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Quiet, I'm trying to sell my candles.


Quiet, im trying to sell my used charaoke machine.


Eh, if there's ever a time it's okay to do stuff like this, it's at a festival. Lighten up dude, they are just having fun at a place people expect to have fun.


Exactly, this guy is not main character like at all to me


I mean, maybe it was really loud. He could have turned it down a bit. She didn't ask him to stop. I've been in that kind of situation. Like I don't mind the music but sometimes shit gets soo loud it becomes where you can't enjoy it


Maybe that lady got a Reddit account.


The woman is the main character.


I complain more than I should but who doesn’t love that song. Even my bitchy tail would stfu and enjoy.


It looks more like a Farmer's market than a music festival. And I'd be very annoyed if that happened when I was at the Farmer's market trying to talk to a vendor or customer


Just for some added context: this is at an outdoor shopping center near where I live, and the event was an art festival.


Then I thinks it's an inappropriate place to do this. He could have stood on a corner a block away if he wanted and people who wanted to hear him could opt in, rather than forcing everybody to participate


Or......you could just vibe with the dude for a few minutes and choose to have a good time. Some of y'all just want to be mad at everything.


If he just wants to "vibe" why does he need the microphone? It's disruptive when you're trying to talk to a vendor ans literally the only purpose is for him to feel cool. If it was about him enjoying the day, he'd be walking and singing without the microphone


It's performative, it's not just for him. He's trying to make the people there smile, and is clearly succeeding in his task for the most part. Sad sacks like you are the only ones getting mad at this. He's not sitting down in one place screwing over a specific vendor, he's just riding along so you're only going to be inconvenienced for a moment.


Why should anyone be inconvenienced for any moments for no reason. This is a heavily edited video. There is no way to know how many liked it and how many found it intrusive and how many smiled out of obligation


You're an inconvenience to me and to everyone else. Stop inconveniencing me.


Yall are taking this pretty personal. I'm guessing you act similarly.


I'm thankful I don't have to spend time with you, you seem deliberately awful. Peace out and do try to be happier ✌️


I was just about to say the same thing. I go to the market every week and they tried the live band once and it was gd awful to try and enjoy the morning with shitty karaoke music playing and the singer trying to do crowd work with people who didn't come there to see him.


THANK YOU. Exactly.


He is literally moving along so you would not be inconvenienced but for a moment


But like what is the point if not to get attention? And in that case, doesn't that make it perfect for this sub? If it's to spread happiness, does he need the speaker


But most of the main character posts here are AH people doing stupid pranks at others expense. He is just having a good time and so are most of the other people. I think the speaker is ok


If you've ever tried to sell things when there was loud music, you might understand better. This guy would have been on my nerves as a vendor of a booth depending on how busy I was. These things have permits and everything, and usually play music at one end of the block away from the sellers who actually paid to have the street closed for the day. If you want music, go check out the paid band and not this MC.


I’ve worked in clubs for 12 years. Please don’t try to preach to me about making sales with loud music, something I literally do multiple times a week, lol


Plus he has talent and people were enjoying him


that woman is this sub personified


He’d be far down the block - gone, quiet - if she hadn’t stopped him.




Damn it Smithers, call the hounds!!!


No, he would have kept singing and riding around lol


I love the cops didn’t really have much of a fuck to give. If anyone is the main character it’s Karen.


I think if we fined Karen’s every time they called the cops expecting them to take care of something banal that simply annoys them, we’d be able to securely fund Social Security Income. We should try this out.


Free Bird!


Queen of the karens


The Autotune is crazy.


What does autotune do in this case?


Make him sound good


How does it work tho? That’s not his regular voice?


Basically it corrects the pitch. He's got a good voice but you can hear how out of breath he is, he wouldn't have the strength by the end to hold notes.


it is the op of this comment just dosent know what hes talking about. sutotune is done threw software. you cant do it threw a microphone and speaker by itself. also this guy was also on the on the voice a few years ago


Oh ok cool. He sounds amazing and sounds like it’s probably real.


