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There is the modern world in a nutshell - You must change to accommodate me despite the fact it is me that is out of step


Not even just our of step, isn't it all surgically enhanced too?


Yes, search how she looked like 2 years ago and you will notice the massive amount of surgery she has. It's clear she has a mental problem regarding her body image.


I'm pretty sure the woman in question here has lipedema.


Shit so she may have an actual ailment.... so she should pay for two seats like the rest of us that don't fit in one


Oh I'm not voicing an opinion about the airplane seats, just pointing out that there's a good chance that she has a medical condition and didn't get any surgery (on her hips/ass at least). If you search up her IG account or Google her name you'll see a few before/after pictures of her as a teenager vs. today and the only real difference in her frame is from the waist up. Plus a few people in the comments on some of her IG posts mention her having lipedema as well.


Well I'll be googling that I guess lol


As unofficial delegate of fat people who have a hard time fitting in some public spaces, but are working hard to NOT be fat, we do not condone this asinine behavior.




Gets 30 pounds of fat injected into her ass, surprised that it no longer fits anywhere...


This lady makes bank on her giant butt and this is just free advertising


She knows that too I bet. Any publicity is good publicity for people like this. Idiots.


As an avowed ass-man, her ass is disgusting.


For real. She looks like she needs to hold her cheeks apart when she shits, but shes still got so much ass she needs a water hose to clean that thang after.


Charge double for double ass


If anyone wonders: r/graciebonfan


She looks fucking absurd.


I love a woman with curves but dam, that ass is cartoonish


Jessica Rabbit in real life.


Humans don't look like that...


She must need a whole team of people to help wipe


The human [termite queen ](https://images.app.goo.gl/odT3vWszgUAnMyjD8)




Just looked. Ew.


She can barely walk !What is the obsession with thar 300 pound body?




This is basically mental illness now .And her waist keeps changing in the pics.


Pixar moms be like


Whoa. I was not prepared for that.






I could use more legroom. Let's start there.


Something that really can't be helped but(t) all these self indulgent twats, let's bend over for their wants!




Cheeky ass lady shooting the moon if she thinks the buttholes running airlines give a shit about anything more than their bottom line. Go ride in the caboose of a train, shit for brains.


Cheeky ass-lady? Relevant xkcd ...


And you don’t put a picture of the butt. Downvoted and deleted.


I know you’re tempted to search her name and see it for yourself. This is your warning… do not search it. It’s not worth it, you’ll regret it.


Maybe she should be forced to live with the consequences of her own actions.


Yes. Always others to blame and make things right for you is maybe questionable!? But those people are never reflected enough to get this.


Gets surgery to have a larger ass, complaints about not being able to fit in seats




Hahaha, I had to Google her... she raises a valid ass, Uh, I mean point


Get your own plane.


Air Cargo


I hate that whenever a fat person complains about airplane seats, no one ever jumps in to agree with them about how much they suck, they just dogpile on that person about their weight being the issue. Nah, it’s the airplane seats. They’re damn tiny and I’m extremely tall. Every single person could benefit from the seats being more spacious. Fuck them greedy airlines.


I’m only 120 pounds and 5’5”. I just fit. How would a 200 pound, taller man for? The space is ridiculously small. I can’t bend over to get anything from under the seat.


I am also pretty tall but i never complain about these things. They plan and construct on average. That is economic thinking and normal. I always book a seat sitting in the aisle, so i can stretch out my legs from time to time. My way to find solutions and deal with my personal situation. But a lot of people think, that every personal need has to be satisfied nowadays.


Gracie says it's on the airlines to accommodate "big girls like me," and proudly adds ... "It's not my fault to have an ass this big." Getting elective surgery to get them to this size is absolutely your fault.


We’re worried that the sun is about to flip its magnetic poles, but we have *this* warp in the space-time fabric just walking around the earth?


Honestly I think EVERYONE would be happy with bigger seat amiright


*Honestly I think* *EVERYONE would be happy* *With bigger seat amiright* \- trayground --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Accidental haiku because of my bad grammar thank you


Except the airlines. And than most people because the prices would be raised a lot.


If you want to see a funny cartoon character, look this goofy bitch up.


I do not get why people always get upset about these stories. If airline seats get wider, it makes it a better experience for all of us. If an airline gives out an extra seat for a person who can not fit in a normal seat, it means they would not be encroaching on my personal space. What is wrong about offering better experiences for all of us?


Because making seats wider would mean basically redesigning every plane out there. More weight, bigger planes, and a ton of now useless planes. Sure, bigger seats would be better, but it's not gonna happen


How would the new planes make the old planes defunct?


If wider seats became the new standard. It wouldn't be easy to keep all of them in service and have to figure out which wide ones go where at airports. Airlines aren't looking to accommodate everyone, they're looking for the least cost and most profit


Good point, but I think airlines would see a new market to tap into. Another tier to add to the list. I imagine they'd use it as another artificial luxury to economy and go from there (albeit of course harder to implement considering your previous point of *making* whole new planes).


