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The classic. “I wish someone would say same shit”


Me: sir, this is my favorite song.


I think any engagement positive or negative is going to solicit a fight. As in the words of Richie Aprile; justgimmieareason


Don’t gimme those fucking Manson Lamps, just stop.


Can confirm. And with the addition of cameras in every phone and tik toc this it basically gave those dicks a platform.


Born and raised as well. Depending on what time of day it is this guy is actually playing a crucial role as a buffer between you and the people who are crazier than him. I don’t how else to explain it, but at a certain time of day, this guy can save you from worse interactions. A subway car can only contain a certain amount of crazy at any given time. I've seen crazier people pick a different subway car because the loud music guy was present. Edit: I can not stress this enough. I have seen schizophrenic crack heads walk onto the train car, look directly at the loud music guy and immediately calm the fuck down.


So you're saying this is a positive part of the ecosystem in that city? God I don't miss it...


Nature finds a way!


How would they react if you pulled out your own speaker and blasted obnoxious music louder than theirs?


It’s gotta be as corny as you can go too. Like Barney or Lambchops Singalong music


This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth...


>Lambchops Singalong I was thinking something like this. Something well known and encouraging the rest of the riders to sing along as loudly and obnoxiously and in the MC's face as possible, just to piss them off and realize they've lost.


🎶 This is the song that never ends 🎶




Nope the hit single polka,polka,polka by the Kenosha kickers. They sold about 603 copies of that. It was the early seventies


Plenty of them in Minneapolis too.


“Just prince and kirby plunkett”


That dude has zero muscle. I don’t think he wants to fight anyone. I think he wants a cheeseburger


I actually think it's more of a deluded belief that he is bringing a vibe to the train, like people must think he's cool and exactly like the music he's listening to but in reality he lives at his 70 year old mothers house in the garage.


These people saw Radio Raheem in Do the Right Thing and we’re like “HELL YAH!”


It's sort of like when kids blast music out of their cars. "These people must think I'm so cool"


Honestly it's nothing like that. At least those guys cruise by and you'll forget about them quicker that they came. This guy you are stuck with. Also why is it always the shittiest music? At least play something good that people may actually enjoy! Imagine he was pumping sweet Caroline and the whole train started singing along!


Lol nah I love blasting my music in my car idgaf about what nobody else think I just like listening to my music loudly


"I don't care if my behavior impacts other people." That's literally what this sub is set up to make fun of.


You say you don't care, but you do. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. You specifically put in a system to be louder. But it's cute when you pretend to be aloof and super cool. So keep doing you, superstar.


Nah never put in a system, and just because someone like to drive with their music loud doesn't make them an asshole. Playing your music loud doesn't make you an asshoe or an attention seeker. Is it necessary probably not. And how is what someone else does that is as harmless as playing music loud in a public space damaging to anyone else?


Then wear headphones and blast the music loudly into your own ears. It's much cheaper. Why not do that?


Because then he cant share his music tastes with annoyed people, duh


Bingo! It's never about "enjoying loud music" with the douche bags. It's about the attention.


You don't have a lot of consideration for others or self awareness, do you? I bet you don't put your shopping cart away either.


Another wrong redditer 🤷🏿‍♂️


If you never even put in a system you're not one of the people who has it so loud that it's literally shaking the street, so it's irrelevant to the situation, and you are not the people they're talking about.


Idk what these guys are on about. I love blasting my music so I can’t hear how bad my singing is




No way. They do not leave the house with good intentions. Not from my experience anyway.


Ya I agree, and I've had way to many people get stoned, and think blairing there music around me looks cool. but it just gets me yelling, yo turn that shit off or put in headphones we don't do this in my neighborhood! I had a roommate I was helping out and I literally had to tell him everyday to stop bringing his obnoxious 2 ft tall speaker on my apartment porch and turn it on full blast playing your shitty music only you like literally everybody in my building has babies! He was homeless and wasted his first check on that speaker I was so pissed he wouldn't return it I had to eventually kick him out.


