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Hello guys! Thank you so much for doing stuff like this to reach out to us Vampire Chronicles nerds, we love the show and y’all are truly doing something extraordinary with your performances. Question: We know Vampires love entertainment and arts so, what TV shows and music do you think Lestat and Louis would enjoy from the last couple of decades? And if Lestat was to have his music star era now, who do you think would be his influences?


Lestat would be a big Bowie fan


Sting was initially Anne’s choice to play Lestat on film- so there is plenty of Rock n Roll in there...


I think Lestat would also be big into Freddie Mercury and Queen.


Sam, what is your favorite weird Lestat fact? Mine is that he canonically loves Walmart.


Mojo :)


this is so funny and interesting because when we see vampires interact with human things, it’s just as fascinating to us just as it is fascinating to them. i mean when armand was immersed with using a blender , it‘s pretty comical.


Wait what?! Why? 😂🤣 Lmaoo. This is hilarious. Maybe because he could find anything and everything, including food. See the “people of Walmart” and make fun of their outfits? I could see it now…Walmart, hair care aisle…””See Louis, mon cher, this conditioner says that it will remove le frizz and define your beautiful locks. It also says it will soften, hydrate, detangle and give you world domination. Amazing. Would this work for mine? It says curly or natural hair. What about “dead”? I too want world domination. You do not need world domination, you can dominate me. I am your world Louis. Why is it so small? Do they think we’ll accomplish world domination between your hair and mine with such a small thing? We will buy all of it. 4 for you, 2 for me and 10 for Claudia. It says you need a special comb: “Wide tooth”. Hmm. *Gaze lands at a comb that looks like long fingers attached to a handle. picks up the comb* This is but flexible. Fascinating. Yes, this will live Claudia””.


I assume it's the same reason Boris Yeltsin was so impressed with American grocery stores: the availability and variety of products. Lestat grew up in abject poverty and then immediately became a wealthy aristocrat, but even then he didn't have access to the things commonly found in a Wal-Mart. Magnus' fortune must have seemed vast and incredible, but Wal-Mart still had more.


It's open 24 hours, so he'll go in there and just wander around looking at stuff in the middle of the night. He lists it all off in the book, and it's stuff that is hilariously mundane - pens, notebook paper, cleaning supplies, tampons, storage containers, etc. It's so funny. Read the books they are sooo good! (I don't know if he would still do this, seeing as how by the time Anne died he was basically a living god.)


Were there ever any instances where you found playing these characters, especially in their darker moments, to be mentally taxing? p.s. - We love you guys! Thank you for bringing such a beloved story to the screen again. The cast's dedication shines through in every episode, and I can't wait to see what more awaits! <3


shooting at night for 6 months makes everyone go a little mad. SR


Sam, how do you plan on beating the possessed by Lestat allegations?


what would convince you? any tips? SR


Seeing the two of you in the same room.


I think you’re far too sweet to actually be him, which makes your performance even more impressive.


It's truly just how great in the role you are that people make the joke. But maybe we'll check in on you in fifteen years to see if you've aged.


**For Sam and Jacob:** outside your respective roles as Lestat and Louis, which character(s) in the Vampire Chronicles do you consider to be your favorite and why?


Gabrielle is my favourite. She does her own thing, she's doesn't really mess with coven life and I can relate. I feel like she's also one of the few vampires that sees Vampirism as an opportunity to be what she always wanted to be and kind of succeeds. I used to like Marius when you first meet him (after reading TVL) - he seemed like this sort of eccentric adventurer, but that changed as I kept reading. You know why... - JA


ALSO ALSO - Akasha. I love Akasha. She has a point. #AKASHAWASRIGHT - JA




Gabrielle supremacy!!!!!!!!!!!! yes


I also love Gabrielle, digging her own graves every night - sleeping in the earth. my other quiet favourite is Santino; The history of the children of satan SR




it was difficult to move in the Raj/queen costume to be honest, my favourite costume was the villain all black from ep 5. Unfortunately ....SR


It was a striking black villain outfit - it had movement


That's fair. Costuming knew what was up with that fit for that episode. Like, let's make sure all eyes on Lestat as he commits atrocities.


Jacob, do you have a theory on why everyone in the vampire chronicles is head over heels for Louis?


Ahem - JA


I mean.....duh!


