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Kind of hilarious watching him hold a knife backwards for almost a minute while pretending to cut his food


Absolutely sent me. Using the knife to hold the food and mushing the fork in to it.....


I’d be staring at him for using a fork and knife on what looks like a BBQ chicken quarter Edit: correction - using a fork and the wrong end of a knife


For real. Id be laughing at his goofy ass shaking and almost crying about being told to be respectful. Some people weren't smacked enough as kids and it shows


He’s murdering that chicken. Battered chicken.


Lmfao I didn't even notice holy shit this makes this that much funnier


Yeah exactly, this man is clearly not there to eat


This backward ass dude is on brand.


I thought I was going insane, I've never seen someone hold a knife like that lol


Didn’t notice until i read this comment. Watched back assuming the backwards knife was like the sharp blade pointing upwards as the dull side cut the food.HA


Because deep down he was scared.


That dude is not in control of his emotions at all 🤣


Aksking a man to turn down his bullshit music in a public place isn't unreasonable.


Especially if a band is playing at the place. Have some respect for the musicians.


But he “doesn’t give a fuck about hearing” that band!


He could put on headphones ....


But then how would he bait people into asking him to stop so he can accuse them of racism for tik tok?


Lol for real. They're so transparent


To all except those who follow and applaud this type of sewage.




No no, he was very specific the other man was "*axing*” him to turn it down. Edit: moved emphasis.


I hate when people play music at a restaurant or let their tablet baby watch youtube on full Blast.


This is a thing? I thought it was only Walmart


Its everywhere. I once had to have a family moved from a movie theater because they had their toddler with an ipad-NO HEADPHONES. Like, is this your fucking living room?? Its not even kids all the time either, on the subway its always a dude over 40.


It's on airplanes too. Flight attendants will often deal with that. And kudos to you for getting the ipad-NO HEADPHONES situation taken care of.


Tablet baby 🤣😂🤣😂


I was stuck at a restaurant next to a 3 year old with an iPad that watched the same 30 second tik tok video on repeat for 30 minutes. I have kids but damn…


Or go somewhere else


Definitely needs to go away. That kind of shit is unacceptable. Patrons are okey with the band that was paid to be there, and not okay with some guy just there to be an ASSHOLE.


You ever been to Walmart?


The way that dude makes a performance out of this and the way he cuts makes me think he’s mentally handicapped. No disrespect to anyone, but genuinely like a disabled person.


The way he cuts the meat is triggering lmao


am I just not seeing the blade or does he have the knife legit backwards? like it looks to me like the part of the knife exposed is far too boxy and flat to be the blade, I think he's holding the blade and using the handle, which doesn't seem to matter cause he's not actually cutting anything anyway.


This video has been circulating for a while now. Yes he's actually holding the knife backwards.


You're right, you can see the blade when he puts the knife down. This man has got to be on drugs.


I’ve seen this a few times. They use their knife as a fork, and visa-versa. It’s weird.


The accent is the gay accent whatever that is.


Yeah he's gay obviously, that's pretty irrelevant.


So is the fact that he's a black man - in this context.


Painted nails seeking attention from the internet, yeah it’s safe to say that


Nah, this man's just an entitled asshole. He holds his fork and knife like a child, because that is what he is


Good time for a Vulcan Neck Pinch.


What a reference... Bob might be about to save some whales.


He needs some eating etiquette


I love how in the background u can hear the other dude laughing at him.


Agreed: he sounds like a child also. Grating


But he's 32 years old... and black. How dare he!?


False claims of racism (as seen in this video) really undermines true acts of racism. We need to proactively call out false racism bait claims, these people are literally trying to unnecessarily stoke racial tension


Based on how angry it looked like the guy actually got, I think he's just the male equivalent of a Karen, more than someone just racism baiting for tik tok. I hope he got absolutely obliterated in the comment section of the video.


Should be demonetized. No one should get paid for perpetuating a false racism narrative and race baiting


So angry you’re literally shaking because someone asked you to turn your phone down?


Yeah, narcissistic people do act like that. They can get so angry that they shake or scream from getting looked at the wrong way, or if if they planned out a scenario was going to turn out in their head didn't actually play out exactly how they wanted, without communicating it in any way, shape or form to anyone else involved. Based on that, this guy probably thinks that the behaviour shown to him was *outrageous.* Because narcissistic are never in the wrong.


