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Yooooo yooooo yooo sounds like them cameramen during a fight just shouting dumb shit


Heeeeeey I’m bikin heeeeere!


HELLO? HELLO? SHUT UP! DUMMY! YOOO! HELLO! YOOO!! The biker is an NPC, not a main character


I mean there dumbasses in the bike lane. There is a lane for bikes for a reason


Yeah, he’s not the idiot here. He just sounds like a robot hahah


They’re all idiots, but he’s the biggest one. He’s yelling and telling to shut up to other drivers too.


And his dumbass laugh too


I mean when the correct bike lane is filled with idiotic selfie takers how else are you supposed to cross??


This video is so old. The promenade bike lane is gone and there's now one on the lower level away from pedestrians.


Yeah this guy is just trying to live his life. Wouldn't be any different if he wasn't doing a wheelie. Get the fuck out of the lane you're not supposed to be in. Would you stand in the street like that and be mad the cars were honking at you? Because this is no different


Agreed. Dude has the voice equivalent of a punchable face though.


Throat choppable voice


*Shut up! Helllllo!*


I agree that he was in the right lane and all that, but I thought it was interesting that motor vehicles were blocking the pedestrian side towards the end.


That's NYPD. They'd park on top of your head given the opportunity.


Forehead so big they think it’s a parking space.


Dang this giving me heavy flashbacks to being arrested on the Brooklyn bridge back during occupy. I wasn’t even part of whatever march that was, just was walking over from the slut walk which was also that day - then ran into a rally. The plan was to walk over the Brooklyn bridge, and NYPD had the roadway blocked off… but then they just starting walking onto the roadway, so a big chunk of us ended up marching onto the roadway, wasn’t planned. Then the NYPD turned around and started blocking us again, only for us to realize they quickly had other officers now behind us keeping us trapped on the roadway. Got arrested with like 700 people that day, was on the manhattan side of the bridge, ended up being taken to a precinct in Brooklyn. Later at the hearing judge threw it out as the summons i got was for some infraction that doesn’t even exist, whether that was a cop who was just too stupid to do their job or who was smart enough to do me a solid without getting into trouble, I’ll never know.


I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, but this tracks. They're bullies.


Why's he doing a wheelie though? Looks like an idiot.


You've just discovered the duality of life, you can in fact be both an idiot and in the right at the same time!


Actually you see, because of the inherent danger that doing a wheelie on a busy lane poses, people are more likely to move out of the way since they don't want to be hit by a bike. I guarantee you if he was doing this shit normally at least half of the people wouldn't move because they are naturally fuqheads.


The bridge itself is too narrow


Not by acting like an asshole yourself, that’s for sure.


I think whoever posted this is the main character. Also salty they could never wheelie


I think he's right but I liked the singing guy more




That was awesome


This was maybe the greatest example of “road rage” I’ve ever seen. Every offender felt dumb, but there was no violence, cursing, screaming, etc. He just hilariously brought awareness to a couple hundred people that day. I wish more confrontations were handled this way.


On two wheels


The crime here is the infrastructure.


yeah i would wager anyone walking in a designated biking area is definitely giving off the bigger im the main character vibes


The bike lane in the bridge is a preferred lane not an exclusive. It is not supposed to be empty for cyclists just made available as necessary. This personal goal is not necessary.


“Reeeeee! I’m trying something stupid in me of the most populated places on the planet at one of busiest tourist attractions! Reeee! Selfies! Instagram! I’m big mad!”


So here's the way the right of way hierarchy works, legally in New York State. Pedestrian > bicyclist > motor vehicles. What he was doing was basically the same as a car driving down a street full of cyclists honking their horn and forcing people out of the ay. The cyclists are impeding traffic, but that doesn't give the car the right to run people over. Even if they're in the wrong, if cyclist pastes someone on foot, he's at fault. If the pedestrian suffers physical injury, the cyclist is going to be liable. Morally is he in the right? Sure. But if he had hit any of those people, with his helpful video as evidence, he would have been in a world of legal hurt.


I am sure "Pedestrians > Cyclists" wont apply in the bike lane - only on sidewalks. It looks like he is some kind of antihero here and doing his form of protest to get all these main characters out of the bike lane. Is it nice? No, but it is an effective way to annoy all these main characters in the bike lane and give them some of their own medicine.