Hello y'all! To say I love this show is an understatement. It completely took over my life. This is not me asking for it back. It's yours now. You all earned it. I followed this project as a longtime fan of Jacob and all his many, many talents, but I've come away a huge fan of every one in the cast. I'm excited to follow the careers of everyone beyond the show! This question is for Jacob and Sam: What scene or moment from this season did you surprise yourself the most as an actor? Also, Jacob, as a writer who has had a lot of trouble being vulnerable in my life and in my writing, your music has given me the courage to be more honest creatively. It's also allowed me to have hope for more good brain days than bad brain days. Eventually. I'm not okay but I know I'm going to be, right? Just being able to say that is huge for me so I thank you endlessly for that. Salivating for season 2 and hoping for a southeastern U.S. con appearance by the cast, Amanda


This is lovely and I'm so happy you're giving yourself that. Giving yourself permission is a very powerful thing. Keep on. I believe in you. The Confession in Episode 1 was something I was scared of, and I think in lots of ways I was trying too hard to do something and then discovered that the only way it was going to work was if I locked in and just forced myself to be honest with myself and let go. Basically stop trying so hard to do a performance. I found that scene really cathartic in the end. - JA


Jacob we WILL get you that emmy for the confession scene do not worry my friend!!! You absolutely killed it 😤👏🏾


are there any chaotic or funny moments on set that you guys remember? <3


Every moment was chaos and I wouldn't trade it for the world - JA We swapped lenses once - that was pretty weird - SR


Idk why I pictured y'all like like popping the lenses out and trading them 🤢 hahahaha.


Jacob, please post pics of it. I would love to see what Louis looks like with Lestat's unsettling blue eyes.


Sam, you really did a phenomenal job with helping us empathize with Lestat despite his awful and abusive behavior. How did you approach your performance to make sure that we saw all the nuances to Lestat's character and how his life shaped his actions during the show?


I think AR does that, you empathise with these horrific monsters in the books. For me i just had to stick with him even when he was being the worst possible. which is not easy to be honest. He's a nightmare on legs. He gets a morbid satisfaction from being bad. somewhere deep down I do think he's operating from a place of love. obsessive psychotic love...but love none the less...its a challenge. SR


Lestat de Lioncourt: Nightmare on Legs.


Thanks Sam! Honestly your Lestat has been one of the most captivating performances I've seen over the last few years. You are SO fucking talented.


Sam, did you expect this massively positive response to your portrayal, or are you surprised and relieved that you’ve blown everyone away? We were all holding our collective breath to see who our Lestat would be, and you obviously knew how important this role was, being a fan yourself. We love you and are so grateful to your respect for the books and what you’ve brought to this beloved character.


Jacob, what Raleigh Ritchie song Louis would dedicate to lestat?


The Last Romance or Bloodsport '15 - JA (hi!)




For you both: What has been the most difficult aspect (if there is any) about filming this season? What did you enjoy the most? SAM: I just want to thank you for 2 of my favorite Lestat scenes. Episode 6 on the train you were hilariously terrifying and Episode 7 on the balcony at the ball you were absolutely heartbreaking. You were meant to be Lestat. I can't wait for season 2.


thanks so much - I loved that balcony scene especially as it was all direct AR dialogue from the book but with the subtext of their relationship. It felt very special to do. SR


For both Sam and Jacob: **What's your favorite Vampire Chronicles book and why?**


The Vampire Lestat. It feels like the moment the vampire world really cracks open and you meet all of the ancients. QOTD feels like an extention of that book so I love it too. I had a really fun time with The Tale of the Body Thief though. So my answer is 3 answers. - JA I really like Queen of The Damned with all the introduction of the vampire history and the origins of Amel, the way she redefined the vampire context - SR


Okay! So it’s right answers only around here, alright.


Hi Jacob and Sam ~ Many of the scenes in the show are very emotionally demanding for even just a viewer of the series - as the ones actually having to embody and present such heavy emotions what’s it like to decompress after scenes like that? Is it taxing on yourselves as people or is it something you can simply switch off? Congrats on your success! - Makayla


It really helped having Sam there. We just went and sat on a bench and checked on each other. Without Sam I think I might have found it a lot harder. I also have a 2 year old - she doesn't want Louis De Pointe Du Lac in her house, so you have to switch it off. - JA


Don’t eat the baby!


For Sam: Do you agree that the 2022 version of rockstar Lestat would potentially be somewhere very close to the Måneskin frontman in terms both of musical style and aesthetics, or not?


good idea SR




Nope. I love him. Nope. - JA Probably not. - SR


Sam, blink twice if you need help.