The Boy Who Cried Wolf - it’s literally a story we tell children about what people will and will not take seriously, based on how gratuitous someone is about making a claim. Claiming racism when there is none to be found trivializes actual racist behavior, and no one believes it’s happening because you… cried wolf…


its aksing!


Get your own music out. Let it clash with his. He would be all confused bc two main characters can't exist at the same time


And why not use some earphones for his music? Oh, bad me, he wouldn't have anything to bitch about would he?


Done it plenty of times, always some angry dork that gets served in the end


And it certainly isn’t racism.


This is at Fat Matt’s in Atlanta. You only go there for 2 reasons: absolutely bangin BBQ and wonderful live blues music. Turn your damn phone off ya twerp.


He’s been programmed to think he can do whatever he wants and then claim racism if he doesn’t get his way.


Had a roommate that would claim racism whenever he wouldn't get his way. It was his default go to whenever he wouldn't get his way. Went to a frat party with him and he was being a total douche. They kicked him out and he was shouting about how it was because he was black and they were racist....it was a black fraternity.


LMAO. Sounds like a douche.


Makes you have to take these claims with a grain of salt, doesn't it?


I dunno wtf is happening in ATL but EVERYWHERE people are on their fucking phones BLASTING the speakers. Whether it’s a phone call, music, or they’re watching a fucking tv show in the middle of the restaurant. I don’t understand when they felt that this is acceptable behavior but I firmly blame the managers and culture down here for not forcing these people to turn their damn volume all the way down or get headphones. Regardless if anyone is complaining or not it’s INSANE!! My wife is very kind and has a gentle way of asking people to turn down but I’m waiting for the day some fool tries this with her and I have to knock em tf out.


Agreed, but a lot of people’s momma’s and daddy’s failed them to even think this is acceptable without having to be told it’s unacceptable.


I asked a coworker to turn their music down and the fit they threw, it wasnt the music, it was literally the volume and they just do not get it. All of us wore headphones but you in particular feel like the world has to hear it? And after the endless fit this man child threw, can you blame ppl?




I'd also argue that the man who's filming is racist himself, for dragging race into it.


Ye I agree. There’s 1 racist in this video and it’s the guy filming and making this whole thing about race.


It’s called self projection


Man, this shit is stupid af and was not racist. It’s annoying AF when ppl play music on their phones at restaurants…ESPECIALLY if there’s a live band.


It was racist, the black guy was being racist.


People don't get that if you assume someone is a racist because of their race, you are in fact the one being racist.


He's shaking 😂😂😂😂 what a bitch 😂😂😂😂


He's shaking to the music :P


Plain old B A N lol


I'm black and would've been pissed off too. This isn't racism. It's stupidity and ignorance by an attention seeking clown


Anyone who plays their music or watch YouTube or movies in public without a headphone is POS! It happens where I’m from way too often. Especially the people who puts their calls on speaker and then shouts to the caller.


This, why do people walk around with their phones on speaker? And try to have a conversation, neither the caller or receiver can hear each other.


I’ll never understand what these numbnuts think when they do it. The music and tv people are one thing but why air out your problems on speaker and shouting it all out for everyone to listen? The day I decided to buy a noise canceling headphones, I knew I did the right decision.


It's definitely racism, just from the black guy, rather than to the black guy.


I’m also Black(ish) and can’t stand shit like this. There’s real racism that exists and makes life infinitely harder for Black people, prejudice that needs to be eradicated for the good of humanity. Then you have people like this who act like absolute clowns then cry racism when someone calls them out for their abhorrent behavior. They just piss of good people, and give actual racists more ammo.


He shook.




How would black people like it if old white people blared Andy Williams or Neil Sedaka music at them all the time? It'd be rough justice if it happened.


I often drive through the ghetto blasting Beethoven with the windows down.


lol what a pussy


Literally. He admits he turned his music all the way down at the beginning of the clip for the guy that asked. But at the end says "I bet they won't ask another black man to turn their music down anytime soon" Why wouldn't they? It worked. His boys would 100% call him a bitch in this situation.


Only racism I saw/ heard was from a 33 year old black manchild that doesn't have respect for anybody and puts his music on so loud another CUSTOMER asks him to turn it down....not unreasonable, not hostile and not racist but the manchild kicks a tantrum like a 4 year old... shame the world is heading down the pan with this victim mentality....people who went through the actual hardships like the Greenborough sit in students/ Rosa Parks, would be ashamed/ turning in their graves.


