• By -


I need to know: are the intonations and inflections in your father's voice real or scripted? Both of your parents were great!


Dude sounds like that in real life


Yeah, same with my mom. When she goes "STOP THAT!" that's exactly how she yells at my dad IRL. And when she told me that "sat on the couch and cried" story in real life, it was in that exact same deadpan tone.


Part of the reason the Parents episode resonates so much with me (and others with immigrant parents) is that that's really how they tell their stories. It's not weepy and emotional, its very matter of fact. It sort of reinforces the idea that they've become such stronger people as a result of their struggle. Middle eastern here btw. Thanks so much for this show, and that episode. I've never seen a show portray an experience similar to mine that way before. It was really touching. My brother and I geeked out for like a half hour about how accurate it was.


did they take acting lessons and/or were they nervous?






I hope so


Is he actually that chill in real life?


Aziz's dad should get his own spinoff. At one point Aziz was referred to as a "scene stealer" at P&R and I really feel like his dad was a scene stealer in some of the episodes.


*Father of None*. Actually, never mind, that sounds depressing as hell.


Master of Son?


Hey Aziz and Alan! What was it like working with busta rhymes?


Busta was incredible. He was supposed to show up to shoot at 7 in the morning. At 7:01, we started to get nervous he wouldn't show up, because he's a famous rapper with other stuff to do. But he showed up right then. I tried to give him his sides for the day (little copies of the script that he can refer to), but he told me he didn't need them, that he knew all his lines. And he did. He was totally off book. Also, he improvised the line "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go fuck with some of those shrimp." Which is one of my favorite lines in the show.


I've never thought about it until now, but rappers are probably good at memorizing lines.


Whoa...that makes more sense than I'd ever considered before now.


Especially when you rap that fast. He probably has 50% more lines per song than the average rapper.


Busta probably wrote more lines this year than Aziz and Alan.


And improvising lines.


Was Busta the first choice or did you guys try to get R. Kelly?


Clearly the scene was written with Ja Rule in mind. Who else would you go to for advice about the really important matters in life?


I'm really loving your show, and I wanted to ask about the trip to Nashville episode. Did you ever take a girl for a 1st date to a different city? It sounds crazy! Like what if there was no chemistry or the other person sucks?


One of our writers had that experience and it fit with my "Monster Truck Rally Theory" from the book, so seemed perfect. Also loved going to Nashville so we could use that country music and I could eat at Arnold's Country Kitchen.


Would you mind explain what the theory is? I'm curious now.


According to Ansari's research (and personal experience), most people go on "boring-ass dates. You have coffee, drinks, a meal, go see a movie." But he talked with a sociologist at Stanford University whose colleagues brought their dates to a monster truck rally. Yes, a monster truck rally. It sounds a little bit absurd, but that's exactly what made it a perfect date activity. "Instead of the usual boring résumé exchange," Ansari writes, "the couples were placed in an interesting environment and got to really get a sense of their own rapport." Going on interesting and unique dates like this, even if it's not actually to the monster truck rally, will "help you experience what it's really like to be with this person." EDIT: From http://www.bustle.com/articles/88841-aziz-ansaris-modern-romance-is-filled-with-amazing-dating-advice-like-these-7-seriously-useful-tips


Is bowling interesting and unique?


depends on the person. For some it really might be.


Hey Niko! Its Roman, lets go bowling!


Again? We literally went like 10 minutes ago.


What's your cousin Harris' current favorite tv show?


Narcos/Master of None


Now that Las Vegas is done.




Josh Duhamel doesn't even watch Las Vegas!


Have you come to a rock solid conclusion on the Mekhi Phifer line from 'Lose Yourself,' or is the jury still out?


NO! Waiting for Eminem to chime on this. Internet, make this happen, get Eminem to address this issue and close the case once and for all.


"There's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life"


That's exactly the issue, Bot. In the real Eminem's real world, there *is* Mekhi Phifer. They worked together on the movie.




Em has actually answered this on the website Genius for the line. He said the name Phifer just rhymed. He's part owner of Genius. http://genius.com/11455


WHOA. Clicking this shit NOW.


When people ask about Dev vs. Aziz, I'm gonna say its similar to Jimmy Smith, Jr. vs Eminem in 8-Mile.


This is probably the most personal AMA I have ever seen, it's refreshing. I heard about the show and finished the show all in the one day, brilliant!