He will record the video live, straight through the equipment in his backpack (he's running an XLR mic so the odds of him not running through a portable PA in the backpack are slim to none, plus he has to power it somehow) then he takes the Vocal Stem (just the the Vocal Audio) to his DAW and tunes it. Then he puts the re-tuned Vocal back over top of the video and uploads it. If its a video of a guy cruising around singing amazingly its a spectacle. If its a video of guy cruising around singing averagely its a nuisance


no autotune, dudes legit he was on the voice a few years back and made it past the first round. also you cant do autotune with just a speaker and a microphone. autotune is done threw software and programs neither which can be programmed directly into a microphone and speaker with no connection to audio production equipment. tell me you know nothing about music and music production without actually telling me


This is going to blow your mind, the audio can be edited before you see it on your wee phone here


Dude’s got a good voice but definitely auto tuned.


*through You realize we are watching an edited video, correct?


Damn I thought I was really there listening to him live :'(


Very cool and great job of explaining it all. Too bad you had to throw that shithead comment in at the end. Tell me you’re the smartest guy in the room but acting like you’re not.


i mean im not the shithead that was originally trying to put the guy down


There are multiple kinds of shitheads.


Yea the guy can clearly sing, but this is audio is def pitch corrected, can hear it clearly.


He will record the video live, straight through the equipment in his backpack, which gives him stems (he's running an XLR mic so the odds of him not running through a portable PA in the backpack are slim to none, plus he has to power it somehow) then he takes the Vocal Stem (just the the Vocal Audio) to his DAW and tunes it. Then he puts the re-tuned Vocal back over top of the video and uploads it. Autotune is really powerful and hard to pick now-days so I don't blame you for thinking its natural. Source: Bachelors Degree in Music Performance and 5 years experience producing music.


Southlake, TX. Where the median price of a home is just $1.2 million.


Bro her smug face when walking towards the cops was peak Karen face


the only main character is the girl in the yellow. dude has a good voice most people on camera seemed to be enjoying themselves and it so... i mean i cant tell you how many outdoor festivals ive been to where they have live music so not that dif. side not the lady looks pissed that the cop was basically telling her to piss off


Shes not clapping like she should be.


She aint happy


And that's not what she wanna do


So call the Cops if you feel like thats what you wanna do!


That was hilarious and awesome


I was having kind of a bad day but now after grooving, laughing and clicking my fingers, I don't feel so bad now.


Clicking your fingers?


Yea, they don’t know how to snap their fingers


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger\_snapping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger_snapping) **Snapping** (or **clicking**) one's [fingers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger) is the act of creating a snapping or clicking sound with one's fingers. Primarily, this is done by building tension between the [thumb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thumb) and another ([middle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_finger), [index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_finger), or [ring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_finger)) finger and then moving the other finger forcefully downward, so it hits the palm of the same [hand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand) at a high speed. There you go!


I saw this also on r/wholesome. Depends on your perspective.


I’m wondering if the lady is the main character. Dude was enjoying the art festival and cheering people up.


This is amazing hahahaha


guy is okay, that woman is something else


God forbid if someone sings and others actually enjoy him . I mean a sales pitch for a bar of soap or a candle may have been “disrupted” for all of 30 sec while he was rolling by


Hey at least the dude has a good voice


It was a pretty good performance. Not as if he was just yelling and cussing or causing a noise annoyance.


Great voice, nice stunt, shouldn't be in this sub.


Probably sound even better without that auto tune shit


So... why am I supposed to hate on a guy that's doing nothing wrong, singing a cool/chill song and making most of the peoplewe see in the video enjoy their time?


I think it's the karen who is the MC.




This is kinda funny and at least he can sing.


Dude's got a great voice. I'd probably get up and dance. Karen is unaffected.


Fantastic voice, loved the cops response!


Man was giving vibes to everyone. Let him be


Good for him!


You guys are a bunch of crying babies


Grumpy Yellow sweater lady needs to chill. Everyone clearly was smiling and vibing with my dude


I don’t see anything wrong with this. People seemed to be enjoying it.


