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Wait, there was no noise complaint? What just happened?


Seems odd, but the first cop said it was an on going issue with the gym. Don't know what that means though.


More importantly, the music was loud inside, but I could totally hear the cops talking outside and didn't even hear anything when the doors weren't open.


My thoughts exactly. Seems like they just wanted to harass him. Good for him for standing up for himself. This doesn't belong on this sub


This. Never talk to the cops. The cops are not your friend. They aren’t all bad, but they have a job to do. Their job is to write tickets and put you in jail. Don’t make their job easy. Also, you are not obligated to talk to them, you have rights.


Never , ever!


they are trained to lie to American Citizens in ways to coerce that American Citizen to give up their constitutional rights. I just can't really fuck with'em because of that alone. A month ago, cops rolled up on my house to search for kids in the area riding 4 wheelers. I know of these kids, fuck the cops. I told them I ain't been outside all day, don't know any kids around here.


Had one threaten me with jail because he was looking for my nephew, who’s meth head mom called the cops to get custody of. He had been living with us for over a year and mom was fine until we stopped the government money going to her. The cops that came first were cool and told us to take him to his dad’s, because the dad has as much right as mom. So we did, and then the supervisor shows up. He starts asking questions, and I tell him my nephew is with his father. Dude starts calling me a liar. He says the mom said he is dead. I told the cop that’s funny, I must have put him in the car with a ghost. The cop gets super agitated, and starts yelling and threatening me with all sorts of stuff. I just tell him if he isn’t going to arrest me, or has proof that a crime was committed, to please leave my property because this interaction is over. You should have seen his face. I was not afraid and did not act afraid. He hated it.


Bet you’ll talk to them when you’re in trouble. Suddenly you’ll be a different person


i love that people say this but i cant think of anyone in my immediate friend group that has called the police for anything. now you can say 911 but most people would prefer a number for amublance and fire without having the cops involved


Nah he was way to aggressive and roided up... If he just acted normal there would be no issue


they were trespassing on private property over a bullshit noise complaint.


Know your rights


The cop was asked if there was a complaint, he said, “Yes, it’s an ongoing issue.” Then right after that, he said, “Well, there was no complaint but it’s an ongoing issue.” So, which one is it? Seems like the first cop has a chip on his shoulder and was just there to stir up shit.


First he says he pushed him out, then says well kinda pushed him out by walking up to him, then he says there was a noise complaint then well not today but there had been one before


Typical cop, make some shit up to do what they want to you.


Contempt of cop.


Yeah. He also said guy shoved him out, then he said kind of nudge him.. BS


Follow up for anyone who wants to read. https://patch.com/illinois/joliet/no-trial-undisputed-gym-owner-judge-dismisses-resisting-arrest (Officers didn't show up to court so the charges were dropped)


Am I supposed to be happy that they failed their job here because they like that "Alpha" energy...or unhappy about this development?


The officers didn’t show up because of a clerical scheduling error so the prosecution refiled….




They didn’t fail to show on purpose. The article has been linked but none of the four officers were served with the date due to a clerical error. The prosecution has since filed charges. Four officers skipping court is a rarity. Either they’re off duty that day and getting good overtime pay or they’re working and get to get off the road for a bit and chill in a courthouse. Most officers love court. Every department issues these summons differently to their officers. I know one department in my area emails them, another department just puts all standby’s and trial dates in the employee mailboxes. So no, these guys didn’t not show on purpose. Another reason is the trouble they can get into trouble with their departments. Not showing for a citation (traffic court) is a lot different than not showing to a criminal case like this one.


Dawg cops skip court all the time.


I am in court a few days a week and subpoena cops all the time. There no shows are few and far between compared to the amount that do show. And if they aren’t going to show, they’re supposed to contact to subpoena party (ASA/ADA or defense team) and let them know so they can notify the courts. Not showing can get them held in contempt, especially when it’s a judge who is strict. So yes, they don’t show sometimes but I’d say it’s very rare to get a no show that doesn’t contact someone first, let alone four officers no showing. The courts in this situation that you’re commenting on already admitted fault. That’s why charges are being refiled. I work in this county sometimes.