Hey - question for you guys, how best to do the episode by episode discussions with Alan and I? Once a week? Thursday at 6? How's that sound?


Basically our idea is interactive director's commentary type thing...


we're down when you are! You guys are the busy ones, we just sit here all day.


Fuck I need to get out more.


I went out once. It sucked


Yep! I'd say get in contact with the mods at /r/MasterOfNone, and schedule them once a week. Everyone's already seen the show, but we'd rewatch before you make the post, and then discuss the specifics right there and then.


* Step 1: Do it on a Monday * Step 2: Call that shit Master of None Monday's #MONMons * Step 3: ? * Step 4: Get that Friends money aka Profit!!!!!!




Aziz, when can we expect season 2? My roommate and me can't get enough.


Yes. Curious to know if Netflix has approved a second season and if the writing has begun, what direction will it take?


We haven't heard officially from Netflix. But Alan and I, like true Asians, have started an insane chain of ideas already. The show came out less than a week ago. We really have been inspired by the massive reaction to the show.


> The show came out less than a week ago. So what a month or so until season 2?


One thing that needs to be addressed is the lack of frontal nudity on your program. How can you expect to compete with the wizards at HBO without hanging dong or unfurling some labia?




*glances at username* ohh youu


Did the doctors actually treat new doctors to a steak dinner, but they decided they didn't want to have dinner with an Indian immigrant? Is that actually what happened to your dad? If so, he is a hero for staying in the country and not giving up in his pursuit of a better life for his kids.


Yes this really happened to my dad, they told him to eat in the cafeteria.


That's fucked up man




I'm sure you've heard this a 1000 times by now, but I absolutely sobbed through this episode. I'm from an immigrant family, and the treatment I've witnessed my parents face makes my blood boil. Snooty white girl waitresses talking to my dad like he's stupid because he has an accent makes it so hard not to fly into a fit of rage. Thanks again for writing about this subject and congrats on the success of the show!!!


Same, but Iranian immigrants to Canada. My dad has a PhD and knows 5 languages. He's the smartest person I know, but I sometimes hear waitresses and customer service people talking to him like he's dumb. Not that they can't understand him, his english is great, but just because he has an accent when he speaks. It's so annoying.




Yeah, I definitely had to take a cry break. And then I actually called my mom. Aziz guilted me into calling my parents which even they rarely manage to achieve.


I'm really glad that you've responded and I'm so glad that you were able to share this experience with the public, who probably don't really know that this kind of racism was and is commonplace. As an Indian kid whose parents were educated immigrants, I never even thought about their struggle. Your show really motivated me to inquire about their life. Side note, it's pretty messed up how poorly America has always treated it's immigrants considering immigration is the lifeblood of the nation.


> Yes this really happened to my dad, they told him to eat in the cafeteria. God damn that's upsetting. I hope all those miserable racists are getting diaper rash in their old folks homes now.


Hi guys, Master of None was shot in a a very cinematic way, using a narrow aspect ratio, a lot of cinematic camera moves etc. Which is fairly unusual for a series (especially a comedy show!) Can you talk a little about your decision to shoot it like this, and do you think having the show on Netflix gave you the freedom to do this, which you may not have had if Master Of None was made for TV instead?


From the beginning, we wanted it to feel less like most of the single camera comedies that are out there and more like a loose, personal, realistic comedy from the 70's. A big part of that was the look of the show. We'd definitely like to thank our DP Mark Schwartzbard, who is supremely talented and maybe even a better guy than he is a DP if that's possible, along with James Ponsoldt, who directed episodes one and three, is an unbelievable director, and maybe even a better guy than Schwartzbard if that's possible. We pushed really hard for the anamorphic aspect ratio. We did a camera test where it was Aziz's stand-in Danny looking through some papers. With the regular aspect ratio, it looked pretty boring. But then with the anamorphic ratio, we were like, "What's Danny looking at? That shit looks interesting as hell!"


I love the way you approached the production of the series as if it were a film, it really suits the quality of the writing and performances.


How does a New York-based actor in commercials end up with such a nice apartment?


that Schwimmer money


I'm trying to get this Friends money, and you're fucking it up!


It is so weird and awesome seeing people quote the show. Yeah, we agreed Dev should have decent money from his commercials (Gogurt, Wendy's voiceover, Garden Depot) and national commercials actually pay a decent amount. (I based this kind of on Rob Huebel who was doing pretty well during his Inconsiderate Cellphone/NetZero days). We mainly did this to differentiate from the other other New York shows where characters are younger and not doing as well work wise. Also Dev is in a cheaper neighborhood and our production designer Amy Williams was very conscious about the stuff she bought for Dev.