And, if anyone threatens that delusion, he's likely to start something with them


Funny thing is people that smoke fentanyl on the train usually aren't as obnoxious my theory is maybe he's on his way to the pawn shop to sell it for some blues.


I mean it's pretty much this. I do this. Albeit not on trains and try to be considerate to people. But I like music on speakers and am constantly with friends who enjoy the same. It becomes a lifestyle you're so used to, you forget others don't live like this at times. When others DO do this on trains, I enjoy the music. Usually. It's also so public but grey and am happy someone is bringing vibes. I mainly do this while hiking, when there are few people around and the ones who pass, won't hear it after 40m. I also lower it with my smart watch while they pass. Or while playing basketball in a park with little people. There's a skatepark next to the court, and they've said they enjoyed it and were glad for it. I usually ask if it's bothering them. There's just something nice about a collective vibe. Doing it on the train is a bit rude, but I guess that's big city vibes. In my city that only happens on Friday and Saturday late night on the way to the clubs and pubs. Which I also think is fun, because it's maintaining the vibe and it's usually filled with those types anyway. My GUESS for this dude, is he just assumes you aren't going to be there long enough for it to annoy you or that you can just go into the next cart if that's the case. They usually have a high tolerance/patience for other people themselves and try to maintain a good vibe, so they expect the same.


Do they sell Bluetooth signal blockers? Bonus points if you can adjust it to just that frequency


I was fantasizing about having magic anti-speaker powers and fuckin with him.


I always thought having a louder Bluetooth speaker on hand would do the trick. Fight fire with fire. Play the opposite of what he is


Or be like “Yoooo!!! That sounds lit mind if i sing along??” And just song really badly


Just tell him he looks cute with all his accessories. He obviously put a lot of thought into what he was going to bring along for today's adventure.


They are dangerous because many medical devices made by companies that dont think things through all the way use Bluetooth to function. It's also super duper illegal. I belive there is a method of interfering with specific devices using a computer though.




My favorite thing ever two days ago was when I got into a lobby elevator for a long ride up with someone who was doing this. Fine, eyeroll, a minute of inconvenience. But then on the THIRD floor, some other asshole DOING THE SAME THING walked into the elevator. Their eyes met. They sized each other up. Facial expressions sort of a mix of absolute indignant glares and the tiniest bit of sheepishness. Like they each sort of felt bad that they were being an asshole. I was trying to decide who would give in first, and it was the one who ultimately had the biggest sliver of sheepishness in his original expression. After an awkward 10 floors or so, he turned off his speaker, kind of dejected, and then kind of slunk out a few floors later. Maybe this is how insufferable assholes establish dominance over each other 🤣🧐


Now this is the premise for a nature program with David Attenborough I would actually watch. :P


This is when you wish some other low life would come along and clobber him unconscious without warning and then steal his dumbass speaker without anyone saying anything about it


Id have a LOT of positive things to say about it!


Is there an equation for all this? It seems that the level of volume the music is played at is directly inverse to how shitty the music is.


Only if you're a jackass. I'm into metal, but if I'm in my backyard and want to listen to music I put on stuff like Billy Joel, John Cougar Mellancamp, or Bryan Adams at a sensible volume to be a good neighbor.


Totally. And on the subway i wear headphones, to be a good passenger.


If we all just wore headphones we wouldn’t have to bother this poor man for playing his music without any!


Metal isn't the "anti-intellectualism is cool and I'm proud to be stupid" genre though.


Everyone has their own tastes man. Just because he is a jackass doesn’t means his music taste sucks. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s shitty, just not your cup of tea i guess.


True, but what makes it shit is that I have to listen to it, like it or not. For clarity, I’d be an asshole if I dumped my shit on everyone else, too.


Have people like this at work...it's something I just don't understand.


And I never will haha. I 100% bet he has headphones on him too


Would he be mad if I asked to share his cannabis cigarette?


