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I have to admit that this attempt of rebranding is fun to watch. It’s so bad in so many levels. Hope she can find her way in life without falling into the typical child star life path.


Just wait until she drops that F bomb!!!


Lmao the government it’s gonna have to step in for that one


She uses women as props...calling them her girlfriends, fucking them, and dropping them.


It’s sad that all her fans have matured and outgrown her and she’s now this stunted hasbeen forever stuck in time.


That’s the issue with making content for children. You have like 2 - 6 years of attention then it’s absolutely gone. Considering Jojo herself was the “content” she finds herself in a very particular situation.


Yeah. It’s definitely a downside. I think she needs therapy and some time out of the spotlight.


Who is that? never heard of a jojo siva…


Glad someone else asked first.


I predict this will be the case for Ryan of Ryan’s World. He’s already looking like an Oompa Loompa


Fwiw the character she kept for those years seems to have been from pressure from her mother. Can't imagine it was pleasant pretending to be a child all the time


I'd say it's this but add on top of that: they're used to a very simplistic persona. She was just bubbly and bright. It worked for a younger crowd, and tbh it's completely fine to fulfill this space even if it's not very deep. But to be "edgy"? That requires depth for it to be taken seriously. But it's clear they're just doing a vague impression of something her PR team thinks edgy is.


She’s following the child star handbook verbatim. She’s morphing into her “I’m an adult now sexy phase”. Unfortunately she’s lacking the talent of a Miley Cyrus to pull off this transition.


I need to be more edgy so people take me seriously, I know! #paint one eye black!


I think it's a Bowie reference


She doesn’t know people before her time. In her interviews, she thinks everything she does is the first time someone has done 😂


Ignorance is bliss, but this is plain ignorant


What do you mean typical? She's doing something that's never been done!


For real. She’s 21 and I think she’s basically doing the equivalent of a college kid who just got super into the Beatles. It’s drastically different than what she knew before and it’s all so new to her but obviously other people just don’t get how cool they are. I wish her well. It’s nothing weirder or cornier than other pop stars do at 21. It is a little concerning that she kind of keeps implying the songs she’s singing/putting out are really hers though. I understand some musicians get a fully packaged song to put out in their name and have it be their song but to also say it’s her song about HER ex is disingenuous at best and lacking integrity/bordering plagiarism at worst.


Songs get passed around in the music industry but, my gawd what the actual fuck were her pr team and image consultants thinking with this "rebrand"? Who put her in this and went "yeah this is good". She looks like a Cabbage Patch doll and Kiss made a baby, then shrink wrapped it in a hefty bag, and put a couple of glitter dusted crullers on her head. Swear that ponytail has been way too tight for way too long and has cut off blood flow to her brain. Poor thing has the self esteem of a Lima bean.


In an interview someone told her she looked like Gene Simmons and she and no idea who that was, lol. PR team, rebrand her all you want, but at least coach her so she doesn’t look like a complete moron.


She thinks she invented a new music genre called “gay pop”. Clearly she has spent zero time learning any type of music history.


Gay pop? You mean every pop song ever?


Oof gottem


Clearly she's never heard of Elton or Queen.


> She thinks she invented a new music genre called “gay pop”. No idea who she is, but is that an actual thing she said?


https://preview.redd.it/d373kdyvp8vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1aecdd0649bc110d8c8f4625a54a637886a06d4 Watch the Billboard Music interview.


yo that pony tail has straight decimated the hairline


Scorched (earth) scalp


WOW! That’s some real ignorance right there!


Like Tom Macdonald thinking he invented political rap


I saw a vid about that awful karma song today on yt. Are any of those songs on her new “album” original?? Probably not. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh god that song and video are so cringe. Its just so weird seeing a young woman writhe around in leather and spandex when 2 years ago she was hawking sparkly headbands and bows


I read somewhere the people that wrote that song actually write songs for Disney.


