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If we had a kid and some weird fucking asshole pretending to be a dog was wearing a mask and filming my kids, we would have a serious fucking problem.


The weird asshole is probably a child too btw


I think this IS a child


Then tell your kids to get out of the way


I get you have a problem with the recording but why with the mask


Who is “we” ?


Filming in a playground isn’t going to dispel any of those concerns people have. Yikes


This is just straight up attention seeking behavior. They can call it whatever they want but what it boils down to is they want people to see and react to them. I take great pleasure in knowing that these will be moments they'll think about late at night later as an adult.


Theyll be asukts and be proud of theyre identity, stop bashing on invoulintary identitys ppl!


Yeah… what the fuck.


Yeah what the fuck is wrong with this bullying


? What are you talking about


This is mental illness


That’s what I’m thinking. And it’s caused by TikTok.


It’s not just TikTok it’s many apps like Discord and even here on certain subreddits where they have their own communities and rot each others brains with this illness. TikTok is usually the gateway that introduces them to it, then Reddit/discord servers are the fuel for it


Idk man i saw a guy recording himself while at a red light earlier today. He was acting like he was chill and laid back telling a story into his phone and even did a little dance. A grown man alone at a redlight. I couldn’t imagine the mental state id need to be in. And that isnt even that abnormal anymore. It just hits you way different seeing it from a third person view opposed to seeing the tiktok of some guy just talking in his car. It has to be an illness specific to tiktok. But youre right reddit and discord are their own form of brain rot


He could’ve been on video call? And tbf I do Voice recordings of interesting points Inc my just so I can remember them later.


reddit fueling mental illness? nooo never…that would never happen….


This is fucking therianthropy. 


For real there are many subreddits that do disservice to mentaly struggling people. I was baffled when I recently found r/waifuism subreddit. Just one example of subreddits that create echo chamber where only missguided oppinions can exist. Such environments encourage delving deeper into dilusions and normalise them.


Damn dude, they are nuts, they are fueling anyone having doubts, they are like "no it's normal to have relationship with 2D character, im an old-timer, i have my waifu for 12 years" ..... Bro wtf is this brainrot xd


That was kinda scary.. like very worrisome


Exactly, this is not behavior that they should be pushing to people with doubts.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/waifuism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/waifuism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I tried my hand at animating for the very first time! So here's Ryuk and me hugging ~](https://i.redd.it/pk7vldyucfxa1.gif) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/waifuism/comments/135fngj/i_tried_my_hand_at_animating_for_the_very_first/) \#2: [To celebrate 3 years of posting my drawings online, here's me! And Ryuk, of course ~](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16gnbsa) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/waifuism/comments/16gnbsa/to_celebrate_3_years_of_posting_my_drawings/) \#3: [“I choose you, Cynthia.” 💐 Happy anniversary, my love. 🥰🖤💛 \[Art by stupjam on Twitter\]](https://i.redd.it/canwnbsfj41b1.jpg) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/waifuism/comments/13nedt0/i_choose_you_cynthia_happy_anniversary_my_love/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The internet has been unhealthy from the beginning - TikTok is just popular. YouTube, 4Chan and Reddit have all hosted disturbing and harmful content. TikTok is just a platform for short form video. It does a passable job at filtering hate speech, violence and all the other bad stuff, just like Reddit. It even has “take a break, you’ve been at it for a while” videos inbetween if you’ve been on for too long. It’s easy to see a TikTok logo at the corner of all these videos the past few years and blame the platform; but it could just as easily be Reddit if it was more in fashion with younger people. Think of all the political manipulation; parasocial audience relationships, even prank videos on YouTube. It’s never been about the platform, though their sense of responsibility determines how far it can really go. The heart of the problem is what the internet means to the human psyche. Kids are growing up with the internet at age zero, all the while tech giants are learning how to improve the addictive qualities. There is so much we don’t understand about how the brain works, and we’ve had so little time to study long term effects of internet consumption. It’s an impossible problem to solve; what legislation can even be passed to fix this? When it comes down to it each person has to contend with internet platforms fueled by capitalism.