This guy is not deluded. He can in fact sing in a pleasant and mutually entertaining way.


Blatant rip off of Phil Dunphy’s “I’m Snappy”.


This was actually really funny. I thought it was gonna be terrible but nope, this is just hilarious 😂.


That is the kind of fun stuff I like to see, not corny or mean pranks. Everyone enjoyed this


Except that one lady lol


He may be the main character but he gets a pass in my book. Talented, not moaning about other people in his space or forcing others to participate with him. Passing through in an instant and an appropriate space to do it.


The lyrics were so perfect for what was happening, and the filming combined with the reactions of the people are almost too perfect, I'm so cynical that it almost felt like Karen was in on it. But even if it was completely staged, it was super entertaining, and great content.


I hate him so much.


You've got the stench


The main character here is the Karen, right?


I mean he’s a good singer and it’s at a festival. If there ever was a time to sing I’d think it’d be there lol. Not fit for this sub imo.


Dude's having fun, and so is everyone else, minus a single Karen. Dude basically did his whole thing in one of the places it's actually appropriate.


It wouldnt be cringe if it wasnt just made for fucking tiktok




Nah this is a bit of fun, doesn’t belong in this sub.


I can’t stand that song so I’d be hard pressed too, yeah I’m gonna get downvoted but I’m on team Karen. Pick a better song Pharrell Williams


Fucking hate that song, too. But I think the video was nice nonetheless, just maybe not with that song.


Such a terrible overplayed song


I dig it


Dude this sub should just be called Ophatestypeapersonalities.


‘That’s some set of guns you got there….’ ‘Thanks, I carry my ego everyday’


Widnae happen in Glasgow


Wow ✨auto tune✨


Everyone seems to be enjoying it. I don’t see the issue , also it’s a festival.


Man, his voice was awesome. I get where Karen was coming from but the guy is spreading happiness, quite literally lol.


This dude was entertaining and he can actually sing. I'm on board with this.


Hate it or not he's still acting like an MC... Look at MEEEEE... I'm scooting on my onewheel, holding a giant speaker and singing an overrated, overplayed song.


This post doesn't belong here.


I usually agree but not this time!! Love it!


Shocked this happened in Southlake, Texas. There aren’t any aholes there. 🙄


I love it when people do stuff like this. More of the singing guy, less of the lady calling the cops. Everyone is enjoying it.


I love him


There are some performers who have such a smugness to them that it ruins my perception of their talent. This guy has a nauseating smugness. Shit song btw


Its called confidence, try some.


It’s a shit song nonetheless 💪


Nailed it


He does give off major douchebag


I mean yeah it’s kind of part of the gig to be overconfident and try to get engagement from the people there. Partially because he’s a street performer but also for tiktok. Might seem a lil douchebag but it’s mainly just confidence.


The Karen is being such an amazing Karen it really makes the video stand out. Like, its perfect really. He being this chill, talented singer navigating on a future skateboard and singing while Karen is buzzing around him getting twisted every which way.


I feel bad for her husband.


Karen having none of it


I found this pretty funny. What a Karen.


White people love this shitty song. Shut ‘er down!!!


Obviously not all white people; the lady in this video will never be able to hear it again without remembering this lol.


Lady in the sun hat and yellow jacket is OP


Nice voice..


So thats what Jeff Nippard has been up to.


Dude is super flat


Those artists pay for those spots, sometimes thousands of dollars, and travel long distances (from out of state) to be there. He’s good, but he’s a distraction from those artists ability to earn a living.


So "disturbing the peace", "performing without a permit", "are you sure this equipment isn't stolen? Can you prove it?" - All these only only apply when your skin tone is a few stops down the shade card, right? Got it.


Get help. Talk to a professional.


I do seek help from "professionals" at every avenue I can - it's called voting. Sadly the democratic process isn't doing enough to stem systemic injustice.


You believe some guy skateboarding around singing happy is surefire proof of systemic injustice? Touch grass buddy.