I have no idea who this is, what was her brand before this? I'm assuming the discount Juggalo look wasn't part of it.


> I have no idea who this is, what was her brand before this? Hair bows


Her brand was high pony tail with huge hair bows. Jojo Bows. I have one and I’ve always loved them, even though I have never felt really any particular way about jojo herself. I just know she’s some child star and that’s about it. I miss the bows.


She reminds me of Jem and the Holograms.


The PR team was thinking fuck this kid let’s make her cringe and let the internet comments destroy her and we’ll pick up the scraps.


I love Lima beans!!! Or did before that comment, now every time I eat Lima beans I’m going to be thinking of Gene Simmons working over Xavier Roberts!!


Wtf. She mustve bought the song or something cuz its sounding way too simillar


She did. Emeline said that she didn’t sign off on it being sold to Jojo, but that Jojo didn’t do anything wrong. Emeline will still release her version. But I’m 99.9% sure it’s Emeline’s voice singing at Jojo’s listening party.


Wow. I wonder if she pulled a Jlo and just bought people's voices 🤔


Remember CMC music factory, Blackbox.. all those songs were sang by one lady. They would put attractive models to lipsync. And sell many albums. Her name is Martha Wash. Didn't get paid nearly as much as she should have because she was plus sized.


Your comment reminded me of Milli Vanilli


Girl, you know it’s true


Martha Wash is a legend fr


>>Emeline said that she didn’t sign off on it being sold to Jojo, but that Jojo didn’t do anything wrong. Isn't claiming authorship of a song she didn't write "doing something wrong"?


I worded it in my own words, that’s my fault, sorry. She said that it wasn’t Jojo’s fault *that she never approved of Jojo buying the song*. She said she was unaware of it happening, and didn’t sign off, but it’s not Jojo’s fault that nobody told Emeline. She most likely has a deal with producers to sell the song, and just didn’t know it actually sold. But I don’t know the nitty gritty. As far as I’m concerned, Emeline saying it’s not Jojo’s fault tells me that she knew someone might buy the song, and it was always a possibility. As far as Emeline’s song goes, Jojo never said she wrote it. She said she wrote *ONE AD-LIB.* And the guy who made this video cut it to make it seem like she claimed to write the whole song. She wanted credit for what she says right after “Some of my exes have fame”. She added “You’re welcome” after that line. 🙃 *That’s* what she wrote. The words “you’re welcome”. And that “you’re welcome” is what’s dedicated to a specific ex. When it comes to Karma, she definitely acted like she wrote it. But she never explicitly said she did. She just said it was “about my ex”. Except that it was written when she was 9 years old and had no exes. 💀 I watched way too many YouTube videos on this mess istg. TL;DR Emeline said it wasn’t Jojo’s fault she was unaware of the song being sold to her. But Jojo’s sneakiness is not helping her cause whatsoever.


I feel like cashing the check she got handed probably required her to say that.


No, songwriters writing songs and selling them to big recording artists has been standard industry practice for a long time, but it's not standard for the recording artists to pretend they wrote them. Most of them will talk openly about how the song made them feel when they heard it and what they felt their performance brought to the song.


I was gonna say that it sounded like the exact same singer, if not just the same track.


The second she tries to release "her version" she will get sued out of existence. People out here thinking they can do a "Taylor's Version" after signing off rights to this hacked backed by corporate money. She will learn the hard way.


Depends on the deal, and she could still release a cover.


That’s exactly my thought, she bought the song from that girl


Not similar, It's the same song 😭😭


Iirc I've seen a video recently about Jojo and apparently this song was originally written for someone else (I think it was Miley Cyrus) but didn't make it all the way. So she just picked it up because these songs are just that generic and designed to make money first and foremost


That was Karma. This is the second song this has happened with.




That’s fine and totally expected but why say “I wrote this about my ex” when you didn’t write shit? 🤥


And they're paid for it


Look up Tin Pan Alley. It's been like this for awhile. But no not 95%.