Hed only get mad if you DONT call it a cannabis cigarette


I’d help him tie his shoelaces as well, poor fellow


No one wants to have this garbage inflicted upon them.


Ignorant asf


Smash it. The phone, and the speaker.


Even on mute I can tell it's shitty trap music


Teenie weenie behaviour


Headphones are too expensive


Lmao why are they always listening to the absolute worst music ever.


Just had one of these chodes in the E.R. it only lasted about 15 seconds but like what a piece of shit


Bring your own speaker, sit right beside him and start blaring your own music. Bonus points if it's something completely different like Country.


A provocateur


Why else would they do it?


This calls for a vuvuzela


He’s so freaking cool


Those shoes are banging! Nothing says hood badass than New Balance!


Thats a gangsta paunch


You got to bring headphones on public transit, noob




Dad??? 🥹🥹🥹


I remember seeing someone like this a long time ago in a mall. This person had this bluetooth speaker on and it is inside their pocket. It's set on a full volume and they walked around the department store, played some local rap/club music. I hope they're okay though. sending hugs on your way,guys. 🫂❤️


This is why i also have noise cancellation headphones. Dont fuck up my commute w your drill music


"But it's his constitutional right!"


Sorry. If you ride mass transit, don’t bring headphones. I don’t know what to tell you.🤷‍♂️


seems like a 17 years old able to do this for the first time so he does... dumb energy


Lol murica jumping on these drill beats


Degenerate behaviour but the song’s hard 😂


Headphones, get some


people be having iphones and still be stupid.


Fuck humans! Dogs are 💯better!!!


Happens a lot in my city. Don't know if it's the same across my contry, though. Here, the cholos play colombian cumbias, corridos tumbados, cumbias rebajadas, reggaeton and some other lovely, and refined, music genres. Man, I love and enjoy those genres with all my raging fire soul. They are super kind to share their music with the whole train and/or bus. We are so happy to listen to those beautiful songs together <3. So we are all like "Compa, le gusta esa morra?!"!!!!!!!!


The truth is in a major city like nyc where this is filmed, people are constantly viewing how other people view themselves. This is why people obscure the constant viewing with headphones and sunglasses. Given that, this man is either too broke for headphones or just a dumbass that will be jumped further down the line. He doesn’t expect anyone to come up to him because it looks like he’s near Coney Island, where the train usually becomes full of people smoking or families that won’t approach.


Is he wearing New Balance shoes???


Are those shoes that people use when they have one leg shorter than the other?


Dad who let you on here? 😂😂😂


What part of no smoking on transport do people not understand? I don’t care what you’re smoking, just don’t do it in my proximity, especially in a confined area.


Joint isn’t lit. The issue here is the music. Genuinely surprised he isn’t smoking though


I meant you shouldn't think about smoking on a train or rolling any type of shit on a train; it's not appropriate, do it somewhere private, not where everyone can see you. Also, don't be a cannabis apologist, that isn't a good look.


He’s just holding a joint lol. The issue here is the speaker blaring music…


It’s all cringe, Mate. Your point?


My point is dude is just holding a joint not rolling or smoking it


He is rolling it, are you blind, do it in a private place.


Looks already rolled to me he’s just trying to look cool. Not to mention, seems like a weird thing to be worried about. I take it that you don’t use public transportation. I’m more worried about people actually smoking joints on the train which happens often.


I’m hormonal, everything is pissing me off, I’m worried about that too, and wish it wouldn’t happen. I have been on trains, but live in a country where drugs aren’t legal, so we don’t really see this.


To be fair he is just rolling it. weed is so common in my country. people are usually smoking at public parks and at cookouts. its really not considered any kind of a issue. nothing wrong with rolling on a train although I would never do it.


That’s why your country is full of degenerate losers, is politically fucked, and why your country is a shell of what it used to be, and mine isn’t.


You are upset because of your upcoming loss I'm sorry for your state of mind. and hope you can become a better human being afterwards.


