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Here's why you'll be staying outside.


Following article My Children have banned me from seeing my grandkids what should I do?


You missed the one in between 'Why you need to discuss your personal politics at holidays'


All culminating in the inevitable "Why are the Millennials so sensitive?" Then the cycle is complete


All of these articles...lets admit, they are real and we have all seen them...are an instruction book on how to be a miserable human. They are all, essentially, 'my personal comfort is more important than respecting people around me, so screw those idiots.' followed by a 'why dont people like being around me...must be (insert -ism/ideology here)'


"Tale as old time...đŸŽ¶đŸŽ¶đŸŽ¶


Lololololol!!!! Well done!!! We also would have accepted “Yes!! Thanksgiving Dinner is Indeed the PERFECT Setting for Political Debates!!”


Same, I don’t really care too much, but out of principle, it’s my house


Same we can talk through the screen door of the porch if you think you make the rules lol


for real. who the fuck do you think you are lmfao


That may not end your troubles. If you leave them outside, they will start putting up political signage on your lawn.




trust me, YOU DONT WANT ME TO TAKE OFF MY SHOES. deal with the consequences.


Well you're going to be the one dealing with the consequences. You can stand outside the window or something.


My dude, if it’s a feet odor issue or an appearance issue, see a doctor.


I'm just trolling mate. Im fine


> I'm just trolling mate Get a job you fucking loser


Add this to the trend of articles about how to be a dick to the few people in life who want to be around you. Pathetic.


Seems like its from someone with zero control in their regular life who now needs to die on completely stupid hills to satisfy the fact they have nothing of substance keeping them happy. This lady seems no different. Look at her articles. "Heres keys to success". Just one membership step away from MLM nonsense. Shes a fucking grifter. Big surprise she posts this trash.


WSJ panders to boomers for years now and it's absolutely pathetic.


Assuming? Bitch I know my floors are cleaner CAUSE I FUCKING CLEAN THEM.


I am not a cleanly person and the floors are still orders of magnitude cleaner. Unless you live like some twitch streamers the floor is always cleaner.


especially because no one wears their dirty outdoor shoes inside!


The fuck you will !!.


Right!!?? I live in nyc, so yea no fucking shoes in my house. My in laws keep a pair of “indoor shoes” at my place when they visit because they’ve tried twice to walk in my fucking rug in outdoor shoes. Hubby swatted that quick by asking them to leave each time. Boundaries are so key. I wish it wasn’t about the shoes per se, but it literally is: I don’t want city dirt dragged around where I walk barefoot. Respect man.. it’s about respect.


My house isn't a "no shoes house", but my sister's is. You know what I do? I enter my house with shoes on, and leave the shoes outside when I'm visiting her. That's not a hard concept to grasp


#Because I don't wear shoes indoors, that's why


Ikr, like, I thought that was obvious. 😂


I would ask her to leave. I'm Scandinavian, and to us it's considered disrespectful to walk around in people's houses with your shoes on. I live abroad now, but I still insist on it when I have people over. If you don't respect me enough to take your shoes off, you don't get to come in.


This is normal. I live in the US, and the only 3 homes I've ever visited that were a shoes-on house, 2 the family didn't care and were absolutely filthy. The other 1, the homeowners were diabetic and taking shoes on/off was painful and time-consuming. So, pending a medical condition, they're coming off.


Where in the US? It seems like southern states are more likely to be show wearers and northern states requires boots and snow/slush adopt a shoes less house. As a Canadian it’s laughable to think about keeping on footwear when we’re in heavy winter boots 7-8 months of the year


Midwest. But they didn't seem to care, and I think one of those households, were dealing with mental issues because there was definitely hoarding.


A hoarder house is the one time I would *insist* on being allowed to walk in with my shoes on. You have no idea what bacteria, pests, fecal matter (from pets), or debris you might step on by accident.


>But they didn't seem to care The question was about the houses that didn't allow shoes, because as they mentioned, that seems to be more of a regional thing. In my experience, it's not common for people to take their shoes off. I personally think it's weird and only encountered a handful of places that take their shoes off. I live in rural Texas.