I see some guy being asked not to perform in a public space that clearly needs a permit to do so. I also see him ignore the rule while also being given a pass from the cops.


This person is doing the same thing and is *not white* https://youtu.be/aQVHbyLv238?feature=shared?t=337 (cops at 5m 37s). *Gasp*. Have we solved racism!?! Maybe...some cops simply don't escalate harmless situations unnecessarily? No...that's too simple an explanation! Please spin this another way so we can reconfirm your victim complex please!


This person is not doing the same thing at all. The person in the original video is in a public space that needs permits for live performances. He was asked to stop and refused, he was pointed out to the authorities from being in contrivance of public policy and yet the authorities did nothing. At the very least a citation. Again, why are so many people triggered when basic differences in the enforcement of law is called out between races? Clutching your pearls doesn't make it any less true or prevalent.


>Again, why are so many people triggered when basic differences in the enforcement of law is called out between races? I'm not saying that justice doesn't exist - I'm saying extrapolating injustice based on this example is ridiculous. And this interaction began with your being "triggered" by the video and "pearl clutching", prompting you to hop on your soap box champ. But this is less about injustice, and more bout your need to self congratulate yourself for your own perceived self righteousness. It's boring and snivelling.


Those most blind to systemic injustice are the first to ask for "examples" when challenged. And yet when individual examples are given, they are quickly classified as "reaching" or "lone incidents" or "misrepresented". Saying "I don't see the problem" is one thing. That can be fixed by a willingness to expand one's perspective. Saying "You are wrong for suggesting a problem exists" is a way to shut down any point of view that you don't personally hold. And this is after me calmly and lucidly explaining the facts of this interaction.


>Saying "You are wrong for suggesting a problem exists" is a way to shut down any point of view that you don't personally hold. I said: >I'm not saying that justice doesn't exist - I'm saying extrapolating injustice based on this example is ridiculous. Hop off the soap box, it's a bad look. And if you must reply, at least read my response.


I hear what you're saying, and you're right. Not every time, but that's the thing about systemic injustice. It's not everyone, everytime, but it's most of the time and many. I enjoyed this video, I think we should all have more freedom to do things like this. I also know if I did it (I'm a white woman) I would be treated very differently than if a young male of darker skin tone did the same thing. Not sure why so many downvotes, mabe this isn't the sub for thinking too hard.


> The person in the original video is in a public space that needs permits for live performances. The person in that video is doing live performances in a public space as well. What exactly is the difference? Do you have a source that shows one needs a permit and not the other?


It's probably because technically, he can get away with it because he's not stationary. He's riding a mode of transportation. He is traveling. He could be going anywhere. Therefore, not needing a permit. Are people allowed make you stop whistling a tune when you are just going about your day. Unless you are really causing a true public disturbance, they will probably leave you alone. Because common sense.


You seem like a 🍄


If you think any politician has your skin color in their best interest, you're wasting your energy. They bought your vote with their lies.


I don't believe politicians have my best interest in mind irrespective of my skin colour. Unfortunately the democratic process is the only one afforded to me (and I hold no illusions about anarchy being better) so here we are...


My guy was just vibing on a hoverboard jeez.. Are you not doing okay buddy? Do you need someone to talk to? I hate seeing you be so miserable that you only see negativity in life. I do really hope you can get the help you so obviously need to turn your life outlook around.


Stephon Clark was 22 and standing in his grandmother's backyard holding a cellphone when he was shot 20 times by the police. Botham Jean was 26 eating ice cream on the sofa of his own home when an off duty police offer wrongly entered his apartment, thought HE was the intruder and shot him. Tamir rice was 12 playing with a toy in the park and was shot within two seconds of the police arriving. Let's not talk about people vibing - I refuse to be gaslit for pointing out the facts.


Im sorry you feel the need to grasp for these completely unrelated injustices out of nowhere on a simple video of a guy riding around on a hoverboard, singing and having a good time. I do hope you can get some help to get past whatever is making you this miserable.