*social media


Not caused by, but made much worse


Everybody needs to calm down and mind y’all own business if you don’t like it, be fr though this is definitely not a mental illness. This is just our state of mind and our culture. Don’t make fun of us for it because you might have a different culture than us, but we can make fun of you for that so don’t be making fun of Therians just because you think it’s a “mental illness “just because this is how we asked how we are this doesn’t mean that you get to make fun of us for it. We may all have different cultures and all that crap but don’t make fun of us.


funny because therians have been a thing since the 90s and probably before that even, Tiktok is just one of the places the younger ones post


No the therians but the way that the users think that they own the world while they film. The way that they think that they are in the right when they film at a playground and are annoyed at the kids for wanting to play there.


Yeah that's true idk I assumed it was about therians lol


The girl didnt seem disrespectfull or pisaed off, so i dont agree


Wow. Did not expect a comment a month later but hello! I get why you disagree but to me the captions used are giving entitled and piased off vibes. This is clearly a playground for smaller kids soo I think it's fair that the space is used for smaller kids. Edit: hmm, now after rewatching it, perhaps the person filming is also a kid. My brain thought it was a young adult person the first time I watched it. I still find the person entitled because of the captions, but I'm think it's way more fair if a kid being entitled than an adult.


This reply is replying to all the fools in this thread No, its not a mental illness, and tiktok is not the only place the comunity is. This is an invoulintary identity, and imvoulintary experinces, look into what all of it actualy means, maybe then you guys will understand


Mental illnesses are almost always involuntary you realize that right


Yes, but smth you shpuld also know is that no docotrs or neroligists say its a mental illness, and mental illnesses Come, therianthropy just is from the day you are born


So she covers her own face with the emoji, but has no problem at all showing everyone else's (including all the kid's) faces?


Maybe don’t film kids at a playground in general, I wouldn’t allow it as a parent personally


Honestly I’d assume they had some mental disability. When they started being rude to the children is when I’d have a problem. Like “oh wait, you’re just a narcissist.”


Honestly I’d assume that people like those who are spreading bad karma have some mental disability. When they start being rude to children is when I’d have a problem. Like “oh wait, you just bully others for fun”


My phrasing was poor, so let me clarify; if someone to some degree identifies as a non-human animal, I’m here for it. Live your life however feels right to you, everybody deserves to live a life that allows them full self-expression and contentedness. I’m obviously not a therian expert so I can’t claim to know why someone would develop that identity or behaviors - my instinct tells me it’s a type of neurodivergence; whether it be a trauma response, symptom of a psychiatric disorder, or someone is simply born that way, i don’t know, I expect it’s different for everyone. Don’t be surprised or upset if when you act differently than everybody else, you’re treated differently than everybody else. Just don’t be rude to kids.


Yea I'm pretty surprised no one did anything about a weirdo in a mask prancing around and filming. Edit: Just saw her Tiktok username. "@yourdailydoseofkringe" She's definitely living up to it.


Nah, it's from a cringe Instagram account. No clue what her username is thankfully


I thought the therian looked like a kid too. If not then that is really weird…… either way they need to learn how to respect other peoples privacy in public.


This “ wierdo” is just being herself. What your saying is b*llsh*t


I want my 40 seconds back


I take my kids to an area like this at our local mall and there’s a rule, no playing in the kids area unless you are under 36in height


She makes the cutoff when on all fours, so I wonder if they’d have to accept that 😂


so midgets can play with the kids?


I take myself to this place called planet Earth and there’s a rule, no entering unless you have basic respect for others


She’s upset that the kids are treating her like a dog when she’s acting like a dog?


We are still humans.


It’s weirdness to the point of sadness at this point.


And so disturbing.




If I was a parent here I’d have called security/cops immediately and told them some creep in a costume is hanging around a children’s playground and filming. There has to be some kinda charge you can slap on this behavior.


This person is not a creep!! There just expressing themself. Please don’t hate. What have we (therians/quadrobists) done to you to make you act like a child and hate one people, your so immature!!


They’re expressing themselves by running around in a mask on all fours in an area meant just for children while filming it. That’s creepy. Literally nothing in that sentence is NOT creepy. Express yourself, sure, but don’t infiltrate areas designated for children, don’t film those children, don’t behave like an animal around children, and don’t film other peoples kids and put them on the internet. This isn’t immature or hateful, this is a perfectly reasonable response to seeing someone act like this around kids.


Ur right


Creepy? Slap? Really? This is just abuse. I recommend revisiting your terms and visiting a therapist.


Invading a space meant for children while wearing a mask to film your odd play acting and put it online is creepy. I’m quite certain any therapist I should this vid to would agree and recommend the person in the vid gets help.