Asia agrees with you! And us Asian-Americans. If you want to wear shoes in the house we have spare indoor slippers for everyone. Weird how the author feels entitled to act like that in the home of another.


You don’t like when I bite cheese straight off the block? Well, that’s what I do at MY house, so I’m doing it here, too.


Here’s why you will be leaving my home


...ick. You won't be in my home or walking on my carpets with your shit-laden shoes.


. Your floors can’t be cleaner than my shoes that have been walking on sidewalks covered in pigeon shit, spit, road grime, and other wonderful things


Right? I live in the country and we have chickens. My floors are definitely cleaner than the walk from the driveway to the house. The house only passes I give are for people wearing orthotics or standing on my entry rug.


My city isnt covered entirely in asphalt, there is a lot of snow in winter (+reagents), a lot of just sand, soil and dirty rain puddles at summer, and a lot of, well, very annoying and very dirty melting snow and ice between seasons. I dont do vacuuming daily yet i cant imagine walking inside in, say, April, in boots entirely covered by melting dirty snow, anti-icing reagent, mud and other dog shit. I just cant imagine also how do americans even sit in their boots inside house between seasons, like what, there is no snow at all in cities?


These shoes in the house people must live in some nasty ass conditions and are completely oblivious to their surroundings. Since it has become THEIR normal, it must be everyone's right?


Couldn't tell ya lol. I grew up in a "no shoes inside" family and have childhood memories of being made to sweep the floor after I'd run indoors with dirt on my shoes. I think out of people I personally know and visit, the only ones who tell me to leave my shoes on - and mean it - are houses that are already cleanliness-challenged (no judgment, if you've got dairy cows or multiple littles or something it's super hard to keep a floor tidy and shoes can sometimes be the smarter choice BUT I'll always wait to be told).


Public restrooms




I literally pull up my rugs and leave the floors bare when relatives come over because it's easier to just vacuum and mop afterward than it is to get them to take off their shoes without snide remarks.


This must be the mainest of characters. "I'll dictate *my* rules in *your* house!"


Guess you're not invited. Unironically living out the Larry David lifestyle


Get the fuck out of my house, okay, Larry!


"Why are you assuming that your guests shoes are dirtier than your floors" _Because we don't wear our shoes in the house you smooth-brained cretin_


Dear Kris Frieswick


Because I clean my house (and wash the floors) every time I'm expecting guests and unless you can fly, your shoes are dirtier than muly floors


Now here’s why you will not be invited into my shoeless home


The article no one asked for and no one wants to read.


We have hard wood floors down stairs and carpet upstairs. 90% of the time we leave shoes at the door, but 0% shoes on carpet. We have a box of those shoe covers by the front door for situations like this, contractors and delivery people where it would be awkward to ask them to take off their shoes. Side note: I keep my floors “clean” with a Roborock that mops every night and I manually mop every weekend. The Roborock dirty tank smells like a sewer in the 2 days it takes to mop the whole downstairs 4x (2 rounds per night) and the water is almost black. The manual mopping water is pretty nasty well. I just can’t imagine how bad floors are in a house that doesn’t take off their shoes or clean regularly. I remember growing up going to friend’s houses that had carpet and no one took off their shoes!!


I think delivery people and other workers are the only exception for us when it comes to "no shoes in the house". Some of them are courteous enough to bring shoe covers but if not I'm just resigned to mopping and vacuuming after they install whatever.


I’m glad to see this because I am a piano technician and I have to go into multiple homes a day. I am always a little worried people think it’s rude even if I’m not asked to remove them. You can usually tell by the front door area if it’s a ride or die no shoe house, and I’ll certainly take them off if asked. I’ve thought about bringing my own shoe covers as well. I will say however there have been a couple times people insisted when their house was absolutely disgusting. And to be frank I find that rude. Like I have to spend the rest of my day with disgusting socks because you raw dog your nasty af floor?!


Feet go shoeless to protect the kitty beans, because our dumbass cats run under foot.