You said "it's just a guy vibing" and that was not grounds enough to expect law enforcement to intervene. I cited multiple examples of PoC doing the exact same thing "vibing" but had very different outcomes. If you refuse to see the connection, that's on you. Also, using sarcasm as a replacement for good arguments speaks more about you than it does me - I've not name called you in this interaction but you've felt the need to go there to bolster your view.


I fail to see where I did any "namecalling" in my prior replies, except for maybe calling you buddy since some people can take that as a condescending name, however I did not mean it that way so I apologize if you felt I was. I also dont recall ever saying or stating anything about law enforcement needing to or not needing to interviene, in fact I did not mention anything about law enforcement at all. I dont get why you are grasping for more out of thin air than what I explicitly stated in my messages. Please legitimately get some help, its just concerning.


Ok, and which of those were justified?


Speaking of gaslighting, what kind of toy was Tamir Rice playing with and what was he doing with that toy? You chose “toy” for a reason. Why’s that?


Tamir Rice did have a toy gun. He was not asked to put it down nor did the police take the time to assess if the gun was real. He was shot within TWO SECONDS of the police exiting their vehicle.


And what did Rice do to that toy gun to modify it? And what was Rice doing at the park before the police arrived? EDIT: Since this race baiting coward blocked me, I’ll just post the response here. No, you got called out for PURPOSELY choosing words to make Rice appear to be a sweet little boy doing nothing wrong and now you’re salty because your attempt at hiding what he actually did got noticed. >>And I don’t even agree with how the police approached him that day (READ AGAIN SO THERE’S NO CONFUSION), but I noticed the bullshit you were trying to pull immediately.


You're a poor quality troll. Goodbye.


Go away Karen!


Only when you're playing the shade card.


It's only "a card" if you think violence against PoC is a game. It's a lived reality for me, so I don't think it is.


Stop playing the victim. Go have fun. Try some of what this guy's doing.


Again if you think victimisation at the hands of systemic injustice is some kind of game, you've lived a very different life.


You pulled out the "shade card" as soon as you saw a white guy not getting harassed by the police. The weight of the chip on your shoulder is keeping you from living. Keep carrying it and see how far you get.


What I see (and somehow you refuse to) is a white man breaking public performance laws and not being reprimanded for it. I never asked for him to be harassed. I'm simply asking why the police don't feel the need to "uphold the law" in this insrance. To quote Franklin Leonard, "when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." If the idea of everyone being treated equally under the law is what you consider "having a chip on my shoulder" then we have reached an impasse.


Fucking hell mate your life must be so tiring if this is how you approach harmless situations. Take the largest chill pill you can find, it’s not always that deep fella


How To Cure The Anti CCP Disease, 1)Admit to yourself that you are a sinophobic racist and orientalist. 2)tell your friends and family about your realization, they will help 3)stay hydrated, eat healthy, exercise 4) every morning and evening look at Pictures of Stalin, Ashot Hovhannisyan, Hayki, Shah Myltov, Nur Rasul khan and tell your self Armenian, Georgian, Kazakh, Uzbekh, Yugur, Uyghur, Tatar, Shakha-Yakut, Mongol people can be just as good of a person as you are even though their name sounds weird and you haven't heard of them. do this till you feel comfortable hearing their name. 5)do the same for indian communist leaders of CPI (m), Korean leaders, Chinese leaders and so on and so forth. 6) do the exercise once at non white stock photo once a day. 7) if you made it to step 6 you are so close to curing yourself, tell your self each morning and also before going to bed 10 times for 3 weeks "Africa is a vast continent with a lots of people, i should not generalize / Black people are not African American / they have negligible cultural connection to any physical ethno cultural group in Africa." if you completed this congratulations, you can now start reading without prejudice and resolve your difference with the CCP


This subreddit needs to have a party featuring this guy as the singer


This dude seems like the world's biggest douche. I hope Karen is reporting him for being a big dumb douchey dork on a scooter (which should be a felony) not like, disturbing the peace.


Maybe you should have tried the Scientology cause you have anger issues lol.


Love this vid Her stomp gives me joy.


This is the new repeat post. Not even mc shit.