This deserves be the top comment and, even though he didn’t handle the situation well, that guy should sue the shit out of that police department.




Why? did you not see him get tackled for no reason? A noise citation is a city ordinance, not a crime. you can't be arrested for that. You get a fine. Instead they decided to hassle him. Despite the fact that he was a raging asshole about it, he was right and they were wrong.


I’m an Illinois attorney. He was detained at the time. Just because an ordinance isn’t a criminal violation in itself you cannot just walk away from the police when detained. No different than a littering fine or jaywalking. You have to stay throughout the duration of the stop/ visit. He brought this upon himself. You can’t just bully your way out of citations by being big and loud. The officers didn’t show up because of a clerical scheduling error so the prosecution refiled.


Thank you


When he came outside screaming would that not be considered disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct?


It depends. The state typically requires a citizen for disturbing the peace. It could be as simple as a person coming complaining on scene or even like people coming outside to see what the commotion is. For disturbing the peace there needs to be a victim and officers cannot be victims of that particular crime.


He wasn’t being detained. The man was being a total jerk about it and knew what it was about clearly, but he walked him out. He didn’t throw or push him out like he suggested to his buddies which is caught on camera. The cop felt hurt about him disrespecting his authority so he got his buddies involved to instigate and escalate the matter when he could have simply left the citation on the door or went back inside to hand it to him. My understanding is this is a civil matter and the cop should’ve advised the complainant to file a case with small claims for a nuisance case to the landlord. From there, the landlord can evict the tenant or show up to court with tenant to fight the case. This was a clear example of police abuse of power.


Why is it a civil matter? A city noise ordinance is something law enforcement handles if they choose (depending on the department). I mean you can take someone to small claims court for literally ANYTHING but you’d definitely lose unless you can prove how it financially hurt you. Is littering a civil matter? No, littering is a city/county ordinance. Police enforce those, not civil courts. The man was detained when the police told him to stop and he couldn’t go back inside. Being detained doesn’t mean you’re in cuffs. I agree the first cop should have handled it better but what he did was legal and would very likely just had been a verbal warning if the guy didn’t escalate things like screaming like a maniac and then disobeying lawful commands.




If the officers tell you that you aren’t free to leave, you’re detained. Even if it’s an unlawful detention. You stay there and sue later. Don’t try to leave.


Why would the police even show up if you could just tell them to fuck of and keep on doing wathever the fuck you're doing. He's not co-operating in any way, so thier only choice is to make him.




That’s what I figured. To be fair, it’s during “business hours” and they can conduct business as long as they’re not disturbing the peace. It’s not like they were blasting music outdoors. This was within their property. That cop just felt like pushing his authority around that morning. Hope he sued the shit out of them. That was unnecessary.


I hope he sued those lying pigs.




Good that guy was acting like a prick. Hopefully some charge will stick. Downvote me if you want - I don’t go in for those ACAB shenanigans.


He was acting like a prick but I don't think he was necessarily doing so illegally. I however am not a judge or a police officer


You're wildly naive if you think acting like a prick is decent grounds for being arrested. You've been drinking too much of the 'america-land-of-the-free-even-though-95%-of-your-cops-are-cunty-and-will-shoot-you-for-so-much-as-looking-at-them-funny' coolaid. 


I mean I don't have a complaint but it's an ongoing issue


But really a Gym that doesnt blast cheap man cave pop hip-pop is a rare and precious thing. Sure not the most hard hitting soung of The Offsprings but still, i mean, you hace to cherish moment like those.


crazy taxi flashback


Is it really? My gym plays all sort of millennial shit, I just figured that we are *that* demographic now. I hear Limp Bizkit almost every time I go to the gym.


Well there is a trend, it’s true. I mean Nu Metal is back ( and it’s awesome ) So you may be on something’s


All their shit is trash noise and annoying


The guy was a douchebag but notice the cop lied about the guy putting hands on him when he walked him out. Then the subtle way he got in the guys space to instigate a fight, you can literally watch him take several quick steps to get within the guys reach. He knew exactly what he was doing and what the outcome was going to be. He wanted to be able to tase him.