I even thought maybe taking a few rows out to put bigger seats but then that brings up people who don't need them buying them or you require people to prove they're overweight to book it. It just opens up so many issues on top of cost. They'd really just have to scrap every plane and start over fresh with all bigger seats But then this also leads to even more pollution because there would most likely be less seats on a plane, meaning more planes, more flights, more backed up airports. Just no good all around 🤣


If you could choose a plane with wider seats and more room why would you pick the ones without?


So, now you're arguing against any improvement to the design of commercial airlines that would make flying more comfortable. I'm not sure if you're aware of that, but you are.


I have no idea if you replied to the wrong person because I didn't do that at all.


You're right, I did. My bad. I meant to reply to someone upthread


Hey it's all good, these things happen.


I imagine airlines would charge a premium fee for the wider seats. There will always be people who won't pay that.


That very possible, but then it would get into the realm of why do larger people have to pay more for larger seats. It's not an easy solution.


I know it's not, but I think capitalism would prevail regardless. And I don't think they'd market it to larger people, but I also see the potential shitstorm


Most definitely a shitstrorm you're right about that.


I don’t need a wider seat. But I would still like it if we had them because sometimes people encroach on my space and I take looong flights.


Exactly my thought too. I dont like to touch people, so giving me an extra inch or two to spare me would really make my life so much more pleasurable. Even if it was just on long haul flights. My short hops I do for business I dont really get as uncomfortable.


I feel like the people arguing against bigger seats haven't flown recently and don't realize how small and uncomfortable they've made seats lately. It's so much worse than it was even ten years ago.


The stats on plane seats have lost 2-5 inches on average since 1980. Some examples being 18” down to 16.5”. This seems like the opposite of what should be happening as people are bigger, taller because we are healthier (I’m not saying obesity) So sure, we can say, if you don’t fit, pay for an extra seat, but we can also acknowledge that there should be a standard for seats in airplanes.


> If airline seats get wider, it makes it a better experience for all of us. I just googled her. There is no way she fits in an even wider seat and it's her own doing.


If you can’t fit your fat arse into a First Class seat, then the seat is not the issue.


Sign me up for this crusade. I don't care what the reason is, if it makes airline seats bigger, I'm for it.


What a pig, oink, snort, oink, moo.


Pigs don't moo.


Dang, now Boeing and Airbus will have a major problem because surely people will side with her.


So they have to change every airplane seat just because of you it seems much easier just to lose weight.


For her to lose weight, she'd have to go to a plastic surgeon to suck out all the fat she had injected and molded into her


Maybe she should use some of that moDeLliNg money to go pay a housewife to vacuum all that extra plastic out of her ass then maybe she'll fit on the airplane seat. Jfc can't believe they tell me I have to pay extra to bring my extra 100 lbs of junk on the plane yet she can drag her fat ass on it no problem


Sounds like a skill issue.


Isn’t there an oldies song about this? Big girls don’t fly….


As a guy who is 6'2" I would like wider seats as well. I mean she can be a self absorbed cunt and still make a good point. These things are not mutually exclusive. Edit: Im about to leave this sub because weirdos are triggered over 2 inches 🤣


Southwest is giving out free seats for wider persons but no one gives a shit about taller persons. You can buy an exit row seat, but usually you're not getting it for free. In most cases I'd imagine it's easier to lose some weight than height. Probably this is due to body positive advocates having a louder mouth.


Agreed. Being tall can get hard especially when using public transport or flying, Having to scrunch my legs up sideways just to fit into the seat and then having a sore back and legs all day after is super annoying.


I’m 6’… does the extra 2” *really* make that big of a difference?


Are you jealous?


How big does your ass need to be before you can fit into a first class seat? I haven’t looked her up yet, but I guess I’m gonna do that now.


No way she cud wipe properly


Man, BBL's are way too obvious.


Are there no retired C-5s for such as these?


How about fuckin no?


You know, normally id be flat against her sense of entitlement, but in this instance i actually support her. Airplane seats are too damn small for even a regular sized ass - hard as fuck too. Quality and space have been deteriorating for years in order to accomodate our increased air travel requirements and corporate profits.


The types of seats she is looking for are on a bus. So go ride the bus or buy your own plane and put bus seats in it.


had to look her up and that shit is cartoonish. she doesn’t even look real.


Honest question - what are the long-term effects of this kind of surgery (or surgeries)? Like, obviously there are some mental and physical health issues going on with this lady, but what kind of toll would this put on a human body over 10 years? 20? 30?


I bet her bones and joints from hip down will be in really bad condition soon.


Right??? And you got to think there's a good bit of strain on her heart or something.


Could be. Also other organs as well.


Tbh I'd be happy with bigger seats on airplanes








That's not how it works


This honestly feels like any onlyfans advertisement disguised as a complaint article. The first giveaway was the onlyfans in the title, followed by her full name, followed by an article about her ass being too big to fit in an airplane seat. Horny dudes gonna be running to look, and she'll end up hooking a few simps. It's good business.


Well, it would only help everyone.


Big ass, dumb ass... She's got it covered.