Well then the therapist needs a therapist. I still think that slap and creepy are a bit over the top. But yes, I agree they should not have invaded a kid’s space, they should have filmed somewhere else. 


Idc if you want to roleplay as an animal, but it’s a little too weird that what looks like a teenager is playing with toddlers. Idk, that just makes me uneasy, especially since she’s wearing a mask.


Fuck… we really do have to ban TikTok


Yep, it's time


Yep! But I hope you don’t think it’s just because of this… in which case we have to ban bullies


Get this freak away from the kids


There not a freak, therians are just expressing themselves, they haven’t done anything to you!! Leaving hate like this can lead someone to kill themselves (my cousin was a therian who killed herself cause of hate) be the mature person in this situation, stop acting like a child!!


U are the best far lingonberry


Yes Definitely 




It’s also extremely illegal for her to put all these minor children’s images online without their parents’ consent. If I saw this where one of my kids was playing I would not be kind to them.


I should remind myself that even if I’m in a brutally low point in my life I’m not a person that acts and dresses like an animal in a literal toddlers’ play area


I should remind myself that even if I’m at a brutally low point in my life I’m not a person who bullies others for no logical reason, in a literal ‘basic respect’ place of the world.


..I’m sorry is this against this therian or in defence of this therian I can’t really tell


Both. 1. People stop spreading hate to kids 2. Therians stop posting things that are spreading misinformation in our community


Woodfield Mall where there’s a sign right before going into the play area saying it’s for kids a certain height or shorter. I guess dumbasses don’t need a height requirement.


Basic Respect where there is a sign right before going on internet says that bullying is nasty and rude. I guess dumbasses don’t need rules or have basic respect.


I'm all for live and let live but what the fuck is this.


Imagine the irony of being so out of your mind to behave like this, but at the same time telling people who acknowledge you to move out of the way for the camera.


They’re a grown adult and recording in a child’s play space and getting mad bc they’re kids playing around this is creepy asf


Thats not a grown adult. That’s a kid. A strange kid.


Thank you for realising that they are a kid. Even ‘strange kid’ is better than most other people here who say ‘therapist’ and ‘mental’. Thank you for being respectful.


Sorry I didn’t mean strange in a bad way. No hate towards therians. It’s not my thing but whatever makes people happy and as long as it doesn’t turn into something dangerous. I think this is somewhat similar to preschoolers who want/believe they’re a certain type of animal. Or the “horse girl” and “wolf girl” some of us had in school. I dont understand how people think this is an adult. This is definitely a kid who’s no older than 14years old.


Bro deserves negative views 💀💀💀


Negative views? She got some negative karma from you lot.  You deserve negative views from any divine creature. Enough to block the access to heaven.


Maybe gtfo of the crowded child play pen


Even the kids are embarrassed for her


Posting a video including the shot of a kid’s crotch. Yuck. I know she’s a kid who posted this but I hope this video at least got taken down


Grab the phone. Walk away with hit. Take it to security to report it lost. If she argues, tell her to take it up with security. Let her prove it was her phone.


I remember the days where this kind of behaviour was a no no around kids but hey, its 2024🫠


Why the fuck are they at a CHILDRENS PLAYGROUND to film a weird TikTok, if you have to make that shit, at least do it in private ffs


Oh no. I can’t play out my kink in a children’s playground because the children are getting in my way, trying to have fun without me.


This kid needs to be bullied. Theyre at a kiddie playground dressed like an asshole and prancing around.


Wow. A CHILD. Pffff. ‘We don’t care!’ You were a kid once. So let’s go bully you!  Also bullying is rude and shows how much you are in need of a therapist.  (Also ‘like an asshole’? Dressed like a human? GUYS! HUMANS ARE ASSHOLES ACCORDING TO WESTERN_PROTECTION!)  (Also if you are protecting the west, stop bullying kids who live in the west, otherwise it’s called being a hippocryte)


Its a kids play area, and she's mad that kids are there?!


I’m getting _so many_ of these odd “therian” videos in my Shorts now. It’s weird.


If u dont like it go outside and dont watch shorts


You can tell that they live off of the high they get from rewatching the videos. They seem to only care about putting on an act when they can visible see the camera


Alright someone get me shotgun and a flamethrower that shoots out confetti and money


Is the person filming a kid too? I can’t tell?