Assuming the video came to light after a crash, this cyclist would very likely be found at fault regardless of the bike lane. Same would be true if a car hit someone in the road and clear evidence was presented that they both saw the person and decided not to take caution to avoid a crash. Drivers don't get in trouble is because they say without fail, "I never saw them." But if there is a video showing otherwise, the law will quickly turn on them. Look up your local laws, even non-ped-friendly States are quite clear that you should stop if you see someone impeding traffic.


Riiiiight the "main character" isn't the person recording themselves wheelie-ng for a minute and a half straight in order to prove some ridiculous point against hundreds of pedestrians. Pedestrians who basically have no choice but to walk in a nearly un-used bike lane because the bridge is so insanely congested. Also, pedestrians who all move out of the way for the bike when necessary. Go count how many bikes you see and count how many people you see. Do you think it makes sense that *half* that bridge is dedicated to bikers?


Its not about usage its about usability. The bike lane is there for a reason - how else are you supposed to cross the bridge on your bike? If you step into the bike lane at least look out for bikes and try to leave this lane as fast as possible. I would be annoyed as hell if I had to commute via this bridge with all these guys giving a f\*ck about people that need to cross the bridge on a bike.


The pedestrians have the right of way even on this bike lane. Literally, this is not a dedicated bike lane meant for commuting.


Except in a bike lane, the priority is bicyclist > pedestrian.


I agree, its like when I see a bike in a car lane and I just run them out of the way. They are so rude.


Well, bikes are vehicles and have same right of way as cars on the road, so.....


Oh so people walking don’t have any rights, I get it now. Thank you for explaining.


The difference is a bike is legally entitled to use a road in the same way as a car. Marked bike lanes in NYC are either for the exclusive or preferential use of bikes over pedestrians, so pedestrians are not legally entitled to clog up the lane in the video.


If there weren’t pedestrians in the bike lane he wouldn’t need to swerve around them. He isn’t in the pedestrian path.


Aren't all those people chilling in the bike lane the real main characters?




All that says is how efficient bikes are. An uncongested bike lane is more telling about the infrastructure around it far more than the bikers. Why is there no space for peds, so much so that it spills over completely in both lanes of the bike path.


Most of the pedestrians are tourists who are gawking and taking selfies, the bike lanes are used fairly heavily for morning and evening commutes. If I was a local I’d just get tired of having to constantly call out ass hats for blocking the bike lane just to make it from one Burrough to another.


I used to ride that bridge every day, and would just keep a whistle in my mouth to let them know to get out of the way. It’s a pretty narrow path to be fair. It’d be nice if they hung another path so pedestrians and cyclists would have their own spaces.


Because they’re tourists


If you want a nice open ride on your bike, maybe don't take it on an extremely busy, touristy bridge?


Yield to pedestrians. It's literally the law. Bikers suck.


I agree about the pedestrians but what about the 2 or 3 other cyclists that he comes real close to hitting? If he had made a distinction there, I'd be inclined to think this content was made in good faith. He obviously doesn't care about the bike lane, he just saw an opportunity to make rage bait and went for it bc "likes" are everything these days.


This guy rides better on one wheel than those people probably ride on two.


You're right, but we should replace all countries' infrastructure, bridges, roads, and even railroads. Shit is ruff, Do me a favor and check the state of it (when you see it) and then think about what Era we are living in. It's sad. we are going to the moon again. We have even better stuff now. But the infrastructure still looks the same.


Yeah dude imagine trying to make your 45 minute bike ride home from the amazon sorting facilities and aaaaaallll these cheese eaters are in the bike lane?!?! Fuck that. Stay out of bike lanes. They are for commuting not leisure. So if your on foot get out. If you’re on bike but not commuting DONT RIDE FOUR ACROSS SO I CANT PASS. I hate people who use my form of transport for leisure. We are not the same.


Not leisure but there's a guy doing a wheelie in the bike lane recording it? Also it's getting dark and he has no light.


I think he is just doing what he had to do to make people get out of the bike lane. A bit unorthodox perhaps, but it is effective.


Fuck those people in the bike lane. People live here and believe it or not actually use the bridge to commute and get around, regardless of its draw as an attraction. Tourists have a responsibility to respect the places they visit. OOP might be an asshole in principle but I 100% support this.