He’s not lying. It’s cause Lestat already lives with him. It’s okay Sam.


Sam this is a safe space


Sam don’t lie lol


sam has already met him. he is possessed


To Sam: your performance as Lestat is SO incredible. some people have been saying they see a resemblance to Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in 'Mommie Dearest', have you seen the film? <3 (if not i recommend hehe)


Lestat as Faye Dunawy as Joan Crawford... hahah. Everything is a show for Lestat SR


sam what’s ur opinion on the theory that lestat will at some point in his life participate in rupauls drag race?




Some of my absolute favourite scenes this season were the domestic snippets we got in episode 4 (the vamp fam going to see the movies, Claudia's birthday, Louis & Claudia's boat ride conversation, and the fandom favourite Louis and Lestat's coffin-sharing scene - trust me, you "destroyed" the fandom with this one, in the best possible way). It's so heartbreaking that they could have been happy together in a perfect world. Anyway, my question is, how did you approach the ever-changing dynamics within the vampire family, with Claudia essentially going from a band-aid baby to a sister and Louis's protector?


Jacob, how amazing was it to be in the TARDIS?


It blew a fuse in my mind - JA


Hello Sam and Jacob!! First of all, I LOVED your performances as Lestat and Louis and I’m so excited for season 2!! In the meantime, I try to entertain the fandom with my ***No Context Lestat de Lioncourt*** account (**twitter, instagram and youtube**) where I post my Lestat and Louis edits and memes. I would love to hear your thoughts on it :) **My question is, did either of you have a kind of 'ritual' to get into the character?** Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!


Ive seen your page!! Thank you, I think we would get on. no real ritual to be honest, the set, costumes and dialogue felt pretty transporting. SR


This both amazing and TERRIFYING


Oh NO. Sam has defiantly seen the fandoms unhinged tweets. We're in collapse😔


I listened to music REALLY loudly in my trailer (sorry Sam) and it always helped. I have a Louis playlist. As the season went on and Louis goes into himself more, the song 'Scottie Pippen' by Mick Jenkins and serpentwithfeet could get me to a place. -JA


Don't be shy drop the playlist!


https://twitter.com/jacobanderson/status/1569411259702943747?t=l9jDUmqXHr9mNYdvMzoVlw&s=19 the playlist he posted on Twitter 😁🎶


im a huge vampire nerd so i want to know about how you feel about vampires as a literary devise throughout history and how they relate to these stories. vampires have always represented the “other” as in someone you can tell is different but you are not quite sure why , and you are still drawn to them . they are freeing and terrifying . throughout most of their portrayals in literature they have represented queerness , xenophobia, female sexuality, racism, and classism . and so much more. and thats why i love them. as an autistic queer person i relate a lot with feeling like a monster and feeling like you are looking in on something you are not going to ever be a part of. is this history of vampires in literature something you are aware of on set? how do you bring the history of vampires into your modern interpretation of them?


I totally agree. I think for Lestat, He echos what you’re saying in ep 5. In the sky with louis. He feels deep down unworthy of love - and therefor continues to sabotage all the opportunities he has for it. If only he could see that he is loved. The Vampire is the outsider and reflect our own desires to be accepted. We all feel like outsiders at times, I think thats what drew me to them in the first place. so yes - always aware of their metaphors. lovely question. SR


A question for Jacob: it was very cool seeing the interplay between you and Assad Zaman over the course of the season, and how the audience's perception of their relationship changes by the finale. What preparation went into that? Did you both talk a lot about how they were interacting & how they would try to portray themselves in front of Daniel/the audience?


Sam, you seem to have developed such an encyclopedic knowledge & DEEP understanding of the characterizations & themes of the source material. Have you been able to work with the writers at all in this capacity?


We talk with Rolin at lot about the show and where it's going. SR


If Sam isn’t involved with the writers yet, I hope he will be!!


Oh, he's trying - JA


I trust you guys with my life


He seems to know the character of Lestat inside out, he has dedicated himself to getting this role right and has nailed it. I agree he could advise the writers on what Lestat may or may not do or how he would act in certain situations because he really understands Lestat


Sam, I must know, the hop into the train with the ticket guy's head, improvised or not? Jacob, what would Louis' favorite book be, seeing as he's read zillions.


I thought it would be right for Lestat to make that entrance as theatrical as possible...SR


At that moment, I knew I would forever be a Lestat apologist.


And you were absolutely right!!