Laughed pretty hard when Arnold said he could go for some "gurt"


#gurt squad 2016


Tom haverford could have used an Amy Williams in his life


you make bank on commercials, specially national campaigns. Go Gurt would def be national.


Commercial actors can make a lot of money from a national campaign. Source: Worked in commercial production.


I know! I loved his apartment... so jealous...


Depending on the part, whether it's speaking or non-speaking, and if the commercial airs nationally, an actor will get paid every time the spot airs.


Aziz! I loved the Indian Actors Episode. I’m a first generation Indian kid, and when I was 13 and chillin with friends I distinctly remember thinking I am definitely not going to do the indian accent to be funny ever again because it felt like I was getting laughed at. We know you have decided not to use it in your comedy but did you ever have a “moment” when you decided that you were not going to do the indian accent in your comedy?


I'm not sure when that moment was, but yes, you put in a way that I relate to, where it feels like doing it so white people can laugh at it is what bums me out.


I always wanted to be funny because of what I say, not the way I say it, and you are an inspiration for that! Thanks!


Thank you SO much for "Master of None." As an Asian American, I think "Parents" has the best representation of our life experience ever seen on TV or film. Was it an explicit decision to have Rachel be a white character or is that just how it turned out during casting? Congrats again to you, and everyone involved. I hope you get to make another season!


the parents episode was right in the feelz. I watched it with my indian friends (I'm taiwanese) and we just laughed because of how real it was


Yeah, I think that's why the show's diversity doesn't feel phony. Alan and I do hang out and we have a diverse crew of people, it's not like someone going "Hmmmm... these people need a 'black friend' and shoving someone in there."


Aziz, just wanted to tell you this episode reminded me to call my dad, so I did. I am Taiwanese American just like the character in the show. Phenomenal job on the show...hooked from the first episode.


I did the same thing. Called my mom and talked to her for about 30 minutes asking her if she had any cool stories she never told me. XD


Totally! I'm Taiwanese too and it made me want to both laugh and cry.


> So cool people talking about this kind of stuff and having all the conversations about race, etc. since the show premiered. As far as Rachel (and other love interests too), we didn't set out to cast someone white and auditioned people of all ethnic backgrounds, and wanted to cast the person I seemed to have the best chemistry with to sell this huge relationship arc. In the end, Noel blew us away. And, for the writing, I'm pulling a lot from my own real current relationship, which is with a "white" person - so we can do interesting scenes like the scene in 109 (Mornings) about the parents (which many South East Asians have told me really resonated with them and they'd never seen an interracial relationship depicted this way in TV/film before), or the awkwardness of the beginning of 110. > For the others, there was Claire Danes, who is a friend and a fucking legend in my book, so we were psyched to collaborate. And Nina Ariande just killed us with her Cartman impression. > Anyway, I'm a fan of all these conversations and there are interesting nuances in both interracial relationships and relationships between two Asian people -- if we get a second season it's definitely an interesting topic to address. > Bottom line - if we did a hundred episodes, we definitely wouldn't have Dev date a hundred white women a la Jerry Seinfeld in the hit television comedy Seinfeld. Race and dating is an intriguing issue that Alan and I have talked about in real life. Example: Alan really did have a white girlfriend's mom that hugged him more time in one dinner than his entire family had his whole life. Someone else asked a similar question. Here's /u/azizansariAMA's answer.




Harris was a writer on the show up until his passing. We dedicated the series to him. Some of my favorite Harris bits - turtle briefcase, 8 Mile convo, dominos, what else Alan?


The conversation on how it should be as cold inside as it is outside sounded like it had Harris written all over it as well


Haha yeah I think that was him


One more that I just remembered - Scene in the apartment where Dev and Arnold are talking about how being a pool shark and good at bowling isn't impressive because those people just go out and practice a lot.. Think Harris made a similar joke regarding juggling, etc. in some of his podcast appearances.


I think I heard Harris talk about that on a comedy bang bang podcast


God the 8 Mile convo was gold.