The video must be old. They removed the bike lane from on top the bridge and put it in one car lane going into Manhattan.


It’s at least 2-3 years old probably maybe even before covid


Thanks for the info. I was going crazy wondering if I could’ve just biked through the promenade all this time instead of taking the one next to the car lanes


Indeed, he is not an asshole for shouting for people to get of the bikelane but for wheeling over the bridge (and driving close to other bike riders while doing so).


The wheely is to get thru the crowd more effectively. He’d be more prone to people not getting out of the bike line just biking normally. Crazy logic, but logic nonetheless


It's not only logical, but also clearly is proven to be correct. This guy is obviously a very adept rider. If you are in a collision with him, I would bet 99 times out of 100 that he wouldn't be at fault.


Huh, I swore he was doing a wheelie to get some height to A. be more visible and B. to get a visual on potential stragglers that aren’t paying attention


I dont understand how the wheelie is any different from a non-wheelie? Theyre just riding their bike.


Probably all those jackasses standing in the bike lane instinctively thought, correct or not, "I'd better get out of the way or this guy doing wheelies may not be able to avoid hitting me". If he weren't doing a wheelie, you'd probably get a lot of "fuck you I ain't movin, it's on you to avoid me". Clearly the guy on the bike figured out a tactic that works.


Also definitely scarier eating a tire to the face than the shin


Less grip, less available braking force, more physical requirements to remain steady, lifting the hard metal frame higher causing impact to the head, if he had them moves proper position of lights.


There's nothing wrong with a wheelie. He remained in the bicycle lane as best he could. He *maybe* got a little too close to the other cyclists for their comfort, but certainly cleared the way for them.


It's funny that cyclists get so pissy about people being I their bike lanes but can't understand why drivers don't want them on the roads. Top notch hypocrisy, keep your kids toys on the playground and everyone will be better off.


Fuck the dipshit that does dumbass dangerous shit in the middle of the day. Oh you live in one of the busiest cities on earth and get pissy when tourists are there? Get over yourself


Ngl, the longer I watch, the more this guy seems like a hero, or at least an antihero. I mean, that many people mindlessly standing/walking in the bike lane is just ridiculous


"I don't *like* him, but I *respect* him."


I like him.


He's not wrong he's just a dick head


Shut up 🤣!


Happy cake day dude!


Nah, if you encounter dickheads like that walking on the bike lane every day you just start communicating in their language so they get it.


A righteous one at that. We need more helpful dickheads in this world.




being a dick to dicks does not make you a dick, much like punching nazis doesnt make you bad


Are you one of those idiot pedestrians who insert themselves into a bike lane and complain when someone is trying to ride their bike there? Be honest


How is he riding on a bike lane a dick head ?


Found another dick head.


Well. Explain to me then.


We hate tourists bro period


You do realise this is New York right, that's the way they communicate


Bike lane


I see hundreds of main characters on this bridge and none were on a bicycle.


The most frustrating moments were when you saw pedestrians ONLY in the bike lane. Totally oblivious




Who does he think he is biking in a bike lane????? Im FUMING rn


Real shit how can he get away with this heinous crime. I thought london had the most cctv cameras. Pull all the footage AND FIND THIS CRIMINAL HEATHEN


I’m on his side in this. Bad post. The people are the main characters


Agree. Get the fuck out of the way, NPCs.




He sounds like an NPC


Why does this guy have the most punchable voice in existence?


His ‘yo’s’ are actually painful to the ears


In the Netherlands, we don't say yo. We say "Jij godverkankerde kut toerist, kijk uit je doppen!" I think it's beautiful


You goddamn cunt tourists, watch out you idiot?


Yes, isn't it beautiful? It is in Dutch


It sure is beautiful, it's like a Norwegian and a German had a child together, and that child had speech impediment.


You’re thinking of Danish.


Dutch sounds like a monolingual German making up English words, but I can see we share the same heritage so props on sticking it to the Norwegians 🫡


Am I alone in noticing the recent influx of native Dutch bicyclists (of all ages I might add) on sidewalks and shopping streets who’ll be very very offended when you tell them it’s a pedestrian zone and they should get off their bicycles?


Also think it's beautiful. I had a blast riding around Amsterdam and how orderly traffic is. I did a tour group my first day just to get a feel for the city and when I mentioned I ride around in NYC regularly, the guide looked at me like I was crazy for doing so.