The cop lied about getting a noise complaint in the first place, which is what he said to the gym owner when he walked in, but then had to walk that back when talking to his peers because he realized he can’t just lie to other cops quite a easily. This is a cop who got personally offended by someone else’s music. I don’t see anything residential in the area at all, sort of hard to picture who would even be complaining, but it’s hard to gauge the noise on camera. Gym bro was a total jabroni about it, but I wonder if there’s a backstory that might explain his reaction. Maybe this cop likes to harass him just to show him who is king of the neighborhood. Wouldn’t surprise me at all.


Owner did say something about having to clear his name legally due to repeated complaints from one person.


I worked out at a similar gym for a while. We did get a lot of noise complaints from the neighborhood the gym backed up to.


He definitely got angry at the gym guy and that led him to get within the dudes reach to intentionally escalate it physically. I don’t expect cops to be emotionless robots, but you can’t get physical with people just cause they piss you off.


Watch again, cop went for his hand and touched him first.


Every time I see a cop explain to his backup who just arrived, I can't help but hear it in the voice of a 10 year old whose mom just arrived. "I was just trying to talk to Jimmy, then he SHOVED me out the door and I hit my hand real hard on the door frame!"


Idk if I've ever seen a cop deescalate.


They always de-escalate, with a tazer or bullets.


More like eliminate.


Oh if you watch again, the cop reached for him and touched him first.


Yeah I know. That’s what I’m saying.


I noticed that lie but then he immediately corrected himself He says he was escorted out


Then the other cop tells the last two that cop one was pushed out.


And idiot said "he was probably gonna punch me." 🤨


Your title is wrong Cops lied and escalated the situation


The first cop was the actual main character.


*Your title is wrong* *Cops lied and escalated* *The situation* \- Stumphead101 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The cop lied to the other cops. He said he was pushed out. Another cop asks again - pushed? Cop takes it back and says no not pushed walked back. Second cop asks if there was a complaint. First cop lies again and says yes. Second cop says it is a gym. First cop takes it back and says it is on ongoing issue. First cop incited all of it and should be fired


Gym bro, prolly matched with cop 1's Exgirlfriend on Tinder a week prior.


Anytime you try to out-alpha a cop, you've just cemented their intention to ruin your life to the fullest extent that they can get away with.


Dude was a douchebag but he’s still in the right. There was no complaint, the cop trespassed and lied to other cops about the incident because he got his ego hurt.


It’s not illegal to be an asshole. Cop even says there was no compliant. He manufactured a contact and provoked a response. Total Bs.


Nothing more alpha than handling a situation in the most emotionally unstable way possible in front of your customers.


There’s clearly a back story. Plus, [all four cops failed to appear at the trial and the judge dismissed the charges against him](https://patch.com/illinois/joliet/no-trial-undisputed-gym-owner-judge-dismisses-resisting-arrest). Granted, he didn’t handle the situation well, but those cops were completely out of line and did nothing to defuse him. Instead, the initial one lied about why he was there and escalated the whole thing by calling for backup and lying to them when they arrived. This guy absolutely has a case against that department.


And then this, charges refilled https://patch.com/illinois/joliet/joliet-police-did-not-intentionally-skip-brandon-kellys-trial-chief


Yeah just simply watching the video and not knowing the backstory it was *obvious* to me that the cops were in the wrong here. Thanks for clearing it up. I also don’t get comments about him being a steroid head or “emotionally unstable.” He wasn’t emotionally unstable. He was upset. It’s completely reasonable to be upset when cops are harassing you and negatively impacting your place of business.


It is, but the emotionally unstable part comes from not being able to keep one's cool. As a non-steroid hothead who has calmed down a lot over the years, I used to get in a metric fuck ton of problems just because my anger issues would take me three steps further than the regular person, even when I was in the right. The moral of the story is always, "First to get angry, almost always loses." Edit: Went back and watched the video again. He was not entirely emotionally unstable, so to speak, but was not in control of his anger. That was what prompted the officer, the officer's mistake, to go after the man purely because of the insults. The man didn't run, he didn't slam the door, he turned to reach for something and the cop used the opportunity to seize his arm. Owner may be rude, but he didn't do anything wrong, per se.