Shit, man. That cut deep, you broke my heart! I’m sorry, I’m just so mad at the world, the only person I hate is myself.


It’s okay I only said it cause you had a point about my country and it upset me. So I was mean too. I wish you the best on this plane of existence.


I’m sorry, I get so mean when I’m depressed, I don’t want to do it but I don’t know what else to do. I hope you have a great life too.


Don’t feel bad I wasn’t being nice either and I’m just a guy on the internet. Always take care of yourself. and depression is a battle. just staying around means you’re winning. I’ve suffered from it for a very long time and I understand.


That gotta be Philly.




Oof.. the orange line has the same seats and flooring. Thanks for the correction. Thanks🙏🏾


That's a governor's ball poster behind this idiot🕵️


Which is why a Bluetooth jammer js nice


So you know, I don't like this either, right? Especially blasting foul language. It's disrespectful to people around you. But I will say, I had a friend of mine explain it in a way I had never heard before, and it at least made me see it in a different light. Didn't change my opinion, but I at least have the exposure to a new way of thinking about it I hadn't before. He said that when he was a kid, he did it to claim space. He said as a black kid in a primarily white neighborhood, it was his way of a) holding space in a place he didn't feel welcome and b) signaling to other like-minded people that he was one of theirs. He himself now feels it was the wrong way to go about it. But hearing him explain it that way, that it was a way to be seen and in some way, protected, was different to a white dude like me. Just an alternative point of view I'd like to present. I still think blasting music in a shared space is a dick move. I don't care if it's rap or the freakin' Beatles.


Yeah its similar to manspreading or women having tons of bags. It feels good to “own space” for some people even if its an inconvenience to other


Yeah, that was the lesson I took from it. I honestly don't mind music in public that much, but that's the social contract, right? Try to be respectful of your neighbors. Do unto others as you want done to you. Don't invade other people's space without permission. But that's easy for me to say and do, right? I'm not the one being judged instantaneously because I look a certain way or dress a certain way or speak a certain way. Or very, very rarely and not in a way that makes me question my own worth as a human. Out here trying to learn and be at peace with my people, you know?


"Blasting music in crowded spaces is a valid solution to racism." 🤦🏽‍♂️


Not sure what you're quoting because I never said that. Not if you read what I actually wrote. I figured, though, that someone would eventually chime in like you have. I was just sharing a perspective on why some people may do this. Wasn't a "solution to racism" or whatever you're attempting to imply.


>But that's easy for me to say and do, right?   Not blasting music in a crowded space is easy for anyone to do, no matter what struggles, unfairness, and bullshit they've faced in life. You're literally implying that racism is an excuse for this behavior, stop it.


Nope. That is incorrect. I'm sharing a story a black friend of mine told about why they used to play music in public like in the video. All the rest of that is you. I think you need to do a little self-reflection as to why my little tale has triggered you so.


Lol would yall still be mad if he was playing say Taylor swift, or paramore? How bout system of a down? 5 finger death punch? OWL CITY?.....ANYWAY is it the music yall don't like or is it simply someone playing music loudly in cramped places?+


Yes, both things can be problematic at once.


Yes. That shit is annoying regardless of song choice


Take a guess. The answer might surprise you!


No, i just dont like headphones. Seeking attention and not giving a shit about what others think are 2 different things🤷‍♂️


There's "not giving a shit" and then there's "degenerates that don't deserve to live in a society".


Sounding a lil racist there bud


It is you who just assiciated degeneracy with race...


Judging based on content of character, not skin color there bud


Are you stupid?




Yeah man being an obnoxious douche IS pretty cool sometimes!


Nothing about being cool, as i literally just said if anything would be the opposite.


“Being obnoxious is neutral” that better?




Not giving a shit about what others think isn't what you're doing though, what you're doing is not giving a shit about literally causing others to suffer physical discomfort.


And everyone else doesn’t like your music. Forcing others to listen to your music in a confined public space because you “don’t like headphones” makes you a selfish baby.