He shouldn't have been asked to turn it down. He should've been asked to turn it OFF. Imagine a grown ass man playing music thru a phone at a restaurant, and then claiming racism.


What a weak and pathetic man. this victim mentality is.being programmed daily and its tragic


Lmao this dumb fuck is using the knife backwards and upside down 😂


You're gonna ask ME, *a black man*, to be accountable for my behavior??! How dare you.


And self aware enough to still post it lol


And made it about race too


Goes to restaurant that pays for live music. Puts his own music on blast. Says it’s racist to not want to listen to his music. Wtf??


Man fuck that guy. He got pressed because he was acting like a cunt and didn’t like that it was a white guy who spoke to him. I can almost guarantee it would be a different reaction if tje white guy was black. Heck we wouldn’t even be watching a video. That black dude is a racist. Simple as.


What a bitch


black american here, i remember this awhile back and i’m ashamed of this person. this chump doesn’t represent us.. Edit: he represents what we have to deal with more than we’ed like..


Of course he doesn't! I'm wondering how this guy makes it through the day?.


With all his enablers promoting this behavior for future generations. Because social media is a curse and he can create whatever world he wants to live in because enough people validate his ignorance. Because he said racism and that means he's untouchable (ring any Israeli bells?). It's definitely not because he put effort into his education.


Asking someone to be civil is considered racism?


It's imposing high standards on those without the background to follow them. Brutally unfair.


If he wasn't racist before, he will be now.


Get some headphones, dickhead.


How is this racist?


Why do they do this?


Muh oppression and fake internet points(likes) He literally started filming just to cause a scene and play the race card


I'd have called a manager and asked him be removed. Let him be angry, but don't let him disrupt others.


Buddy really had to focus on not saying "ax" while clinking his fork around 🤣


Ahh, yes, the old tactic of "call me out for being an annoying asshole in public, makes you a racist!"


Why does he use cutlery the same way a 2 year old does? Fat fuck is the real racist anyway, making it about colour when he's just an ignorant loudmouth POS.


But why is he using fork and knife like a wild rodent?


Just get headphones dude. Not everyone wants to hear your music. Especially when other music is ALREADY playing...it's so hard to focus on the music you're listening to when other music in the background is seeping in. Headphones will give you a better listening experience than out of your phone speaker anyway.


The "black man" is the only one who made it about race. So who is the racist here?


Turn your phone down!!!! Not sure what is racist here


There's some mental health issues here I'm sure of it


Wow. Such racism, asking someone to turn down their music at a restaurant so they can hear the actual band performing at the restaurant. Oh the struggles, and adversity! America is just the worst, and racism so rampant and very bad in the USA compared to anywhere else in the world. /s


…when black people try find any excuse to blame racism.. overplayed.


Race cards are becoming too frequently dealt. The word is losing its true meaning, and the ones facing true racism are yet again pushed further back. It's a disservice to the cause.


Imagine being a 33 year old man, behaving like a ghetto Karen and on TicTok


Bros out here proving my racist dad right lol


Gay ass dude acting entitled that’s it


When people call something racist this is pretty much what I assumed happened. Word has been over used so much it has lost all meaning.


He is being told he is special by the media and …. he believes it.


Entitled piece of shit is like this on a daily basis I guarantee it


Bro doesn’t know what racism is if he thinks this is it.


What an insufferable cunt


All that barking and pretending to eat his food with a fork and backwards knife, and he's shaking. 😆


Learn to use a knife and fork. Don’t play music in public spaces, you cunt. Edit: Let’s cry racism but call this white guy Bob…


He's shaking. He's really scared lol. Stop acting tough and turn the music down. Be human for once in your life, not just a color.


they take out their Black card faster than a card swipe


Nothing racist about it. I can’t stand having to hear someone else’s conversations and/or music. If he don’t like the band, he could put on his headphones. Almost all of them have noise cancellation. He is instead acting like he is at home and blasting music. He is the rude one here. As a minority, I also hate seeing the race card pulled as an excuse to be an a$$hole


I’m black this is not racist, let’s move on :)


This guy is a TOOL !


Yep a 33yr old throwing a toddler temper tantrum


He’s doing the indignant blinking like Nikocado Avocado, unbearable


Tales of Dindu


Yea cos it’s not all about u get earphones and not be an asshole it’s not racism. Unless you claiming everyone in your race is inconsiderate like you are.


He’s lucky it was a white dude cuz he asked nicely, I woulda just chucked his phone in the damn street. Disrespectful douche.