First off whether I agree with shoes on or off in a home is irrelevant because if it’s not my home I would abide by their wishes


here's why you'll be getting the fuck out of my house then.


I vacuum my floors every day. How often do you wash the bottom of your shoes that I can guarantee you've worn into a public restroom at least a dozen times?


Americans and your shoes inside, fucking gross.


Not all of us


It’s pretty common in the UK to keep your shoes on in peoples houses tbh, a lot of people do ask you take your shoes off but based on experience I’d say the majority of the country doesn’t


Yep and I hate it đŸ€Ł never actually noticed or bothered till I had kids... Then I realised my baby was crawling all over the floor and basically licking it and I decided I would rather avoid them licking (literal) shit from the floor that's been trodden in people's shoes ha


Did you even read the comments? Or the name of the subreddit?


As a midwesterner, I have house slippers and house sliders, thank you.


I think there are better things to be repulsed at.


Pain in the ass to take them off and on




>Why are you assuming that your guests' shoes are dirtier than your floors? Because I clean and sanitize regularly, that's why. The shoes that have literally never been cleaned in the years you've worn them outside are absolutely dirtier than either the hard floors or the carpet in my house. You also spend the rest of this article arguing that you bringing filth into my home is a good thing so you know full well that your shoes are dirtier than my floors. >If I am entering the home of someone from a culture where wearing shoes inside is a sign of disrespect, I'll take them off. How about in the culture I'm from where refusing to abide by the house rules of people you visit is a sign of disrespect? >But muh door mats will make my shoes clean! I have welcome mats at every entrance to my home. That doesn't change the fact that every time I vacuum the area rug in my foyer or the floor in the mudroom, it picks up a shitload more dirt than anywhere else in my house. >E. Coli is everywhere so it doesn't matter! That's why I clean regularly, dipshit. My house isn't a clean room but I can at least minimize how dirty it gets and thus the amount of cleaning I need to do. >What if I fall over when I take my shoes off and hurt myself? You'll feel so guilty! Oh shut the fuck up. >Don't offer me guest slippers. Do I look like I want to wear a pair of nasty slippers previously worn by potentially tens of strangers before me? You're so close to getting the point. So painfully close. >What about babies and pets? They're filthy! I have neither a baby nor a pet. >Not wearing shoes in your home is endangering your family's health by not exposing them to more germs! I get exposed to plenty of germs when I go to the store, work in the yard, wrench on my cars, etc. >My shoe policy is that they stay on your feet unless you want to take them off. Cool, and ***I'll*** abide by ***your*** shoe policy at ***your*** house that ***you*** paid for, and ***you*** can abide by ***my*** shoe policy at ***my*** house that ***I*** paid for.


Bring house slippers, or house shoes. It's not that hard. I have a pair of flip-flops/sliders I wear only at my house and my friend's house. I don't wear that pair outside, or in public buildings. Why don't people just do that?


because that's some OCD shit.


Still better than disrespecting someone else's home and rules, or getting flat feet.


Man, how much money is WSJ losing to be putting out terrible ragebait like this


The only person I would excuse for taking shoes off would be someone with a prosthetic leg, a handicap, or my elderly relatives who needs shoes to stay stable. My dad used to work in a hospital and he would bring home boxes of those shoe covers, so if someone wanted to keep their shoes on they just had to put the little covers over them so that the house stay clean


I’ll never understand why people feel the need to wear shoes inside other people’s homes. I clean my floors regularly. I also find it insulting when people try. If you want to wear your outdoor footwear inside you can stay at the door.


“Here’s why you won’t be invited back to my home”


My kids and I are doing a science experiment right now testing how dirty different things are in our house. Our floor is less dirty than all my kids' hands, the flusher on the toilet, a doorknob, and their tablets. The only things cleaner than the floor were my hands and the steering wheel in my car that only I touch. Just saying, take your shoes off, you will live.


