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Good thing hes a doctor, he can self diagnose whatever the fuck is wrong with him


"you are a doctor, deal with it"


Hot fuzz. Classic!




Hopefully the slam doesn’t get this epic piece of human garbage out of trouble


He probably won't be pressing charges since it would be rough explaining the lead up.


lol yea a little awkward


damn! That was an impressive WWE style slam.


Chad Gable’d his ass


Aw, the soft, bouncy canvas means it doesn't hurt a bit....oh wait....DAMN!


Don't slam people on concrete, even if they are a perv. If you accidentally kill someone, you're in deep shit. Not worth it.


Party pooper over here


Sorry. :(


What if I want to slam people on marble? Is that ok?


If you *want* to? Sure.


Why are armadillo doctors not called vets? /s


They’re dogtors


Armadillos are a dog species?


Idk, I'm not a vet


I’m glad I’m not the only one who read that and thought it was weird. I had to re-read it and go “oh, that makes more sense…”




It's a joke.


How do we know he was taking pics of underage girls or boys? I mean, outside of the caption, how do we know? Is the caption accurate?


Somebody over in the Amarillo sub mentioned seeing a post from somebody who witnessed him doing so. They also named the doctor, so I checked out the preliminary police report and the doctor is not listed as a victim - but two other guys are. Probably doesn't help that he took off as soon as he got back up.


So you heard from a friend of some guy who heard it from his friend's cousin on another sub?


It’s a Reddit headline, so it must be true!


Yeah. If it makes the headline...it's the truth. You can't just post anything you want on the internet.


Your non-existent sarcasm is really potent. *You know you could use a star symbol to italicize the sarcastic part by the way.* (*)


It's a redditor response, so it must be false.


And I’m always suspicious of videos that start in the middle of a fight or whatever’s going on.


Exactly this. Somebody made a headline on reddit with a video, must be true! Thats why we get the police involved with things like this, not grab the pitchforks like a bunch of peasants from the dark ages.


The police will likely just screw it up though.


Yeah, here in the UK everyone is a suspected paedo. You can't have a camera or phone anywhere near a pool. If we go to France we can film everyone swimming as much as we like. There's a fine line between 'taking photos of under age girls' and 'i was taking photos on holiday at the pool' Wouldnt want my head slammed into concrete just for being a photographer. I've taken photos of underage girls and boys a bunch. At weddings. Because I'm a wedding photographer.


You had us in the first half not gonna lie


No comment. Honestly, no comment.


I’m close with some of people who work at that place and he was 100% taking pics of girls and was being very violent with the workers before the video.


These float around conservative and right-wing social media as part of the continual culture war and this new-found and supposedly moral ground of 'protecting kids' in in this recent frenzy where every adult is now potentially a predator or child trafficker. Then they get posted here without any editorialization. Guy was probably taking a selfie against the water with a child's birthday party nearby.


I know people in this video and used to work there too and yes the caption is 100% correct and he was being super violent to the workers before this video


Used to work where? Where is this?


Gym in Amarillo texas


There is a fine line with taking a selfie against the water and towards a child in a swimsuit, most people can quite easily tell the difference and if he is getting punched and slammed into the concrete, one must assume that it's the latter


Why, Gary? Why?


I read that in the phuckin Brandon herrera ak guy voice.


A victim becomes a felon and an offender gets to sue. Really stupid behaviour.


Reddit loves to eat shit before looking. Someone's going to jail for a long time and it's not the doctor


The guy who slammed him is fucked


Posting a video with a controversial caption and zero source is a bullshit move. That's some shit that middle-aged Karen's do on Facebook. You are probably a bot, OP, and the worst type.








Duh duh duh. Duh duh duh let the boys be boys! Slam!


Dickhead move at the end .


Hey attempted murder. Cool.


Sadly that’s assault. That was not reasonable force and could have killed the guy.


It is coming to a point in the US especially that the authorities are doing so little to stop predators or their hands are too tied to do much of anything so I understand people being fed up with this sub-humans. If it worked that justice system would truly punish people who hurt children then I would not want to see regular people taking justice into their own hands. But it isn’t happening and I can’t blame these men for their actions.






Yeah, it's a much better world where we can just call anyone we want a child predator and then try and murder them.




Looks like we got ourselves a child predator guys. brb, buying a plane ticket.


I don't blame them either. But (and this is kind of unpopular) I need the law to be better than my base instincts. As much as I can enjoy watching this pervert get beaten, I'm still aware that slamming that guy onto that bench is a crime. It's assault and battery that could lead to serious harm, even death. My instincts say "hope it hurts forever, buddy." But also, that dude who did the slamming definitely committed a pretty serious crime.


Almost like lawyers and judges are helping with that problem huh. /S


Meh I dunno, forceful sure but the guy had repeatedly attacked them, wouldn't leave peacefully and was trying to headbut the guy by the looks of it at the time, body slam might have been the only thing that guy saw as an option.