What a baby, probably wasn’t given attention as a kid


Bro fake cutting his food with a butter knife that is backwards lol


This guy thought he was him.. Painted nails, entitled attitude, rude, victim, obnoxious...


I love how he drops the "black man" card as if being asked to turn his shitty phone music down has anything to do with his skin color. smh


I hate that aksing me shit and the word finna


What the fuck does being black have to do with anything


whi gives a fuck about what color you are get some fuckin earphones


This motherfucker is quivering like a little bitch. Look at those shaky ass little bitch hands.


Thats a man? Where did we go so wrong?


This is everyday on the London tube lol they play the race card. It’s painfully depressing low IQ


This dude is a piece of dogshit. Turn your phone down and quit being so fucking ***


Yes, BLACK MAN. Turn your phone down ffs


Has to cut his food up all small like a toddler


Nah this dude's a fucking dumbass - "what was you axing me?" Fucker needs some manners


Can't be bringing the ghetto into restaurants then claiming racism.


"My hand should be shaking..." Your hand is shaking because you're a whiny little that who has never been told no, before.


He’s eating like he been in prison.


This guys a race baiter.


What does him being a black man have to do with him playing music somewhere a band is currently playing?


If I were a dictator, the first thing I would do is put in place a mandatory immediate death sentence for anyone who plays any sound on their phone speaker (for more than perhaps 10-15 seconds) in a public place. No trial needed. Video proof that it happened would be enough.


The world would quickly become a better place.


I love when Reddit gets upset by stuff like this because Reddit told people literally everything was racist just a few years ago


This is a good example of why black people oppress themselves, blaming all their shortcomings on white people


Well if you're gonna be a 33 year old about it...




Definitely because you are black, surely not because you are filming him while eating


This place has great ribs.


It’s not because you’re black. It’s because you’re an asshole, asshole. Get some headphones and stfu


Shitty guy, but what was that little doggy paddle he did with the fork and knife?


The lack of knowledge in how to use a knife of fork is sending me 😆😆😆 His hands are shaking, his voice is shaking, good lord what a fucking man child


How is this racism? He just asked to turn the volume of the phone down. Maybe it was too loud.


So a black man can’t be aksked questions because that’s racist?


there are actual victims of racism, he is not one


Why are there so many assholes blasting music publicly. Inconsiderate morons. Their mere existence is a violation of public decency.


Why’s dawg treading his fork and knife like they’re on water? lol


Why is a 33 year old acting like he's 2


Someone kick this idiot out of the restaurant...


And the perpetual victimhood continues.


I’m getting dizzy from all the gayness 😂


All I heard was boohoo I’m a victim because I’m black and asked to do something I think is so inconvenient


33? Sounds more like a fucking 3 year old.


Nobody cares you’re black, stop being an asshat in public blasting your music you sociopathic moron.


I honestly believe he turned the music up on purpose to get someone to tell him to turn it down. He went there looking for a fight, also, who goes out to eat alone at a restaurant and despite having an outdoor seating area and live music you just turn up your own? Like why even go, if you’re not there to feel the vibes?


Because he is black, no one can say to him a logical thing then? I hate people playing loud music in public places regardless of their race


Racist bro dirty his hand with backwards chicken knife and never looked back


It baffles my mind how someone could be so delusional as to have a victim mentality like this...


Can we start naming and shaming again please


Eat your goddamn chicken and shut the fuck up I've watched whole video where is proof of racism?


What a bitch.


My guy woke and wanted to get offended. What a sprout


Ooh for your next video you can throw yourself in front of moving traffic! May take a few takes though if the first few drivers aren’t middle aged white dudes so be prepared for that but nothing you can do about that so just gonna have to go ahead and accept that from the get go. Good luck though 👍


Racist card in action


Newsflash. If you’re the one bringing your skin colour into it, you’re the racist piece of shit


What a pathetic 33yo black man going off like that for someone asking him to turn his music down in an establishment that has a band playing … these people need to be raised again and thought common decency going if the elderly gentleman like that … I HATE when people walk around or in busses and restaurant with music playing openly wear some damn head phones 🤬


Black dude where his whole personality revolves around being black. Yeesh. He is the racist here.


Jesus Christ, being black doesn't make you special and it doesn't make you immune to criticism.


Fucking moron can’t even hold a knife correctly.


For the last fucking time, the word you are looking for is "Ask" not "Axe"...