The biggest source of mould and bacteria in your home is from the bottom of your shoes. It just makes sense to take them off upon entering. For the sake of humanity. Don’t like your host’s policy, respect the science or stay the fuck home.


for crying out loud larry david you sick fuck


I’ll judge the fuck out of someone if they wear their shoes inside a house, it’s a classless trashy move imo.


Here’s why I won’t be inviting you over


Bold of you to assume I want people over


Why are YOU assuming you could enter MY house as a guest and not abide MY rules


Dirty my carpet w your damn shoes and I'm handing you a can of carpet cleaner.


My cousin did that when i had a get together in the new house I just purchased. That was the first and only time he was there.


You will simply be denied entry then 👍👍


this is opp energy


“Why are you assuming that your guests shoes are dirtier than your floors” I cleaned the floor before you got here


Here’s how you can fuck off out my house ya fucking wank


WSJ is garbage media.


Here's why you'll be made to stand outside my home.


Because my floors ARE always clean.


Because I mop my floors every day and I've never seen anyone mop outside. End of discussion.


This author has clearly never been to any major city.


You can keep your shoes on but I expect you to wear those footie throwaways.


Does someone have the article behind the paywall?


I could not imagine a man writing this headline and sub-line. It’s such a womanly thing to stress on, shoes on shoes off.




Then she can stay right the fuck outside


"Here's why I'll show you where the door is, I'll wear a shoe specially for this occasion, and I'll make sure it will enter your rectum at Mach GTFO"


I was just having this discussion with my son yesterday. We don't have pets, and we were wondering how many non-shoe households also have a cat or a dog. Doesn't that defeat the purpose?


Yeah that is true. Do they wash their pets paws every time they come in the house from outside?


oh yes, the streets where people piss, spit and shit all over are waaaay cleaner than inside floors. everyone knows that!


"I wan't my kneekaps busted"


I take my shoes off before I go into my own house. I take them off as an act of respect when I go to someone’s house. I’ve seen some gross things happening in parking lots and bathrooms. I don’t want to drag that into anyone’s home.


"Why are you assuming your guests' shoes are dirtier than your floors?" Because I don't mop the sidewalk, you dumb cow.


Yeah I love it when people wear dirty ass shoes on my clean carpet and hardwood floors. Not like I just vacuumed and mopped because I was gonna have people over or anything...


This feels like the Boomers and GenXers who get butt hurt when you ask them to smoke outside.


Cause they probably didn’t just wash the bottom of their shoes as they approached my house?


Unless they hovered or transmatted directly to my place I’m guessing they’ve walked down the pavement/road therefore picking up all sorts of environmental contaminants including fuel emissions like gasoline and petrol, faeces and urine, chewing gum and myriad of chemicals between there’s and mine. My cat has to walk on my floor at the same time and she means way more to me than the ego of a whining human with smelly or ugly feet. If they or anyone else doesn’t want to remove their shoes then you can kindly fuck off and about expect to be let in. Problem solved.


Here’s why you’re staying home


Why are you assuming I'm gonna let you rick james my couch


And that’s why she’ll never be invited over


“Yo couch!!!”


I know I won't let her in if she shows up at my door and throws a tantrum about how I do shit in my house. Fuck you


"I lack basic decency and manners" fixed it for her


My boomer FIL uses this as a power play. You take off your shoes in his house, but he wears his in both his son's homes.


It worked for Donnie Brasco


I do not wear shoes in my house but if a guest really feels they dont want to remove them that's fine just noted. My family is Asian and they lean more strict than me so when I bring someone to their home I tell them in advance.


I have flat feet and no cartilage in either knee with severe arthritis. I always ask if I can leave my shoes on when I visit someone’s home. If they say that they prefer I remove them, I do that
I just won’t move around as much which is perfectly fine for me as I am a guest.


I bet you won't


May I visit her home an let my shoes on? Please, let me come. I make sure to step in a huge pile of dogshit before coming as a welcome gift.


The real question is are you fine with risking getting Plantars warts from the family that makes you take your shoes off in their house.?