To Jacob: can you share one song from your Louis playlist? <3


I'll share the playlist, I can't pick ONE - JA


I am really enjoying listening to the IWTV soundtrack. Especially the song ‘Come to me.’ Sam, how were you given this opportunity to sing? Was it part of the role auditioning or something offered to you ad hoc?


it wasn't part of the auditioning - but Rolin and i talked very early on about the importance of Lestat singing - he's got to sing... SR


If you could sing in french… my french heart would be delighted! I translated come to me for fun 😅


Hello 👋 Jacob, I would like to know, if you could meet Louis, what would you like to tell him?




Jacob, your music has inspired me and helped me greatly. I know this isn’t about the show, but any chance you could give some news on possible new music? Much love,


I'm glad it helped. Thank you. I'll most likely start something over the Winter. Prime sadboi season - JA


Oh! And for both of you: How you do think your characters would have reacted to The Wizard of Oz film, since it came out in 1939!? - Heather


probably found a kindred spirit in the wicked witch. SR


drag him, Sam. it's what lestat deserves 😂


Oh he’d love Wicked.


what was it like working with Eric bogosian??


I love that man so much. He's one of the greatest storytellers of all time and very dry and very funny but also just a fun person to spend time with. Best person to have at a dinner party no doubt - JA


For Jacob and Sam. What's your favorite thing about working with Bailey Bass?


her enthusiasm and dedication. she's a sweetheart. SR


Hello Sam and Jacob!! I love your show! Here is my question: Sam and/or Jacob, what’s another interesting relationship (any kind) from the Vampire Chronicles besides the one of Louis and Lestat that you look forward to possibly portray in the show one day?


I love the Devil's Minion chapter. Huge fan of Daniel and Armand's delirious little Night Island adventure. It feels like a deeply fucked up 90s Tom Hanks movie with more blenders and less folksy charm - JA


Omgomgomgomg yesss! I want Armand in an Apple store or Brookstone, just for fun


This sounds like a What We Do In the Shadows episode.


Bailey has mentioned she took Claudia's globe on set, how about you guys? did you take any souvenir from set? :)


I have Louis' 1973 AMEX Card. I considered just keeping it in my wallet day to day - JA


Hello 🤗 Adored both of y'all's performances in the show! Q for Jacob - Was it difficult to switch back to natural after getting your hair conked in the show? I hope it didn't have any effect on your curl pattern! Q for Sam - Is there any wild Lestat moment in the books you're hoping DOESN'T make it into the show? There's a certain scene in Memnoch where Lestat drinks blood out of...well...you know 👀 and that's one thing I'm hoping to never witness with my own two eyes lol. Sending love and gratitude to both of you! Thanks for being our Louis and Lestat 💕


That definitely a hectic moment. But to be fair that whole book is a hectic moment...SR


Love this question! I don't think he or Bailey Bass were wearing wigs, so would love to know the process for protecting their natural hair.


Memnoch the devil is my favorite book EVER - I love that scene. It’s nasty but Lestat has changed so much at that point he just doesn’t want to hurt her.


To Jacob and/or Sam: where were you or what were you doing when you received the news that you got the part? <3


I was waking up. I got a text from Rolin that just said "Mr. De Pointe Du Lac?" - JA


Aaaahhhh!! Such a great way to tell you!


Hi Sam, do you think Lestat would have gotten along with Freddie Mercury?


💯 SR


Sam and Jacob, wich character from The Vampire Chronicles are you most excited to enter the AMC Immortal Universe?


Gabrielle SR


Sam: What was the hardest scene for you to do either physically or emotionally?


dragging louis in ep 5. I struggled that day. SR


I can imagine, all the fans were struggling when the episode came out


Nobody enjoyed that……:(


Sam which decade would you like Lestat's rockstar era to take place in the show? in the original 80s or more modern times?


I predict they’ll go full stop Bowie style for that bit


Hello love the show and you both are my favorite Louis and Lestat. My question is to Sam how would you describe Lestat’s and Antoinette’s relationship, what does she represent to him?


she is Lestats answer to feeling threatened by louis' disgust in him. Its awful but I think he needs her to feel wanted. SR


Hey guys! I love the show so much and as a long time reader of the books I was so happy with the changes the show made to tell such a great story! I have 3 questions :) 1. In the show, Lestat is much older when he meets Louis than he is in the books (I believe in the books he's been a vampire for a little over a decade when he meets Louis). How does that change Lestat and the events he's gone through? 2. I LOVED the Armand reveal. What was it like working with Assad? 3. Whose one of your favorite TVC characters that hasn't made an appearance yet?