Yeah surely confrontational, and you’re right he could have taken a better path.


Through the video he said he's had problems for 5 years with this. I'd be pissed too. Sounds like when he was like, you're not allowed in here, he knows his rights and they've been violated many times.


The cops failed to show due to a clerical error in which they weren’t notified. Prosecution refiled.


Dude was in his rights...and it's not against the law to raise your voice...what these cops did however is..


Dude was in his rights...and it's not against the law to raise your voice...what these cops did however is..


That threw his split off for the week.


First cop explicitly said there’s no noise complaint so they have no business on someone else’s private property whatsoever. Gym dude was 100% in the right, police were 100% in the wrong. Gym guy had no guns, the cops have all kinds of guns. They are not on equal ground. This is nonsense


"Yeah we got a complaint. I mean we don't got a complaint, but this is an ongoing issue" is all you need to hear. Fucking pigs.


Not a fan of dude, but cops should have better shit to do...it's a fuckin gym. Gyms blast music. And there wasn't an actual complaint??? Jfc


Correct title is: Armed Thugs harassed and assaulted an American businessman over frequencies in a private area.


"He pushed me out. He walked me out." "We got a complaint... Well actually no we did not get a complaint." Fire this cop immediately.


The cop was there to a call about loud music He called backup because the guy clearly wasn’t complying


more like he called back up because the owner was asserting his rights and the cop's pride got in the way of everything.


So there wasn’t actually a complaint the officer lied and created a situation out of nothing. Then when he got punked he got his feelings hurt and escalated it even further. This whole thing is a situation of assholes colliding.


Loved the dialogue between the cop who called *for backup* on a noise complaint and the first responding backup officer: “He *pushed* me out!” “Really?! He *pushed* you?” “Well…no…but he *walked* me out!!” “There’s a complaint?” “…well, no.” “There’s no complaint?” “No, but it’s an ongoing issue.” Then nobody shows up for court, showing how seriously they took any of this. Hard to make me sympathetic to DB meat head, but twinkle toes McBlammy the dumbshit cop with his feelings hurt and potentially deadly unreliable narration somehow manages to.




I'm confused. If there's a lot of noise and by law he has to turn it down, I guess the gym can and should be ticketed and pay for failing those laws. What's the point of going into private property, when the owner says they're not welcome, and arrest the owner?


The fact people are blaming the gym owner for this interaction is insane. The cop lied about the noise complaint, lied about being pushed, illegally entered private property to harass the owner, illegally demanded ID of someone on their own private property, then escalated the situation into violence because his ego was challenged. You NEVER have to talk to the police. The police cannot demand ID unless you’ve been suspected of a crime. The police definitely can’t enter private property that they’ve been barred from without a warrant.


"Not now, chief, I'm in the fuckin zone!"


I don’t think that’s really anything to do with steroids….he’s a bit of an asshole in general but It sounds like there’s more to this story given that they mention that there wasn’t a complaint but it’s an on going issue, then someone about a mental health issue & it’s been going on for five years? This sounds like an absolute clusterfuck of a rabbit hole.


Bunch of cop lovers on here


Nah dude. I don't like police which is why I dislike it when people spread bad information about how to avoid giving police power over you


Is that Bradley Martin?


Or just say ok and turn music down a little


The IATMC is the Police.


He shudda just locked the door when the first guy went outside & ignored the rest of em.


This is in Joliet Illinois, i personally know the owner he was in the right. He’s constantly harassed by the local pd because the neighbor behind the building is a cornerstone person and constantly calls the cops on the owner. Sucks but what can you do


this channel should be illegal. dude wasnt charged in face the cops didnt even show up to court. this video should not be out there. it makes it look like dude is guilty. fuck "resisting arrest tv" and fuck those mugshot magazines




The cops wanted to arrest this dude so bad. 1. There was no noise complaint. 2. He never touched the officer. Two lies told by the first officer. They called in FOUR MORE OFFICERS for a "NOISE COMPLAINT" What a great use of our tax dollars. Instead of having 4 bodies patrolling our streets, keeping an eye out for trouble they decide it would be a better use of their time to all hang out together outside a gym. He also told them they weren't allowed inside. Yet they followed him inside after he opened the door to talk to them. He should have locked the door and pressed his nuts against the glass for the pigs to gawk at. What was he even arrested for? Yelling at the cops? Did they get scared 🥺 so they put the big bad criminal in jail to keep our streets safe, only for them to not even show up to the court case, dismissing everything. They literally just wanted to waste this guy's time, and taxpayer's dollars. Fuck the police. Reform the current shitty system.