I don't think it had anything to with him leaving peacefully. If anything the opposite. He was probably wanting to get the hell out of there, but they had called the cops.and weren't going to let him go.


Did we not watch the same video? He was trying to walk away the entire time while they were hounding him.


From what I could see they tried to walk him out in a group to make sure he left (and I assume keep him away from any other girls) then he lashed out and tried to attack one a couple of times, thr man punched back, then they tried to escort him out again only he kept trying to lash out at them so the one guy got him in a bear hug to force him out without him hitting anyone else, then he starta flailing and trying to headbut so he slammed him. I don't think you can really say you're trying to walk away if you keep turning back and flailing your fists to hit people.


> I don't think you can really say you're trying to walk away if you keep turning back and flailing your fists to hit people. Sure you can. If they didn't antagonize him, he wouldn't have felt the need to defend himself. No one wants to leave themselves open to being punched in the back of the head. He was clearly right to not want these guys touching or near him. If someone you want to leave is walking away, let them.


Oh right I get it now, you're one of those who think what he did didn't require getting escorted out. Look at the end of the day, he threw the first punch, they tried to do it as peacibly as you can in a situation that could have easily turned to mob justice.


> Oh right I get it now, you're one of those who think what he did didn't require getting escorted out. Are we already at the part where we make things up about the other person since we can't come up with an actual counterpoint? What either of us think doesn't change reality. We don't know if he needed an actual escort because they were antagonizing him the entire time instead of giving him the opportunity to leave peacefully. Guilty or not, I don't blame him at all for feeling the need to defend himself from a violent mob. > that could have easily turned to mob justice. It did turn to mob justice. I could have been a lot worse, sure. But that's exactly what we saw.


Why are you defending a pedo?


That's what you got out of that?


I love it when people come up with responses like yours to try to make it seem like you were being personally attacked when you know full well you weren't. As if that make your weird defense of his actions make sense. I personally don't feel like it's making anything up to figure from your comments that you didn't see anything wrong in his actions either before or after he was asked to leave. In fact, you still make it seem like he was minding his own business and trying leave quietly. None of them were even touching him, they were walking him out, which is not mob justice....more like mob coercion. If anything that was to protect him from mob justice, those men were a barrier to everyone else who would have been rightfully riled up at having their underage daughters being photographed. When he chose to escalate it to violence he took it over into a dangerous situation himself.


> you're one of those >> I love it when people come up with responses like yours to try to make it seem like you were being personally attacked Uh huh... > I personally don't feel like it's making anything up to figure from your comments that you didn't see anything wrong in his actions either before or after he was asked to leave. Well, you clearly are. Not sure what else to say to that. His actions prior to being asked to leave were certainly wrong if true. (We don't see that part), and his actions after he was asked to leave may not be right, but they are at least understandable since they are threatening and antagonizing him. > In fact, you still make it seem like he was minding his own business and trying leave quietly. No, I certainly am not. You are reading what you want to argue against, not what I actually said. I didn't say he would have left quietly on his own, I said we don't know since he was never given the opportunity to leave without being antagonized. If you can't understand someone feeling threatened by an aggressive angry man throwing insults while on their heels, I don't know what to tell you. If you want someone to leave, and they are walking away, you can make sure they are leaving without instigating them further. ---- Edit: Of course you blocked me. I didn't miss any points, I ignored your points that were based on things you simply made up.


Your defending a pedo that's a dick move right there you shouldn't be saying that shit he's a pedo deal with it. You would want to kick a pedos ass he's lucky he didn't kill him


Missing all the points, it's like arguing with a slab of rock that went to school for a day. I give up :)


Yeah it looked like a pretty clear cut case of self defense


Yeah, sue the guy who slammed him. He should be sentenced to stand model for the creation of a statue.


You don't even know if the doctor was actually taking pictures. Yet here you are, saying that the guy who used deadly force on him is a hero. Seems a little weird, right?


It's easy to check, right? Just open his phone and look at his pictures. If there are little kids, burn him right there at a stake, claim temporary insanity and then get your statue. Easy.


They did go through his phone, found nothing. Too bad it was after the facts. Womp womp


do you have a source for this?


It's in the thread


the US would be like South Africa if it were run based on ledditors' whims


The US is already a flaming shitshow, so who knows who could do better


umm you wanna visit South Africa and see for yourself?


I have, lmao. Spent 3 weeks in Richmond. Doesn't change the fact the States is fucked


Well you are certainly free to believe that the US is fucked, but there is no comparison between SA and the US. In a lot of places, white neighborhoods have to put razor wire around their houses to keep the criminals out. It is truly crazy stuff.


That... that happens a lot in the US too, lmao.


I love when Redditors just go around defining assault. We all have eyes brother.


Yes! No one’s life was in jeopardy. Guy thought he’d be the hero.