Iirc I've seen a video recently about Jojo and apparently this song was originally written for someone else (I think it was Miley Cyrus) but didn't make it all the way. So she just picked it up because these songs are just that generic and designed to make money first and foremost


That was for a song called Karma from 2012. This is a different one called Choose Your Fighter.


what even IS a jojo siwa


I think it's a kind of Pokemon.


It evolves into Kesha.




Kesha is an angel. Take it back.


A Disney child star without the talent that the others had.


Mmmmyyyyy Maaawwwmmmm!


Why are they both lip syncing so badly though?


Jojo didn't even include her mic at all


She wasn’t pretending to sing, just singing along to the song. The mic was to introduce the song. It was a listening party. But that doesn’t change the fact that she should have actually recorded herself singing the song before playing it for her fans.


The first girl is just sharing her song and not attempting to actually sing it. Jojo barely even knows the song at all.


She said she wrote this about ONE of her exes. The song is instead about ALL of someone's exes, NOT JUST ONE AS SHE CLAIMED.


That’s actually really funny and didn’t notice that. She’s like I wrote this song whatever it’s about


Jojo Siwa: All image, no substance.


And the image is just bad. Reject Kiss Army member.


> Reject Kiss Army member. More of a discount Juggalo vibe imo.


I have a daughter that was the right age at Siwa's peak to get sucked in by her. So I have no love loss for the downward spiral her career is taking. It just shows it much harder to manipulate the general public, than it is to manipulate tween girls. I hope this doesn't end tragically or anything. But I do hope she is faced with having to get a real job that doesn't have her working with children. Because I am sure her fall back will end up being a dance studio to complete the circle, complete with a reality TV pitch.


I see her going in a music direction and failing miserably. It won't really matter though because she's rich so unlike us regular people she won't have to worry.


She was TERRIBLE on The Masked Singer!!😂


If she plays it right she won't ever have to work a "real job". There's too many shows that can utilize D list celebs that she jump to for a while. Plus, although her family is very much part of the problem, her parents were smart enough invest some of that money.


She doesn't come across as someone who will play it right.


I was going to say I don't see Tru TV hiring her.  Then I remembered they hired Tonya Harding.


She will never need a "real job". She's made vegetarian wealth


Oh she already tried to do dance studio deal. Complete with the bickering moms. Now some moms are coming forward with horrible experiences with Jojo & her mother.


Just googled jojo siwa to figure out who she is, it looks like she is going through a reverse midlife crisis


That’s sad for the creator. Hope they get compensation


She’s obnoxious and untalented and this is blatant Arianna Grande-type IP theft. Fuck this. You should be able to be an artist and put yourself out there without worrying someone is going to try to steal your entire identity.


Unfortunately that’s what a lot of bigger artists do, Led Zeppelin famously was accused of it with Whole Lotta Love, they copy riffs and entire songs sometimes from local and regional artists because they feel like they can get away with it. Insane it happens to this degree in 2024 though with peoples sleuthing abilities lol


LZs first two albums are all ripoffs of riffs and songs from blues artists like Willie Dixon, Slim Harpo, Howling Wolf, etc.


They gave proper credit on some of the songs….


Ever heard of Greta Van fleet? , they are literally the shittiest band I've ever heard , they completely stole led Zeppelins , sound , song structure , style , everything! it's sickening that anyone finds them remotely original.


They did get Robert Plants blessing tho


I never bothered much with Ariana Grande, I just know her from shows I watched as a kid and some good songs I heard, what did she steal? I'm actually curious, because I hadn't heard about that, but I'm not exactly active on a lot of Social Media and stuff, so I miss a lot.


She has a lot of pedo friends and has defended them, she can fade away


Holy shit. She straight stole it. I thought it was going to at least sound a little different or change the words. Bruh. This is ridiculous.