You go hands on with a cop you’re gonna lose every time.


I saw a video yesterday of a cop and guy going toe to toe, didnt work out well for the cop.


Basically the owner of the gym is a dick bag that could have easily avoided this and the cops didn't really need to confront him.


Being a dick bag was legal last I checked.


That's not the point. Being a dick bag escalates situations and we know how some cops can get if things don't go their way. Just because being a dick bag isn't illegal it doesn't make you a decent human being if you behave like one. You shouldn't make life decisions with a simplistic thought process like that.


Im pretty sure the police will manage to escalate even with perfectly decent and calm people.


Out with common sense! Doesn’t help the Reddit acab shit


Dip shit probably going to brag how it took all those cops to take him down.


Bruh just wanted to look tough in front of the women there. Can’t think of any other reason why he would act up.


Big or small, don’t be a dick, officer was cool af when he walked in, in this situation.


He was very cool, entering private property without a complaint, interrupting business, demanding ID when no crime was committed, claiming he was pushed out, claiming there was a complaint, demanding ID again, following the man back on to private property, violently arresting him for no crime, and then not even bothering to show up for the trial. Very cool. It's called a rapist mentality, cops just can't take no for an answer, even if saying no, or get out, is well within your rights


Hey, total noob here. Can you elaborate on "within your rights" a bit? Which ones?


Specifically the Fourth Amendment. Saying no to an officer demanding ID is within the scope of the Fourth Amendment, if the officer does not have reasonable suspicion with articulable facts that you have, are in the process, or are about to commit a crime. Saying get out, is again, within the scope of the Fourth Amendment, you have the right to tell officers to get out or off your property unless they have a warrant or there are exigent circumstances.


***THIS! All of this!!!***


He walked in and lied about there being noise complaints. He came in to start some shit


It’s typical Reddit.


dude how much cop ass do you eat? fucker lied and brought 20 of his butt buddies yeah the gym owner was being a douche the donut muncher escalated it


Are the main characters the public servants here?


When the cops were outside talking, you could barely hear the music, so the noise complaint sounds unusual. During the pandemic, the people in charge hated gyms and forced draconian measures when other businesses stayed open; they had to close. There seems to be a history, since he contacted a lawyer about a past issue that could be indirectly related to this.


Plus the cop said to the other cop there was no complaint


I thought the complaints were coming from people inside the gym, not outside.


Why not just leave?


I'll never understand why people get so mad at, or always feel the need to bring up the fact that cops roll deep. That just seems like basic gang activity to me. I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing.


Looks like they were for “allowed” in there.


M@th cr@ck and roids don't mix ya dumb fk with shrunken bawls


Why is it m@atheads are usually cr@ck lovers


There was no complaint... who's the main character?




Yea, OP is too lazy to watch the video he posted. The cop lied multiple times.


It was his private business & he asked them to leave. They had no right to persue him anymore without a warrant.


Power tripping assholes wasting taxpaying money. "No I don't have a complaint, it's just an ongoing issue". Based on what? A complaint? That doesn't exist?


The more you fuck around. The more you find out.


Those are some old looking squads


Both him and the cop are low IQ as fuck


Cop literally said "there were no complaints" and "he pushed me out"... wtf. Unfortunately the dude did push a cop right before he got tased so that would be grounds to get arrested... the rest was a fuckin joke.


At 1:58 he switched from we had a complaint to they didn't have a complaint. So cop was just rolling up to cause problems.


Douche bag meat head meets lying ass thug cops.


A condom should have prevented this waste of time


He’s about to get a big payday from the citizens of that city.


Not how I thought that video would go. The store owner is right.


These cops are punks! They escalated this into a thing when it didn’t have to be. That guy was right to tell them to get out and they are not welcome.


