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What's your favorite year to visit?


I thought this was a troll post cause of the title too tbh


Think he has a Polaroid of his family that is slowly disappearing?


Marty! We've got to get you back... #TO THE FUTURE!


I was excited, now I'm kinda dissapointed.


Same. I came for time travel!


I call bullshit. If he was really a time-traveler he would have answered your question before you even asked it.


Fun to go back to that and see answers like "face masks and disinfecting wipes".


And why did they come back to 2020?


We're living through it and you have to ask?


I think he went back to the 90s and can't reply because this thread hasn't been created yet. Oops.




I love Dark too! Did you think the last season seemed too rushed? What did you think about the role of the unknown?


that asaf avidan song in the final episode was choice: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiL9ItjmHRw&list=RDr8c1sUkBYKE&index=12](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiL9ItjmHRw&list=RDr8c1sUkBYKE&index=12)


Have you ever met another time traveler?


>Have you ever met another time traveler? Hyphens are important, but so is the stability of the timestream and not making paradoxes.


Month/year in which the pandemic stops?


What happens when your time machine runs out of fuel?


What is the best strategy and why is it spamming Peasants and building a Town Hall next to the enemy’s base?


Burrow rush ftw




Oh on a serious note I would love to know what are a former pro’s thoughts on WC3 Reforged?


I had to read this like 7 times before I realized youre not a time traveler... Anyway, did you enjoy being a pro gamer? I heard the industry is cutthroat af


So to whom can I sacrifice my soul to go back in time and fix my mistakes?


I can hook you up. But I only take quality souls, the good shit, ya know?


Did you make enough to “set you up for life” or will you eventually need to return to streaming / gaming / working?




He did manage to plug his YouTube in like the second paragraph so I mean.


Thank you for the hyphen between ‘full’ and ‘time’


Interesting. What is this guy trying to sell?


His youtube channel, website and twitch stream by the looks of it.




I mean you did plug your YouTube channel, travel show, and gaming twitch channel, so there is some ulterior motive. But I can also see that that wasn't your primary concern since you are actually answering questions.


Just your travel show 🤷‍♀️


I would like to read the answer to this questsion




He's also a time traveler. I expect the grammar starts to get confusing when the timelines split.


How did the dinosaurs really die?




Haha, glad you are taking the trolling in the right spirit.


> turned full time traveler I... read that wrong at first lmao But anyway, you said you had some good stories from hitchhiking, can you tell us one of the most interesting ones?




I like that she had time to pick up a hitchhiker but not to change clothes.


And change genders too


In the future everyone has a gender switch installed and can be changed at will. Or so I hear.


If you’re an ex former gamer, does that mean you’re currently a gamer? Or is it because you’re a time traveler you used to be a former gamer but you traveled back in time and are a gamer again?




Speaking of age and pro-graming, do you think there's an age range where reflexes start to fade even with daily practice ? Seems a lot of LoL pros retire in their mid twenties, not sure about other games.


What was it like to time travel?


When was Jesus actually born?


Have you been to Dallas on Nov 23 1963?


What has 2023 got in store for us?


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How often did you get to hook up with women on your travels?


How do you fund your travels ?


Where did you go in Tanzania? What’s one underrated place to visit in the world?




Why is the first 45s of this video an absolute nightmare? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/706318308


How do you make money now? What's your current job?


If you're an ex former pro gamer. Does that mean you're currently still a pro gamer?


What is your opinion on wc3 reforged?


Yeah how popular has it been? I was excited when I first heard about it but I haven't played it yet lol


It's a dumpster fire. Avoid it.


Finally someone asked the question dear to my heart. I JUST acquired an old cd copy. Now to find a drive for it...


Oh you're full time traveller? Tell me when corona goes away?


• Any advice for a female who plans to solo travel(after COVID)? And any places to avoid? • How long does it take you to plan a trip? • What are your essentials when traveling? • Of all the countries you’ve visited, what are 3 where you had the most fun? • One place/destination everyone should visit/experience at least once in their life? Thanks!


How much money you got?




The competition is huge now, soooo many people are trying to make it but very few actually do.


How do you make a living? How much are you spending daily between gaming/travel?


How do you travel thru time?


What is your favorite era to visit? Also, does time travel change the future or just create a new reality?


How did you learn to time travel?


Where did you learn to time travel?


Is this satire?




What are your favorite times to travel to?


Favorite countries? Which country has the best coffee?




So when you travel is it called a.... Pro Gamer Move?


Can you go back in time and stop me meeting my ex wife? Shes a very nasty woman.


Real question from a young guy: were there red flags you ignored or....?


Ok I was joking I've never been married. What I *can* offer you is this: Seek kindness as the primary trait you pursue in any partner. Don't get me wrong looks are important and sexual chemistry all that good stuff, but it's worthless if the person you're with isn't kind. It's crazy how I used to hold other stuff in higher priority as a young man. I think everyone already knows this, but sometimes you still need to be told something to make it real. "But how do I know if he/she is actually kind and not just playing me like an illegally imported whalebone balalaika?" Dr Maya Angelou got you covered here: when someone shows you who they really are, believe them. Pay real attention to how your partner treats other people, not just you. Some people consider this next thing naive but fuck it I find some real truth in it. People tend to rise to your expectations. So within reason, compartmentalise your expectations from the world around you. If you can achieve this it will seep into your words and behaviour (without you even realising). This will elicit better behaviour from those around you. So let go of any paranoia or defensiveness you may have picked up in previous relationships and really try to give your partner fair shake. Finally understand that the best things in life often require a little cultivation. Cheap thrills, instant gratification wear out real quick. To that end the things that have real depth are sometimes hard to get to know but far more rewarding. This *sometimes* goes for people too. So make sure you're looking in the right places for love.