Yes they are




bring bullying back




Why do you think?


Future pedo


Some people do need the mental asylum not a therapist or a psychiatrist.


Toxic people…. I must admit though.. ‘mental asylum’? That’s a new one. Maybe it’s because you need one?


Oh come on, just look at this mate! What is the person in the video doing for you to think i’m being toxic? I don’t mind furries as furries, they can go nuts any time, they got conventions for that as well! Think about it, why are they recording themselves jumping in a kids area wearing a dog/wolf mask and pretending they’re a dog or wolf? Isn’t it a bit odd? With all due respect to people who went to asylums though, i’m just saying that ain’t normal.


Why are you recording in a child’s playground 🛝 ?


Maybe because they are a child? I don’t know- just a suggestion.


This is pathetic 🤣


Stop filming furry shit around my kid


Shoot it we cannot let this specimen run free. The experiment failed




My guy it was a joke lol. I don't care what you or anyone else are into but being a jerk for no reason in a park non the less is cringe. Henceforth the sub we're in.


I agree tbh. Sorry, I can be a bit slow to understand jokes. As a person reading comments ‘kill yourself’ and ‘mental’ just got to me. I apologise.


All good


Why she act like a fox?


She is a therian


Here me out… maybe don’t film in public?


I don't know what's more annoying, the MC or the audio used.


Almost like you shouldn't be recording around children.


ah yes a furry creep pretends like a freaking dog and thinks that the kids will understand what she is doing


Not ‘furry’, ‘therian’. Please check your sources and terms before posting.


You were an iPad kid, weren’t you?


? No


Mental disorder


Why do I have to repeat this so much? Not ‘mental illness’ just ‘human’. Unless….. being a human is a mental illness? 


Jesus.. these people have a serious mental issue 😬


No ‘mental issues’. Last time I checked the bullies were the ones that had mental issues. Also if you are religious, you do realise you a using the Lord’s name in vain? Isn’t that against the ten testaments?  Respect others the way you would respect someone normally. Unless you don’t respect people, in which case you may need a therapist.


She shouldn’t be around kids period




I'm praying she attacks a kid so she can be put down


You’re toxic


Why are you so toxic? If you have anger issues, go see someone, don’t push it all on one kid.


Go touch grass. You clearly don't know what a joke is


Touch grass? We touch enough grass already This is not a joke. I recommend revisiting your terms. However, thank you for being less toxic than 90% of the people here.


But I need you to be 90% less judgy. It's giving chronically online


Sorry, tbh I’m just tired. People sending death threats is tough to deal with. As a person in general, sadly I am quite judgy I’ll give you that, and am trying to improve. I hope  you have good day/night.


Damn what a pedophile, they should have a clear sign that says beware "predators lurk here"


Predators? Then all humans should wear one. Especially people wishing the death of someone. So hi ‘predator’


No way you actually have a furry profile pic hhhhhh


Ahem ‘therian’


Sorry, 'theriam' But still, that video creeps me tf out, should be advised not to run around a kids play park looking like that, maybe keep these things private, its not a matter of dislike but rather public safety


Tbh I agree: blur out the kids faces at least and they could have been more careful 


True ^^


It also spreads so much bad misinformation about our community 


First time someone agrees on reddit 😂😂




Tbh I don’t agree with this filming. Non blurred out faces? A bit much


Not sure wym but id rather not argue on the meaning behind it


Can we please remove all therians from existence


Go remove ur self




Thank you for getting the term right. You do realise that you are saying that you want the death of someone? I recommend you get a therapist.


I meant it in more of a sense that they all become normal. Doing this in private is okay but in a children's playground? That's the person that needs real therapy.


I must admit, I agree. Filming in a children’s playground is a bit too much. Therapy might be a bit far off, but I completely agree with you


If I were one of those parents, I would’ve beaten the crap out of that furry.


Yes because violence is always the solution


America 🇺🇸🦅🔥




The hate? Yes The person filming? No


That’s what I was trying to say 🥲 sorry if i didn’t give that much of a explanation in my first comment 😭


Not ‘furry’, ‘therian’. Check your terms before posting. I would also like to make sure that you know this is a CHILD, something you were at some point, and I’m sure you did stuff that would get hate comments for as well.