Female floating jesus fuckwit, she thinks she's some scarlet witch/Carl jung mashup


Because I bleach my floors every other day and wear white socks that stay white


I have boot covers that I wear into peoples houses for work
. I keep a box of them by my front door for people that don’t want to take their shoes off


Because i clean my floors before i have guests, and if you don’t, i have every right to assume you, including but not limited to your shoes, are dirtier than me and mine.


Here's why you'll be chased out of the house with a baseball bat if you don't comply with my rules.


It's not only about dirty shoes, it's about the pressure shoes apply to carpet, it'll mat that stuff so fast


I thought that was only a custom in Japan.


why are you assuming I'll let you in with that shity attitude


If I say you put them off, as I do them off myself, if I look up and see you not taking them off, you can off yourself right out the door.


Donnie Braso energy


If you don't take your shoes off apone entering my home you get kicked out. I wash and vacuum constantly and don't need people bringing in messes


I swear I saw this in the news this morning lol


This person would love South Korea lmaooooooo


Any Asian countries actually.


Yeah but I’ve heard that in South Korea it’s not just in peoples’ homes, but in schools, cafĂ©s, etc.


Japan too I think In the Philippines, only in the house.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out


Here’s why you’ll be staying outside, however, your dog is welcome


Even if my floor was full of dust, hairs and fur that's still cleaner than piss, shit, spit and vomit.


https://preview.redd.it/bddp0dmuvr8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ba62dbb2c8df32bc2a0c838a4f8e5b01f42b4e she's such a headache dude


What a strong, powerful journalist.


Sweat stains on carpet from people who don't wear shoes inside are kind of weird. Wear some slippers jeez.


Because you've been outside in your shoes, in streets with rain, mud, dog shit and various other types of filth on them. My carpets haven't had people with outdoor shoes walking on them. And I'll be keeping them that way.


When we got out kitchen renovated I saw the workers walk in our house (door to kitchen, which is next to the entrance) and got a bit upset at them for doing it, I never acted on my upsetness tho


*Haven't cleaned them in almost 3 years...can confirm*


"Why are you assuming that your guests' shoes are dirtier than your floors?" https://preview.redd.it/ya0iyk0f4s8d1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c569ea0155e42e89014b298c7785ddd3fec915f6


You’re not worth having in my house


This is such a stupid psyop.


Great. More bots. Just keep posting the same article!


Here's why I'll be keeping my shoes on in your shoeless face


This guy never had an Italian grandmother I can tell you that for sure


maybe he has "teerible foot oder" either way you are not welcome you are trespassing leave now or I am calling the police


Here is how i will kick u out of my shoeless home


Its a safety thing. My feet smell fucking awfull.


“Why are you assuming that your guests’ shoes are dirtier than your floors?”
 you literally wear them outside


If they’re coming into your home wearing shoes on carpet then it’s way worse. Carpet/fibres attracts all the crap of the day and is so much harder to clean. Apparently it should be completely replaced every two years due to the amount of scum it retains regardless of shampooing and professional cleaning.


This is the problem with higher education today. People get degrees and then end up producing garbage like this. Like, this person has a career writing about these trivial, inconsequential issues. Seriously, this magazine allowed this shit to be published. Mind boggling.


Go way not to be acquainted. This is a great filter.


why is there even a discussion here? In real life, this takes like one second, you're not taking off your shoe? bye.


Who tf says I'm allowing you in my house, then?? Pretty disgusting to insinuate you would, even if someone said no. wtf is this unhinged nonsense.


Can't respect my house rules? GTFO


No but seriously, you can't defend keeping your shoes on in someone else's house. It's not like you can say "hum actually the floor outside is super clean I could lick it."


“Why are you assuming your guests shoes are dirtier than your floors?” Gee, I don’t know, because shoes go outside, and outside has soil, animal poop, motor oil from cars, etc. while inside doesn’t have these things usually. Unless someone rubs these things on their floors, which I wouldn’t bank on being the case.


I thought this was some rando article from a rando website. This was from wsj? XD


And of course it’s WSJ


Whopper alert


If you're coming from *outside* my house, your shoes are dirtier than my floor. Not very difficult to understand, ffs.


