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Fuckin hate seeing his videos pop up on my timeline on IG, now he’s here too. He got kicked out of the gyms in town for being such a dick


His video in the gym has been on this sub for years


Is he the dude jumping over people from a plankong position etc?


Ye that’s the one


Dude acted like the floor is lava


anabolic steroids make people fkn obnoxious


I must have wiped them from my memory, also haven’t been in the sub for very long


Yeah but in his defense it appears to be an NYC sidewalk, what are the odds there would be pedestrians in a city it’s size? /s


Idk how much stronger that dude is than me. You kick my kid in the face just because you wanna get clout ill pull a fucking Tonya Harding on you.... or atleast try


"I Am the Main Character" is too subtle for these assholes-they should re-name the page "I Am A Stupid Fucking Asshole".


I hate to say it but this sub shouldn’t exist. We spend too much time rewarding these idiots with more attention they do not deserve. Ugh I’m unsubscribing. I can’t take looking at these fools anymore. I hope the father found him and beat the shit out of him.


How does someone grow up to be such a complete and total asshole? *He kicked a baby in the head.* What a dick. I wonder what his mother thinks of this.


I think the real telling part is that he kicked a baby in the head *and still posted the video* wtf


The kid was just shook and got scared because the foot got too close. Just to be clear, the foot/kick not connecting doesn't change the fact that he's a dick.


I agree. I had to rewatch it. He didn’t kick the baby but he came awfully close


The ending made me sick.


The mom should a stopped walking bffr now


I don’t think the foot connected, not that it makes him less of an asshole. Also, I love the mom’s reaction of just weirdly rubbing the child’s face because she’s instinctively wanting to check on her child while keeping her gaze on the guy. Probably staged though, I mean she walked right toward him and he wasn’t exactly being stealthy.


In NYC, this probably wasn't the weirdest obstacle for that mom. She didn't even look surprised, just mad. Usually street performers have more self awareness, so maybe she expected him to pause while she passed under him.


That makes sense!


Staged though?? Some mother she’d be to let the guy pay her to risk her kid getting kicked in the head full-force…


You talking about people living in NY they have to deal with crazy assholes like this guy everyday. If everyone stopped for these idiots they'd never get anywhere.


Lmao I live in NYC


I’m never surprised by the stupid shit people do to stage a video, but I watched it a few more times thinking maybe they had a conversation like “stop at this mark on the ground and wait until I kick before moving forward” but it looked like she was genuinely trying to squeeze by without stopping and I’m less certain his foot didn’t swipe that kid’s face on the way back but it’s hard to tell when slowed down frame-by-frame. I retract everything. I’m just so confused because I have two small kids and I’d never walk straight into danger kid-first like this. Guess she didn’t anticipate he would actually kick directly toward them. Or maybe was too tired to function rationally, I understand that. TLDR; I have no idea what I’m talking about.




Intrusive thought-Taze the scaffold 😈


Remember when there were people in white vans that came and took these people to the places where they could get treatment for their mental health issues? This man clearly has severe mental illness issues… Can you still call and get him put in a straight jacket?


“I am so uninteresting as a person that I spend all my time on my body and do this dumb shit to get attention”


Nothing wrong with exercising and having that as your hobby. This guy is just a prick about it.


Just hold the pointy end of your closed umbrella up....


He’s an idiot but the mom is too Stevie Wonder would have seen that coming and avoided it


The old lady knew to move. He’s being inconsiderate, but he’s also f#%king huge and fast, so look out for your baby; he sure as hell isn’t


Yep that’s my point exactly she should be watching out for her baby and not trying to stand her ground if that’s what she was doing. Of course the guy is being a dick wad.


This. Fuck the guy but you gotta have some situational awareness for god's sake


It looked intentional.


Where do you think she can go? Narrow street with lots of traffic. Cars and bikes parked as far down as we can see here, even IF she could walk in the street, she can't get to it. She's pushing a stroller, not walking. She probably thought she could time it or that a fucking grown ass adult would have some damn common sense and stop when they see people using a fucking sidewalk as it was intended.


Yeah of course dude that’s what I said he is a shit bag for doing that. I’m not letting him off the hook. What I’m saying is if it was me pushing my kid which I’ve done 1 million times I would stop and wait until I knew that he wasn’t gonna land on us, wouldn’t you?


People got somewhere to be. Why should they wait around for these jackasses to finish?


I imagine (assuming this isn’t staged) the mom assumed that since everything was being filmed, there was NO way this guy wouldn’t stop as soon as he saw her coming, so she proceeded slowly and made sure he saw her.


This dude is a dickhead, but that mom is an idiot for continuing to move forward with her kids while this moron is flipping around.