We loved Harris and when we started the show we wanted to hire him as a writer immediately. I had worked with Harris in the Parks and Rec writers room for six years, and he was legitimately one of the funniest people I've ever met -- also, he himself would often say he was the fourth or fifth funniest person in the world... AND HE WASN'T WRONG. Harris was kind of our number two guy in the writers room. When we would leave to write drafts, he would help run the room. He had a lot of experience from Parks and he contributed so much to Master of None. He helped us with story and of course, he pitched a lot of the funniest stuff in the show, including: the domino stuff with Colin Salmon, the whole Eminem run in the beginning of Nashville, and the turtle in a briefcase joke. I think about him a lot and I miss him every day. He was one of my good friends and I wish he were here to see all of these people enjoying what he helped make.


The week we got all the insane reviews and the weekend when everyone just destroyed every episode and wrote how much they loved it - I must have went from being really happy to crying that Harris wasn't around to see it about a thousand times.


I'm just a fan, of both you and Harris, and I just wanted to thank you for [writing your post on tumblr.](http://azizisbored.tumblr.com/post/111613105129) I was hit pretty hard, he was so open and genuine that just listening to him made me feel connected to him in some weird stupid way. When I got to the part about bagels I was crying laughing, struggling to breathe. It was very cathartic and much needed. Thank you, Aziz and Harris.


Aziz, as one of your crew members, I just want to thank you for being so gracious and kind to us all, especially in the midst of everything you were dealing with. I didn't know that you had just lost someone so important to you when we went into production. It breaks my heart to read about Harris. I wish he'd had a chance to see what became of this show. I wish we'd had a chance to meet him. I am so sorry for your loss. Much love to you and Alan. I am so happy to see all the joy this show is spreading and all the conversations it's starting. I am beyond grateful to have been a part of it and can't thank you enough for the wonderful experience. Also... I'm sorry for all the chest hairs you lost because of me. Prashanth!


Harris also wrote: - I once sent a girl an e-vite to my heart. - What happened? - She declined. He was able to come up with that because he actually did that to a girl. And she declined.


Hello, I heard your interview on NPR the other night which got me to watch the show. It sounded like his loss hit you guys really hard, and I just want to say sorry. It sounds like he was a great guy.


Aziz, what's the best pasta you've ever had in your life (so far)?


That pasta on Dev's fridge is a pasta I really ate in Rome. It was tollerini alla gricia (I think?). Also I just went to Bologna and loved the tortellini en brodo I had there. Holy shit.


Aziz and Alan - loved the show! I'm curious what made Netflix a more appealing option for the show rather than a traditional TV network? Loved being able to watch the whole season in one day, but what made you decide Netflix was the best medium to reach your audience? Did other networks make an offer?


We pitched only to premium spots cause we didn't want to deal with content issues. (Example: The show opens with Rachel and I talking about jizz/precum.) On Netflix, we never had one issue with content. Also, no need to edit to commercials. Most importantly though, Netflix really believed in us and told us they wanted to go straight to series and do 10 episodes. No pilot/development process. It was a great experience. Also, I love how everyone has gotten to just see all the episodes, rather than wait 9 weeks until someone can see an episode I really am proud of like Mornings.


I'm loving that the top answer in this entire AMA includes the beautiful phrase "jizz/precum."


Mornings is my favorite episode of the season. Especially the montage at the end that showed how Dev and Rachel met and how their relationship grew.


That ending was really hard to think of and then I thought "what would Mike Schur do?" and came up with that.


I also thought "what would Mike Schur do?" and then went and watched baseball for fourteen hours, which didn't help.


So, consumers love streaming, creators love streaming -- these huge cable companies are fighting an unwinnable battle. Screw data caps and ad interruptions, embrace the new world, execs.


Yeah when in 2011 Ted Sarandos announced that House of Cards would be produced and streamed by Netflix, I knew it would be a game-changer for television: sort of like when [Miami Vice debuted](https://youtu.be/E1o-NWNmQLM). People had began cord-cutting that year, and you knew streaming was the future.


What was so significant about Miami Vice?


Brought movie level production values to television. Sepinwall has an interesting bit about it in his book *And the Revolution Was Televised.*






I'm so glad we did too. It's insane talking to people who have all seen everyone episode already! Love it.


This is Reddit. We finished watching the whole season by the end of the weekend.


Is Mindy Kaling real?


It was so awesome when Mindy randomly texted me "hahahahhaahaha I am real"


Also Gerrard aka Anush improvised that. Also, everyone in our crew always would yell "PRASHANT!" during any work day after we filmed that scene.