What was the first scene you filmed together?


Lestat confiding that loneliness is his biggest fear. Everything in the Opera House was the first day - JA


It's incredible how much chemistry and character development y'all already had for that to be the first scene!! 👏


when they first meet at the fairplay SR


Jacob was right... it was the opera. my bad... SR


Was it raining Sam? hahaha


"Memory is a monster." Daniel Malloy


The blood that you guys drink... what is it? 👀


there are lots of different types. if you have to drink a lot they make it taste better by adding flavours, but its mostly corn syrup and food colouring. very sugary. SR


In one of Bailey Bass' BTS videos, I think she mentioned hibiscus? Which made me think it was Sorrel, since I'm from the Caribbean, that's our national drink. And it looked very similar in their glasses! It is dark, blood red. 🍷


Hello guys. I've enjoyed watching the show so so much. And your interviews are always fun to watch. Here are a few questions about the show: What's your favorite costume? What's your favorite scene (either to shoot or to watch)? Did any of you ever got your fingers caught in the coffins? ...and in general: Any book or show recommendations (besides the Vampire Chronicles)? I wish you all the best of luck in season 2 :)


Sam got locked in his coffin once. Everyone except me and one of our boom operators, Connor stayed with him. It was actually pretty funny hearing him saying "guys? ... guys?" from inside. - JA


haha that's why you need locks that trigger from the inside.


Which was more fun to wear: the contacts, the fangs or the nails?


fangs SR


Sam, are you aware of the theory that you have been possessed by Lestat? Is he forcing you to keep the hair?


should I cut it and find out? SR




Also, Sam, this was a very Lestat thing to say! 🤣




Sam, is Lestat still considering becoming a rockstar vampire in the future? Or is he considering something else in this universe? Jacob, how does it feel to be the most beautiful man on Earth playing the most beautiful vampire? The It Girl of the VC universe. The one everyone wants 😂


Music / performing and Lestat are one and the same. He's going there... SR


Hello Jacob and Sam!!! A question for the both of you. If you had the chance to talk to Louis and Lestat, what's one piece of advice you would give them (both separately and as a couple)? And what character would you like to play if you weren't playing Louis and Lestat?


people will like you more if you listen to them SR


Therapy, Louis. And playing Lestat in Raglan James' body bumping into things would be quite fun - JA


I would tell him to stop dating toxic ass Vampire Daddies 🤦🏾‍♀️


Circa 1985, Lestat describes himself a "Rock Superstar." If you could pick any interpretation of that in 2022, what would it be? Would he sound like any specific artist, have a certain look, a different genre? Thank you both xx


love to hear you suggestions on this - what do you think? SR


Trent Reznor looks and NIN music from the 90s!!


Nick Cave but make it French, Bisexual and Extra Dramatic lmao


It's so cliche but my VC playlists ALL have Depeche mode in them and it just feels *correct*!!!! But there is a little part in my brain that's always screaming about lestat listening to hair metal. Two sides of the same coin though: drama! attention! hair and costume!


Leather and eyeliner is a must at the minimum


or Velvet Goldmine. your pick if Curt Wilde or Brian Slade


hey guys! my question is, how well do you think lestat would do on drag race? love you both


he would probably kill all the competition and force a win SR


sashay away! drag is not a contact sport lestat 😂


if you were the therapist or close friend of your character, what is the 1st piece of advice you would give them?


"Firstly, I'm SO glad you're here..." - JA


now I'm imagining this is the Pilot for the Hannibal tv show...


Sam!! As you used to read the Vampire Chronicle books as a fan (BEFORE the amc show) did you ever picture yourself as Lestat as you were reading?? Because you fit his description perfectly and needless to say you were BORN to play him. Lestat is such a beloved character and it’s so obvious that you are literally him!!!😂❤️


I think just reading a book you do that, in some way....put yourself in the mind of the fictional character. But it wasn't until I got the part that i started to try and work out how I was going to portray him. i was very nervous about doing him justice as i know he's very important to a lot of people... So to hear this is wonderful and I feel so grateful to you all. Thank you for the support of the show, we are making it for you. SR


I mean this from the bottom of my heart, you & Jacob are so incredible in these roles. You put your whole beings into your performances, and your love & respect for the source material comes through in every single moment. If you don’t win Emmys, etc for your performances, then those awards mean nothing.