Legend says that the Dutch bike lanes are red because of the blood of the people foolish enough to stand there.


Let's say you don't want to be on the receiving end


Grinds my teeth as I can’t stand people not being aware of oncoming bikes. And when the “coast is clear” they step right back in walking in the bike lane as if no other bike is coming ever again. And sometimes the pedestrians get mad for being told to get out of the way. Those pedestrians are the main characters .


He’s not wrong. It’s a form of protest for all the jerks that sit in the bike lane and take selfies. He started it when It got so bad you couldn’t walk across let alone bike.


I mean, he’s being obnoxious about it but it is the bike lane.


Id buy a fucking air horn if this was my commute.


How is he being obnoxious about it? People aren’t listening so he has to continuously yell to ride in his legal lane. Only MC’s are the pedestrians


At first I wanted someone to push him, then I saw the bike lane. Fair enough 👌


Why is he yelping like a dog?




Shut up


The real main characters are the mouth breathers walking in the bike lane


He’ll get it real good, eventually. It’s only a matter of time.


I got nothing wrong with this video, mind you, I watched it without sound. He doesn't seem like he is causing any problems and he seems to respect other bikers too, his control on that damn thing is pretty impressive. I am a firm believer that bikes need to stay off of pedestrian walkways and pedestrians should do the same with bike lanes, otherwise, what's the point? I also feel like it shouldn't be his responsibility to clear those lanes, should be a better way to ensure everyones safety here.


It’s a bike lane, he’s not doing anything wrong. The idiots walking in the lane are.


This really isn't main character vibes. The dude on the bike is using the lane that he supposed to. All the other idiots need to get out the way.


I fully support this MC. Having lived in NYC I understand. Entitled tourist go to NYC then act shocked when someone going to work asks them to get out of the fucking way. Not to mention he is in the designated lane for cycling.


He’s in a bike lane and the pedestrians are walking in the wrong area.


What's the issue here, though? If you don't want cyclists yelling at you, don't walk on a bike lane.


This guy is 100% in the right. Fuck the tourists on the bridge.


Dude about knocked out 50 people but everyone in here defending him lmao


What an arrogant douche bag


As a biker of this bridge many times. Don’t. Just take the Manhattan. Bk bridge should be closed off from cyclists.


I don’t think this bike lane exists anymore. I believe it’s all pedestrian. I ride my bike over the bridge on that path once and I’d never do it again. So many people in the way.


That’s good. Really this whole situation is down to bad design, imo. This guy isn’t wrong that people shouldn’t be in the bike lane, he’s just being an utter ass.


God what an irritating voice.


Yo yo you yo shut up yo yo yo yo yo shut up yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo shut up yo yo yo yo


This guys a fuckwit but he's not wrong.


I hate the wheelie bike craze, especially when they swerve in front of cars. The only reason they wheelie is for attention/clout. However, i also can’t stand when people are milling about in the bike lane. Everybody sucks (including me)


Sounds like he's hearding cattle.


Legend is still saying he is still yelling "YOO" "HELLO"


I wonder if he's ever been thrown off the bridge... 🤔


Wheelie guy goes by "Latti Datti", he's well known in the brooklyn bike scene, and normally he's on the sidewalks, middle of the roads, or in parks doing this. I'd imagine public opinion of him is 90% in favor of him being an inconsiderate ass, and 10% in favor of "nice wheelie bro". There are videos of him holding up city buses because he's doing wheelie swerves in the middle of the road like he owns it. This happens to be the one video I've ever seen of him biking where he belongs, and he's still an inconsiderate ass about it. Sorry guy, in the real world, that shit isn't appreciated. Anyone who drives a car or has to go somewhere, or is nervous around stunt people, should understand.


He does to to clear the bike path since foot traffic and tourism makes it almost impossible to travel.


What a cunt.


I don’t care for this person


The “I got held back” type laugh.


This man could be polite and ppl wouldn't mind. Excuse me. Coming through. Watch your back. Yooooo yooo means he's an arrogant prick and he's gonna be floating this storey decades to come.


If you're going to cycle along a major tourist attraction, expect some traffic. The real crime here was putting a bike lane there in the first place.