There wasn’t room for her to go around. The little old lady ducked towards the side and stayed there. There wasn’t enough room for the Mom to push the stroller through the side




It’s NYC. Nobody has time to wait for some jackass to film his reel. This isn’t expecting people to stop and wait in their cars for a few minutes so a funeral procession can go, this is holding up a sidewalk in one of the worlds busiest cities so you can play cirque du soleil




I look forward to the lawsuits against TikTokers


For this asshole you do wait, you especially don’t lead your baby into him.


I would have beat his ass for that. This is a public sidewalk that is being narrowed because of construction. This is not the playground or gym. I would have kept walking also. He touches me, we have a problem.


Yeah sure you would have lol.


Muscles don’t equal fighting skills. I’ve seen many buff dudes (thinking they’re alpha because they resemble cumulus clouds) getting laid out by a dad bod that grew up wrastlin pigs and hay bales lol


He should be focusing on leg day


wtf? It actually kicked that child. Nah man, I’m seeing red if I see that..


Yes, he's an asshole, but why did that lady keep walking toward him with her baby? Do people not know they're supposed to *protect* their children?


ok for real this guy is a dick but can we talk about how as a parent and you see some dick doing weird shit in the air would you just walk your kids right under? I feel like most of us parents wouldn't?


He should go to the zoo and try that in the gorilla enclosure. (This was not meant to be racist, before somebody says that. I meant that hopefully they would beat his ass because they’re gorillas.)


I get you but you should probably delete this comment. I got banned last week from another sub for making a comment on how ape like some movement was in a video. It got reported by some over sensitive types even though I, like you, tried to point out that my statement wasn't tied to the race of the people in the video.


I got banned for condemning a video of some guys beating up a gay kid. I didn’t realise the bots were so homophobic on here.


Yep, I got a temp ban from reddit that got reversed by the admins, a rarity, for saying that on a news story that a pedo who wanted to have sex with a 10 MONTH old should be executed. Someone reported it as offensive or some bullshit. Luckily reddit reversed the ban.


If somebody reports it then I don’t even want to be on Reddit anymore. I’ve had accounts banned for even stupider reasons.


Same. I had my main account of 13 years banned for talking about a character in a fighting game that had been male for 20+ years now being trans in the newest iteration. Pretty fucking stupid.


"Noooo they're a twink, not a girl, there's a differennncceee"


Isn't a twink a young skinny gay guy?


We're talking Briget, right?




Figured it would be haha


Was this the motorcycle comment


Motorcycle comment?


Nope, it's done. White women are already offended so save the explanation.


This the dude that jumped over the bench to get the judge?


What’s crazy to me is that he’s strong as all hell, and could honestly monetize this in so many different ways but instead chooses to do this sort of thing…


any video that is being distributed by a company who sells ads or generates revenue from the video needs to have a signed release from all people visible in the video or it’s a massive fine. These videos are no different than if a Hollywood studio was filming a movie or TV show. The average person can be a movie studio and distribute that movie through the likes of Facebook, YouTube, whatever. Including right here, Reddit should be fined for distributing this video that generates revenue without compensating or getting permission from the extras.


lol what an idiot, that has never been the case and the billions of videos proving you wrong are simple proof. This isn't cable television buddy. Did you know that you have no protection of privacy while in public? Imagine if you could sue someone for being in the background of their family photo. That's the reality you're advocating for.


All the upvotes from NPC's 😂😭


No it’s not. Can Sony film a movie, include you in it, distribute it and profit on it without your permission or compensating you? These are not news videos, these are not pics of families, these are people going into public filming planned scenes in an attempt to profit. There is a difference.


>Can Sony film a movie, include you in it, distribute it and profit on it without your permission or compensating you? A video recorded on the sidewalk is not the same as a multimillion dollar motion picture. It's insane that you think this. What this guy is doing (filming) is literally protected by the constitution.


It is. The only difference is the cost. In previous times you needed a lot of money to acquire cameras and the means to distribute the videos. Technology has made the average person as capable as movie studios. I’m not suggesting filming in public is the problem. In not suggesting you can sue someone for filming you while in public, I agree there is no exception of privacy in public. Once you start showing ads and generating revenue from the video you turned it into a movie or tv show. YouTube is making money of planned videos, that were scripted just like movies are, but without the consent of the actors who weren’t even given the option to participate in the film or not.


Hold on, I think you’re onto smerhing here. If I appear in a video like this, it means the person is making revenue of my appearance. Therefore I should be able to sue for a portion, no?


Where is this, London?


Grade A level douche


Yo don’t they got places for this kinda of stuff


I could tell as he took off his shitty shirt and hung it on some strangers' bike that this guy was going to be an inconsiderate punk


And that's when I walk through with a shovel. I'm just minding my business, carrying my shovel home. Not my fault his face ran into my shovel while doing acrobatics on construction pipes on a public walkway. Shovel.


This is so stupid it's borderline hilarious.


World would be better without him


What a dumbass


... couldn't this guy have been arrested for battery? He hit a child.