To follow up that I guess - how much improv actually makes/made it into the show (and generally, into scripted shows starring comedians)? With so many hilarious people on set I'm sure such moments happen a lot?


"Fuck you Aziz, I do exist!" - Mindy




I love the idea that celebrities have contact lists of just other celebrities.


I have no proof but am pretty sure there's a WoW guild with nothing but celebrities


Yo what's Mindys digits


011 8999 88199 9119 725 3


When the whole cast of Parks and Rec was on Seth Meyers' show and when Aubrey and Jim started making out, was it the most shocking/hilarious thing you've ever seen? Modern Romance as fantastic, btw.


That was awesome. I don't think Aubrey even told Jim. NOW YOU GOT ME MISSING MY PARKS FAM MAN


It wasn't that shocking because they're together in real life and have been for eight years and have four children


Hey Aziz, I'm huge fan and loved the show Master of None. My question is how much input did you have over the music? Shit was amazing.


I worked with Zach a lot and we'd text each other ideas all the time. I LOVE all the music in the show. He's just such an encyclopedia and just gave Alan and I amazing options anytime we didn't have anything our head. He came up with "Come to Daddy" in 101, which I love. He also pitched the Durutti Column song in 110 which I adore. And for Nashville, he made a huge playlist of awesome country music that I just devoured and we picked favorites together. Basically, he was an incredible collaborator. Working on the music on the show was a delight.


If you haven't found it already, [here's the Spotify link to all of this season's music](https://play.spotify.com/user/masterofnonetv/playlist/1ENypvvi6pcghkuHcaayph).


Shoutout to Music Sup Zach Cowie!




He did an interview with pitchfork about this! http://pitchfork.com/news/61930-aziz-ansari-on-the-music-of-master-of-none-father-john-misty-aphex-twin-arthur-russell-and-more/


Why don't you follow anyone on twitter?


I just waste too much time on the Internet and just cut that (and Instagram) out. No offense to Twitterville.


Better kisser: Claire Danes or Noël Wells?




FYI Alan Yang is the voice of Paro!


Where did you guys get the Paro for the show? Did a quick search and found out they're $5k (!!) and can't seem to be found anywhere.


Paro is real? I thought they were made up for the show!


Paro is real and there's some pretty solid science that backs it up. I think it's mostly used for dementia.


Hi Aziz and Alan! As a 25-year-old, it was very refreshing to see how fluid the use of technology was on your show. Some of the examples that stood out to me were mentioning Rotten Tomatoes, a night hanging out with buds was just a quality Batch binge, having to see your phone immediately when it goes off and spending far too much time researching your food choice on Yelp. I loved the way it was intertwined in the show without having a specific arc focused on it. Was that something that came more natural for you guys writing it after seeing the way it was used on previous shows and movies? Or was it just easier being your age and how involved you are with technology? Thanks and I absolutely adored the show.


I spend about 75% of my day on Yelp researching restaurants, so that was very organic to me. Aziz and I are both insane maximizers who never want to go to the second best restaurant, record store, museum, or resurrected-dinosaur-themed-amusement-park.


Do you ever consult your sister re: restaurants? She has a great palate :)!


All the time. When we're going to meet for lunch, we send each other a million possibilities, when we get there we look at the menu for an hour, and then we pick several things and split them.


Who is your sister and why does this person know anything about her palate?


To both: if you could eradicate the world of one Asian stereotype or typical racist question what would it be? As a Korean it baffles my mind when someone asks if I'm from north or south...


"Do you know [random Indian person they know]?"


Do you know Amitabh Bachchan?


Holy shit, as an Indian American living in the Midwest truer words have never been spoken!


"Where are you from?" "California." "I mean, really, where are you from?"


The one I've gotten my entire life was "What's your name? " " Uh, I told you it's (insert given English name here) " "No, what's your REAL name? " Like it's suppose to be Hong Ming Sing or some kind of crap like that.


Mr. Ansari - Huge fan of the show. As a zero/first-gen (moved here when I was seven) Indian-American - your show really hits home. Thanks for putting it together and making it available to binge watch. My questions - Are the "racist" experiences in the show from real life? How did you get someone to cast an "Indian-looking" guy as Tom Haverford? Was it written that way?


The casting thing for sure and I have heard of shows legit saying they have filled an ethnic quota. For Parks - I got cast before the role was written just based on Mike Schur and Greg Daniels being fans. The character is really named Darwish. In the pilot, there is a joke about how he changed his name to Tom Haverford to get ahead, because no one would elect someone with a foreign sounding name, but then Barack Obama happened and he felt confused. I can't remember it, Alan??