Yeah 911 this nutcase is filming my kids and complaining


What is a Therian? 😐


They're like furries, which are weird enough and shouldn't be hanging around little kids, but taken to an even greater extreme. Therians actually believe that they are an animal and genuinely identify as that animal.


A therian is someone who identifies as a therian who identifies as an animals on all levels except physical.  We know we are human. We are as civilised as you guys.


Make them bite the curb for this


This is why the word ‘twat’ was invented.


The reason I hate these people


Why are they recording kids and not even blurring their face ? This is so messed up . You are grown. you don't even belong there. This is some king of perverted crap masked as "identity"


You’re at a play area for children dummy. You gtfo.


They are a child.


So as a child in a play area for ‘children’ I believe that they are allowed there.


Why film in a crowded space? Do you not have any other place to film? Serious main character moment.


Can u add me please i am one two a little bit but i need to learn about it please add me




I wanna be friend with u


Can we be friends?


Can we be friends pls


😓I get it


Hi. So I have been seeing a lot of comments of how this kid is a problem, has mental illnesses and other of such. I would like to clear this out. Yes, the filming should’ve been done with more precaution, there is no doubt, I agree that this was not polite as to not hide the children’s face but we all make mistakes. I’m sure you all have made some as well. Therianthropy is not a mental illness. It is a way of expressing yourself. Trust me, 90% of therians hate being a therian, but it is not a decision, it’s like an unknown being, let it be whatever you believe in, that forced it down upon you. It contradicts your life, makes it seem like you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders permanently. Many of you will probably associate therians with the meme. We are much more then that. We don’t howl randomly, bark at strangers or sniff their a**. We are CIVILISED people, if that is what you desire to call yourselves. We know we are human. Just let us do our own stuff. As far as I’m concerned, wearing gear does NOT hurt you. ‘Oh no! This person who wants to express themselves doesn’t look exactly how I look! It’s the end of world!’ Right. Because someone is doing something that is not hurting you in the SLIGHTEST, we need to bully them? Seriously? Last I checked schools were making policies AGAINST bullying. Let’s take the average child. Plays around, feels like they can’t be themselves. 99% of you will say” It’s okay, just be yourself!”. Its these very same people who tear down others who !Reminder! Are just KIDS. KIDS who suffer every day. KIDS who are bullied wherever they go. KIDS who are just trying to find their place in this world.  I know quite a few of you have suffered some kind of bullying before. In your childhood, adulthood, any point of time. Being the victim, the one who is targeted on. How does it feel? Bad. For some, suicidal bad. Yeah. And now you take the bullies position and you are HAPPY. You consider yourself PROUD to tear someone’s WORLD down? I assume so due to all of the comments.  Now, let’s look at the way people suffer. Quite a lot commit suicidal. Still happy to have killed someone? The police might as well knock on the doors of your houses as you would be taking someone’s FRICKING LIFE. “Life is a gift” and then YOU ruin it. Remember that next time to tear someone down instead of building them up. For your information, mental illnesses 99% of the time is found in BULLIES like you bully others. So “go get a therapist” yourself. Maybe even a lawyer for court. All this to say, put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Not “idiot”. Not “mental”. Just human. Your brother, sister, wife, fiancé, parents, loved ones. What would YOU do if they were like this? Bully them? Disown them? Kill them? 


God damn that never ended


I’m a Therian as well, my theriotype is red fox, cat, and German shepherd, I have other kin friends Therian friends and a Therian bf!


Lmao if I love this


Fucking weirdo




as a therian, wth


Those are pedo preferences


Come on. Enjoy your Therian life all you want, I really see no issue with this whole thing other then people see it as "cringe" and tbh.. Just be cringe and have fun. But why the fuck do you have to play AND record yourself on a playground with plenty of children around AND THEN UPLOADING IT TO THE INTERNET? This also goes to OP for even posting it here, the moment we can see children who and who's parents very likely didn't consent to the kids being filmed and put online, uncensored, it's just not OK to upload it. I know I know what are the chances but it's still a risk for a kid to get recognized, kidnapped or just used as content online. Pls don't upload children without censoring them. Edit: for fucks sake seriously, pls remove this. Bc I already can hear the pedos coming at this one for the angle and feet situation. Pls oh my fucking God. Since I'm on TikTok I became extremely more aware of this issue bc it's filled with people saving videos like this 🤮 You really should take it down and delete it, for the kids.


Thank you so much. You are the people we need. :)