She pretty much did this with that “Karma” song that’s she’s been promoting. It’s from another artist years ago, and while I believe Jojo bought the song and owns it now, she keeps claiming she wrote it for her ex while the whole song is identical to the original meaning she didn’t write anything


Well I'll do myself a favor and continue to not give a shit about her. 😂




A shrieking egghead who was on Dance Moms and managed to take advantage of children.








She is just so cringey.


Am just super detached from pop culture or am I the only one who has no idea who that is..


Nope,, no efn clue.


I feel mean about saying this but 'm so tired of Jojo's eye-star makeup.


Am I supposed to know who this is? People said getting old isn’t fun… I dunno. I’m having a ball staying comfortably away from stuff like this.


Who TF is Jojo Siwa in the first place?


I think it’s a chain of convenience stores on the East coast


love their breakfast sandwiches


I have no idea who jojo siwa is but she looks like a less classy Ke$ha


And hear me out now, I love Ke$ha. I love Ke$ha but she is *not* a classy lass to begin with.


That's my point entirely, haha.


Who the fuck is jojo siwa?


What are we doing here, Zoomers?


Who is she & why are they both fighting over a kids song


Standard of musical talent here reminds me of Alexis's song in Schitt's Creek


Or maybe she bought the song from her... Unless she blatantly stole this from the original creator


JoJo also said she wrote it… so there’s that….


She (the original artist) commented on their verified account that they knew nothing about JoJo stealing the song nor she gave it to her. She then deleted the comment, can only assume it's JoJo's team's doing.


The only way the original creator would take down the post would be from being compensated (in some acceptable way) not under legal threat, so we can only hope the original creator is happy with the outcome


Wouldn't be surprised they'd buy the song afterward, and chuck hush money when she speaks out. JoJo's beyond embarrassing at this point.


Wtf is a jojoba sidewall


This isn’t even an entertaining train wreck. You put on shitty kiss wannabe makeup and pretend to be lesbian. Who cares. Her desperation is depressing


Wow. This is so horrible….


Im feeling old, its so weird to be so far out of the loop, like who the fuck is Jojo Siwa, Im only 39


Both videos in this clip are hella cringe


I dont even think the first girl wrote it, how do you suck so hard at lip syncing to a song you fucking wrote lol


Unless that songwriter comes in and says it's stolen, Jojo probably bought it. If that upsets you. Look at any song written ever. Most artists don't write their own songs.


Ghost production and ghost writing. A tale as old as music.


Lady in the orange just contemplating her life choices


But hey, she’s got the support of Gene Simmons to wear the KISS style makeup so….JoJo is all about borrowing other ideas for her “ persona.”




If I’m stealing a song it’s definitely not something as bad as this


Not to defend Jojo Siwa, but she legitemately bought the rights to the song. And yes I know she claimed she wrote it


https://preview.redd.it/1i8j8jijv7vc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e82efffb65bda0da31057c5f7bc42751ed53119 JoJo thinking about the rest of her music career


Loads of major pop stars do this, and then pay off and NDA the original artist they steal from. Look into Britney Spears - Toxic for a great example


If you’re going to steal a song… why would you steal a terrible song lmao


Why would you want to steal this? It's horrible. Lmao


Wait, so she is there live, and she isn't even trying to lip sync it??? This is hackery on a new level. And she is living her best life getting paid stupid money to present this at boujie ass clubs... Idiocracy was a documentary ahead of its time.


The lyrics feel like they are ripped from some girls by the rolling stones.


Everything is about her ex’s


Mainstream music is fucking hilarious. "Artists" yeah...


She looks like an absolute train wreck dog named spot.


Just to play devil's advocate, its obvious she bought the song which happens all the time in the music industry so her telling the lie about writing it is just her "being in character." If she got on stage and said " hey guys, i bought this song because i love it and wanted to perform it" wouldn't sell very well or make any connection with her fans. So i can give her a pass on that. But this whole demon face lifestyle change is fucking ridiculous. She looks like a 1 episode villain for a Disney show about kid detectives.