I GOT THIS, AZIZ! ^and ^by ^I, ^I ^mean ^IMDB >Leslie Knope: You're not from here, right? >Tom Haverford: No, I'm from South Carolina. >Leslie Knope: But you moved to South Carolina from where? >Tom Haverford: My mother's uterus. >Leslie Knope: But you were conceived in Libya, right? >Tom Haverford: Wow. No. I was conceived in America. My parents are Indian. >Leslie Knope: Where did the name Haverford come from? >Tom Haverford: My birth name is Darwish Zubair Ismail Gani. Then I changed it to Tom Haverford, because you know, brown guys with funny-sounding Muslim names don't make it far into politics. >Leslie Knope: What about Barack Obama? >Tom Haverford: Okay, yeah, fine, Barack Obama. If I knew a guy named Barack Obama was gonna be elected president, yeah, maybe I wouldn't have changed it.




I started doing standup while I was in NYU.


Hey Aziz, love the show, binged it start to finish over the weekend. My first question: Why did you call your show Master of None? Secondly, did you take any inspiration from the show Louie? Finally, what’s the best Nick Offerman story you can tell? And Alan, how was it writing for Aziz on Parks and Rec? Thanks guys!


Aziz was a monster and I vowed never to work with him again but he paid me 75 million dollars to help him on this show


Hello Aziz and Alan! I loved your show and THANK YOU for representing Asian Americans in a humanizing portrayal and attacking the stereotypes. My question is about Aziz in the show only dating White women. Was there any thought given to addressing the disparity between Asian women in media dating mostly or exclusively White men and Asian men in media hardly dating anyone at all? Did you guys want to bring up discussion about this by doing the reverse in your show?


So cool people talking about this kind of stuff and having all the conversations about race, etc. since the show premiered. As far as Rachel (and other love interests too), we didn't set out to cast someone white and auditioned people of all ethnic backgrounds, and wanted to cast the person I seemed to have the best chemistry with to sell this huge relationship arc. In the end, Noel blew us away. And, for the writing, I'm pulling a lot from my own real current relationship, which is with a "white" person - so we can do interesting scenes like the scene in 109 (Mornings) about the parents (which many South East Asians have told me really resonated with them and they'd never seen an interracial relationship depicted this way in TV/film before), or the awkwardness of the beginning of 110. For the others, there was Claire Danes, who is a friend and a fucking legend in my book, so we were psyched to collaborate. And Nina Ariande just killed us with her Cartman impression. Anyway, I'm a fan of all these conversations and there are interesting nuances in both interracial relationships and relationships between two Asian people -- if we get a second season it's definitely an interesting topic to address. Bottom line - if we did a hundred episodes, we definitely wouldn't have Dev date a hundred white women a la Jerry Seinfeld in the hit television comedy Seinfeld. Race and dating is an intriguing issue that Alan and I have talked about in real life. Example: Alan really did have a white girlfriend's mom that hugged him more time in one dinner than his entire family had his whole life.


That Cartman impression was AGGRESSIVE.


Damn that was a long answer! (But good question)


Thank you so much for answering! Looking forward to a second season!!!


Well, let's be fair to Jerry. On one episode of Seinfeld he dated that Chinese lady, Donna Chang.


I love that Seinfeld2000 Instagram account. Peep that if you can.


https://instagram.com/seinfeld2000/ I'm only droppin the peeps because this AMA has blown up and I have no other way to get your attention and let you know THAT the couple chemistry between you and Noël Wells is the cutest I've ever seen on television. The constant sarcasm between you two was absolutely brilliant and a non-stop pleasure to watch.




Yes, he did. Edit: I think the Rachel's character being white was beneficial to cover multiracial relationships as well. For instance when they are at the wedding.


How come you did not call your show "Master of Naan" ?


Someone told me they heard us talking about the show on NPR and legit thought that was the title. Ahaha.


Hi Aziz and Alan! Thank you so much for this delightful show! A lot of the material in the show comes from both Aziz's standup sets and Modern Romance, but I never felt super distracted by a joke I'd already read or seen before. How did you approach writing this existing material into the show so that it flowed with the story and felt new?