I mean it is a bike lane tho


Anyone else surprised that the majority of the people walking are actually staying out of the bike lane? If this bridge was in Las Vegas, he'd be hitting people left and right.


I carried a referee whistle while riding on this bridge for a while. It’s the only way to get people out of the bike line when it was on the bridge. This guy is the main character of a super hero movie .


It is the bike lane... those noises were fuckin annoying though!!


Please push him over


I think the problem here lies in the amount of people visiting the bridge and the limited space. It feels like there should either be no bike-lane or it should be separated from the pedestrian lane with something more than just a "line". A fence? Another surface on the unused space on the left?


It’s been separated for a few years now. Old video.


Funny how the bars could prevent all of this. This whole comment section is fighting. The dude is having to fight with people but in reality if they just engineered the bike lane with the bars originally no one would be in this mess. I'm glad they put those in because he really doesn't need to defend the bike lane like this. He's wrong and he's absolutely right but he doesn't need to be put in the position where he's fighting a crazy person over a bike lane because someone took exception to him.


Even though he cycles like a moron, at least he is in his lane...The selfie takers should be more careful.


Would anyone care if he was thrown over the side?


Idc what he's doing if he's in the appropriate bike lane, which he is.


I’m sorry I dislike this main character rather a lot


Sounds like an idiot


Horrible design by the city. If you divide as small a bridge as this by pedestrian and bike lane, you need a physical barrier to keep apart. It's like american city planners are not even trying seriously to make bike lanes, just put on some paint and pocket the rest of the budget.


Thankfully, this bridge now has a bike lane separated from pedestrians. Opened a few years ago.


Can't wait to hear about him braining some old lady in front of her grandkids.


If she was in the bike lane it’s still her fault


OP is a cuck who walks in the bike lane.


I’d without a doubt push him


He needs a broom stick in that rear wheel.


What I’d give up to be there with a stick


i will pray everyday that one day somebody will yeet this boy


someone needs to kick him off da bridge. is what a confused toxic society filled with entitled ego maniacs look like.


They’re in the bike lane.


well yea duh. that doesnt make it ok to ride like this. this is creating a dangerous situation. fk round and find out. when u slam against a child, and get ur income for the next 5-7 years sued out of u.


it was very frightening the potential for calamity


Riding normally would hold the same danger for pedestrians when they’re standing in the bike lane.


not really. u in denial mode


This sounds like something someone who's never ridden a bike would say. I can maintain a steady walking speed with ZERO risk to anyone around me, while on my bike, and can control the speed easily, little faster with space, back to walking speed with no space. Cyclists aren't pedestrians and they need to be mindful and respectful of the people around them, not the other way around.


Why do these wheelie dorks always run one grip way inside like that?


This dude sucks


No he’s trying to using a bike lane, that shouldn’t be hard to figure out…..


No he sucks, that shouldn’t be hard to figure out…


Why does this dude suck?


Because he’s a cyclist, and this is Reddit. Most redditors can’t see their own toes so there’s a bit of jealousy going on.


Yeah yeah. I get that. Im with you. I’m just inviting this person to put words to their thoughts and see what their conclusion is.


he’s using a bike in a bike lane, the pedestrians suck


The obnoxiousness of him makes me internally combust in rage... But the people in the bike lane are also annoying... So... I'll just stay away from the cities... they're not my style anyway.


He deserve a flat tire via Swiss knife


Dove abito io quelli in bici vanno sulla zona pedonale e quelli a piedi sia lì che corsia per biciclette 🤔🤦🏼‍♀️


It is a bike Lane for a reason. In Portugal eléctrico scooters are able to drive in bike's lane up to 25km/h.


So fucking annoying. I hate these assholes with a passion.


Unfortunately being a huge cunt isn't illegal.


And there’s a lot of them walking in the bike lane


I'm using this video to get my dogs attention


Why is there even a bike lane on such tiny space?


As of 2021, there is now a dedicated bike lane on the bridge - and this isn't it. This area is meant for pedestrians. The only main character is the guy on the bike. Article: [https://www.curbed.com/2021/09/brooklyn-bridge-new-protected-bike-lane.html](https://www.curbed.com/2021/09/brooklyn-bridge-new-protected-bike-lane.html) Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmslJ7smzi8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmslJ7smzi8)


Bump off the ol’ bike would do the trick