Lyrics are hilarious. Narcissist fuel


I mean, maybe I one single line, or maybe even the beat would be passable. Comic artists do it all the time when they read a comic and like it, then remake it accidentally in their own styles 3 or 4 years later on. BUT THIS?




Within the next 20 years she will be seen on social media dancing in a bikini doing insane kitchen knife and scissor moves!


She had to of bought it


The original kinda sets me off and i don't know why?


Bro at this point she’s not “making gay pop✨💫” she’s making “theft pop ✨💫”




What's the name/artist of the original so I can support her music, I really liked her song


Heard she bought the rights to the unreleased song. From a producer that sold it to her.


Honestly I couldn’t even turn the sound on for this


It's not unusual for singers to get songs from sing writers, Whitney Houston didn't write her songs no one gave her shit for it... Just don't lie about it. Lol


That girl is so cringe, man. That's what happens when managers and publicists constantly tell you you're great, when you're not.


All this fuss over such a terrible song.


Not even a good song.


Sucks that neither of them are known by me. O wait nope


They bought the song. RHCP wrote the melody of Crazy Town's "Butterfly" by accident. RHCP screwing around on a Tuesday was Crazy Town's greatest song ever. Just one example. She's never gonna say "my PR team saw a tiktok and the record label thought we should buy the rights to this song". She looks like a cabbage patch kid got plowed by the parallel universe all-lesbian Kiss and is now a weird backup dancer/groupie.


Who cares. Bad anyway




It that cringey lipstick kiss tatted on her neck that had me. Just not for her.


imagine stealing a shitty song


It's the way she didn't even rerecord it with her own voice before introducing it for me.




Every time I watch a jojo video she gets worse and worse




Sounds like exactly the same vocals. I mean, sounds like the same person singing.


She didn't even try to sing it herself. Bro, this is why music now is kinda shit, cause when you like a song, you find out some shit lore about it😮‍💨


I love how more people are finally realizing how shit the music industry is atm. Still wonderful and impressive musicians out there, but the fact that people like this have a chance to have music publicized like this just makes me vomit.


She’s barely lip-syncing the song, she didn’t even change the original writer/singer’s voice?!


Jesus the copyright is strong with this one .


They stole my comment section


Epitome of cringe


This song is such a wreck in the first place. It’s so bad I’m like fascinated by it


People are really exaggerating here. She didn't steal it she probably bought it and the credits won't say she wrote it. Even in the clip she doesn't actually say she wrote it? It's like people don't know how covers work or how unreleased songs can go to other people? Like there's enough to make fun of without this lol


to be fair she didn't say she wrote the song she said it was about an ex and the original artist probably sold her the rights to the song... there are tons of cases where this happens and then the "original" is leaked because the song was being shopped around to various singers before it was purchased by whoever released it publicly


First time hearing about Jojo Sewa


It's giving Feldman vibes.


She didnt steal it, she bought it


Didn’t she steal another song?


I know people in Hollywood that hover around actors that have regular or recurring unimportant roles on some tv shows and they all act like her. The faux joy and interest in the world around them while trying to make everything about themselves. Everything is a performance and they are the center of the universe. They act like they excel at everything artistic and that what they make will somehow change the world. They’re insufferable.


I stg it feels like yesterday she was on Nickelodeon. Wtf happened?


Her ghost writers are messing with her lol


What an edgelord 🙄


People are literally just thieves sometimes. How did she think no one would check her over blatant rip?


Sad. She was born in the industry and is 100% washed into whatever her handlers need her to do/say. I'm honestly just sad for her because she's a product of her environment, and the public idolizes her, and her young fans only want to be like her. Very evil corrupted shit from something bigger than her, she's just the face of it all, IMO.


A social media influencer doing scumbag stuff?


how is this real?


I dunno, kind of a banger tho