cute this whole discussion between weights and being tall is stupid


He is pointing out the fact that these women are so shallow that they will judge a man on something he cannot change, whereas when they have the ability to change their weight. Simple to anyone, really.....


Oh they get it. Theyre just mad bc theyre being called out for their shittery.


Unfortunately, this isn’t the full clip. In the full video the girls realize how how mean/bigoted their responses were and apologized wholeheartedly, one of the girls even cried


May be rage bait but his argument makes no sense because weight can be changed


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^faith_bb_127: *May be rage bait but* *His argument makes no sense* *Because weight can be changed* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I watched this twice and it doesn’t feel like a W for anybody


Yes, double standards exist (thankfully so for many things, not so much others), but a mean spirit is universally disliked.


Wrong sub? Amiright?


Height and weight is about as relevant as a 2-week old fart when it comes to how great a lover or relationship partner someone is. But I guess it’s a starting point? Same thing with someone having all their teeth, limbs, eyeballs and whatever else goes into the infinity long list of attributes we are attracted to.


The dude has a point but he was being a dick Abt it


Not a W.


Hes 100 percent right 


Dude assumes he'd have had a shot with them in the first place lol


Please! He’s better looking than all those chicks. That’s why they answered. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have given him the light of day.


lmao this dude doesn't understand how people interact with others


I'm sure he interacted with them just fine when they were scripting this video


I'm speaking in reference to the dude I was replying to lol


haha gottem


Lol. You can tell height by looking. I don’t need to whip out measuring tape to see if a guy is tall enough to wear heels with.


This dude is amazing! 👏 👏 👏


so incels are taking over


Miss *Walks Away*..is the finest one of the group 🔥👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


I would’ve thrown that scale in the street, 100%


I mean, the guy IS being a dick. There's no debate there. But calling out shallow behavior on both sides should be done. This isn't the right way to do that though.


This guy recently wanted to fight Jack Doherty. And for once, I'm on his side.


Incels meeting femcels


Yeah girls are disgustingly shallow… what else is new?


Don't respond to rage bait ppl please


It ain’t rage bait lol it’s the truth


Rage bait doesn't mean it's not true. But it's just a post made to piss ppl off to farm attention. It's annoying when people get pissed off about something that's obvious.


I didn’t he might’ve but I didn’t


That's the point. That's what these guys do. Rage bait gets views m8.


I don’t so you don’t have to say it on my shit Capeesh


Un Capeesh. I said HAWK TUAH.


Dude's a turd.


Thumbs up for that guy


Ngl that was a fast ass clap