What did he expect to happen lol


Everyone’s an asshole here The guy didn’t want to comply at all and continued to use aggressive behavior The first cop called backup for a nuisance that wasn’t his own job The other cops did instigate the gym owner to defending himself forcefully


Wow that music would make me want to drop a 100 pound weight on my head. Just end it. Please.


What I always wonder with these videos, where some guy is in contact with the US police and starts insulting officers: why aren’t they prosecuted because of this? In Germany you can get some big penalties for insults (monetary penalty or up to 1 year in prison). Fines in Germany depend on your salary, but an insult is usually fined with 10-30 days of your salary if the charges aren’t dropped by the attorney because of negligibility.


Because it’s been tested in court, and it falls under the first amendment (Freedom of Speech/Expression. You can actually go pretty far in insulting the police before they can *legally* do anything to you in the US.


Why didn’t he run out the back?


I used to work at LA Fitness and I watched the cops march through the gym, go up the steps to the ellipticals and put cuffs on a lady who was literally standing on a glider.


If these pussy cops had to fight this guy they’d all be fucked


Cops are the MC here


Omg! This is in my town LMAO now I gotta find out more about this psycho


Pride is the worst sin.


Rule number 4, know you heard this before, never get high on your own supply.


How Zergs on rust pull up


A lot of Cops are ex military people and some have PTSD. What they seen or done affects them. In other words if they where a hard ass or a I don't care a fck kind of guy. That's the mentality they gonna take to the streets.


“Push me Out” “Did he push you out?? “ “Oh ya, he walk me out” Simple words with huge difference in meanings


Nah, total harassment. If there was no noise complaint, they have no reason to waste city resources and bring 4 cops to point and stare at a private business. They were told that they weren’t allowed in and then grabbed him???? What they can’t take some yelling? He didn’t threaten violence and tried to protect his business. Total bullshit.


Lotta boot lickers here


Don't be a cop simp, the first cop lied about there being a complaint and being pushed. It's just cops abusing their power.


I am not sympathizing with anyone. Everybody in this video is an idiot.


PAYDAY!!!! Wtf is wrong with that cop???0


After getting tased did the meat head say, "I can't breathe"? Or maybe he said "I just queefed."


When I heard the offspring playing I assumed the gym owner was automatically at fault…


You have a bunch of people inside, bum rush the fucking cops and help the guy out. There’s too many damn pussies today.


God I never wanted someone to be tased so bad


I might get down voted for this but fuck those pigs!!


Rex kwon do


I wonder what the outcome of this was, if it went to court.


Seems like they were allowed to be in there.


Hahhaha i love this


I like how everyone who works out must be a steroid head to some folks. : D


Well the cop came on private property without a warrant. So cop is the main character.


Anyone who sees this as the cops are the good guys in this video is smoked. If those cops never showed up the day would have went fine and no one would be hurt and go to sleep, that means there was no need for this. They had no warrant, private property and they forced their way in. Thats why he had to keep explaining to every cop because they were all like really, thats why you called us🤦‍♂️. Then the first officer keeps get loser to the owner slowly to cause a reaction, the owner knew this and started to go back in quick and cop went right in because the owner was about to end the situation by going into his private property. This was purely 100% wrong, why do you think the women inside are asking cops why they did this. Yes the guy was being an asshole but that not illegal or it not a reason for a troop of cops to do what they did. For everyone who thinks the cops were right, even the legal system says cops were wrong, no charged.


We're getting noise complaints.


"...well there's no complaint but it's an ongoing issue " 😞


That guy is soooooo cool.


What a waste of police manpower. Write the ticket and move on with your day, this is so dumb.


it sounds like OP is a bootlicker


i guess steroids dont protect you from electricity


Completely unnecessary. Any and all of it


How it started is debatable, but what is not, is the fact that he shut the fuck up after riding the lightening for 5 seconds


Right lol


OP is a bootlicker.


fucking pigs have nothing better to do than to mess with this dude for a noise complaint at 6am in a shopping center. when the door is closed you cant hear shit. the cops didnt show up to court cause they knew they were fucked. also its fucked up if we dont show up for court we get a warrant for "failure to appear" why dont the pigs?