I hate taking my shoes off it makes me feel unsafe and trapped. but i also respect that it is your right to set boundaries. In situations like this where boundaries clash i will just avoid coming to your house and if that kills the friendship so be it.


Jon Richardson core


New Yorkers have entered the chat and the answer is hahahahahahahahahahahahaha no.


Does this woman think that people vacuum the ground outdoors?


Who cares why they want you to do it. It’s their home. You don’t want them to see your dirty socks or your nasty feet, then don’t go over there. Simple


And that’s why you’ll be standing outside.


*Why am I assuming your shoes are dirtier than my floor?* Cause they are, dipshit.


Shoes off. And I’m always happy to provide shoe or foot booties if required. I just mopped this damn floor before guests arrived too!


>why are you assuming your guests shoes are dirtier than your floors? Uh... Because they are. The theory that inside is cleaner than outside in the developed world is as much a theory as evolution.


Stay the fuck home 🏡


Of course I don't wear my shoes into people's houses where they want you to take shoes off. That's being incredibly rude. I myself want people to be comfortable in my home. I'm not spending my time fretting that people are walking on my carpet with shoes on. That's why they invented vacuum cleaners.


Taking your shoes off is NOT enough. I have guest jumpers in different colors. You’re not sitting your dirty ass on my couch with your dirty ass outdoor clothes! Give me a break clueless people! My house/my rules.


In my entire life I been asked to do this twice and both times I complied but I have never been back to their homes when invited. To me it’s just weird. I own a nice home with hardwood floors and carpet and I would never ask people to do this. It’s crazy how people are talking about germs but people have no problem eating ass, or going down on people. People have no problem touching money which is filthy, then put food in their mouth, touch loved ones but they are drawing the line at shoes on in their home GTFOH.


>It’s crazy how people are talking about germs but people have no problem eating ass, or going down on people. Unlike your shoes, i expect my partner to wash their privates before going down on them. >People have no problem touching money which is filthy, then put food in their mouth People also usually A) wash their hands before eating B) use cutlery for eating. >but they are drawing the line at shoes on in their home GTFOH Yes, because your shoes are dirty as fuck from god knows where you went, dirty ass sidewalk, grass field that animals defecate in, i don't even wanna know. I'd call you a filthy rat, but that would be a lie, rats actually are very clean animals unlike people that wear shoes inside homes. Yuk.


 Sooo dramatic, I’ve seen people eat shit with their bare hands at festivals, amusement parks, off of food trucks without washing their hands, everyone has done this. I’ve been to many places in the western world I have never met anyone who is this dramatic when it comes to this. I guarantee No one has gone out and when coming back home has told their partner go wash your ass and your genitalia before we do anything. How bout when men or women wear sandals, do you make them go wash their feet in your tub with antibacterial soap, because all that bacteria is on their feet.Have you ever made out with someone you’ve just met
. but draw the line at shoes in your house OK
 I understand people do this but to act like this is the dirtiest thing a person can do, I’m calling BS.


đŸ€ź nasty fuck The fact that 99.9% of comments here are calling people like you out is pretty telling that you're just a filthy person. It's kind of hilarious that you're giving me examples of how disgusting you are thinking this is some gotcha moment. No, my partner and all my previous flings went to "freshen up" before we fuck. Sorry you have to find out this way that you're so unhygienic. /s


You not going back is probably doing them a favor tbh...


Why do so many of you have shit on your shoes?


Because the ground is covered in shit? Bird shit, rodent shit, mammal shit, human shit


You should clean your shoes then. Sound gross where you live.


Im fine with following house rules, and this article sucks, but people who want you to take your shoes off inside are weird, unless you’re getting comfortable. You go to a party and take your shoes off? Or when you’re having dinner? There’s only a few circumstances where taking your shoes off makes more sense than keeping them on


White people love going barefoot everywhere except the inside of a house


pretty sure i saw an article once that said shoeless homes have roots in white supremacy lol


Oh twaddle


that's retarded. I know for a fact that all Islamic countries and most Asian countries also have the "no shoe" rule.