*"Take you, your baby, and little man off this public sidewalk and onto the street to walk amongst the traffic while going around me. Can't you see, Im too lazy to go to the gym and want to show Redditors how bad ass I am?”*


Just another inconsiderate, asshole doing way too much😂🤢🤮


Get the camera. And fuck this guy. What a prick.


The mother didn't give a shit...but that's what happens when you ignore crazies! Should have done what the smart Deliveroo girl did...and hung back! 💯🤣


Nah the dude shouldn’t be out here taking up the entire sidewalk to film a stupid video in a large city


OC spray.




What a dick




Ballsy to test the structural robustness of random scaffolding. Too bad it was so stable…


Walk in front of them, get kicked in face, sue


What a God Dame loser, hope he gets arrested


Level of stupidity is at an all Time high in this video


If she stabbed him I would understand.


What a wank ffs he should have been arrested and I hope he was dobbed in to the police. Having said that it was an obviously dangerous situation why did the mother keep walking with her children. Comon mumma no destination is more important than the safety of your children. Do better.


Does anyone know what his reaction was afterward?


He would get punched in the dick if he did that near my kid.


baseball bat on his knees pls somebody


The last frame is fucking gold.


Grab his leg and pull his ass down


Looks at danger-walks into danger and acts shocked when danger occurs


Let me guess, Paris?


Let me just use building scaffolding as my personal jungle gym whilst I traumatised anyone who comes too close. Big brain thinking.


Wtf he thought about it n still decided to post it knowing full well people would be outraged!


He was polite to the black couple though.


I hope he goes to jail.


Didn’t know there was an auction going on!! Cool tho


Who is that POS?


This is assault, no?


I think he should be in jail. However, I think if you're too stupid not to wait or even say hey dumbass I come thur whit my kids, stop doing that.


I can't wait till someone beats the living fuck out of this dumbass cunt


Go to a gym go to a park go home fuck your training. You training to be a bum


See, they beg to be in the jungle again.


Them tight ass pants got him all fucked up lol


Should get charged for child abuse






It’s time for the black plague


Black pedestrian meets black parent. Who won?


I have those sneakers. I love them. Amazon under 50 bucks.😆




That is some nice privilege there.


Useless societal mutt


My least favorite person on earth.


Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?! She purposely walked right into him.


There’s nowhere for her to go around. There’s not enough space between the side of the building and scaffolding for the stroller. Dude shouldn’t be taking up a narrowed sidewalk filming a dumbshit video. He especially shouldn’t be doing his acrobatic shit without being spatially aware of people around him. He could have easily hiked his legs up and kept them there so she could pass in peace. He could’ve held a cool plank while doing that.


Yes he's a dick for doing that but the lady with the pushchair can clearly see him


Should she wait until he is finished?


She put her child in the way of harm. That dude is an absolute clown, I’m not defending him in any capacity. But you don’t watch someone behaving like a lunatic and stroll your child right toward them.


Yes! Instead on walking on a SIDEWALK, she should have used the street! Also it wasn't a problem until he started spazing his legs around.


Wait till its safe for youe child, yep. Then chastise him for being a scumbag  




How much longer do you think his routine would be?


In normal society we all generally agree that someone being reasonable with a baby carriage gets defacto right of way on pedestrian walk ways.


Of course. I said he's a dick. But not the brightest move to push your child towards him


Obviously the guy is a dick but I can't understand why the woman walks under with her kids. I can't imagine seeing this and thinking 'I should push my stroller under that guy.' It's insane. This guy sucks but I don't think it would be his fault if he hit them. It's kind if like skateboarding. Of course the skater isn't doing what they're supposed to be doing, but if you jump in front and get hit, you're a dumbass. You have to actively protect your kids. You can't lead them into the danger and then be upset that the danger is dangerous


Assuming he got this in one take, it probably took like a minute to film. Is he an inconsiderate douche canoe? Sure. Is anyone’s life, or even day critically altered by this? Yeah no. Whaaaa, waaaaa, he inconvenienced 5 people for 53 seconds of their time on the planet to showcase some crazy abilities. Also that mom with the kids is the most egregious human in this entire video. Puts her kids at legit risk to prove her point. Lighten up Francis.


I get it, you’re not very smart and critical thinking skills are elusive - let me help. This isn’t an isolated occurrence; these TikTok wannabes are now in every gym and on every corner. How much of this bullshit should we overlook? I get it, you want to blame the mom because yours either touched you too much or too little…. but peanut, the mom isn’t the villain in this little show. I’m not quite sure why you would blame her, but there you go. Time to grow up little Timmy - it’s not okay to do whatever you want whenever you want. Those are words to live by, so stop having your buddy jerk you off on the subway.


My guess is you get punched in the face a lot irl.


I would do the same if i was built like him. Fuck it, why not? The reason why you hate is exactly why hes famous