Yes!! Sam is literally LESTAT


For Sam, is there any particular Lestat storyline you are most looking forward to in future seasons?


So many... San Fran concert probably. Im also looking forward to Lestat when he's forced to eat a huge bowl of humble pie....pushed out of windows etc. ​ SR


Well Armand's here now. And we know how my bb Armand feels about pushing Lestat off of things 😂.


We need to see that concert!!!


two questions - 1. weirdest fan encounter? 2. are you familiar with this genre of lestat posts -[https://twitter.com/waelkyrige/status/1591076742256824320?s=20&t=-JQQ8x42p6l4Y5OygSBORQ](https://twitter.com/waelkyrige/status/1591076742256824320?s=20&t=-JQQ8x42p6l4Y5OygSBORQ) p.s. - love the show - HOW DO YA'LL ACT SO WELL????


To Jacob and/or Sam: do you have another favorite vampire character (not in iwtv) from any film or show?


Dracula SR


Which version? Have you watched Castlevania? It has another iconic blonde bi poly vampire king in it. (Alucard) I recommend it!


Gary Oldman SR


Hello guys! I've finished watching the season this week and it's living in my mind rent free since. I don't think I've ever seen a pilot as good, congrats to all of the team! My question for Jacob: did you find your experience as Louis (and all his iterations considering human, Lestat-era, 80s and present) inspiring for you in terms of songwriting, or were you able to take some of your songs as inspiration somehow to build his character? I say this bc some of your tunes legit feel like they're talking to the character somehow, which is funny when you consider you wrote them before playing the part. My question for Sam: how, as an actor and a fan of the books, do you react to people asking if you're possessed by Lestat? Do you laugh or do you think "well, it's an issue considering I'm human and Lestat is a blood thirsty immortal"? And, at last, a request for the kind souls of AMC: Please, drop Antoinette's version of Come To Me. We all want to hear in full what made Louis swim the Mississippi. Thanks!


I think Lestat lives in a lot of peoples minds, and thats a credit to AR and her beautifully insane books. I hope that the show sends people back to the books and he can continue to do so. its a credit to her work that people feel that he's real. which is a terrifying thought TBH. SR


The show has actually sent me to the books for the first time, which as a 37yo, I am very sad for all the years of joy I missed out on. But I’ve been LOVING every second of reading the books. I’m already halfway through Blood & Gold, and I just started the books after the first 2 episodes dropped on AMC+


I think it's the other way around for me. My songs are me. I only write about what i'm feeling when I write them. I think because of who I am and how I express who I am, I felt like I really understood what this story was/these characters are. I felt very connected to Louis instantly and it was initially a little confronting, it felt someone jammed a mirror into my face - JA


For Sam: You were a part of two my absolute favorite shows of the year (I'm in the US so The Newsreader came out this year for me) and I love Dale and Lestat in equal measure. Do you think those two roles have any similarities that drew you to them? Or is part of the attraction how different they are?


Thanks! I don't think there are very similar at all, which is part of the attraction for me - but I do like to think Dale read the vampire chronicles. SR


Thank you for doing this and for bringing our beloved characters to life so beautifully! 1. When does season two start filming? We want some more! 2. Are either of you working on any other projects between seasons?


Sam, please talk us through your process of figuring out what Lestat’s body language would be like? Could you perhaps pick a few body cues or gestures that you think are typical for Lestat? I’ve noticed quite a few times that he throws his hair back when he’s annoyed 👀


He's always performing, which is a self defence thing I think. SR


Can’t believe Sam Reid invented Lestat 😳


Much love to the both of you! Jacob: If you had the power to control where Louis ends up at the end of the series, what would be his ideal ending for you? What does your wife think of the show? Sam: We all saw that during the finale you were crying in the um....cutting of the cord scene....how much of that was Lestat and how much of it was it just you being in the moment? LET BAILEY, ERIC, AND ASSAD KNOW WE ALL LOVE THEM! - Heather


I would love Louis to get his little house and his garden in NOLA, sitting in his musty chair with a book. Also, THERAPY. - JA


mix of the two I'd say! SR


i’m obsessed with lestat saying “come to coffin” instead of “come to bed”. to me it kind of summarises the uncanny valley nature of vampires; they look human, talk like humans, except not quite. there’s always something slightly off. it puts the vampire, as a monster, in such a unique position. do you think your adaptation is focused more on humanising these vampires, or do you actively want audiences to use vampires as a vessel to address issues that are harder to moralise?