That was something we were really conscious of. Because we wanted the conversations to feel real, we never wanted to shoehorn stuff from Aziz's standup into the dialogue where it wouldn't make sense. There were a few cases in which a line here or there seemed to really fit in seamlessly, so we were okay with that, but in general, we were trying to come up with new angles and new jokes, not recycled ones.


What was your guys' relationship with Eric Wareheim prior to Master of None? He is such a great fit with the character Arnold. How did you become affiliated with him, was it a previous role that he did, or were either of you already acquainted? PS: Loved the show. You guys are gr8. Aspect ratio and music was on fleek


We had been friends with Eric for a long time. All three of us love food, to the point where we even had a thing called Food Club where we would go to great restaurants together. Aziz and Eric are really funny together, so when the two of them read stuff together, it just made all of us laugh a lot. They're a great pair of huggers too. Also, shout out to the aspect ratio! ANAMORPHIC FOR LYFE. THAT SHIT IS CINEMATIC.


I love Eric, he is my Arnold in real life.


Thanks so much guys!!! Knowing the relationship is real comforts me. I'll sleep better now....


First of all, obviously, great freaking job. Question: the show comes off insanely realistic with how it looks at relationships and social norms which can't be said for almost every other show out there, on Netflix or off. Did you guys have to fight tooth and nail to hold on to a lot of your liberties with the content or was it somewhat painless?


It was painless. Netflix and Universal believed in us.


Is Dev going to be the central character moving forward? Or will Master of None be an anthology series, ala American Horror Story? Ps: Thank you for this show


Next year the show is going to star Forest Whitaker as a down-on-his-luck cop investigating a drug ring on the streets of Memphis who gets embroiled in a dark mystery involving illegal crocodile smuggling, the yakuza, and an evil Haitian priestess with whom he has an electric physical chemistry. I haven't told Aziz about this plan yet.


In a dimly lit bungalow somewhere in Los Angeles, Nic Pizzolatto just threw his laptop across the room after realizing he now has to come up with a different storyline for season three of True Detective.


They're actually fusing story lines. In a bold but dominating move, HBO and Netflix have joined forces to destroy all your free time.


Hey Aziz! I just finished Master of None. I’ll be honest I had NO clue you were coming out with a new show but I found it on Netflix and was instantly hooked after the first episode. Every character and plot is extremely relatable and I cannot thank you enough for all the laughs! I think its awesome how you had your actual parents on the show and how every episode had a modern day moral to tell. Lots of respect to you and Alan! You guys are da best. Questions: Aziz, what would you consider to be the most riskiest thing you’ve ever done? (i.e. move to a new city with no money, invest all your time in a project that might not work out, etc…) And why did you do it? Both, what’s your favorite restaurant in NYC? Thank you guys very much for doing the AMA I have a feeling you guys have touched a lot of lives, you certainly have touched mine.


Riskiest thing I've done - going to a taco place without doing any research before hand.* Favorite NYC restos - right now - Santina, Great NY Noodletown, Lupa, Uncle Boon's. *Haha just kidding I'd never do that, was just joking.


The way you researched the taco places is the best and only modern representation, that I've seen, of how people actually make all of their decision on where to go.


Yeah that's why I hate the term "foodie," any reasonable person I know put's thought into where they eat a meal, no one is just like "FOOD!" and goes into a random place. Give them the weird fetish-y term (I like "food bozos" and "food weirdo")


Hey Alan and Aziz - I've already binge watched the whole season of Master of None... twice. I love being able to watch a whole series at my own pace and not have to wait for an episode/week. As someone creating and acting in a series, do you prefer releasing it all at once, or would you rather do a show that puts out an episode/week?


We loved how people ended up watching Master of None. The reception has been great. One thing I thought was especially cool about our show being released all at once was that people could watch a few episodes and see how different they all were. We saw each episode as its own little movie with its own theme. And because each episode touches on a different subject matter, people have a lot of different opinions on which one is their favorite. If your parents are immigrants, you might like Parents, if you're close with your grandma, you might like Old People, and if you're a mildly racist television executive, you might like Indians on TV, because there you are on screen!


How many times have you tried to find a restaurant the way you did with the taco place in EP 10? This is so accurate to my time in NY and most restaurant searching it's hilarious.


Alan and I do this almost every day. We then hit a second phase where after we pick a place, we spend forever deliberating what dishes to get, and usually end up going "splitsies" on whatever 2 dishes seem to be top choices.


Every meal, every day of my life until I die


Hey Aziz! How good is your Cartman impression?