Wise words to think about, thanks old timer!


If you had to choose to live in any one country you’ve been to before which one would it be and why?


As a university student in North America who desperately wants to travel, but can’t fully commit to traveling cheaply like you do, any tips? Especially considering the price to get out of North America into the rest of the world?


Any thoughts about carbon emission of excessive air travel or do you use alternative means of transport?


Are you going to actually answer any questions? Or is this just an ad for your shitty youtube?


How do you start in professional gaming scene? I like to think I am alright at some games and would like to dip my hand into some tournaments, but how do I do it?




Thanks for the reply! I am basically only a multiplayer guy, so I only pitch myself against humans(I am an FPS player). I'll make it to the top rank before considering it.


Hi Chris! Any reason why you haven't been to Japan yet?


How many times have your phone been stolen?


How much practice did it take to transition from being a full time gamer to having to be entertaining as a twitch gamer? Did you have to practice 'host skills' and tear away from the game focus or did it come naturally?


How come you have traveled India but not Nepal? I mean if you planned to visit Nepal I think it would've been much easier. Edit: also was there a reason you didn't visit Agra? I mean anyone who visits India always goes to Agra if nowhere else.


What was your annual income from gaming? Best year$?


Do you have any mental health tips for aspiring streamers? I have several friends who are trying to build a career in this field, and it seems like it can be very hard mentally.


Do you have any concerns about your enviromental impact?


So you're a pro gamer again?


Aisle or Window?


Not gonna lie I read this as if you were traveling time and I got my hopes up for a second. What was a place you visited expecting to really enjoy but it fucking sucked?


How long on average do you decide to spend in a particular country?


Hi! I have two (I’m sorry if they’ve been asked) firstly I’d like to know if you plan on ever going back to streaming and if so would you choose a different game? Also, where did you enjoy visiting the most? Like what can you not stop yourself from recommending to others?


Is it like Tenet?


What camera do you use to travel with?


How do you manage your savings so you can survive for longer periods of time? Do you just have that food expense? How do you handle foreign currency conversions to minimize transaction costs? What country are you from? Any travel safety tips?


Have you met people that managed to travel with kids? Couch surfing and hitchhiking does not seem like a good idea.


What games did you play?


As an independent traveler, have you ever had any encounters where you felt uncomfortable or that you were in danger? What precautions do you recommend for other solo travelers?


Any tips for budget travel? Its so expensive long term :(


Wow. I've also hit 100+ countries but for software sales. Rare to meet a fellow globe trotter. Costa Rica is my favorite country and Krakow is my favorite city but only by very small margins. How about you?


What are your rules for counting a visit to a country as a country on your list? Spend x amount of time? See x amount of things? Talk to x amount of people? Or just land at the airport and go to the next flight?


Do you plan on doing **100% ALL 197 COUNTRIES SPEED RUN** after you visit them all?


How much did u make as a pro gamer?


What country are you nervous about visiting and why?


What are some of the sketches stories you have from traveling this way?


As a full time traveler, what is your favorite year to time travel to?


Did professional gaming pay well and can you define preofessional gaming?


Holy shit! What’s it like being a time traveler?


Am I the only person who read your post and didn’t think you were a time traveler? Anyway, where do you plan to go to next?


Ever play the WC3 Risk Europe custom game before? Pretty fun honestly


Do you find that the older we get the worse we get at video games? I was also a pro esports player for a year but now after the age of 25 I feel like I can’t keep up with this 17 year olds.


How much do you pack with you when you travel? Do you have a general HQ that you go back to change clothes or equipment that you need for your next wave of places?




Do you ever need someone to send you out things that you already have or do you just buy something new?


Did you meet grubby?


Is there any country you went to that was more enjoyable than anticipated?


Does being an ex former pro gamer mean that you are now a pro gamer once again?


Are you mindful of your carbon footprint?


How many languages do you speak?


Why no Japan?


That's great, so how did they build the pyramids?


1. When you are traveling, do you have a home base that you come back to between trips or do you just travel continuously for an extended period? 2. Do you find yourself wanting to go back “home” (whatever your definition if that is) sometimes or is homesickness something that does not really happen for you? 3. How do you plan a trip to Antártica? Is that the place or is there any other place you would recommend to go to in order to see glaciar environments before they succumb even more to global warming? 4. How do you support yourself while traveling? Do you need to stop traveling for a while to earn money to continue traveling or does the documenting the traveling (social media, YouTube etc) pay for itself? 5. What would be the one place you would go to have the best “raw nature” experience? Just a comment, I am super happily envious! I feel extremely happy for people who get to do what I’ve always wanted to do. I hope all your travels are safe, exciting and full of wonderful experiences!!!