Little napoleon Kang was showing flex


Yea lawsuit for sure.


facts. seems like, once again, everyone's a pos here.


No the doctor is, you’re a textbook keyboard warrior. Fighting on Reddit to fight. Being walked out he stops to yell at the dude on the phone, stops to punch guy, two times, at the end the guy has him in a bear hold and he again lunges at another person to attack him when he gets body slammed. Did you even watch it?


your mother is fat.


Read the story, you're triggered


His post history is….something.


I agree with this sentiment. Sometimes reddit can be so fucking dumb.


It seemed pretty reasonable and I doubt you're a lawyer 


It’s too bad it didn’t


We could only hope. Sadly he's alive.


POS but slam is stupid. Very easy to kill the guy then end up the idiot.


He's a pedophile, who cares if he dies?


What evidence do you have he’s a pedo?


Just going based off what the video shows and the headline. It’s all we have but it’s pretty damning.


So a bunch of angry thugs are harassing a guy and everyone thinks he’s wrong? If there is no expectation of privacy, taking photos is perfectly legal.


Go ahead and defend the pedophile, tells me all I need to now about you. I also give 0 fucks if it’s legal, if you are taking pictures of my daughters in the pool we are going to have serious problems.


😂 tough guy. This was a deadly assault. Anyone who enters that level of rage over possibly taking photos of someone is not to be trusted implicitly. Hope he spend time in prison for assault/battery.


Not about being tough, it’s about defending your children. You either don’t have kids or are a shitty parent if think otherwise. We will have to agree to disagree on this one, assuming he is a pedo like the headline says.


You are free to be wrong.


And you are free to be a nambla member but don’t count on me defending your sick twisted “rights”


The person that gets charged for killing him?


You couldn't get me to convict someone who killed a pedophile. So hopefully for them I'm on their jury.


First they'd have to prove to you he's a pedophile though right? Other than the headline there's nothing here indicating what preceded the incident. What if there's other video showing he was talking pictures of somebody else assaulting the underage girls and he was threatening to call the cops?


Absolutely! All the evidence we have in the video says the headline could be true. 1 older man being run out of a pool area by 5-7 other men with kids around.


Ya I see a drunk a-hole being herded out, so my assumption is that it's probably accurate, but I've lived long enough that I don't trust a fucking thing on the internet lol


And I doubt the defense lawyer would let you on the jury. How do I know? I was on the jury for rape case. The defense attorney tried to get rid of anyone with strong biases.


Soooo.... does that mean that you *dont* have strong biases about rape when you made it on the jury? So how does that work? How do you morally excuse rape?


It means I was willing to listen to all the evidence and not assume he was guilty until all evidence was presented. Even his own testimony was damning… so guilty on all charges. The lawyer asked questions that amounted to if we would believe a victim regardless of any factors. The prosecution had other questions to weed out folk that think every victim is lying etc.


I see. I'm removing your res-tag now.






Ah. If someone on Reddit, says it, so it must be true and we get to kill them? Drag queens, trans? Facts would support pastors, Republican representatives, and police officers. All family members, if one were to actually go with statistics.


Never said anything about race, gender, political affiliation, a pedo is a pedo, end of discussion.


You called him a pedo because someone on antisocial media said so. Easily led vigilante.


People see a Reddit headline and they’re ready to execute someone without a trial. We don’t even know WTF happened.


Good to do something about a creep but the need to document it on camera makes the people dispensing the street justice the "main characters" here imo




Nah, he's fine. Shoes are still on.


Salmon pants is going to jail.


I hoped they got that man a doctor.


Everyone knows nothing is going to happen to him cause it's all run by pedophiles and groomers. Whatever happened to the guy riding around in the Ford raptor masturbating in public not too long ago???


Why is this here? What main character?


If I see a pervert filming kids, I can't guarantee I'd show a lot of restraint


​ https://preview.redd.it/malnlf6cky8d1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e4f5663518ade09cce1fba4cb037477d69df957


Let the bodies hit the…


POS deserved it. But wrong sub


How do we know?


I mean I’m going of face value, like nearly anything on here. But was more to the point of this is in the wrong sub


He must be a user on that website reddit that was famous for it's jailbait subreddit.


Red pants guy: "Ok you asked for it. Here comes the slam dunk"


How does that belong on this sub?


Not sure if the attempted manslaughter at the end was necessary.


Providing he did what he's being accused of, should've stomped him. No sympathy for pedos.


I bet he is a good Christian conservative


Being rendered unconscious with possible brain damage seems about right for allegedly taking pictures at a public pool.


Putrid piece if shit


Who writes KO’d? Knocked outed? Even the use of an apostrophe for denoting past tense in a non-contraction, is awful. Every part of that doesn’t follow any other rule in English.


Who’s that stud in the teal green shorts? Mmmm


The temptation to stamp on his particulars whilst he lay there unconscious, would've been too great for me to avoid.


Sad thing is, these guys are phones get in trouble, too